C Programming Notes for Data File Lab
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The data file lab engages you with C programming including defining and using C struct, formatted printing, the command line, text and binary data files, memory allocation, sorting, pointers, and understanding binary data. These lab notes offer specific support for some relevant topics. Lectures will also cover relevant topics for the lab, and some relevant information can be found on the Internet and in the C Programming Language reference book.
Overview of C struct
A C struct is a Data structure that contains items of different data types. For java or c++ programmers, a C struct is like a class, except that it can only have data members (no methods) and all members are public.
In order to work with C structs, you need to define the contents of the structure, declare one of more struct variables (which are similar to instances of a class), and manipulate the members (or fields) of the struct variables. You can also initialise a struct variable, copy struct variables to others of the same type, and pass struct variables as parameters to functions. Finally, you can construct more complex data structures that include your defined struct: You can create an array of structs or you can include a struct as a member of another struct.
Although the C struct is much more limited than a class in Java or C++, the C struct actually closely reflects the way these other data structures are implemented by the compiler. The C language is designed to be a high level language that is also close to the machine, which is why it is used for implementing Operating Systems and one of the reasons for studying it in COMP202.
Defining a struct
Here is a simple struct definition:
struct person {
short int age;
float weight;
char gender;
The above piece of C code defines a structure of type struct person with three data members. The first member, age, is a short (16-bit signed) integer; the second, weight, is a single precision floating point number and the third, gender, is a character. This definition does not create any variables all it does is to specify the fields of the structure struct person. Note that, in C, the data type is struct person not simply person.
The fields of a structure may be of any type known to C. This includes the simple types integers of various sizes, floating point, characters and pointers. It also includes other structures and arrays you can have a member of a structure that is an array.
The structure definition implicitly defines the size in bytes of each structure
instance variable because it defines the information that needs to be stored in
memory. The size of a structure may often be larger than the sum of the sizes
of the individual components. We will discuss how structures are stored in
memory in COMP202.
Declaring a struct variable
The C type name of a structure is struct sname. You declare one or more variables of a structure type by naming the type and then naming the variable(s). For example:
struct person john, jill;
This C statement declares two variables one call john and the other called jill. Both of these variables are of type struct person. Each of them has its own fields for age, weight and gender.
You can declare a struct variable in the same scopes as any other variable. Struct variables declared outside of any function will have file scope if they are qualified as static, or global scope otherwise. Struct variables declared inside a function will have scope restricted to the function. For example:
struct person yan;
static struct person donna;
void proc() {
struct person petra;
static struct person ali;
In this example, yan has global scope and donna has file scope. petra is local to proc and there is a separate instance of petra each time that proc is called, while ali is local to proc but shared between all calls of proc^1 because ali is static, it remembers its value from one call of proc to another.
Manipulating struct variables
The fields of a struct may be individually accessed using variable. field notation. You can use a field expression in any way that you would use a variable of the same type. In particular, you can assign and calculate with numeric fields as in the following example.
yan.age = 17;
yan.weight = 82.1;
yan.gender = 'm';
ali.age = yan.age 2;
ali.weight = 79.2;
ali.gender = 'm';
if (ali.gender == yan.gender && ali.gender == 'm')
printf ("They are brothers\n");
(^1) For more information about C scoping rules, please refer to other information sources.
Initialising a struct variable
C allows you to statically initialise the contents of a struct variable at the same time as you declare the variable. For example:
struct person yan = { 17, 82.1, 'm' };
struct person ali = { 15, 79.2, 'm' };
The values in braces are stored in the fields of the structure in the same order as the fields appear in the struct definition. In this example, that order is age, weight, gender so yans age is 17, weight is 82.1 and gender is ‘m’.
This type of initialisation is particularly efficient for global variables, file scope
variables and static local variables. In all these cases, the variable is only ever
initialised once when the program is loaded. The variable is placed in memory
at a location chosen by the compiler, and the compiler can preload the
initialisation values into the variable. This means that no program code is
required to initialise the variable. In contrast, initialising a structure by
assigning values to each field individually (as explained in the section
Manipulating struct variables ) requires program code that copies the values
into the structure during program execution. Procedure local variables are not
placed in memory by the compiler. Instead, they are dynamically created on
the stack so they must be initialised using program code at run time to set the
fields to their values.
