Assignment 2
代做web | 代做security | Network代写 | Data structure | network代做 | Algorithm | scheme代做 | mining代做 | 代做oop | project | assignment – 本题是一个利用oop进行练习的代做, 对oop的流程进行训练解析, 涵盖了web/security/Network/Data structure/network/Algorithm/scheme/mining/oop等程序代做方面, 这是值得参考的assignment代写的题目
This assignment contains three problems:
Problem 1 involves the implementation of four cryptographic programs, used for hashing,
message authentication and authenticated encryption (AE) and decryption.
Problem 2 involves the conception and implementation of a new function on a 2-3-4 tree
(introduced in workshop 9).
Problem 3 involves answering a number of theory questions in dierent situations.
As with the rst assignment, you may nd dierent problems and parts more or less dicult and may choose to only answer some parts of each problem. Marks may not be distributed in order of diculty.
Problem 1: Cryptography Introduction
In this assignment, you will implement some of the basic building blocks of cryptography. Cryptography is an area of computer science which deals with various aspects of information security. Specically, you will build cryptographic primitives which provide assurances for integrity, authenticity and condentiality for some data that you might wish to send or store. These primitives are the cryptographic hash function, message authentication code (MAC) system, and authenticated encryption and decryption schemes.
This assignment is purely an academic exercise. You must not use your implementations of these primitives to seriously attempt to secure data. Programming production-ready cryptographic libraries is extremely dicult and may have fatal consequences if done incorrectly. Stick to using peer- reviewed, battled-tested libraries if you ever need to use cryptography outside of a learning environment.
The Sponge Construction
The primitives you implement here will be used in the three sets of programs you create.
All three cryptographic primitives that you will implement are based on a Data structure known as the cryptographic sponge. A sponge’s state is simply an array of bytes, with a set of operations that need to be supported. For this assignment, you will use a sponge with a 48 byte (384 bit) state.
A cryptographic sponge has some internal state. This internal state is split into two segments:
The rate , which is the part of the sponge which absorbs some amount of the input each round
by XOR -ing it with the current contents of that part of the sponge and
The capacity , which is the remainder of the state and is not modied directly by the input each
Between each absorption, the state is run through a bijective function which typically acts on the entire state in some way. Following this absorbing phase, after all input data has been absorbed by the sponge, a squeezing phase typically begins, where data is extracted from the sponge’s state, again running this function on the sponge. A diagram is shown below modied from Wikipedia [1] which shows this process, is the rate as dened above, is the capacity as dened above, is our bijective function, is our input, split into segments of size rate , and is our output, split into segments of size rate.
rate capacity f
P n Z
######## 0
######## 0
P 0 P 1 Z 0 Z 1
######## absorbing squeezing
Pn 1
######## f f … f f f …
Note that the demarcation phase occurs immediately following the full absorption of and is not shown in the diagram above, it is used to help with padding messages where their length isn’t an exact multiple of the rate r and to help distinguish between messages of dierent length.
For this assignment, the rst program you will have to write is the hash program. The scaold provides the interface already as well as a function to permute the values, permute_384.
The operations to be supported are:
void sponge_init(sponge_t *sponge) which initialises a sponge by zeroing its state,
void sponge_read(uint8_t *dest, sponge_t const *sponge, uint64_t num) which copies
the rst num bytes from the sponge's state into the dest buer,
void sponge_write(sponge_t *sponge, uint8_t const *src, uint64_t num, bool
bw_xor) which writes the rst num bytes from the src buer into the rst num bytes of the
sponge's state either by
bit-wise XOR with the state's existing rst num bytes if bw_xor is true, or else
by overriding the state's rst num bytes.
The remaining bytes of the state should be unaltered.
void sponge_demarcate(sponge_t *sponge, uint64_t i, uint8_t delimiter) which bit-
wise XORs the delimiter into the state's ith byte, and nally
void sponge_permute(sponge_t *sponge), which applies a bijective function.
(also known as a 384-bit permutation ) to the state.
f : {0, 1} ^384 {0, 1}^384
You should provide implementations of these operations in the src/sponge.c le. You must use the
permute_384 function found in include/permutation.h to implement the sponge_permute operation.
