Possible Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Various Object-Oriented
代写report | assembly代做 | assignment – 该题目是一个常规的report的练习题目代写, 涉及了report/assembly等代写方面, 这个项目是assignment代写的代写题目
EECS 2011 Section N Winter 2021
assignment 1
Possible Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Various Object-Oriented
Approaches in the Design and Implementation of Software
A. Description of the Assignment
Imagine that a software company wants to know as much as possible about the possible advantages and disadvantages of using various object-oriented approaches in the design and implementation of software, and that company has assigned you the task of writing a report to identify and explain the possible advantages and disadvantages of using various object-oriented approaches in the design and implementation of software in your report which will be read and used by managers and technical staff of that company to make decisions on whether to adopt various object-oriented approaches in the design and implementation of that companys software.
B. Requirements
(a) An important requirement is that you should try to provide as many as possible detailed examples when explaining the possible advantages and disadvantages of using various object-oriented approaches in the design and implementation of software in your report.
(b) You should try to organize your report in a way such that it is easy to understand and use. The reader should be able to find information on a particular topic as quickly as possible, and be introduced to important concepts and issues at a "higher level" first, before getting into "lower level" details.
(c) The report must clearly identify which sources of information you have used in which components of this assignment.
(d) If a good explanation/example on some possible advantage or disadvantage of using some object-oriented approach(es) in the design and implementation of software already exists in a book or paper that has been published by a publisher or posted on a website, you may include it together with the other explanations/examples you have written yourself in your report, on the condition that you must clearly identify and attribute the source of each original individual existing explanation/example that you have either improved upon or included with or without modification; and explain in detail exactly which improvements you have made to the original, if any, in your report. You may assemble existing explanations/examples to form a more complete explanation of some possible advantage or disadvantage of using some object-oriented approach(es) in the design and implementation of software, or add your own improvements on existing explanations/examples, on the condition that the source of each of the existing
explanations/examples is clearly identified and attributed, and you clearly identify which particular element(s) of the resulting assembly or particular element(s) of the resulting explanations/examples are your own work. If you have provided a written explanation/example that cannot be found anywhere else, you should explicitly identify it as such.
(e) The report must contain a table of contents, and must be clearly divided into sections and subsections, with section and subsection headings. Page numbers must be included.
The format for the references in report, should be similar to the format of the references in the following paper:
(f) Drawings, if any, must be produced electronically with a drawing program. All the drawings must be accompanied by figure numbers and captions.
C. What to Hand In
- You are required to submit an electronic copy of the written report to the 2021N W eClass folder titled 2011N W21 Assignment 1.
- The required format of the submitted written report is PDF.
D. Evaluation of the Assignment
The weight of this assignment is 15% of your final course grade.
Your assignment will be evaluated according to:
(a) The quality, completeness, and originality of the explanation and examples of the possible advantages and disadvantages of using various object-oriented approaches in the design and implementation of software.
(b) The clarity, readability and organization of the written report.
E. Important Notes
E1. Please note that this assignment must be completed independently by each student.
E2. Any form of collaboration or any form of collusion between each student and anyone else on this assignment is strictly forbidden.
E3. Please read very carefully York University Policies and the EECS Department Policies regarding academic dishonesty and plagiarism at: http://www.cse.yorku.ca/admin/coscOnAcadHonesty.html
E3. Please be very vigilant about preventing academic dishonesty and plagiarism when completing this assignment, as the consequences of violating York University Policies and the EECS Department Policies regarding academic dishonesty and plagiarism can be very serious.
E4. Please note that the due date of Sunday February 28, 2021, 23:59 for submitting the assignment CANNOT be extended. For any special circumstances, properly complete the "2011N W21 Request for Special Consideration" form and uploaded it to eClass within the deadlines. By uploading that document properly, the weight of the missing report will be transferred to that of your final exam. Technical issues with your computer/internet, or having a heavy workload are not considered as special circumstances.
F. Notes
Please note that the requirements specified in section B. Requirement above, are the minimum requirements that must be satisfied by your report. Obviously, there are many other possible details about what could be included concerning the possible advantages and disadvantages of using various object-oriented approaches in the design and implementation of software that have been left unspecified. In general it is up to each individual student to make his/her individual judgment regarding details such as what specific material to include in the report, the length of writing in the report, and how to organize and structure the material in the report, and any other possible details about the report.