Project 2
代写homework | 代做data mining | 代做ai | project代写 | 机器学习python – 这是利用python进行训练的代写, 对机器学习的流程进行训练解析, 包括了data mining/人工智能等方面, 该题目是值得借鉴的project代写的题目
In project 2, we will develop a model that can classify spam emails from non-spam emails. Remember that spam means junk, commercial or bulk emails. We will get practice with
Encoding text to determine features from documents
Using packages to process data and f IT models
Validating the performance of models to reduce overfitting
Generating ROC curves
You will have the chance to try out your own model in a Kaggle competition (
We will guide you through the problems step by step. However, we encourage you to discuss with us in Office Hours and on Piazza so that we can work together through these steps.
Submission Instructions
Submission of homework requires two steps. See Homework 0 for more information.
Step 1
You are required to submit your notebook on JupyterHub. Please navigate to the Assignments tab to
your notebook. Consult the instructional video ( for-jupyter-notebooks) for more information about JupyterHub.
Step 2
You are required to submit a copy of your notebook to Gradescope. Follow these steps
Formatting Instructions
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2. Open the HTML in the browser. Print to .pdf
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4. Indicate the location of your responses on Gradescope. You must tag your answer's page numbers to
the appropriate question on Gradescope. See instructional video for more information.
Note that
You should break long lines of code into multiple lines. Otherwise your code will extend out of view from
the cell. Consider using \ followed by a new line.
For each textual response, please include relevant code that informed your response.
For each plotting question, please include the code used to generate the plot. If your plot does not
appear in the HTML / pdf output, then use Image('name_of_file', embed = True) to embed it.
You should not display large output cells such as all rows of a table.
Important : Gradescope points will be awarded if and only if all the formatting instructions are followed.
Collaboration Policy
Data science is a collaborative activity. While you may talk with others about the homework, we ask that you write your solutions individually. If you do discuss the assignments with others please include their names below.
Name: list name here
NetId: list netid here
Collaborators: list names here
Question Points
Gradescope 2
1a 1
1b 1
1c 1
1d 0
2 3
3a 2
3b 2
4 1
5 2
6a 1
6b 1
6c 2
6d 2
6e 1
7 2
8a 2
8b 3
Total 29
In [ ]:
import pandas as pd import numpy as np
import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, KFold from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve
# Set some parameters in the packages
% matplotlib inline plt.rcParams[‘figure.figsize’] = ( 12 , 8 ) plt.rcParams[‘figure.dpi’] = 150
pd.options.display.max_rows = 20 pd.options.display.max_columns = 15
np.random.seed( 42 )
# Some packages to help with configuration
import os , sys from IPython.display import Image, display
In [ ]:
home_path = os.environ[“HOME”] training_set_path = f’ {home_path} /shared/Project2/train.csv’ testing_set_path = f’ {home_path} /shared/Project2/test.csv’
In [ ]:
assert ‘pandas’ in sys.modules and “pd” in locals() assert ‘numpy’ in sys.modules and “np” in locals() assert ‘matplotlib’ in sys.modules and “plt” in locals() assert ‘sklearn’ in sys.modules and “LogisticRegression” in locals() assert “home_path” in locals()
1. Loading in the Data
In email classification, our goal is to classify emails as spam or not spam (referred to as “ham”) using features generated from the text in the email.
The dataset consists of email messages and their labels (0 for ham, 1 for spam). Your labeled training dataset contains 8348 labeled examples, and the test set contains 1000 unlabeled examples.
Run the following cells to load in the data into DataFrames.
The train DataFrame contains labeled data that you will use to train your model. It contains four columns:
1. id: An identifier for the training example
2. subject: The subject of the email
3. email: The text of the email
4. spam: 1 if the email is spam, 0 if the email is ham (not spam)
The test DataFrame contains 1000 unlabeled emails. You will predict labels for these emails.
In [ ]:
original_training_data = pd.read_csv(training_set_path)
We should convert the text to lowercase letters.
In [ ]:
original_training_data[’email’] = original_training_data[’email’].str.lower() original_training_data
Question 1a
First, let’s check if our data contains any missing values. Fill in the cell below to print the number of NaN values in each column. If there are NaN values, replace them with appropriate filler values (i.e., NaN values in the subject or email columns should be replaced with empty strings). Print the number of NaN values in each column after this modification to verify that there are no NaN values left.
