Module 3 – Threads
代写security | Data structure | thread作业 | java代写 | 代做Operating Systems – 该题目是一个常规的thread的练习题目代写, 涵盖了security/Data structure/thread/java/Operating Systems等方面
Reading: Chapter 4 (Silberschatz)
Understanding the concept of threads and
its relationship to the process
Understand how the operating systems
manage and use the threads.
######## The execution thread in the processes
######## Multi-thread versus single thread (the
######## thread)
User level threads and kernel level threads
######## The challenges of "Threading"
######## Examples of threads
Characteristics of processes
######## Resource ownership unit – a process has:
an addressable virtual space containing the
process image
other resources (files, I / O units …)
######## Execution unit (dispatching) – a process is
######## executed along a path among several
######## programs
execution nested among the execution of
several processes
the process has an execution state and a
priority for scheduling
######## Owns its memory, files, resources, etc.
######## Protected access to memory, files,
######## resources of other processes
Process characteristics
######## These 2 characteristics are perceived as
######## independent by some OS
######## The execution unit is usually denoted by
######## execution thread
######## The unit of resource ownership is usually
######## referred to as process
Resource ownership unit
Related to the following
components of the
process image
The part of the PCB which
contains identification
and resource structures
Memory containing the
execution code
Memory containing global
State of
Process image
Execution unit
######## Related to the
######## following components
######## of the process image
Processor state
Scheduling structure
State of
Process image
######## The execution thread in the processes
######## Multi-thread versus single thread (the
######## thread)
User level threads and kernel level threads
######## The challenges of "Threading"
######## Examples of threads
Threads = lightweight processes
######## A thread is a subdivision of a process
A control thread in a process
######## The different threads of a process share
######## addressable space and resources of a
######## process
when a thread modifies a variable (not local),
all other threads see the modification
a file opened by one thread is accessible to
other threads (of the same process)
######## The MS-Word process involves several
######## threads:
Interacting with the keyboard
Arrangement of characters on the page
Regular backup of work done
Spell check
######## These threads share all the same
######## document
Single and multi-threaded processes
Threads and processes [Stallings]
######## Has an execution status (ready, blocked,
######## etc.)
######## Has its stack and a private space for local
######## variables
######## Has access to the addressable space, files
######## and resources of the process to which it
######## belongs
In common with the other threads of the same
Why threads
######## Responsiveness: a process can be
######## subdivided into several threads, e.g. one
######## dedicated to interacting with users, the
######## other dedicated to processing data
One can run as long as the other is blocked
######## Use of multiprocessors: threads can run in
######## parallel on different CPUs
Switching between threads is less
expensive than switching between
######## A process has memory, files, other
######## resources
######## Changing from one process to another
######## involves saving and restoring the state of it
######## all.
######## Switch from one thread to another in the
######## same process is much simpler, involves
######## saving CPU registers, stack, and little else
Communication is also less expensive
between threads than between
######## Since threads share their memory,
communication between threads in the same
process is more efficient than communication
between processes
Creation is less expensive
######## Creating and terminating new threads in an
######## existing proc is also less expensive than
######## creating a proc.
Kernel and user threads
######## Where to implement the threads:
In user libraries
POSIX Pthreads, java threads, Win32 threads
In the kernel of the OS:
kernel controlled
Windows XP / 2000, Solaris, Linux, True
Mixed solutions
Solaris 2, Windows 2000 / NT
User and kernel threads (kernel)
user threads: supported by user libraries or prog language efficient because ops on threads do not request system calls disadvantage: the kernel is not able to distinguish between state of process and state of threads in the process blocking a thread implies blocking the process
kernel threads: directly supported by the OS kernel (WIN NT, Solaris) the kernel is able to directly manage the states of the threads It can assign different threads to different CPUs
Mixed solutions: user and kernel threads
Relationship between user threads and kernel threads
many to one
one by one
many to many ( 2 models)
We must take into consideration several levels:
User thread
Kernel thread
Processor (CPU)
####### Multiple user threads for a kernel thread:
######## the user controls the threads
OS does not know user threads
v. advantages and disadvantages mentioned before
Solaris Green Threads
GNU Portable Threads
One to one: the OS controls the threads
Ops on threads are system calls
Allows another thread to run when a thread
executes a blocking system call
Win NT, XP, OS / 2
Linux, Solaris 9
Thread utilisateur
Thread noyau
####### Many to many: mixed solution (M: M – many to
####### many)
Uses both user threads and kernel threads
Flexibility for the user to use the technique he prefers
If a user thread blocks, its kernel thread can be assigned to another
If more. UCT are available, plus. kernel threads can run at the same time
Some versions of Unix, including Solaris before version 9
Windows NT / 2000 with the ThreadFiberpackage
Multithreads and monothreads
######## MS-DOS supports a single-threaded user
######## process
######## UNIX SVR4 supports multiple single-
######## threaded processes
######## Solaris, Widows NT, XP and OS2 support
######## multiple multithreaded processes
######## The execution thread in the processes
######## Multi-thread versus single thread (the
######## thread)
User level threads and kernel level threads
######## The challenges of "Threading"
######## Examples of threads
Threading challenges
How beautiful it is to have children, but what are the
practical consequences?
