代做c++ | OS代写 | 代做project | assignment – CMPT-300 a3-Memory Management

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代做c++ | OS代写 | 代做project | assignment – 这是os方面的代写, 对Memory Management的流程进行训练解析, 涵盖了c++/os等程序代做方面, 这是值得参考的assignment代写的题目

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CMPT 300 assignment 3: Memory


Total points : 100
Overall percentage : 15%
Due : Mon Mar 27, 23:59:59 PT
This assignment may be completed individually or in a group (up to three people).


You can do the assignment as a group of up to 3 people if you'd like. If you do, make sure
that everyone joins the same team on GitHub Classroom. When you accept the invite for this
assignment, you can create a team if no one else in your team has created a team, or join an
existing team.

Note on Joining a Team on GitHub Classroom

Please make sure that you don't join a team without prior consent. If that happens,  IT will be
considered cheating as you can see the code that others have written.
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Git with Your Team

When you collaborate with others with Git, it is best to communicate with each other frequently in order to avoid conflicts. For example, if you and your teammate edit the same part of the code and push it to the remote GitHub repo, it will create a conflict. Cases like this require manual merging, which is often difficult to get right. Thus, it is best to communicate with each other and know which parts of the code others are working on.

Also, make sure you frequently pull the latest updates from your remote GitHub repo by running git pull. Frequently doing this is very important.


In this assignment you will implement a multi-threaded memory allocator that uses some memory management techniques that are discussed in class. You solution should be based on the provided code. main.c contains a main function that tests your allocator. We’re providing this for your testing purposes. You should add your own test cases for more thorough testing. We may change the test cases or add more for actual grading.

Note: As usual, all code must be written in C and run on a Linux machine. We will grade your code on a Linux machine. You should create a directory for this assignment, such as ~/cmpt300/a3/ and put all files related to this assignment in it.

Allocator Design


The allocator needs to know the total size of memory assumed in this project and the memory allocation Algorithm to be used. This information will be supplied by the following API:

In the above function, size indicates the contiguous memory chunk size that is assumed for the rest of the program. Any requests for allocation and deallocation requests (see Allocation/deallocation interfaces) will be served from this contiguous chunk. You must allocate the memory chunk using malloc and have the memory chunk pre-faulted and its content initialized to 0; you can do this using memset. The allocation_algorithm parameter is an enum (as shown below) which will determine the algorithm used for allocation in the rest of the program:

void initialize_allocator(int size, enum allocation_algorithm);
enum allocation_algorithm { FIRST_FIT, BEST_FIT, WORST_FIT };

FIRST_FIT satisfies the allocation request from the first available memory block (from left) that is at least as large as the requested size. BEST_FIT satisfies the allocation request from the available memory block that at least as large as the requested size and that results in the smallest remainder fragment. WORST_FIT satisfies the allocation request from the available memory block that at least as large as the requested size and that results in the largest remainder fragment.

Allocation/deallocation interfaces

The allocation and deallocation requests will be similar to malloc and free calls in C, except that they are called allocate and deallocate with the following signatures:

As expected, allocate returns a pointer to the allocated block of size size and deallocate takes a pointer to a chunk of memory as the sole parameter and return it back to the allocator. If allocation cannot be satisfied, allocate returns NULL. Hence, the calling program should look like:

Metadata Management

You should maintain the size of allocated memory block within the block itself, as described in the lecture "Main Memory Part 2" (slide #11). The "header" should only contain a single 8- byte word that denotes the size of the actual allocation (i.e., 8-byte + requested allocation size). For example, if the request asks for 16 bytes of memory, you should actually allocate 8

  • 16 bytes, and use the first 8-byte to store the size of the total allocation (24 bytes) and return a pointer to the user-visible 16-byte.
void *allocate(int size);
void deallocate(void *ptr);
int* p = (int*)allocate(sizeof(int));
if (p != NULL) {
// do_some_work(p);

To manage free/allocated space, you should maintain two separate singly linked lists, one for allocated blocks, and the other for free blocks. When a block gets allocated (using allocate), its metadata (i.e., a pointer to the allocation) must be inserted to the list of allocated blocks. Similarly when a block gets freed (using deallocate), its metadata must be inserted to the list of free blocks. Note that each linked list node should only contain a pointer to the allocated memory block and a pointer to the next node in the list, because size of the allocation is already recorded with the memory block itself (previous point). The free list must never maintain contiguous free blocks (as shown in Figure 1), i.e., if two blocks, one of size m and other of size n , are consecutive in the memory chunk, they must become a combined block of size m + n (as shown in Figure 2). This combination must happen when deallocate is called.