Note that while there are no NaN values in the spam column, we should be careful when replacing NaN labels. Doing so without consideration may introduce significant bias into our model when fitting.
In [ ]:
print(‘Before Filling:’) print(original_training_data.isnull().sum())
# fill missing values with empty string
# YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError ()
print(‘————‘) print(‘After Filling:’) print(original_training_data.isnull().sum())
In [ ]:
assert original_training_data.isnull().sum().sum() == 0
Question 1b
In the cell below, print the text of the zeroth ham and the fourth spam email in the original training set.
In [ ]:
zero_ham = … fourth_spam = …
# YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError ()
print(“Ham \n “, zero_ham) print(“Spam \n “, fourth_spam)
In [ ]:
# TEST assert len(zero_ham) > 0 and zero_ham[: 0 ] == ” assert len(fourth_spam) > 0 and fourth_spam[: 0 ] == ”
Question 1c
Below we have four features of the emails. Among the choices, select those features indicative of spam.
1. HTML tags within brackets < and >
2. Dollar sign $ about money
3. URL indicating website .com
4. Salutation with the word dear
Each choice should appear in the spam email but not the ham email.
In [ ]:
q1c = …
# YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError ()
In [ ]:
assert set(q1c).issubset({ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 })
Question 1d
The training data is available for both training models and validating the models that we train. We therefore need to split the training data into separate training and validation datsets. You will need this validation data to assess the performance of your classifier once you are finished training. Note that we set the seed (random_state) to 42. This will produce a “random” sequence of numbers that is the same for every student. Do not modify this in the following questions, as our tests depend on this random seed.
In [ ]:
training_set, validation_set = train_test_split(original_training_data, test_siz e=0.1, random_state= 42 )
In [ ]:
assert len(training_set) == 7513 assert len(validation_set) == 835
2. Feature Selection
We would like to take the text of an email and predict whether the email is ham or spam. This is a classification problem, so we can use logistic regression to train a classifier. Recall that to train an logistic regression model we need a numeric feature matrix and a vector of corresponding binary labels.
However the data is text, not numbers. To address this, we can create numeric features derived from the email text and use those features for logistic regression.
Each row of is an email. Each column of contains one feature for all the emails. We’ll guide you through creating a simple feature, and you’ll create more interesting ones when you are trying to increase your accuracy.
X y
Question 2
Create a function called words_in_texts that takes in a list of words and a pandas Series of email texts. It should output a 2-dimensional NumPy array containing one row for each email text. The row should contain either a 0 or a 1 for each word in the list: 0 if the word doesn’t appear in the text and 1 if the word does. For example:
>>> words_in_texts(['hello', 'bye', 'world'],
pd.Series(['hello', 'hello worldhello']))
array([[1, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 1]])
In [ ]:
def words_in_texts(words, texts): ”’ Inputs: words (list-like): words to find texts (Series): strings to search in
_Output: NumPy array of 0s and 1s with shape (n, p) where n is the number of texts and p is the number of words. ”’
raise NotImplementedError ()
In [ ]:
# TEST assert np.allclose(words_in_texts([‘hello’, ‘bye’, ‘world’], pd.Series([‘hello’, ‘hello worldhello’])), np.array([[ 1 , 0 , 0 ], [ 1 , 0 , 1 ]])) == True
3. Visualization
We need to identify some features that allow us to distinguish spam emails from ham emails. One idea is to compare the distribution of a single feature in spam emails to the distribution of the same feature in ham emails. If the feature is whether a certain word occurs in the text, this amounts to comparing the proportion of spam emails with the word to the proportion of ham emails with the word.
The following plot (which was created using sns.barplot) compares the proportion of emails in each class containing a particular set of words.
In [ ]:
Image(f” {home_path} /shared/Project2/training_conditional_proportions.png”)
To generate the bar-chart we will use the melt function in pandas. For example, suppose we had the following data.