Semantics of system calls fork () and exec()
Canceling threads
A group of threads (pools)
Thread-specific data
Fork () and exec () semantics
######## Does fork () copy only the calling thread or
######## all the threads?
Often two versions available
######## What does exec() do?
It replaces the address space, so all threads
are replaced
Cancellation of thread
The termination of the thread before it is finished.
Two general approaches:
Asynchronous cancellation which ends the child
May leaveshareddata in a badstate
Some resourcesare not released.
Deferred cancellation
Use a flag thatthe childchecks to see if it should
cancel its execution
Gives a smooth ending
Wire groupings (Thread Pools)
A server process can service its requests by
creating a thread for each request
Thread creation takes time
No control over the number of threads, which can
increase the load on the system.
Let's create a number of threads waiting for work
The creation time only takesplace at the beginningof
the creationof the group of children
The number of running threads is limitedby the size
of the group
thread-specific data
######## Allows each thread to have a private copy
######## of data
######## Useful when the control of the creation of
######## the thread is limited (ie in a group of
######## threads).
######## The execution thread in the processes
######## Multi-thread versus single thread (the
######## thread)
User level threads and kernel level threads
######## The challenges of "Threading"
######## Examples of threads
Examples of thread libraries
####### Pthreads
####### Win32
####### Java threads
A POSIX standard (IEEE 1003.1c) of an API for the
creation and synchronization of threads
The API specifies the behavior of the thread
library (its realization depends on the developer)
Common in UNIX Operating Systems (Solaris,
Linux, Mac OS X)
Typical functions:
pthread_create (& threadid, & attr, start_routine, arg)
pthread_exit (status)
pthread_join (threadid, status)
pthread_attr_init (& attr)
Programming exercise with threads
Goal:Write a matrix multiplication program withseveralthreads, to
takeadvantageof severalCPUs.
Program for multiplication withsingle thread of matrix A and B of order
for (i = 0; i <n; i ++)
for (j = 0; j <n; j ++) {
C [i, j] = 0;
for (k = 0; k <n; k ++)
C [i, j] + = A [i, k] * B [k, j];
To make ourlife easier:
We have 6 CPUs and n is a multiple of 6
How to start? Ideas?
Matrix multiplication with multi-threads
- creationof 6 threads
- eachthread solves 1 / 6 of matrix C
- waitfor the end of the 6 threads
- matrix C can now beused
Thread 0
Thread 1
Thread 2
Thread 3
Thread 4
Thread 5
Let’s go!
pthread_t tid [ 6 ]; pthread_attr_t attr; int i;
pthread_init_attr (& attr); for (i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i ++) / * creation of work threads * / pthread_create (& tid [i], & attr, worker, & i);
for (i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i ++) / * let’s wait until all are finished * / pthread_join (tid [i], NULL);
/ * matrix C can now be used * / …
Let’s go!
void *worker (void * param)
int i, j, k;
int id = * ((int *) param); / * interpret the param
as pointer to an integer * /
int low = id * n / 6;
int high = (id + 1) * n / 6;
for (i = low; i <high; i ++)
for (j = 0; j <n; j ++)
C [i, j] = 0;
for (k = 0; k <n; k ++)
C [i, j] = A [i, k] * B [k, j];
pthread_exit (0);
Let’s go!
- Do weneedto passA, B, C and n as a parameter?
- no, they are in shared memory, we are good
- Have the IDs been passed?
- not really, pointers all receivethe same address.
int id[6];
for (i = 0; i <6; i ++) / * create the working
threads * / {
id [i] = i;
pthread_create (& tid [i], & attr, worker, & id
Now does it work?