Copying struct variables
You can copy the values from one struct variable to another using the assignment operator. The two variables must have exactly the same type. For example:
petra = donna;
The C compiler generates program code that copies all the fields of the source struct into the destination struct. For large structures, this could take many machine instructions and would be much slower than copying a simple integer variable.
Passing and returning struct variables
You can pass a struct variable as a parameter to a procedure or function. Because C passes parameters by value, this means that the program has to make a temporary copy of the structure for the called procedure or function to use. As with copying structs, this can be inefficient for large structs.
You can also write a function that returns a struct function value. This feature is not commonly used.
A struct containing another struct
Here is a structure definition that contains two struct person fields and some other information.
struct parents {
struct person mother, father;
double income;
A struct containing an array
Here is a structure definition that contains an array of 3 floating point numbers.
struct labmarks {
float mark[3];
An array of struct
Here is a declaration of an array of four struct person elements, and some code that manipulates the values of fields of individual elements of the array. Code that initialises the array has been omitted.
struct person family[4];
family[0].age += 1; // Had a birthday
family[2].weight -= 3.0; // Lost 3 kg
An introduction to formatted output with printf
Every programming language provides some means for the programmer to produce neatly formatted text output. This includes converting integers and floating-point numbers to text so that they can be displayed on the screen, printed or exported to other programs.
In the C programming language, formatting output is the responsibility of the function printf and its friends^2. There are two main printf functions.
printf outputs the formatted text to standard output. Normally, this is the display
terminal screen, but Unix IO redirection can be used to send standard output to a disk
file or to another command via a pipe.
fprintf outputs the formatted text to a C FILE. You can open the file using fopen,
write to it with fprintf and other functions, and close it with fclose. For more
information, see the Unix manual pages.
The printf function is unusual because it can have different numbers and types of parameters depending on what you are asking it to do. The first parameter is always a format string. The printf function scans through the format string looking for formatting commands which begin with the % symbol. Everything that is not part of a formatting command is simply printed directly to standard output. This means that printf can be used with a simple formatting string to print ordinary text. For example:
printf ("Hello everybody\n");
printf ("I am feeling good today!\n");
However, if you just want to print arbitrary text strings, then you should use another function such as puts() which does not try to interpret formatting instructions within the string.
Whenever printf encounters a % symbol in the format string, it interprets the following part of the format string as a formatting instruction. The formatting instruction typically corresponds to an extra parameter value that is to be converted to text and inserted at that point in the output. Here are some format specifications:
(^2) Scanning formatted text is provided by scanf and its friends.
Format specification Interpretation
%d (^) Integer (int or smaller) value as decimal e.g. 17 %f (^) Floating-point (float or double) value as decimal e.g. 5. %s (^) Insert character string (null-terminated array of char, or pointer to null-terminated array of char) %c (^) Insert a single character (char) %% Literal % character in output For example, consider the following C code:
include <stdio.h>
int age = 17; float weight = 75.2; char name[] = “Annette”; printf (“%s is %d years old and weighs %f kg\n”, name, age, weight); The code formats the variable name with %s, the variable age with %d and weight with %f. It would print: Annette is 17 years old and weighs 75.200000 kg Note that printf requires you to include <stdio.h> at the top of your program. Header files: <stdio.h> is a C library header file that defines the printf function and its friends, and also defines various constants and variables that are useful for doing I/O in C. You dont really need to know what is inside <stdio.h>. However, when you are using C library functions, you must include the system header files that are needed for each function. The Unix manual pages for each function will show you what header files are needed. Although the header files are reasonably standardised, there can be differences from one system to another. In particular, C programs for Windows often use different header files than corresponding C programs for Linux. There are other format specifiers that are useful is more specialised situations. Here are some that you might need. Format specification Interpretation %u (^) Unsigned 32-bit int or smaller, as decimal %x (^) Int or unsigned int as hexadecimal %o (^) Int or unsigned int as octal You can also specify a length modifier that tells printf the size of the argument to be converted. The most important reason for using the length modifier is for formatting long int and long unsigned values. Sometimes, you need a length specifier for shorter values also. The following table shows some examples of using length modifiers. For more information see man 3 printf.