In [ ]:
df = pd.DataFrame({ ‘word_1’: [ 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 ], ‘word_2’: [ 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 ], ‘type’: [‘spam’, ‘ham’, ‘ham’, ‘ham’] }) display(df)
With melt we switch from a “wide” format to a “long” format in the table.
In [ ]:
Note that melt will turn columns into variable. Here word_1 and word_2 become variable. Their values are stored in the value column.
Question 3a
We want to create a bar chart like the one above comparing the proportion of spam and ham emails containing certain words. We will take the words to be
We need three steps. For Step 1, we encode the words as 0 and 1 with the function from Question 2.
In [ ]:
# Step 1 encode the words as 1 and 0
training_set = training_set.reset_index(drop= True )
vocabulary = [‘body’, ‘html’, ‘please’, ‘money’, ‘business’, ‘offer’] encoded_words = words_in_texts(vocabulary, training_set[’email’])
encoded_table = pd.DataFrame(data = encoded_words, columns = vocabulary) encoded_table[‘label’] = training_set[‘spam’].replace({ 0 :”ham”, 1 : “spam”})
Moreover we changed 0 and 1 to “ham” and “spam”. For Step 2, we use melt to generate the data for the bar-chart
In [ ]:
encoded_table_melted = encoded_table.melt(‘label’) display(encoded_table_melted)
encoded_table_melted_groups = encoded_table_melted.groupby([‘label’, ‘variable’ ]).mean() encoded_table_melted_groups = encoded_table_melted_groups.reset_index() encoded_table_melted_groups
For Step 3, use the table encoded_table_melted_groups to generate a bar-chart with sns.barplot.
In [ ]:
# YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError ()
plt.ylim([ 0 , 1 ]) plt.xlabel(‘Words’) plt.ylabel(‘Proportion of Emails’) plt.legend(title = “”) plt.title(“Frequency of Words in Spam/Ham Emails”)
q3a_gca = plt.gca();
In [ ]:
heights = [patch.get_height() for patch in q3a_gca.get_children() if isinstance( patch, matplotlib.patches.Rectangle)]
assert set(encoded_table_melted_groups[“value”].values).issubset(set(heights))
When the feature takes two values, it makes sense to compare its proportions across classes (as in the previous question). Otherwise, if the feature can take on numeric values, we can compare the distributions of these values for different classes.
Question 3b
The length of emails might indicate spam or ham. Below we have a chart comparing the distribution of the length of spam emails to the distribution of the length of ham emails in the training set.
In [ ]:
Image(f” {home_path} /shared/Project2/training_conditional_densities2.png”)
Make a copy of the training set. Add a column to the copy called length that has the number of characters in the email.
In [ ]:
training_set_copy = training_set.copy()
# YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError ()
In [ ]:
assert ‘length’ in training_set_copy.columns
Now we can generate the chart.
In [ ]:
sns.distplot(training_set_copy.loc[training_set_copy[‘spam’] == 0 , ‘length’],his t= False , label=’Ham’) sns.distplot(training_set_copy.loc[training_set_copy[‘spam’] == 1 , ‘length’],his t= False , label=’Spam’) plt.xlabel(‘Length of email body’) plt.ylabel(‘Distribution’) plt.xlim(( 0 , 50000 )) plt.grid();
4. Classification
Notice that the output of words_in_texts(words, train[’email’]) is a numeric matrix containing features for each email. This means we can use it directly to train a model.
Question 4
We’ve given you 5 words that might be useful as features to distinguish spam/ham emails. Use these words as well as the training_set table to create two NumPy arrays: X_train and Y_train.
X_train should be a 2-dimensional array of 0s and 1s created by using your words_in_texts
function on all the emails in the training set.
Y_train should be a 1-dimensional array of the correct labels for each email in the training set.
In [ ]:
some_words = [‘drug’, ‘bank’, ‘prescription’, ‘memo’, ‘private’]
X_train = … Y_train = …
# YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError ()
In [ ]:
# TEST assert X_train.shape == ( 7513 , 5 ) # X matrix should have a certain size assert np.all(np.unique(X_train) == np.array([ 0 , 1 ])) # X matrix should consist of only 0 or 1
Fitting the Model
Question 5
We will use LogisticRegression (http://scikit- in the scikit-learn package for logistic regression.
