代做homework | GUI代写 | perl | html代做 | assignment | Operating Systems作业 – CS2110 homework 10

CS2110 homework 10

代做homework | GUI代写 | perl | html代做 | assignment | Operating Systems作业 – 这道题目是开放编程代写任务, 包括了GUI/perl/html/Operating Systems等方面

perl代写 代做perl

CS2110 homework 10

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Homework 10
CS2110, Fall 2019
Due Sunday, Dec. 15, 5pm

1. Extend your HW9 program so that it displays a map showing locations of Twitter tweets matching user-specific search terms. The program should:

have a  GUI that enables the user to enter a location and search terms
query Twitter to gather tweets based on the search terms and the location.
display a static map with markers showing the locations of the tweets returned by the
search. For tweets that don't have specific geocode information, you may simply put a
pin for that tweet in the center of the map. The marker for the currently displayed
tweet should look different (e.g. different size and/or color) than markers for the
other tweets.
display the number of tweets retrieved
display details of a "current" tweet and provide a way to "step through" each of the
retrieved tweets:
to step through tweets, you could provide, for example, "Next Tweet" and
"Previous Tweet" buttons.
for the current tweet, display at least the tweet text, and the screen name (e.g.
@jimcremer) and name (e.g. James Cremer) of the user who created the tweet.
for the current tweet, also provide a way to open a browser and display the web
page corresponding to URLs embedded in the tweets. Some tweets contain
mulitple URLs, so you might again provide Next/Prev buttons to enable viewing
the various URLs one at a time.
Important enabling steps:
1. You need a twitter Developer account (https://developer.twitter.com/) for this
2. Once you've done that you need to create/register a Twitter app. Do that here:
3. You need to be able to import some tools to enable pro perl connection to Twitter
using the Oauth secure authorization protocol. Rather than do full formal installation
of the relevant tools, we will use a simpler approach for this assignment:
1. Download modulesForOauth.zip.
2. Unzip the downloaded file (some computers/ Operating Systems do this
automatically). The folder is named 'modulesForOauth' DO NOT change the
3. Move or copy the two folder into whatever folder contains your hw9.py file.
Other important notes:
you should remove the center-of-map marker from HW9. The only markers should be
for retrieved tweets.
make sure you include a call to authTwitter() in an appropriate place in your code!
For searching Twitter, use (and modify) the sample Twitter code (twitteraccess.py)
provided with Lecture 39 (Dec. 4). Study the Search Tweets API reference

2019/12/12 CS2110 Homework 10

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tweets) and detail about Tweet object JSON
In late 2017, Twitter extended the maximum length of tweets from 140 characters to
280 characters. The basic twitter API code provided in twitteraccess.py does not
retrieve JSON data containing full tweet text for tweets longer than 140 characters.
Adding "&tweet_mode=extended" to the query string constructed in searchTwitter
*will* retrieve JSON data containing full tweet text up to 280 characters but the
structure of the JSON object is slightly different. It is easy to modify your code to use
this "extended tweet" JSON, but it is not REQUIRED for HW10.
For the full  assignment submit to ICON one zip file that contains a folder containing all of
the files that comprise your HW10 solution (everything!, including the OAuth-related