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Game Theory

Supermodular Games

Ruitian Lang


General idea

Finding all the Nash equilibria is usually a very challenging exercise.

Can we say something about the set of Nash equilibria without

actually computing all of them?

Can we do comparative statics for games: are Nash equilibrium

strategies increasing or decreasing in some parameters?

We can for a special class of strategic form games: supermodular


Table of contents

1 Topkiss Theorem

2 Rationalizability

3 Supermodular games

Increasing differences

Can we do comparative statics without invoking the Implicit Function

Theorem, for example when our Objective function is not differentiable?


Let I 1 and I 2 be two intervals. A function f : I 1 I 2 R is said to have

increasing differencesif for all x , x

I 1 , y , y

I 2 with x

> x and y

> y,

f ( x

, y

) f ( x , y

) f ( x

, y ) f ( x , y ).

If the strict inequality always holds, the function f is said to havestrictly

increasing differences.

Assume that f ( x ,)has increasing differences and for everythere is a

unique maximum x

()of f (,). Then x

()is non-decreasing in.

Necessary generalizations

In a two-player game, if S 1 and S 2 are intervals and u 1 ( s 1 , s 2 )has

increasing differences, then BR 1 ( s 2 )is non-decreasing in s 2.

What if there are more than two players? Can we still say something


What if BR 1 is not a function (ie there are more than one best


Partial order of vectors


For two n-dimensional vectors x =( x 1 ,…, xn ) and y =( y 1 ,…, yn ) , we write

x yif xi yifor i = 1 ,…, n andx > yif x y and x = y.

There are vectors x , y such that x y and y x are both false;

therefore, this defined above is not an order in that not every

pair of vectors are comparable.

That x > y does not mean that xi > yi for i = 1 ,…, n.

Thisis transitive: if x y and y z , then x z , with strict

inequality if x > y or y > z.

Examples from microeconomics

Consumer theoryA consumers utility function u is called monotonic if

u ( x

) u ( x )whenever x

x. Being monotonic means that

the consumer prefers more to less.

General equilibriumLet N be the set of consumers in an economy with ui

being the utility function of consumer i N. An allocation x

is said to be Pareto dominated by x


( u 1 ( x

),…, un ( x

))>( u 1 ( x ),…, un ( x )).

The definition of increasing differences remain the same with I 1 and I 2

replaced with subsets ofR


, as long asis understood to be the partial


Comparative statics


(Topkis) Let I be an ordered space, T be a subset of R


and f : I T R

be a function with increasing differences. Assume that for some t 1 , t 2 T

with t 1 t 2 , x 1 is a (global) maximum of f (, t 1 ) and x 2 is a (global)

maximum of f (, t 2 ). If x 1 x 2 , then x 2 is also a maximum of f (, t 1 ) and

x 1 is also a maximum of f (, t 2 ).

It is easier to visualize the theorem in the special case where the set of

maxima for each t T is an interval; the theorem says that x 1 and x 2

must be in the overlap part (intersection) of the intervals corresponding to

t 1 and t 2.

Compact ordered space I (optional)


A compact ordered space is an ordered set equipped with its order

topology such that the set is a compact space.

In the topology defined by the order, a set is open if and only if it is a

union of open intervals.

Compact ordered space II (required)

Two examples:

(^1) A bounded and closed interval. (^2) A finite set equipped with any order. Every function on a finite set is


Two properties:

(^1) Every closed subset of a compact ordered space has a greatest

element and a smallest element.

(^2) Every monotone sequence in a compact ordered space has a limit.

Topkiss Theorem for compact ordered spaces


Let I be a compact ordered space, T be a subset of R


, and f : I T R

be a function with increasing differences. In addition, assume that f ( x ,)

is continuous in x for every T. Then the following are true.

(^1) For every T, f (,) has a maximum; in fact, the set of maxima of

f (,) has a largest element x () and a smallest element x ().

(^2) For , T with , x () x () and x () x ().

Increasing differences and derivatives


Let I be an interval T be a convex open subset of R


, and f : I T R

be a continuous function that is differentiable in the interior of the domain.

Denote by f 1 jthe mixed second order partial derivative of f with respect to

its first variable and its jth variable, for j = 2 ,…, n + 1. If f 1 j ( x , t ) 0 for

every x in the interior of I and t T, then f has increasing differences.

Interior means not at the boundary of I in case I is not an open interval.

Example: the producers problem

Assume that the cost for producing q units is c ( q )for q 0.

A competitive producer solves the problemmax q 0 pq c ( q ), where p

is the market price of its product.