For the purposes of this assignment, the provided permute_384 implements a permutation chosen uniformly randomly from the set of all possible 384-bit permutations. It is fast to compute the result of applying permute_384 to an input bit-string of length 384 bits. It is also fast to compute its inverse (remembering such an inverse permutation exists because permutation functions are bijective). You should keep this fact in mind when analysing the security of the sponge-based cryptographic primitives, but we do not explicitly make use of the inverse permutation in our implementation.
####### Cryptographic Hash Function
A cryptographic hash function is used to provide a check for data integrity against non-deliberate corruption. The hash function
H : {0, 1} ^ {0, 1} n
H ( m ) = h
takes an input message of arbitrary length and outputs a xed-length hash value (sometimes also called a digest) of bits. There is a technical denition for how a cryptographic hash function should behave, but the key properties that you should know are:
m h
uniformity: for a randomly chosen message m H , ( m ) is distributed uniformly among {0, 1} n ,
avalanching: a small change in the input should result in an uncorrelated and completely
dierent-looking digest.
One example of how a hash function might be used is to check for stray radiation causing a bit-ip in your computers hard drive. If you store the message and its hash on the hard drive, then later you can retrieve and and calculate. If , then there is a high probability that non-deliberate corruption has not occurred. Conversely if , then some corruption has happened.
m h = H ( m )
m h H ( m ) H ( m ) = h
H ( m ) = h
Sponge-based hash function
This section is about the rst program you'll create, the hash program.
You should implement the function hash in src/crypto.c using the sponge construction. This function should accept an input message of specied length and output a digest of specied length.
We begin by dening RATE = 16 in src/crypto.c. The sponges rate is the maximum number of bytes that can be read from or written to the sponges state using sponge_read or sponge_write before the sponge must be permuted via sponge_permute. After zeroing the sponges state with sponge_init, the hash function proceeds in three stages:
####### Absorbing phase
The input message is absorbed into the sponge by alternating between writing subsequent blocks of size RATE bytes from the message (setting bw_xor to true) into the sponge, and permuting the sponges state. In the last block, there will be between zero and RATE – 1 (inclusive) bytes left to write; you should just write these remaining bytes into the sponge without permuting immediately after.
####### Demarcation phase
The two constant bytes DELIMITER_A and DELIMITER_B are dened in src/crypto.c. You should use sponge_demarcate to absorb DELIMITER_A into the states th byte (zero-based indexing, where was dened in the absorbing phase). You should then demarcate with DELIMITER_B into the states (RATE – 1)th byte. Finally, permute the sponges state.
r r
####### Squeezing phase
We can now squeeze a hash value from the state. You should alternate between reading RATE bytes from the sponges state using sponge_read and permuting the sponges state. In the last block, you may have fewer than RATE bytes to read; just read that number of bytes from the sponge.
####### Implementation and testing
You should view the comments in include/crypto.h for descriptions of the inputs and outputs to hash, and the comments in src/crypto.c for some examples demonstrating the correct number of writes and reads to the sponges state that you need to be doing. Note that output-based testing will be less useful for all tasks in this programming assignment, so you may nd gdb more useful in ensuring functions are called in the correct order with the arguments you expect. You may test whether your program is working by clicking the Mark button on Ed, similar to the rst assignment. You should be able to observe how changes to single characters in the input le lead to completely dierent looking hash values, demonstrating the avalanching property.
You can make the hash program by running make hash.
Input for hash is in the form:
./hash <digest length in bytes> <input file>
<digest length> is the length the output hash will be in bytes.
<input file> is the le to hash the contents of.
The output is a string representing the hash of the le in hexademical encoding, e.g.
./hash 32 tests/panda_1.txt
Message Authentication Code (MAC) System
This section is about the second program you'll create, mac.
We saw in the previous section how a cryptographic hash function can be used to provide a check for data integrity by detecting non-deliberate corruption with high probability. In the face of a sophisticated attacker however, this is not enough. In our hard drive example, an attacker with unnoticed access to our machine could just alter our stored le, recalculate its hash and overwrite our stored digest. Then, we would not be able to detect this kind of tampering since the stored hash would match the hash that we calculate for the tampered le.