Here we will train a model with X_train and Y_train. Use the fit function to fit the model to the data.
In [ ]:
model = LogisticRegression()
# YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError ()
Now we can compute the accuracy of the model on the training data set. You should get an accuracy around 0.75.
In [ ]:
training_accuracy = model.score(X_train, Y_train) assert training_accuracy > 0.
6. Evaluating Classifiers
While we have high accuracy, the model has some shortcomings. We are evaluating accuracy on the training set. The in-sample accuracy is misleading because we determined the model from the training set. We need to think about the out-of-sample accuracy.
Remember that our model would will be used for preventing messages labeled spam from reaching someone’s inbox. There are two kinds of errors we can make:
False positive (FP): a ham email gets flagged as spam and filtered out of the inbox.
False negative (FN): a spam email gets mislabeled as ham and ends up in the inbox.
These definitions depend both on the true labels and the predicted labels. False positives and false negatives may be of differing importance, leading us to consider more ways of evaluating a classifier, in addition to overall accuracy:
Precision measures the proportion of emails flagged as spam that are actually spam.
Recall measures the proportion of spam emails that were correctly flagged as spam.
False-positive rate measures the proportion of ham emails that were incorrectly flagged as
Note that a true positive (TP) is a spam email that is classified as spam, and a true negative (TN) is a ham email that is classified as ham.
Question 6a
Suppose we have a classifier zero_predictor that always predicts 0 (never predicts positive). How many false positives and false negatives would this classifier have if it were evaluated on the training set and its results were compared to Y_train? Fill in the variables below.
In [ ]:
zero_predictor_fp = … zero_predictor_fn = …
# YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError ()
In [ ]:
# TEST assert zero_predictor_fp >= 0 assert zero_predictor_fn >= 0
Question 6b
What are the accuracy and recall of zero_predictor (classifies every email as ham) on the training set? Do NOT use any sklearn functions.
In [ ]:
zero_predictor_acc = … zero_predictor_recall = …
# YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError ()
In [ ]:
# TEST assert zero_predictor_acc >= 0 assert zero_predictor_recall >= 0
We learn from Question 6a and Question 6b that for zero_predictor:
There are no false positives ( ) because nothing is labeled spam.
Every spam email is mislabeled as ham, so the number of false negatives is equal to the number of
spam emails in the training data ( ).
The classifier correctly labels nearly 75% of observations in the training data.
The classifier recalls none (0%) of the spam observations.
FP= 0
FN= 1918
Question 6c
Consider the the LogisticRegression model from Question 5. Without using any sklearn functions, compute the precision, recall, and false-al arm rate of on the training set.
In [ ]:
Y_train_hat = model.predict(X_train)
TP = … TN = … FP = … FN = …
# YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError ()
logistic_predictor_precision = TP / (TP + FP) logistic_predictor_recall = TP / (TP + FN) logistic_predictor_fpr = FP / (FP + TN)
In [ ]:
# TEST assert logistic_predictor_precision >= 0 assert logistic_predictor_recall >= 0 assert logistic_predictor_fpr >= 0
Question 6d
Without using any sklearn functions, compute the precision, recall, and false-alarm rate of on the validation set.
In [ ]:
X_val = words_in_texts(some_words, validation_set[’email’]) Y_val = np.array(validation_set[‘spam’]) Y_val_hat = model.predict(X_val)
TP = … TN = … FP = … FN = …
# YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError ()
logistic_predictor_precision_validation = TP / (TP + FP) logistic_predictor_recall_validation = TP / (TP + FN) logistic_predictor_fpr_validation = FP / (FP + TN)
In [ ]:
# TEST assert logistic_predictor_precision_validation >= 0 assert logistic_predictor_recall_validation >= 0 assert logistic_predictor_fpr_validation >= 0
Question 6e
We can visualize these numbers on the validation set with a confusion matrix.
