代做homework | assignment | 代写lab | 代写database – Fundamentals Data Modeling

Fundamentals Data Modeling

代做homework | assignment | 代写lab | 代写database – 本题是一个利用database进行练习的代做, 对database的流程进行训练解析, 涵盖了database等程序代做方面, 该题目是值得借鉴的lab代写的题目

数据库代写 代写数据库 database代做 sql代写

IS-4420 database Fundamentals

lab 1, Data Modeling

20 points


1 - Log into LucidChart and create a blank document.
2 - Search for the Entity-Relationship (ERD) library, pin it, and remove all other libraries.


  • You are encouraged to collaborate on homework assignments with your peers.
  • If you get stuck, attend tutoring office hours.
  • Send questions via email to the Me & the TAs.
  • Assignments will take time, start them early.
  • Class attendance will be rewarded by getting hints in class about the assignments.

1 : Conceptual ERD Basics (2 points)

  • Using LucidChart, duplicate the ERD in the image below.
  • Be sure to match the Cardinality & Optionality.
  • Add context to the model by adding words to the relationships.

2 : Business Rules (3 points)

Refer to the image in Q1 and write the business rules that determine the relationships.

Business Rules:

i. A student can enroll to one or many classes
ii. One course has several sections of classes
iii. A professor can teach zero or many classes
iv. A class can only be taught by one and only one professor
v. One course can have one or many classes
vi. A class can only have one and only one course
vii. A room can only host one and only one class

3 : Building Conceptual ERDs (3 points)

Build a conceptual ERD using the below list of Business Rules.

  • Each sales representative writes many invoices and must write at least one invoice.
  • Each invoice must be written by one and only one sales representative.
  • Each sales representative is assigned to one and only one department.
  • Each department must have at least one sales representative but could have many.
  • Each customer may generate many invoices, but information is stored for customers who have not generated any invoices yet.
  • Each invoice is generated by one and only one customer.
  • Each invoice contains at least 1 invoice line item, but ideally many line items.
  • Each invoice line item belongs to a single invoice.


Sales Representatives





4 : Building Conceptual ERDs (3 points)

Build a conceptual ERD using the below list of Business Rules.

  • People are considered customers when they place their first order. Ideally, customers will place a lot of orders.
  • Each order must be placed by one customer only.
  • Each order contains at least one product, and ideally many products.
  • Products can be sold on any number of orders but might not be sold on any orders.
  • Products are procured from vendors. Some products can be procured from more than 1 vendor.
  • Vendors provide 1 or many different products.






Use the following images to answer questions 5 & 6:

5: Keys (3 points)

Refer to the images above to answer this question.

Using the matrix below, identify the Primary Key & Foreign Keys for each table. If the table does not have any foreign keys, write, None.

Table Primary Key Foreign Key(s)
CUSTOMER CustomerID None
EMPLOYEE EmployeeID None
ORDER OrderID CustomerID

6 : Integrity Rules (3 points)

Refer to the images above to answer this question.

Do the tables exhibit Entity, Referential, and Domain Integrity? Answer Yes or No, and then explain your answers.

Table Entity Integrity Referential Integrity Domain Integrity
CUSTOMER Yes, because it has a
unique identifier; the
primary key which is the
No, because it doesnt
have a foreign key
Yes , because the table
contains valid values
obeying the different
data types
EMPLOYEE Yes, because it has a
unique identifier; the
primary key which is the
No, because it doesnt
have a foreign key
Yes , because the table
contains valid values
obeying the different
data types
ORDER Yes, because it has a
unique identifier; the
primary key which is the
Yes, because it has
foreign keys
Yes , because the table
contains valid values
obeying the different
data types

7 : Review (3 points)

Answer the following questions:

1 - What is the difference between an Entity Type and an Entity Instance?

Entity type denotes an ideal category whereas entity instance is a representation of an entity within a category.

2 - Describe why Referential Integrity is so important to implementing relationships.

Referential integrity is important in ensuring that the relationship between two tables are well synchronized when executing the commands like update and deletion.

3 - What is the difference between Cardinality & Optionality?

Cardinality in an ERD diagram shows the largest existing number whereas optionality shows the smallest existing number of records within an entity.


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