CSC 340
代写C++ | 代写report | 作业c++ | 算法代写 | assignment | 数据结构代做 – 该题目是一个常规的C++的练习题目代写, 包括了C++/算法/数据结构等方面, 该题目是值得借鉴的assignment代写的题目
- Assignment Report
- Code
- Please refer to the Guidelines for All Assignments and the Assignment report Template which we discussed in detail in assignment 00.
- Method vs. Methodology: Method is the tool. Methodology is the justification/the rationale for using a particular method.
- A learning outcome of CSC 340 Programming Methodology is we can recognize a problem, diagnose a problem, define a problem, and formulate a problem. While solving a problem, we frequently take a step back and evaluate available methods.
- Assignment 02 is to provide us with another opport unity to practice these skills.
- All parts of this assignment are to be done in C++.
DOWNLOAD: Assignment- 02 –
PART A TIC TAC TOE, 10 points
Please implement a basic version of Tic Tac Toe:
- Function main and function headers are provided. Please implement the functions and do not change the main.
- Our program must produce identical output: ASMT02_PA_Run1.txt and ASMT02_PA_Run 2 .txt
PART B Credit Card Number Validation, 10 points
Credit card numbers follow certain patterns. A credit card number must have between 13 and 16 digits. The starting numbers are: 4 for Visa cards, 5 for MasterCard cards, 37 for American express cards, and 6 for Discover cards.
Example: Validating 4388576018402626
a) Double every second digit from right to left. If doubling of a digit results
in a two-digit number, add the two digits to get a single digit number.
b) Now add all single-digit numbers from Step a :
4 + 4 + 8 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 7 + 8 = 37
c) Add all digits in the odd places from right to left in the card number:
6 + 6 + 0 + 8 + 0 + 7 + 8 + 3 = 38
d) Sum the results from Step b and Step c :
37 + 38 = 75
e) If the result from Step d is divisible by 10, the card number is valid;
otherwise, it is invalid.
Please implement Credit Card Number Validation:
- Function main is provided. Please implement isvalidcc and other functions which you may add to the program.
- Please do not change function main
- Your program must produce identical output: ASMT02_PB_Run.pdf
00 20
01 55
02 55
TOTAL 130^
A : 90 - 100% B : 80 - 89% C : 70 - 79% D : 60 - 69% F : 0 - 60%
The course grader provides feedback to your
assignments on iLearn.
Updated: 9/18/2019 4:28 AM
PART C Dictionary 340 C++, 35 points
Our satisfied clients are back to ask us to implement another interactive dictionary. Our dictionary takes input from users and uses the input as search key to look up values associated with the key. Requirements:
- Coding : No hard coding,
- Data Source : a text file, Data.CS.SFSU.txt
- Data Structure : Use existing data structure(s) or create new data structure(s) to store our dictionarys data. Each keyword, each part of speech, and each definition must be stored in a separate data field. Do not combine them such as storing three parts in one String.
- Data Loading : When our program starts, it loads all the original data from the data source into our dictionarys data structure. The data source file is opened once and closed once per run. It must be closed as soon as possible. It must be closed before our program starts interacting with users.
- User Interface : A program interface allows users to input search keys. This interface then displays returned results. Our program searches the dictionarys data (not the data source text file) for values associated with the search keys.
- Identical Output : Our programs output must be identical to the complete sample runs output: ASMT02_PC_Run.pdf
- Program Analysis to Program Design , 10 points In 1 full page, please explain the following in detail : Your analysis of the provided information and the provided sample output. Compare to the ASMT 01 java version. What problem you are solving. How it is different from that of ASMT 01. How you load data from the data source. What the steps are. Why these steps. Which data structure(s) you use/create for your dictionary. And why.
- Program Implementation , 2 5 points Does your program work properly? How will you improve your program? Sample run (not the complete run):