Format specification Interpretation
%ld (^) Long int as decimal %lu (^) Long unsigned int as decimal %lx (^) Long Int or long unsigned int as hexadecimal %lo (^) Long Int or long unsigned int as octal %hx (^) Short int as hexadecimal %hho (^) Char as octal The printf format string also gives you the ability to specify formatting parameters to achieve the particular effect that you need. For all format specifiers, you can specify the field width the minimum amount of space to be provided. If the conversion requires less than the specified width then printf will insert additional white space, which is useful for lining things up in neat columns. For floating-point numbers, you can use precision to specify the number of decimal places printed after the decimal point. For details of these features and more information about printf, see the Linux man page man 3 printf.
The main function and command line parameters
Every program has to know where to start execution. In C, programs start by executing the main() function. You write the main() function, of course, and from it you call all the other functions and procedures that are part of your program.
Here, again, is the hello.c program that was developed in Compile, Run, Make C Programs on Linux.
include <stdio.h>
- int main (int argc, char **argv) {
- printf (“Hello, %s!\n”, argv[1]);
- return 0;
- }
This program prints Hello to whatever name is given as the first command line argument. Lets analyse the program line by line.
- The program uses printf which is one of a collection of functions provided in the standard C library. The header file (or include file) stdio.h defines prototypes for these functions, related data types (such as FILE), global variables (such as stderr) and defined constants (such as EOF). By including <stdio.h>, the C compiler becomes aware of all these things and permits us to use them appropriately in our program.
- The function header for the main function. a. The main function is executed when the program starts, and the program terminates when the main function returns. b. The main function returns an integer value, so the type of the function is int. The return value is the exit status of the program. A zero value means that the program was successful. A non-zero value means that some error or unusual condition was detected different values can be used to indicate different exit conditions. The meaning of the exit status is determined by each individual program. Unless otherwise specified for a particular purpose, programmers can use any small non-
zero values that they wish as exit status values to indicate various errors. The exit
status must be a value that fits in a single byte.
c. The main function has parameters. The first parameter, argc, is the count of
command line arguments provided to the program. Each command line argument is
a text string, and the name of the program is the very first command line argument,
so argc is always at least 1. If the user who started the program typed arguments
after the command name^3 , then argc will be 1 more than the number of
arguments provided.
d. The second parameter, argv, is a pointer to an array of argument strings. In C, this
means that it is a pointer to pointers to characters. To be more technically accurate,
argv is an array of pointers, each of which points to the first character of one of
the command line arguments. The type of argv may be given as char *argv[]
or char **argv both are exactly equivalent as we will learn in lectures when
we discuss pointers. The command name and the arguments that the user provided
are the values of the strings in argv. So, argv[0] is the name of the command,
argv[1] is the first argument, argv[2] is the second argument and so on up to
argv[argc-1] which is the last argument. The array argv has one more entry
argv[argc] which is set to the NULL pointer this makes it easy to scan the
argument list in a loop, stopping at the null pointer.
- The printf statement uses the format string “Hello, %s!\n” to print the value of argv[1]. Strictly speaking, this is not legitimate if argc is less than 2 in that case, there is no command line argument argv[1]. In fact, if you compile this program with gcc on Linux and run it without any command line parameters, it will print Hello, (null) which is the GNU librarys way of saying that argv[1] was the null pointer. On other systems, the same program might crash.
- The return statement returns the value 0. As discussed above, this is the exit status of the main program, and it indicates normal successful completion. If this program line is omitted, the program can still compile and run successfully, but the exit status will be whatever happens to be in a particular CPU register, and that value is unlikely to be zero so other programs will think that your program failed. It is very important to explicitly return the appropriate exit status.
An improvement to this program would be to check whether argv[1] actually exists, and do something different if it does not. There are many ways to achieve this, but here is one example.
# include <stdio.h>
int main (int argc, char argv[][]) {
if (argc > 1)
printf ("Hello, %s!\n", argv[1]);
printf ("Hello, world!\n");
return 0;
(^3) Typically, arguments are separated by white space in the shell. You can include space characters in the argument by enclosing it in quotation marks. For more details, see the manual page for the shell e.g. man bash.
This version of the hello program reverts to the original behaviour of printing Hello, world! when the user does not specify a command line argument. You might like to consider how you could further extend the program so that it could handle two, three or an arbitrary number of arguments, printing something like Hello, Joshua Bradley Smithson if there were three arguments. To do that, you would want to know about loops in C.