In [ ]:
def plot_confusion(confusion): sns.heatmap(confusion, annot= True , fmt=’d’, cmap=”Purples”, annot_kws={‘fontsize’: 24 }, square= True , xticklabels=[ 1 , 0 ], yticklabels=[ 1 , 0 ], cbar= False ) plt.gca().xaxis.set_label_position(‘top’) plt.xlabel(‘True’) plt.ylabel(‘Predicted’)
confusion = np.array([ [TP, FP], [FP, TN], ])
True or False : There are equal number of False Positives and False Negatives when using the logistic regression classifier from Question 5?
In [ ]:
q6e = …
# YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError ()
In [ ]:
assert q6e in [ True , False ]
We can make a few observations about the accuracy of the model.
1. Our logistic regression classifier got 75.6% prediction accuracy. Remember accuracy is number of
correct predictions / total. How does this compare with predicting 0 for every email?
An accuracy of 75% means that we're only doing slightly better than guessing ham for every email.
2. What is a problem with the features in the model?
The encoded features in X_train have many rows with all 0. That is, the words we've chosen as
our features aren't actually present in many of the emails so the classifier can't use them to
distinguish between ham/spam emails.
3. Which of these two classifiers would you prefer for a spam filter and why?
The false-alarm rate for logistic regression is too high, even at 2%: ideally false-alarms would
almost never happen. I might rather wade through thousands of spam emails than get 2% of
legitimate emails filtered out of my inbox."""
Question 7: ROC Curve
We can balance precision and recall. Usually we cannot get both precision equal to 1 (i.e. no false positives) and recall equal to 1 (i.e. no false negatives).
Remember that logistic regression calculates the probability that an example belongs to a particular category.
In [ ]:
Y_val_hat_prob = model.predict_proba(X_val)[:, 1 ]
Here we use the predict_proba function to predict a probability.
From a probability, we can determine a category by comparison with a threshold. With a threshold of 0.5, we label an email as spam for a predicted probability. However, we could take the threshold to be or
. Adjusting the threshold allows us balance false positives and false negatives.
The Receiver Operating Characteristic (https://scikit- metric compares true positives and false positives for each possible cutoff probability. In the cell below, we plot the value on the validation set.
0.5 0.
In [ ]:
fpr, tpr, threshold = roc_curve(Y_val, Y_val_hat_prob)
threshold_values = [ 5 , 8 , 10 ]
for idx, x,y in zip([ 0 , 1 , 2 ], fpr[threshold_values],tpr[threshold_values]): plt.plot(x,y, “ro”, zorder = 10 ) plt.text(x, y + 0.05, str(idx), fontdict={“color”:”red”, “size”: 15 })
plt.plot(fpr, tpr, color=’darkorange’, lw= 2 , label=’ROC Curve’) plt.plot([ 0 , 1 ], [ 0 , 1 ], color=’navy’, lw= 2 , linestyle=’–‘)
plt.xlim([0.0, 1.0]) plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05]) plt.xlabel(‘False Positive Rate’) plt.ylabel(‘True Positive Rate’) plt.title(‘Receiver Operating Characteristic’) plt.legend(loc=”lower right”);
We have labeled three points. These points correspond to thresholds in the set 0.2, 0.3, and 0.6. Assign the thresholds to the points.
In [ ]:
q7 = …
# YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError ()
In [ ]:
assert type(q7) == list assert set(q7).issubset({0.6, 0.3, 0.2})
Question 8: Cross Validation
Take the following function for computing the accuracy of classifications.
In [ ]:
def accuracy(y_pred, y_actual): return np.mean(y_pred == y_actual)
We want to perform cross validation to compare different choices of words for the classfication. By training and validating multiple times, we can gauge the accuracy and consistency of the classfications.
