Autonomous Vehicles: Using Stereo Vision for Object Distance Ranging
代写report | 代写Algorithm | scheme | Python | assignment | lab – 这是利用Algorithm进行训练的代写, 对Algorithm的流程进行训练解析, 是有一定代表意义的report/Algorithm/scheme/Python等代写方向, 这个项目是lab代写的代写题目
Autonomous road vehicles and advanced driver assistance systems are fast becoming a reality. Computer Vision is increasingly being used to allow such vehicles to understand the road environment around them based on imagery from on-board forward facing cameras.
In this assignment we are dealing with the automatic detection of objects, and the estimation of their distance from the vehicle (i.e. ranging), within stereo video imagery from an on-board forward facing stereo camera. This can be performed by integrating the use of depth (disparity) information recovered from an existing stereo vision Algorithm with an object detection algorithms. Knowledge of the distance of objects that have the potential to move within the scene (i.e. dynamic objects, such as pedestrians/vehicles) assists both automatic forward motion planning and collision avoidance within the overall autonomous control system of the vehicle.
The low cost and high granularity (i.e. full-scene) 3D information available from stereo vision means that classification (i.e. type) and distance of objects in front of the vehicle the vehicle can be detected more readily than with radar or LiDAR (laser) sensing technologies.
As such, we have a set of still image pairs (left and right) extracted from on-board forward facing stereo video footage under varying illumination conditions and driving conditions. Your task is to design and prototype a computer vision system to estimate the range (distance) of specific objects of interest from the vehicle at any given point in the journey. You will develop this prototype system using Python with the OpenCV library and the techniques covered in the module.
This is a real-world task, comprising a real-world image set. As such, this is an open-ended challenge type task to which a perfect solution that works perfectly over all the images in the provided data set may not be possible.
Task Specification Object Detection and Distance Ranging
You are required to develop a system that correctly detects pedestrians and vehicles within the scene in-front of the vehicle and estimates the range (distance in metres) to those objects. For your solution may make use of the provided state-of-the-art object detection approach (e.g. You Only Look Once – YOLO, ) or alternatively you may research and use your own.
For each detected object you are required to make a single estimate of its distance from the vehicle using some form of stereo vision. You can do this using either dense stereo (as provided), sparse (feature point based) stereo vision or perhaps some other variant.
Additionally, some example images in the provided test sequences may suffer from significant image noise making disparity calculation challenging using either technique. The road scene itself will change in terrain type, illumination conditions, clutter and road markings ideally your solution should be able to cope with all of these. All examples will contain a clear front facing view
of the road in front of the vehicle only your system should report all appropriate objects instances it can detect recognising this may not be possible for all cases within the data set provided.
Initially you are only required to identify two types (class) of dynamic objects pedestrians and vehicles but you may choose to extend this as time allows and with consideration of the available credit in the marking scheme provided (which is limited for this aspect).
As this is only a prototype efficiency of your approach is less important than performance.
Additional Program Specifications
Additionally, to facilitate easy testing, your prototype program must meet the following functional requirements:
Your program must contain an obvious variable setting in the top of the main code file that
allows a directory containing images to be specified. e.g.
master_path_to_dataset = “TTBB-durham-02-10-17-sub10”
from which it will cycle through each stereo pair in turn processing it for object detection
and distance ranging prior to displaying it. A basic example ( ) for cycling
through the data set of images and computing the stereo disparity is provided.
When objects are detected within a scene your solution must display a coloured polygon on
the left (colour) image highlighting where the object is and also a distance estimate to the
object obtained from the corresponding stereo depth information of the scene (see example
in Figure 2 , for which you can ).
Furthermore, for each image file it encounters in the directory listing it must display the
following to standard output:
filename_R.png : nearest detected scene object (X.Xm)
where filename is the current image filename and X.X is the distance in metres to the
current nearest dynamic scene object detected within the scene. When no objects can be
detected, output a zero distance for dynamic objects. Your final program must run through
all the files as a batch without requiring a user key press or similar.
Your program must operate with OpenCV 4.1.x on the lab PCs.
Figure 1 : Example left (colour), right (greyscale, rectified) and corresponding disparity calculated
using the example python code provided for the assignment.
