Stat 6160: Assignment 2
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This assignment is due on 11:59 pm Tuesday, Mar 29, 2022, which should be submitted on Col lab under Assignment with a PDF version. In order to have full credits, you have to show all your steps in obtaining your final results.
- Verify if the BIBD with parameters t=8, r=8 and b=16 exists.
- The C. F. Eye Care company manufactures lenses for transplantation into the eye fol- lowing cataract surgery. An engineering group has conducted an experiment involving two factors to determine their effect on the lens polishing process. The results of this experiment are summarized in the following ANOVA display:
(a) How many levels do factorsAandBhave respectively?
(b) What is the sum of squared value for factorA, i.e.,SSA?
(c) What is the value of MSError?
(d) According to the above output, what conclusions you can draw regarding this
- For a two-way factorial model with no interaction term:
wherei= 1,...,I,j= 1,...,Jandk= 1,...,n.
(a) Write down the estimations for all parameters in the above model (,is, and
js) in terms ofyijks. You can use the notations such as yi=
(b) Write down the fitted value yijkbased on the above model.
(c) Please verify that
kirijk= 0, whererij=yijkyijk.
(d) Does the result in part (c) still holds if we include the interaction term ()ijin
the model? Please explain why.