In [ ]:
def compute_CV_accs(model, X_train, Y_train, vocabulary, number_splits): kf = KFold(n_splits=number_splits, shuffle= True , random_state= 42 )
vocabulary_accs = dict()
for words in vocabulary:
X_train_features = words_in_texts(words, X_train)
validation_accs = [] for train_idx, valid_idx in kf.split(X_train): # split the data split_X_train, split_X_valid = X_train_features[train_idx], X_train_ features[valid_idx] split_Y_train, split_Y_valid = Y_train.iloc[train_idx], Y_train.iloc [valid_idx]
# Fit the model on the training split,split_Y_train)
# Compute the accuracy on the validation split
acc = accuracy(model.predict(split_X_valid), split_Y_valid)
#average validation accuracies print(“For vocabulary {0} “.format(“,”.join(words)), ” \n Mean: {0} “.forma t(np.mean(validation_accs)), ” \n Standard Deviation {0}\n\n “.format(np.std(valid ation_accs)))
vocabulary_accs[tuple(words)] = {‘mean’: np.mean(validation_accs), ‘std’ : np.std(validation_accs)}
return vocabulary_accs
Question 8a
Consider the collection of words vocabulary1 and vocabulary
In [ ]:
vocabulary1 = [‘drug’, ‘bank’, ‘prescription’, ‘memo’, ‘private’] vocabulary2 = [‘please’, ‘money’, ‘offer’, ‘receive’, ‘contact’, ‘free’]
We want to perform 5-fold cross validation with compute_CV_accs. Run the function on original_training_data with LogisticRegression model for vocabulary1 and vocabulary2. Call the output vocabulary_accs.
In [ ]:
model = LogisticRegression() X_train = original_training_data[’email’] Y_train = original_training_data[‘spam’] vocabulary = [vocabulary1, vocabulary2] number_splits = 5
vocabulary_accs = …
# YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError ()
In [ ]:
# TEST assert np.isclose(vocabulary_accs[tuple(vocabulary1)][‘mean’], 0. 5 ) assert np.isclose(vocabulary_accs[tuple(vocabulary1)][‘std’], 0. 75 )
Question 8b
Which collection of words is more accurate?
In [ ]:
q8b_1 = …
# YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError ()
In [ ]:
assert q8b_1 in [“vocabulary1”, “vocabulary2”]
Which collection of words is more consistent?
In [ ]:
q8b_2 = …
# YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError ()
In [ ]:
assert q8b_2 in [“vocabulary1”, “vocabulary2”]
Which should you choose for deter mining the features of your model?
In [ ]:
q8b_3 = …
# YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError ()
In [ ]:
assert q8b_3 in [“vocabulary1”, “vocabulary2”]
Question 9 (Optional)
Google has a platform called Kaggle for hosting modeling competitions. We have configured a competition with the testing data.
In [ ]:
testing_set = pd.read_csv(testing_set_path) testing_set[’email’] = testing_set[’email’].str.lower() testing_set
For example, if we want to submit the model from Question 8 with vocabulary2 then we would make output the predictions to a csv file.
In [ ]:
vocabulary2 = [‘please’, ‘money’, ‘offer’, ‘receive’, ‘contact’, ‘free’]
X_train = words_in_texts(vocabulary2, original_training_data[’email’]) Y_train = original_training_data[‘spam’]
model = LogisticRegression(), Y_train)
X_test = words_in_texts(vocabulary2, testing_set[’email’]) Y_test_hat = model.predict(X_test)
testing_set_predictions = pd.DataFrame(data = Y_test_hat, columns = [“Category” ]) testing_set_predictions
Now we can output to a csv file for submission to the Kaggle website ( project2)
In [ ]:
testing_set_predictions.to_csv(“Kaggle_submission.csv”, index = True , index_labe l=”Id”)
Can you make the spam filter more accurate? Try to get at least 88% accuracy on the test set. Call your predictions Y_test_hat. This should be a numpy array consisting of 0 and 1 for each every email in the testing_set table.
Here are some ideas for improving your model:
1. Finding better features based on the email text. Some example features are:
A. Number of characters in the subject / body
B. Number of words in the subject / body
C. Use of punctuation (e.g., how many '!' were there?)
D. Number / percentage of capital letters
E. Whether the email is a reply to an earlier email or a forwarded email
2. Finding better words to use as features. Which words are the best at distinguishing emails? This
requires digging into the email text itself.
3. Better data processing. For example, many emails contain HTML as well as text. You can consider
extracting out the text from the HTML to help you find better words. Or, you can match HTML tags
themselves, or even some combination of the two.
4. Model selection. You can adjust parameters of your model (e.g. the regularization parameter) to achieve
higher accuracy. Recall that you should use cross-validation to do feature and model selection properly!
Otherwise, you will likely overfit to your training data.