The key to solving this problem is to use a key! The key and message are inputs to the message authentication code (MAC) algorithm
K m
MAC : {0, 1} {0, 1} k^ ^ {0, 1} n
MAC( K , m ) = t.
where is the length of the key in bits, the message is of arbitrary length and the output authentication tag is of length bits. In the hard drive example, we would generate a random key and use it in the MAC algorithm, storing the message and resulting tag on the hard drive, but keeping the key stored separately in some secure environment. Our MAC Algorithm should be designed such that any tampering from an attacker who does not possess the key can be detected with high probability. If an attacker alters the stored message or tag in any way, recalculating the MAC on the message with our secure secret key should result in a tag mismatch, which alerts us to a tampering attempt.
k K m
For your implementation of the mac function in src/crypto.c, you will see CRYPTO_KEY_SIZE = 32 dened in include/crypto.h indicating the use of 32-byte (256-bit) keys. You should begin by absorbing the input key into a zeroed sponge. Since RATE divides CRYPTO_KEY_SIZE exactly, this should be a simple matter of calling sponge_write (with bw_xor set to true) for the rst key block, then permuting the sponge, then writing the 2nd key block into the sponge, then performing one more permutation. Let this phase be known as the keying phase.
The rest of the MAC algorithm then proceeds with an absorbing, demarcation and squeezing phase as described for the hash function. In essence, you will be calculating , where in this notation represents concatenation (rather than a logical OR in C).
MAC( K , m ) = H ( K m )
####### Implementation and testing
You should view the comments in include/crypto.h for descriptions of the inputs and outputs to mac, and the comments in src/crypto.c for some hints on how to implement this approach. You may nd the sponge diagram useful in approaching this task.
You can make the mac program by running make mac.
Input for mac is in the form:
./mac <tag length in bytes> <key file> <message file>
<tag length in bytes> is the length the output MAC authentication tag will be in bytes.
<key file> is the binary le containing the key, two are provided for you in
tests/key_1.key, tests/key_2.key.
<message file> is the le to generate the MAC of.
The output is a string representing the MAC authentication tag of the le in hexademical encoding, e.g.
./mac 32 tests/key_1.key tests/panda_1.txt
Authenticated Encryption (AE) Scheme
This section is about the nal pair of programs you'll create, encr and decr
Say that you and your equally security-conscious friend have managed to generate and store a key that only both of you hold. Using the MAC algorithm, you can now send and receive messages between yourselves over the internet, and be almost completely assured that they were not tampered with in transit by someone without the key. However, there is one major issue: anyone over the network can still read your messages! Clearly this is not ideal if you dont want anyone but your friend to know about your amazing study routine for COMP20007. Therefore, you will implement a scheme for authenticated encryption (AE) which provides a check for data integrity and authenticity, and also provides condentiality. This prevents outsiders from reading your precious messages.
####### Encryption
The encryption routine
takes a key of length bits and a plaintext message of length bits as input, and outputs an authentication tag of length bits and the encrypted ciphertext also of length bits.
AuthEncr : {0, 1} {0, 1} k l {0, 1} {0, 1} n l
AuthEncr( K , m ) = ( t , c )
K k m l
t n c l
You should implement the auth_encr function in src/crypto.c. The scheme is almost identical to
the MAC algorithm. However, we make a slight alteration to the absorbing phase. Immediately after every call to sponge_write during the absorbing phase (but not the keying phase!), you should sponge_read an identical number of bytes into the ciphertext buer.
####### Decryption
The decryption routine
AuthDecr : {0, 1} {0, 1} {0, 1} k n l {0, 1} {0, 1} l
AuthDecr( K , t , c ) ={
( m , 0)
( m , 1)
if authentication tag is valid
takes a key of length bits, a tag of length bits and a ciphertext message of length bits as input. It should output the decrypted plaintext, and an integer 0 if the tag is valid for this message, or 1 otherwise. Given the description of the encryption routine, you should be able to implement decryption in auth_decr in src/crypto.c. You will have to use sponge_write with bw_xor set to false during the absorbing phase.