The objective function has increasing differences in( q , p )without any

assumption on c. What can we say about the optimal quantity?

Table of contents

1 Topkiss Theorem

2 Rationalizability

3 Supermodular games

Rational players

A player of a strategic form game is calledrationalif he plays a best

response to some probability distribution over the opponents strategy


Some probability distribution is not the same as a mixed strategy

profile, as correlations among different players are allowed.

What can we say about a rational players behavior without knowing

the probability distribution he plays for?

Strictly dominated strategies I


Fix a strategic form game and a player i. A strategy si Siis called

strictly dominatedif there exists a mixed strategy iof Player i such that

ui ( si , s i )< ui ( i , s i ) , for every s i S i.

No matter what the opponents play, si is strictly worse than i.

In searching for a strategy that strictly dominates si , we include mixed


Strictly dominated strategies II


Fix a strategic form game and a player i. If a strategy si Siis strictly

dominated, then it is not a best response to any probability distribution

over the opponents strategies.

This means that a rational player never plays a strictly dominated


The converse of the theorem is also true for finite games (and some

generalizations): if a strategy is never a best response, it is strictly

dominated. The proof of this assertion is much more diicult.

Knowledge of rationality

Assume that Player i is rational himself and knows that the other

players are rational. What can we say about Player i s play?

Let S

( 1 )

j be the set of Player j s strategies that are not strictly

dominated. Player i knows that Player j will only choose from S

( 1 )


Let S

( 1 )

i be the set of strategy profiles of Player i s opponents such

that each j plays a strategy from S

( 1 )


Player i plays a best response to some probability distribution over


( 1 )


. The proof of the theorem implies that Player i will not play a

strictly dominated strategy with the opponents strategies restricted to


( 1 )


Common knowledge

Informally, something is a common knowledge if

(^1) Everybody knows it. (^2) Everybody knows that everybody knows it. (^3) Everybody knows that everybody knows that everybody knows it. (^4) …

If it is common knowledge that every player is rational, then the

elimination procedure can continue indefinitely.

Rationalizable strategies


Let S

( 0 )

i = Sifor every Player i. Recursively, call a strategy si Si

eliminated by Round n + 1 if there exist a mixed strategy of Player i such


ui ( si , s i )< ui ( i , s i ) , for every s i S

( n )

i ,

and define S

( n + 1 )

i as the set of Player is strategies that are not eliminated

by Round n + 1. Put S


i =


n = 1 S

( n )

i. A strategy in S


i is called


Nash equilibrium strategies are rationalizable


Assume that is a Nash equilibrium of a strategic form game in mixed

strategy. Then for every Player i and strategy siin the support of i, siis



If in a strategic form game, every player has only one rationalizable

strategy, such a game is calledsolvable by rationalizability.

Remark. A game that is solvable by rationalizability needs not have a

Nash equilibrium.

Guessing 2/3 of the average

There are n players, each choosing a real number si [ 0 , 100 ].

Player i s payoff is

(^) s





(^) , where s = n ^1

P n

i = 1 si.

This game is solvable by rationalizability.

Table of contents

1 Topkiss Theorem

2 Rationalizability

3 Supermodular games



A strategic form game with finitely many players is called supermodular if

for every player i, Siis a compact ordered space, uiis continuous and

ui ( si , s i ) has increasing differences in siand s i.

The statement on compactness and continuity encompasses the

following two cases:

(^1) Si is a bounded and closed interval and ui is continuous. (^2) Si is a finite set.

A compact ordered space always has a largest element and a smallest


To obtain nice result in the end, the definition also requires that

ui ( si , s i )is continuous in s i.


The investment game.

Battle of sexes.

Bank run.

Two-player Cournot competition after relabeling one firms strategies.

The main theorem


The following is true for a supermodular game.

(^1) For every player i N, there exists a smallest rationalizable strategy s


and a greatest rationalizable strategy si.

(^2) sand s are Nash equilibria.

Here s is a strategy profile where every player plays his smallest

rationalizable strategy; the similar is true for s.

Consequences of the main theorem

A supermodular game always has a Nash equilibrium in pure strategy.

If a supermodular game has a unique Nash equilibrium, the game is

solvable by rationalizability.

Comparative statics


Consider a supermodular game with a parameter t T where T R



that every payoff function has t as a parameter. Assume that for every

player i and every s i S i, ui ( si , s i , t ) has increasing differences in siand

t. Then the largest and smallest Nash equilibria s ( t ) and s ( t ) are both

non-decreasing in t.

Example: in the investment game, both players investments are

non-decreasing in the project revenue in the largest equilibrium.