Sample Data & Example Software
The sample data provided is a set of 1449 sequential still image stereo pairs extracted from on- board stereo camera video footage (see example Figure 1 ). These images have been rectified based on the camera calibration and you do not need to perform stereo calibration yourself. The full set of images is available as a single ZIP file from DUO as follows:
Be aware that this data set is still large! (~2Gb, this is the nature of this business).
Two sets of example python scripts are also provided as a starting point as follows:
- cycles through the stereo dataset (TTBB-durham-02-10-17-sub10) and calculates the dense disparity from the left and right stereo images provided (lecture 5)
- projects a single example stereo pair to a 3D in order to show how to obtain 3D distance information for a given pixel location in the scene, write a point cloud of this data to file and how to example back-projection from 3D to the 2D image (lecture 5) Available from –
- an example object detection approach which you can use out of the box for your object detector for the purposes of this assignment (at the moment this can be treated as a black box detection component, although the full details will be taught in lectures 9/10).
- an example feature point matching code that can be used to match SURF, SIFT or ORB feature points from one region of an image to another (e.g. in order to facilitate sparse stereo vision between matched points) Available from –
Figure 2 : Illustrative polygon outline of the detected scene objects, with distance displayed
and abbreviated class label inset, drawn on the left (colour) image your display can differ.
The marks for this assignment will be awarded as follows:
Overall design and implementation of your solution including aspects of:
any image pre-filtering or optimization performed (or similar first stage processing)
to improve either/both object detection or stereo depth estimation
effective integration of (existing) object detection and dense stereo ranging
object range estimation strategy for challenging conditions 30%
General performance on object ranging from stereo vision**
(taking into account accuracy under challenging conditions) 20%
Clear, well documented and presented program source code 5%
Discussion / detail of solution design and choices made 10%
Qualitative and/or quantitative evidence of performance 10%
Additional credit will be given for one or more of the following:
the design and use of an alternative sparse stereo based ranging approach
the design and use of another variant approach to stereo based ranging
the use of heuristics or advanced processing/optimisation to improve performance
Qualitative and/or quantitative comparison of multiple such ranging approaches
(for any of the above up to a maximum, dependent on quality) 25%
Total: 100%
[ ** as supporting evidence for this part you are required to submit a video file of your system in operation over a sample of the data make sure your video shows both the colour and disparity images. This can be constructed using OpenCV directly or any tool of your choice. File size must be less than 20Mb in size, video format in use must playback in the VLC tool ]
Submission :
You must submit the following:
Full program source code together with any required additional files for your final
solution to the above task as a working python script meeting the above additional
program specifications for testing. Include all supporting python files and clear
instructions ( e.g. in a README.txt) on how to run it on the stereo dataset (TTBB... images).
Example video file showing general performance on some of the example data (see above)
Report (max. 750 words) detailing your approach to the problem and the success of your
solution in the task specified. Provide any illustrative images (as many as you feel
necessary) of the intermediate results of the system you produc e (overlays, results of
processing stages etc.) Remember that any titles, captions, tables, references, and graphs do
not count towards the total word count of the report.
Summarise the success of your system in detecting and range estimating scene objects in the
data set. Submit this as a PDF (not in any other format).
Make it clear in the initial comments of your source code how to run your Python script. Your executable must run on one of the lab based PCs (either on Windows or Linux via OpenCV 4.1.x) ensure compatibility before submission.
Plagiarism: You must not plagiarise your work. You may use program source code from the provided course examples, the OpenCV library itself or any other source BUT this usage must be acknowledged in the comments of your submitted file. Automated software tools (e.g. may be used to initially detect cases of potential source code plagiarism in this practical exercise which will include automatic comparison against code from previous year groups. Attempts to hide plagiarism by simply changing comments/variable names will be detected.
You should have been made aware of the Durham University policy on plagiarism. Anyone unclear on this must consult the course lecturer prior to submission of this practical.
To submit your work create a directory named as your username (e.g. cxfh123 ). Place all required files in this directory using, ZIP compress/archive this entire directory structure (not rar or .z7 or anything else please – as this breaks the automated extract/test tools) and submit it via DUO (late submissions will be penalised following departmental policy).
Submission Deadline: 2pm (UK time) on 6th December 2019