K k t n c l
####### Implementation and testing
You should view the comments in include/crypto.h for descriptions of the inputs and outputs to encr and decr and the comments in src/crypto.c for some hints on how to implement this approach. You may nd the sponge diagram particularly useful in approaching the decr task.
You can make the encr and decr programs by running make encr and make decr (respectively) or simply make all to make both.
Input for encr is in the form:
./encr <tag length in bytes> <key file> <plaintext file> <optional: concatenated tag+ciphertext file to write>
<tag length in bytes> is the length the output MAC authentication tag will be in bytes.
<key file> is the binary le containing the key, two are provided for you in
tests/key_1.key, tests/key_2.key.
<plaintext file> is the le to encrypt.
<optional: concatenated tag+ciphertext file to write> is an optional argument which if
given is the le the binary output of the tag and ciphertext are written to.
Note that decr reads a le in the binary encoding, so the stdout output will not work as an input, the
optional le must be used.
The output is a string representing the MAC authentication tag of the le in hexademical encoding,
followed by a colon and the encrypted ciphertext, also in hexademical encoding e.g.
./encr 32 tests/key_1.key tests/panda_2.txt
For decr, input is in the form:
./decr <tag length in bytes: must match tag length used for encryption> <key file> <concatenated tag+ciphertext file>
<tag length in bytes: must match tag length used for encryption> is the length of the
output MAC authentication tag used during encryption.
<key file> is the binary le containing the key, two are provided for you in
tests/key_1.key, tests/key_2.key. For decryption to succeed, the key must match the key
used for encryption.
<concatenated tag+ciphertext file> is the (optional) output le from encr, containing the
MAC authentication tag and ciphertext generated. Two pairs of encrypted outputs are provided
for you, tests/encr-key_1-panda_1.bin and tests/encr-key_1-panda_2.bin, which are
panda_1 and panda_2 encrypted with key_1 (respectively), and tests/encr-key_2-
panda_1.bin and tests/encr-key_2-panda_2.bin, which are panda_1 and panda_
encrypted with key_2 (respectively).
The output will either be a note about successful decryption, e.g.
./decr 32 tests/key_1.key tests/encr-key_1-panda_1.bin
Decryption successful. Printing decrypted file below dashes:
A panda eats: shoots and leaves.
or an error indicating something went wrong:
./decr 32 tests/key_1.key tests/encr-key_2-panda_1.bin
Error: invalid tag. Wrong decryption key used, or tampering or corruption has occurred.
Problem 1: Cryptography using the Sponge Construction
This code slide does not have a description.
Problem 2: Finding the Median in a 2-3-4 Tree
This problem looks at an addition to the 2-3-4 tree of a new function findMedian.
There are four written parts and one programming part for this problem.
For a set of inputs in sorted order, the median value is the element with values both above
and below it.
n + 1 n 2
####### Part A
For the rst part, assume the 2-3-4 tree is unmodied, write pseudocode in written-problem.txt for an algorithm which can nd the median value.
####### Part B
For the second part, assume you are now allowed to keep track of the number of descendants during insertion, write pseudocode in written-problem.txt to update the number of descendants of a particular node. You may assume other nodes have been updated already.
####### Part C
For the third part, write pseudocode in written-problem.txt for an ecient algorithm for deter mining the median.
####### Part D
For the fourth part, determine and justify the complexity of your ecient approach in Part C in written-problem.txt.
####### Part E
For the nal part, a modied version of the 2-3-4 tree from the workshop solutions has been provided. Your task is to modify the existing insertTree function to implement your Part B algorithm and to implement the findMedian function according to your Part C approach. Your program should construct a 2-3-4 tree for a given set of numbers given on stdin, and output the median value and the level (starting from the root as level 0) which this value was found on in the 2- 3-4 tree.
You may assume for simplicity that the number of elements inserted into the tree is always odd.
Problem 3: Hacking Merge Sort
Question 1 Saved May 11th 2022 at 7:35:56 pm
You are a hacker that managed to inltrate the central server of a company. With some eort, you were able to nd their sorting function, which uses Mergesort. Here is how it was implemented, shown in pseudocode:
Your plan is to change this sorting algorithm to perform a kind of Denial-of-Service attack. The idea is to keep the algorithm correct, but make it substantially slower. To do this, you modied the Mergesort function by injecting a single line of code, shown in blue below:
In other words, the variable "mid" now receives the output of a hash function called "HASH", which in turn receives the original value of "mid" as its argument. The Merge function does not change.
