代做Python – Python Startup Guide

Python Startup Guide

代做Python – 这是利用Python进行训练的代写, 对Python的流程进行训练解析, 是比较有代表性的Python等代写方向

python代写 代写python

PSTAT 160A: Applied Stochastic Processes

Saad Mouti

The general recommendation is that you use Anaconda distribution to install both Python and Jupyter Notebook application.

  • Anacondahttps://www.anaconda.com/download/: Contains the latest Python distribution and the ability to use Jupyter Notebook.
  • A tutorial on Jupyter Notebook can be found athttps://www.datacamp.com/community/ tutorials/tutorial-jupyter-notebook#gs.Ph4a0_8.

One good way to get started is to read and do the examples athttp://hplgit.github.io/bumpy/ doc/pub/._basics000.html. Includes how to evaluate mathematical functions, how to print, how to use for-loops, while-loops, lists, arrays, and using packages like numpy, matplotlib.pyplot, and math.

If you are a video person and not familiar with Python, you may want to consider watching some LinkedIn learning videos (its free if you link your LinkedIn account to your UCSB email address). You can follow the link at https://www.linkedin.com/learning/python-data-analysis-2/ smoothing-time-series?autoplay=true&u=57119945for a tutorial from installation to the re- quired knowledge for the class. Dont let it scare you, we are not doing computer science in this class so the programming knowledge that you need is the bare minimum.

Resources/Manuals for frequencly used packages:

  • NumPy:https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/index.html#.
  • Matplotlib:https://matplotlib.org/index.html