A pointer is a variable that tells you where to find another piece of information. Like a directional sign to the beach or a person pointing to a nearby bus stop, the pointer variable tells you where to find a piece of information of a particular type. To be precise, a pointer variable contains the memory address of another data item. Pointers can point to other variables, to arrays or array elements, to structures or structure elements, or to arbitrary data in memory. Pointers can also point to functions. In short, anything that is in the programs memory can have a pointer to it.
Pointers are a very important concept in COMP202. Please refer to lectures for a discussion of pointers.
Sorting and memory allocation
The Unix manual pages contain information about the qsort library routine, malloc and free. Please refer to the Unix man pages using the man command as follows:
$ man 3 qsort
$ man 3 malloc
malloc and free
malloc and free are C library functions that can be used to create and destroy objects in memory, specifically in the memory heap. malloc is Cs equivalent of new in Java. free is Cs way of disposing of memory objects that you no longer need. In Java, the system automatically detects objects that are no longer being used (this is called garbage collection ) but in C you must call free for each object that you create with malloc. If you do not free some allocated memory, then your program will hold on to the allocated memory as long as it continues to run. This is called a memory leak the memory is not serving any useful purpose but it cannot be used again until the program exits. Programs that are intended to run for long periods of time (such as operating systems and network servers) will crash unpredictably if they have memory leaks because they will consume increasing amounts of memory over time and eventually there will not be sufficient memory for them to continue running properly.
The Unix man page for malloc, shows that malloc requires the C library header file <stdlib.h>. It also shows that the prototype of the malloc function is as follows.
void *malloc(size_t size);
The malloc function accepts one parameter which specifies the size, in bytes, of the data object that you want to create. Commonly, the sizeof operator is used to compute the size of the object based on its type name. For example, we can allocate space to hold a single integer by passing sizeof(int) as the parameter to malloc. As another example, we can allocate space to hold an array of n characters by passing n*sizeof(char) as the parameter to malloc. Finally, we can allocate space for an instance of struct person by passing sizeof(struct person) as the parameter to malloc.
The parameter size is of type size_t which is a system-defined type that is large enough to represent the size of the largest possible memory object on the computer that you are working on. You dont need to worry about what it really is, but typically it would be unsigned int or unsigned long. Each system defines size_t appropriately so that programs are portable from one system to another. In order to write portable code, you should use variables of type size_t if you are computing with object sizes.
malloc returns a void * pointer. This is a generic pointer it points to memory without specifying what type of information is stored there. Usually, we assign this pointer to a pointer variable of the correct type so that we can access the memory that has been allocated for us. For example:
int *intp = malloc (sizeof(int));
int n = 20;
char *stringp = malloc (n*sizeof(char));
In the above example, we allocate memory that can hold one integer, and point to it with the pointer intp. Then we allocate an array of 20 characters to hold a short text string, and point to it with the pointer stringp. The allocated memory is not initialised, so it may contain arbitrary data left over from previous work done in the current program.
There is a potential problem. Memory allocation can fail when the operating system refuses to allow our program to use any more memory. When that happens, malloc will return the NULL pointer. Before using the memory that we believe has been allocated, we should always check for memory allocation failure. For example:
if (intp == NULL || stringp == NULL) {
fprintf (stderr, "Memory exhausted\n");
exit (1); // Exit with failure
After allocating memory, we access it through the pointer in the normal way. For example:
*intp = 15; // Set the allocated integer to 15.
strncpy (stringp, "hello", 6); // Copy a string including nul
printf ("%s %d\n", stringp, *intp);
After using the memory, we free it.
free (intp);
free (stringp);
Sample program The above code snippets have been combined into a working program which you can find at /home/unit/group/comp202/alloc.c. Here is what happens when you compile and run that program.
$ gcc -o alloc alloc.c
$ ./alloc
hello 15
qsort is the C library sorting utility. It is described in the man page. Please read the man page first. The man page includes an illustrative example of sorting its command line arguments. That example is a little complex as your first example, so here is a simpler example.
This example program prints out an array of integers, sorts them and prints them out again. The array is statically initialised.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
static int cmpints(const void *p1, const void *p2)
/* The actual arguments to this function are "pointers to
int", but we need to access the integers, so first we
cast the pointers to the actual type and then we
dereference them to obtain the integer values */
int *intp1 = (int *) p1;
int *intp2 = (int *) p2;
/* Compare and return comparison result
* The result is >0 if the first int is greater than the
* second.
* The result is <0 if the first int is less than the
* second.