Question 2 Saved May 11th 2022 at 7:51:06 pm
Question 3 Saved May 11th 2022 at 7:54:55 pm
Write, in pseudocode, an implementation of HASH that forces Mergesort to become a quadratic algorithm in the worst case, in other words:
n (^2 )
Mergesort should still return a valid sorted output. Assume that the basic operation is to compare one element with another. You can upload a gure or a PDF as the answer if you prefer.
Explain why your implementation forces Mergesort to become a quadratic algorithm in the worst case. You can give an example to show your reasoning. You can upload a gure or a PDF as the answer if you prefer.
Now assume the basic operation is to read an element from memory. What is the best case complexity in your implementation? Give a proof of your best case complexity bound. You can upload a gure or a PDF as the answer if you prefer.
The following implementation requirements must be adhered to:
You must write your implementation in the C programming language.
You must write your code in a modular way, so that your implementation could be used in
another program without extensive rewriting or copying. This means that the tree and
cryptography operations are kept together in separate .c les, with their own header (.h) les,
separate from the main program.
Your tree code should be easily extensible to dierent trees. This means that the functions for
modifying parts of your tree should take as arguments not only the values required to perform
the operation required, but also a pointer to the tree.
Your implementation must read the input le once only.
Your program should store strings in a space-ecient manner. If you are using malloc() to
create the space for a string, remember to allow space for the nal end of string \0 (NULL).
A full Makele is not provided for you - the Makele provided with the scaold will need to be
modied if you make changes to the structure of the program. The Makele should direct the
compilation of your program. To use the Makele, make sure it is in the same directory as your
code, and type make hash, make mac , make encr, make decr for the rst programming task
and make findMedian for the second task. You must submit your Makele with your
Hint: If you havent used make before, try it on simple programs rst. If it doesnt work, read the error messages carefully. A common problem in compiling multile executables is in the included header les. Note also that the whitespace before the command is a tab, and not multiple spaces. It is not a good idea to code your program as a single le and then try to break it down into multiple les. Start by using multiple les, with minimal content, and make sure they are communicating with each other before starting more serious coding.
Programming Style
Below is a style guide which assignments are evaluated against. For this subject, the 80 character limit is a guideline rather than a rule – if your code exceeds this limit, you should consider whether your code would be more readable if you instead rearranged it.
/** ***********************
* C Programming Style for Engineering Computation
* Created by Aidan Nagorcka-Smith ([email protected]) 13/03/
* Definitions and includes
* Definitions are in UPPER_CASE
* Includes go before definitions
* Space between includes, definitions and the main function.
* Use definitions for any constants in your program, do not just write them
* in.
* Tabs may be set to 4-spaces or 8-spaces, depending on your editor. The code
* Below is ``gnu'' style. If your editor has ``bsd'' it will follow the 8-space
* style. Both are very standard.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAX_STRING_SIZE 1000
#define DEBUG 0
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
* BAD:
/* Definitions and includes are mixed up */
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAX_STING_SIZE 1000
/* Definitions are given names like variables */
#define debug 0
#include <stdio.h>
/* No spacing between includes, definitions and main function*/
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
/** *****************************
* Variables
* Give them useful lower_case names or camelCase. Either is fine,
* as long as you are consistent and apply always the same style.
- Initialise them to something that makes sense. */
- GOOD: lower_case */
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int i = 0; int num_fifties = 0; int num_twenties = 0; int num_tens = 0;
… /**
- GOOD: camelCase */
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int i = 0; int numFifties = 0; int numTwenties = 0; int numTens = 0;
… /**
- BAD: */
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
/* Variable not initialised – causes a bug because we didn’t remember to
- set it before the l oop / int i; / Variable in all caps – we’ll get confused between this and constants / int NUM_FIFTIES = 0; / Overly abbreviated variable names make things hard. */ int nt = 0
while (i < 10) { … i++; }
/** ********************
- Spacing:
- Space intelligently, vertically to group blocks of code that are doing a
- specific operation, or to separate variable declarations from other code.
