代写assignment | math代写 – CSCI 3104 Doubling lists and their amortized

Doubling lists and their amortized

代写assignment | math代写 – 该题目是值得借鉴的assignment代写的math方面的题目 Doubling lists and their amortized

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CSCI 3104 Spring 2022

Midterm 2 Standard 25 – Doubling lists and their amortized


Due Date………………………………………………………………………………… May 3rd Name………………………………………………………………………………. .Your Name Student ID…………………………………………………………………….. .Your Student ID


1 Instructions 1

2 Standard 25 – Doubling lists and their amortized analysis 2 2.1 Problem 1………………………………………….. 2

1 Instructions

  • The solutionsshould be typed, using proper mathematical notation. We cannot accept hand-written solutions. Heres a short intro to LATEX.
  • You should submit your work through theclass Canvas pageonly. Please submit one PDF file, compiled using this LATEX template.
  • You may not need a full page for your solutions; pagebreaks are there to help Gradescope automatically find where each problem is. Even if you do not attempt every problem, please submit this document with no fewer pages than the blank template (or Gradescope has issues with it).
  • Youmay not collaborate with other students.Copying from any source is an Honor Code viola- tion. Furthermore, all submissions must be in your own words and reflect your understanding of the material. If there is any confusion about this policy, it is your responsibility to clarify before the due date.
  • Posting toanyservice including, but not limited to Chegg, Discord, Reddit, StackExchange, etc., for help on an assignment is a violation of the Honor Code.

2 Standard 25 – Doubling lists and their amortized analysis

2.1 Problem 1

Problem 1.Prove that doubling the size of a hash table is more efficient than growing by a fixed constant for chaining hash tables with hash functions that satisfy the Simple Uniform Hashing Assumption.