* The result is 0 if the two integers are equal.
* We don't subtract the second int from the first because
* there can be overflow that produces an incorrect return
* value. */
if (*intp1 > *intp2) return 1;
if (*intp1 < *intp2) return -1;
return 0;
# define ASIZE 10
static int a[ASIZE] = { 1, 3, 8, 7, 2, 4, 6, 5, 9, 0 };
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int j;
// Print the array before sorting
for (j = 0; j < ASIZE; j++)
printf ("%d ", a[j]);
printf ("\n");
// Sort the array
qsort(a, ASIZE, sizeof(int), cmpints);
// Print the array after sorting
for (j = 0; j < ASIZE; j++)
printf ("%d ", a[j]);
printf ("\n");
// Successful termination of program
return 0;
Here is what happens when you compile and run this program (you can find a copy of the source code in /home/unit/group/comp202/qsint.c).
$ gcc -o qsint qsint.c
$ ./qsint
1 3 8 7 2 4 6 5 9 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Understanding the qsort call
The loops that print the array are quite standard C code, but the call to sort the array is what we are interested in. According to the qsort man page, the function prototype is:
void qsort(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size,
int (*compar)(const void *, const void *));
This prototype declares four parameters, as follows:
base is a pointer to the start of the array of items to be sorted. In C, pointers are normally
declared to point to items of some specific type, but when we want to write code that can
work with pointers to any data type, we declare the pointer as void *. In the example, we
wish to sort the array a, so we give the array name which C actually passes as a pointer to
the array.
nmemb is the number of items (members) in the array that is to be sorted. It is of type
size_t. In the example, we wish to sort the ASIZE elements of the array a. Following
good C programming practice, we have used a defined constant ASIZE for the size of the
array a.
size is the size of each element of the data array. Commonly, this is obtained using the C
sizeof operator which returns the size of a data item, either a type specification or a
named variable. In the example, we are sorting int elements, so we specify
sizeof(int). By using sizeof we ensure that our code is portable to architectures
where int may be a different size than on our current system.
compar is a pointer to a function. It has the most complex declaration, so lets split it into
o int (* compar)(...) indicates that compar is a pointer to a function, and the
function itself returns an integer. In C, we can use function pointers to make calls to
a function using the function pointer instead of the actual function name. A
function pointer is a type of variable that tells you where to find a function, so that
you can call it. It is, in fact, the memory address of the program code that
implements the function. In the example, the qsort library function needs to call a
function that we have written the cmpints function to compare two integers
together. Any time we use qsort to sort some particular type of data, we also
need to provide a function that can be used to compare two instances of that data
type and decide which one should be placed first in the sorted array. The qsort
Algorithm does not understand our data, but it knows how to sort data when we tell
it how to compare data items.
o (const void *, const void *) indicates to the compiler that the compar
function accepts two generic pointer parameters. The purpose of the compar
function is to compare two data instances, so these pointers will point to the two
instances that qsort wants our function to compare. In the example, we are
sorting integers, so these are actually pointers to integers. It would be convenient if
our function cmpints could be written with integer pointers (int *) parameters,
but then the C compiler would find non-matching parameter types. So, we have to
declare our function with generic pointers as required by the qsort prototype, and
then within our function we use type casting to convert the pointers.
In the example, the comparison function that we want to use with qsort is our cmpints
function, so we pass cmpints as the parameter compar. The C compiler passes a pointer
to the function into qsort, so qsort can call our function when it needs to. This is
commonly called a call back cmpints is the call back function that we pass to qsort.
Understanding the cmpints function
When qsort calls our comparison function, it passes generic void * pointers to each of the two items to be compared. qsort does not know (and does not need to know) what data is held in the items that we are sorting. Instead, it requires that our function returns a negative integer if the first item should be sorted after the second item, zero if the items are the same, and a positive integer if the first item should be sorted before the second item. (This is exactly what strcmp does, so you can sort an array of strings easily by passing strcmp as the comparison function to qsort this is how the qsort man page example sorts the command line arguments.)
Our cmpints function first casts the pointers from void * to int * pointers, because we know that the pointers are actually pointing to integers. To make the code clear for novice programmers, we have used local variables to hold the type cast pointers. Then we explicitly dereference each pointer when performing the comparisons. There are a few different ways to write the comparison
- we have chosen a simple but verbose solution. There are other solutions that are faster in C.