Figure 1: Each block is labeled with its size. White indicates free block while allocated blocks are colored.

Figure 2: Example with contiguous free blocks. This should never occur as contiguous free blocks should be merged immediately (as shown in Figure 1).


Since contiguous allocation results in fragmentation, the allocator must support a compaction API as shown below:

Compaction will be performed by grouping the allocated memory blocks in the beginning of the memory chunk and combining the free memory at the end of the memory chunk (as shown in Figure 3). This process will require you to manipulate the allocated and free metadata lists. The process of compaction must be in-place, which means that you must not declare extra memory chunk to perform compaction. This can be done by going through the allocated list in sorted address order (relative to the base memory address, allocated during initialization), and copy contents of allocated blocks gradually (piece by piece) to the free space on its "left."

int compact_allocation(void** _before, void** _after);

Figure 3: Result of compaction on memory chunk shown in Figure 1

As compaction relocates data, all the pointer addresses in the driver program must also be updated. Hence, the API accepts _before and _after arrays of void* pointers (hence they are void**). The relocation logic will insert the previous address and new address of each relocated block in _before and _after. You can assume that _before and _after arrays supplied by the driver program are large enough (i.e., you don’t need to worry about allocation of these two arrays). The return value is an integer which is the total number of pointers inserted in the _before/_after array. This way, the calling program can perform pointer adjustment like this:


Information about the current state of memory can be found by the following API:

get_statistics(struct Stats) should populate the detailed statistics in the struct Stats given as the argument.

available_memory() returns the available memory size (same as Free size in
Multi-threading support

Your allocator must support multi-threading, i.e., it must correct allocate, deallocate, and do compaction even with mutliple concurrent threads.

void* before[ 100 ];
void* after[ 100 ]; // in this example, total # of pointers is less than 100
int count = compact_allocation(before, after);
for (int i = 0 ; i < count; ++i) {
// Update pointers
void get_statistics(struct Stats*);
int available_memory();

You may follow the simple design that uses a global pthread_mutex to protect the entire allocator. That is, all the previous mentioned functions (except initialization), must first acquire the mutex before continuing to do its work, and must release the mutex before returning. You are also free to devise your own synchronization mechanism; as long as your allocator can support multi-threading, you will get the points in this part.


In order to avoid memory leaks after using your contiguous allocator, you need to implement a function that will release any dynamically allocated memory in your contiguous allocator.

You can assume that the destroy_allocator() will always be the last function call of main function in the test cases. And similar to previous projects, valgrind will be used to detect memory leaks and memory errors.

Hint: You can use your own linked list solution or the provided solution set from Assignment


Most importantly, make sure you push your code before the deadline.

Add, commit, and push frequently to the remote repo. E.g.,

Again, make sure you push your code before the deadline.

We will build your code using your Makefile, and test it as a library. You may use more than one .c/.h file in your solution if you like. If so, your Makefile must correctly build your project. Please remember that all submissions will automatically be compared for unexplainable similarities.

Grading Policies

Make sure you are familiar with the course policies. Especially, we do not accept late submissions, so please submit on time by the deadline.

void destroy_allocator();
git pull
git add *.c *.h Makefile
git commit -m "your commit message (explain your commit)"
git push
Your code must compile and run on Linux; you will receive a 0 if your code does not
compile. Sample solutions will not be provided for assignments. Your code should also not
leak any memory; we will check using Valgrind. Any memory leak will lead to -10 points. We
will test your code using more complex and hidden test cases, so you are encouraged to vary
as many parameters as possible to test your code.

Grading Distribution

[5] Correct initialization & uninitialization
[30] Correct allocation
[10] FIRST_FIT algorithm
[10] BEST_FIT algorithm
[10] WORST_FIT algorithm
[10] Correct metadata management
[10] Correct deallocation
[10] Correct compaction
[5] Correct statistics
[10] Correct multi-threading support
[10] Correct memory access Will be tested using Valgrind
[10] Good code quality Make sure you follow a style guide such as LLVM Coding
Standards, Google  c++ Style Guide, Mozilla C++ Coding Style, etc. If you are using VS
Code, you can install C/C++ Extension Pack and choose a code formatter that can
automatically format your code upon saving. Other IDEs have similar plug-ins as well, so
make sure you use those.
main.c contains a main function that tests your allocator. We only provide it for your testing
purposes. You should write your own test cases for more thorough testing. Actual grading
may differ from what's in main.c.
Code that does not compile gets a 0.
Everyone in the same team receives the same grade.


Created by Mohamed Hefeeda, modified by Brian Fraser, Keval Vora, Tianzheng Wang, and
Steve Ko.


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C 96.9% Makefile 3.1%