- One tab of indentation within either a function or a loop.
- Spaces after commas.
- Space between ) and {.
- No space between the ** and the argv in the definition of the main
- function.
- When declaring a pointer variable or argument, you may place the asterisk
- adjacent to either the type or to the variable name.
- Lines at most 80 characters long.
- Closing brace goes on its own line */
- GOOD: */
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int i = 0;
for(i = 100; i >= 0; i–) { if (i > 0) { printf("%d bottles of beer, take one down and pass it around," " %d bottles of beer.\n", i, i – 1); } else { printf("%d bottles of beer, take one down and pass it around." " We’re empty.\n", i); } }
return 0; }
- BAD: */
/* No space after commas
- Space between the ** and argv in the main function definition
- No space between the ) and { at the start of a function / int main(int argc,char ** argv){ int i = 0; / No space between variable declarations and the rest of the function.
- No spaces around the boolean operators / for(i=100;i>=0;i–) { / No indentation / if (i > 0) { / Line too long / printf("%d bottles of beer, take one down and pass it around, %d bottles of beer.\n", i, i – 1); } else { / Spacing for no good reason. */
printf("%d bottles of beer, take one down and pass it around." " We’re empty.\n", i);
} } /* Closing brace not on its own line */ return 0;}
/** ****************
- Braces:
- Opening braces go on the same line as the loop or function name
- Closing braces go on their own line
- Closing braces go at the same indentation level as the thing they are
- closing */
- GOOD: */
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
for(…) { … }
return 0; }
- BAD: */
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
/* Opening brace on a different line to the for loop open / for(…) { … / Closing brace at a different indentation to the thing it’s closing */ }
/* Closing brace not on its own line. */ return 0;}
/** **************
- Commenting:
- Each program should have a comment explaining what it does and who created
- it.
- Also comment how to run the program, including optional command line
- parameters.
- Any interesting code should have a comment to explain itself.
- We should not comment obvious things – write code that documents itself */
- GOOD: */
/* change.c
- Created by Aidan Nagorcka-Smith ([email protected]) 13/03/
- Print the number of each coin that would be needed to make up some change
- that is input by the user
- To run the program type:
- ./coins –num_coins 5 –shape_coins trapezoid –output blabla.txt
- To see all the input parameters, type:
- ./coins –help
- Options::
- –help Show help message
- –num_coins arg Input number of coins
- –shape_coins arg Input coins shape
- –bound arg (=1) Max bound on xxx, default value 1
- –output arg Output solution file
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int input_change = 0;
printf("Please input the value of the change (0-99 cents inclusive):\n"); scanf("%d", &input_change); printf("\n");
// Valid change values are 0-99 inclusive. if(input_change < 0 || input_change > 99) { printf("Input not in the range 0-99.\n") }
- BAD: */
/* No explanation of what the program is doing */ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
/* Commenting obvious things */
/* Create a int variable called input_change to store the input from
* user. */
int input_change;
/** ****************
* Code structure:
* Fail fast - input checks should happen first, then do the computation.
* Structure the code so that all error handling happens in an easy to read
* location
if (input_is_bad) {
printf("Error: Input was not valid. Exiting.\n");
/* Do computations here */
* BAD:
if (input_is_good) {
/* lots of computation here, pushing the else part off the screen.
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: Input was not valid. Exiting.\n");
Some automatic evaluations of your code style may be performed where they are reliable. As determining whether these style-related issues are occurring sometimes involves non-trivial (and sometimes even undecidable) calculations, a simpler and more error-prone (but highly successful) solution is used. You may need to add a comment to identify these cases, so check any failing test outputs for instructions on how to resolve incorrectly agged issues.
Additional support
Your tutors will be available to help with your assignment during the scheduled workshop times. Questions related to the assignment may be posted on the Ed discussion forum, using the folder tag Assignments for new posts. You should feel free to answer other students questions if you are condent of your skills.
A tutor will check the discussion forum regularly, and answer some questions, but be aware that for some questions you will just need to use your judgment and document your thinking. For example, a question asking whether your answer is correct will not be answered; you must perform tests and see whether your solution is appropriate for the problem.