- should, …
Win32 thread API
// create a thread
ThreadHandle = CreateThread (
NULL, // default security attributes
0, // default stack size
Summation, // function to execute
& Param, // parameter to thread function
0, // default creation flags
& ThreadId); // returns the thread ID
if (ThreadHandle! = NULL) {
WaitForSingleObject (ThreadHandle, INFINITE);
CloseHandle (ThreadHandle);
printf ("sum =% d \n", Sum);
Java Threads
Java threads are created with a call to
the start () method of a class that
Extends the Thread class, or
Uses the Runnable interface:
publicabstractvoidrun ();
Java threads are an important part of
the Java language which offers a
feature rich API.
Extend the Thread class
classWorker 1 extendsThread
publicvoidrun () {
System.out.println ("I Am a Worker Thread");
publicstaticvoidmain (String args []) {
Worker 1 runner = newWorker 1 ();
runner.start ();
System.out.println ("I Am The Main Thread");
The Runnable interface
classWorker2 implementsRunnable
publicvoidrun () {
System.out.println ("I Am a Worker Thread");
publicstaticvoidmain (String args []) {
Runnable runner = newWorker2 ();
Thread thrd = newThread (runner);
thrd.start ();
System.out.println ("I Am The Main Thread");
Attach Threads
classJoinableWorker implementsRunnable { publicvoidrun () { System.out.println ("Worker working"); } }
publicclassJoinExample { publicstaticvoidmain (String [] args) { Thread task = newThread (newJoinableWorker ()); task.start ();
try{task.join (); }
catch(InterruptedException ie) {}
System.out.println ("Worker done"); } }
Thread cancellation
Thread thrd = newThread (new InterruptibleThread ());
Thrd.start ();
// now interrupt it
Thrd.interrupt ();
Examples of I/O Thread Implementation
####### Windows XP
####### Linux
####### Java
Windows XP Threads
One to one model
Each thread contains
A thread identifier (id)
A set of registers
Differentuser and kernel stacks
Private data memory
The set of registers, stacks, and private memory form
the context of the thread
The main data structures of a thread include:
ETHREAD (executive thread block)
KTHREAD (kernel thread block)
TEB (thread environment block)
Windows XP Threads
Java threads
######## Java threads are managed by the JVM
The producer – consumer pb
A classic problem in the study of communicating
a process producer produces data (e.g. records from a
file) for a process consumer
a print pgm produces characters - consumed by a
an assembler produces object modules which will be
consumed by the loader
Requires a buffer to store produced items (waiting
to be consumed)
Communication buffers
1 deal
1 deal 1 deal 1 deal
If the buffer is of length 1, the producer and consumer must
necessarily go at the same speed
Longer length buffers allow some independence. Eg. on the right the
consumer was slower
The bounded buffer (bounded buffer)
######## a fundamental Data structure in OS
b[ 0 ] b[1]
b[ 7 ] b[ 2 ]
b[6] b[3]
b[5] b[4]
####### or
out: 1st pos. full
in: 1 st pos.
free b[ 0 ] b[1] b[2] b[ 3 ] b[4] b[ 5 ] b[6] b[7]
in: 1 st pos.
out: 1st
pos. full
blue: full, white: free
The bounded buffer is in the memory shared between consumer
and user
The producer – consumer pb
publicclassFactory { publicFactory () { // first create the message buffer MessageQueue mailBox = newMessageQueue ();
// now create the producer and consumer threads
Thread producerThread = newThread (newProducer (mailBox));
Thread consumerThread = newThread (newConsumer (mailBox));
producerThread.start ();
consumerThread.start ();
publicstaticvoidmain (String args []) { Factory server = newFactory (); } }
Producer thread
classProducer implementsRunnable
privateMessageQueue mbox;
publicProducer (MessageQueue mbox) {
this.mbox = mbox;
publicvoidrun () {
Message date;
while(true) {
SleepUtilities.nap ();
message = newDated();
System.out.println ("Producer produced"+ message);
// produce an item & enter it into the buffer
mbox.send (message);
Consumer thread
classConsumer implementsRunnable
privateMessageQueue mbox;
publicConsumer (MessageQueue mbox) {
this.mbox = mbox;
publicvoidrun () {
Message date;
while(true) {
SleepUtilities.nap ();
// consume an item from the buffer
System.out.println ("Consumer wants to consume.");
message = (Date) mbox.receive ();
yew(message! = null)
System.out.println ("Consumer consumed"+ message);
Thank You!