代做c++ | bash | shell代做 | 代写project | 代做assignment – Assignment 2

Assignment 2

代做c++ | bash | shell代做 | 代写project | 代做assignment – 本题是一个利用c++和shell进行练习的代做, 对c++和shell编程的流程进行训练解析, 涵盖了c++/bash/shell等程序代做方面, 该题目是值得借鉴的assignment代写的题目

C++语言代写 C++代写 代写C++ 代做C

Writing a Basic Command Shell

Author: Brian Crites, Mike Izbicki

This  project  must  be done in a group of two

Coding Requirements

Develop a command shell called rshell in c++ which is capable of performing the following


  1. Print a command prompt (e.g. $)
  2. Read in a line of command(s) (and connector(s)) from standard input
  3. Execute the appropriate commands using fork, execvp, and waitpid

Commands will have the following format:

$ executable [argumentList] [connector] [cmd] …

Where there can be any number of commands separated by either ||, && or ; which are the

only valid connectors. The executable can be any executable program located at one of the

PATH environment variable locations and the [argumentList] is a list of zero or more arguments

separated by spaces.

Note : The [argumentList] can also be surrounded by quotation marks which you must account
for. For instance, the command echo hello && goodbye would have the hello && goodbye
be the [argumentList] even though without the quotes the && would separate the goodbye into
its own executable.

You will use the execvp command to run the executable from one of the PATH locations. The

connector is an optional way you can run multiple commands at once. If a command is followed

by ;, then the next command is always executed; if a command is followed by &&, then the

next command is executed only if the first one succeeds; if a command is followed by ||, then

the next command is executed only if the first one fails.

Note : you may have questions about how a specific command or set of commands should
execute. If you are unsure how a certain combination of true/false executions and connectors
will function you should test this on hammer.
Note:  Most  bash commands are actually executables located in PATH directories such as
/bin, /usr/bin/ (e.g. ls), but some commands are built-in to bash (e.g. cd). So while the
ls command should "just work" in your shell when using execvp, the cd command won't and
isn't required to for the assignment. Only commands that can be executed through a PATH
directory need to be accounted for in this assignment.

The connectors do not impose any precedence and the command line should be execute from

left to right. For example:

$ ls -a

$ echo hello

$ mkdir test

is equivalent to:

$ ls -a; echo hello; mkdir test

Note : you can assume that there will always be a space after the semi-colon (;) connector
and before and after the and (&&) and or (||) connectors.

You are required to use the composite pattern when representing the commands and

operators in your program. There should be no limit to the number of commands that can be

chained together using the connections, and your program must be able to handle any

combination of operators. For example, you should be able to handle the command:

$ ls -a; echo hello && mkdir test || echo world; git status

When executing a line of commands, you will need to account for the following requirements:

  1. Execute the commands using the syscalls fork, execvp, and waitpid. Previous cs students created two video tutorials a fun cartoon tutorial as well as a more serious explanation, and should refer to the man pages for detailed instructions.
  2. Every time you run a syscall, you must check for an error condition and if an error occurs then call perror. For examples on when, how, and why to use perror, see this video tutorial or the official man page.
  3. You must have a special built-in command of exit which exits your program. This command should also adhere to the connector rules when deciding when/if it should be executed.
  4. Anything that appears after a # character in the line should be considered a comment. For example, in the command ls -lR /, you would execute the program /bin/ls (performed using execvp) passing into it the parameters -lR and /. But in the command
ls # -lR /, you would execute /bin/ls, but you would not pass any parameters
because they appear in the comment section. You should also note that the # may or
may not be followed by a space before the comment begins
Note: Building the parser for this program is one of the most important parts. There are many
ways accidentally introduced bugs into your program and you will be adding more parsing
features in future assignments. You can create your own parsing function from scratch or use
the strtok function from the C standard libraries or the Tokenizer class provided in the boost

Project Structure

You must have a directory called src/ which contains all the source (.cc/.cpp) files for the

project. For header files you may either have a folder header/ which contains your header files

or you may keep them in the src/ directory. You must have a unit_tests/ directory which

should contain all the unit tests you’ve written using the Google Unit Test framework (the main

for the unit tests can be located either in unit_tests/ or src/). You must also have an

integration_tests/ directory which should contain all the integration tests youve written

using bash.

Your root directory must have a CMakeLists.txt with two targets. The first target is named

rshell and should build the main executable and the second should be test which runs the

unit tests that you have created using the Google Unit Test framework.

Note:  The file/directory names above are a standard convention. You must use the exact
same names in your project, including capitalization. We utilize these names when performing
steps of our automated grading process, so any deviation may result in missing points.

The google test code for your unit tests can have any name as long as the files reside in the

unit_tests/ directory and an executable is generated named test in the root directory. The

integration test shell scripts that you develop and place into the integration_tests/ directory must

have the following names:

single_command_tests.sh tests primarily for command executions
tests primarily for command and connectors interaction
tests primarily for comments being respected
exit_command_tests.sh tests primarily for proper exit functionality

Your project should not contain any files not necessary for the project. This includes things like

CMake temporary build files used for building the project on your machine such as

CMakeCache.txt and the CMakeFiles/ directory as well as executables. We have provided

a .gitignore in the template repository which will stop may of these files from showing as

untracked when you run git status, and you should extend this file with additional temporary and

machine specific files.

Submission Instructions

You will also need to add a hw2 tag to the commit that you want to be graded. git push will

not automatically push tags to your repository. Use git push origin hw2 to update your

repository to include the hw2 tag. If you need to update your tag, you can remove the old tag

using git push –delete origin hw2 and push an updated one to your repo.

Note : We will test your project on the hammer server, so while it is not required that you
develop on hammer you should verify that your project builds and functions properly on

Your project must also contain a names.txt file in the root directory which contains the name,

SID, and email of each of the partners in your group. It should have the following format.

Brian Crites, 860XXXXXX, [email protected]

Andrew Lvovsky, 860XXXXXX, [email protected]

Do not wait to push your assignment to Github until the project due date. You should be

committing and uploading your assignment continuously. If you wait until the last day and can’t

figure out how to use git properly, then you will get a zero on the assignment. No exceptions.

In addition to the above submission requirements you must update your README.md file so

that it specifies the current structure of your program. This is especially important since your

final program will likely be much different than what you originally designed in Assignment 1.

Collaboration Policy

 You  may not  copy any code found online, doing so will result in failing the course.
 You  may not  look at the source code of any other student.
 You  may  discuss with other students in general terms how to use the unix functions.
 You are  encouraged  to talk with other students about test cases and are allowed to
freely share ideas in this regard.


10 Sufficient Unit Test Cases
10 Sufficient Integration Test Cases
10 Updated README.md
20 Single Command Execution
20 Command and Connectors Execution
20 Command with Comments Execution
10 Commands with Exit Execution
100 Total
Note:  Your project structure is not explicitly listed in the grading schedule above but not
following the specified file names and location may result in losing points because the
automated grading system is unable to process your repository. Loss of points due to an
issue specified above are final and failure to build and compile will result in a zero for the