If you have questions about your code specically which you feel would reveal too much of the assignment, feel free to post a private question on the discussion forum.
Your C code les (including your Makele and any other les needed to run your code) should be submitted through Ed to this assignment. Your programs must compile and run correctly on Ed. You may have developed your program in another environment, but it still must run on Ed at submission time. For this reason, and because there are often small, but signicant, dierences between compilers, it is suggested that if you are working in a dierent environment, you upload and test your code on Ed at reasonably frequent intervals.
A common reason for programs not to compile is that a le has been inadvertently omitted from the submission. Please check your submission, and resubmit all les if necessary.
The theoretical analysis for Problem 2 should be submitted with your other les in the Problem 2: Finding the Median in a 2-3-4 Tree slide by lling in the text le written-problem.txt or as a PDF, referenced in written-problem.txt if more complex gures are required.
For Problem 3, submit your answers directly on the "Answer" box below each question. You are allowed to upload gures or PDF les to help explaining your answers for each question but this is not required.
There are a total of 20 marks given for this assignment.
Your C programs should be accurate, readable, and observe good C programming structure, safety and style, including documentation. Safety refers to checking whether opening a le returns something, whether mallocs do their job, etc. The documentation should explain all major design decisions, and should be formatted so that it does not interfere with reading the code. As much as possible, try to make your code self-documenting, by choosing descriptive variable names. The remainder of the marks will be based on the correct functioning of your submission.
Note that marks related to the correctness of your code will be based on passing various tests. If your program passes these tests without addressing the learning outcomes (e.g. if you fully hard-code solutions or otherwise deliberately exploit the test cases), you may receive less marks than is suggested but your marks will otherwise be determined by test cases.
For the cryptography problem, given the nature of the errors we expect to see, not passing the test cases may lead to some lost marks, but some partial marks may be awarded for answers which are correct but have minor errors (e.g. where the structure is correct but the wrong variable was used). Though as usual, it is best to endeavour to pass the test cases as this will lead to the least surprise when marking is returned.
####### Mark Breakdown
Problem 1
Problem 2
Problem 3
Mark Distribution
2 Marks (Hash) + 2 Marks (MAC) + 2 Marks (Encr) + 3 Marks (Decr)
1 Mark (Part A) + 1 Mark (Part B) + 1 Mark (Part C) + 1 Mark (Part D) + 2 Marks (Part E)
1 Mark (Question 1) + 2 Marks (Question 2) + 2 Marks (Question 3)
Marks will be given based on test case passing, a maximum of one mark may be deducted across the programming exercises for serious code style or structural errors. Note that not all marks will represent the same amount of work, you may nd some marks are easier to obtain than others. Note also that the test cases are similarly not always sorted in order of diculty, some may be easier to pass than others.
This is an individual assignment. The work must be your own.
While you may discuss your program development, coding problems and experimentation with your classmates, you must not share les, as this is considered plagiarism.
If you refer to published work in the discussion of your experiments, be sure to include a citation to the publication or the web link.
Borrowing of someone elses code without acknowledgment is plagiarism. Plagiarism is considered a serious oence at the University of Melbourne. You should read the University code on Academic integrity and details on plagiarism. Make sure you are not plagiarising, intentionally or unintentionally.
You are also advised that there will be some programming-related questions in the nal examination. Students who do not program their own assignments will be at a disadvantage for this part of the examination.
Late policy
The late penalty is 20% of the available marks for that project for each day (or part thereof) overdue. Requests for extensions on medical grounds will need to be supported by a medical certicate. Any request received less than 48 hours before the assessment date (or after the date!) will generally not be accepted except in the most extreme circumstances. In general, extensions will not be granted if the interruption covers less than 10% of the project duration. Remember that faculty servers are often heavily loaded near project deadlines, and unexpected outages can occur; these will not be considered as grounds for an extension.
Students who experience diculties due to personal circumstances are encouraged to make use of the appropriate University student support services, and to contact the lecturer, at the earliest opportunity.
Finally, we are here to help! There is information about getting help in this subject on the LMS. Frequently asked questions about the project will be answered on Ed.