ASP project
代写web | uml代做 | project | Asp | unity代写 – 这个题目属于一个Asp的代写任务, 涵盖了web/uml/Asp/unity等程序代做方面, 这个项目是project代写的代写题目
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The University of Melbourne
Department of Computing and Information Systems
Instructions to invigilators: Each student should initially receive a script book.
Instructions to Students:
- Answer all questions.
- The marks for each question are indicated at the beginning of each question.
- The marks a re an indication of how much time should be spent on the question.
- Clearly number each question.
- Make sure that you add your student number to each answer script.
This examination contributes 60% of your total marks for the subject.
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[9 marks]
Briefly explain each of the following terms:
- Actor
- Scenario
- Use Case
[9 marks]
Consider the following passage.
Ignoring the issue of how information is placed in the system, model this passage in a use case diagram.
[6 marks]
There is no point commencing design until we have a complete set of use cases, a complete domain model and a full set of system sequence diagrams.
Is this ever a valid position to take? What is the alternative? Discuss.
A museum plans to install tablet computers throughout for use by visitors. Initially the
tablets will (a) show visitors information about the adjacent exhibit (presented section by
section with the option to skip a section at any stage), with the possibility of a search for
exhibits related to the current on-screen topic (b) let visitors browse current topics of interest
from the media, with the possibility of a search for exhibits related to the current on-screen
topic (c) allow visitors to request urgent assistance from museum staff.
[2 4 marks]
This question relates to the following domain model. This model is similar but not identical to the model provided to you for project part B.
Question 4 Part 1. [ 9 marks]
Please answer true or false to each of the following, providing a brief justification for your answer:
a) For every passenger travelling on a train, a unique line colour can be determined
corresponding to the current line on which they are travelling.
b) If a platform in the real world is the only platform at its station, this model allows that
platform to be represented without its corresponding station.
c) For every passenger who departed a particular station, we can always determine a
direction of travel for them.
Question 4 Part 2. [ 15 marks]
Please draw extensions to the domain model meeting the requirements in the text box below. Only redraw elements (no need to include attributes if unchanged) from the original model if they are directly connected to new elements in the extension.
The Rail department wants to consider the impact of road crossings on the rail network.
They want to have information about roads including the road name (e.g. Swanston) and the
suffix (e.g. road, street, avenue), the road category (e.g. freeway, arterial, local), and an id
uniquely identifying the road in an external mapping system. They want to know
everywhere a road crosses a line (i.e. where the traffic must wait for a train, or a train for the
traffic, not where there are bridges or tunnels separating the two), and for each crossing, the
type of crossing (e.g. uncontrolled, traffic-controlled) and, if it is adjacent to a station, to
which station it is adjacent. Only one crossing between a particular line and a particular road
should be allowed.
[3 0 marks]
This question concerns a vending machine, represented by the uml class below and described in the textbox below.
Question 5 Part 1. [ 20 marks]
Draw a state machine for this vending machine, annotated to show use of the methods and attributes shown in the corresponding class below.
Question 5 Part 2. [ 10 marks]
Draw a sequence diagram covering a scenario where a customer encounters an error after selecting an apple juice (price $2:80), but successfully completes the purchase using a $1 coin and $2 coin after a technician fixes the problem. Include all method calls but lower level detail (e.g. attribute assignment) is not required.
[6 marks]
Two GR unity 代写3D unity”> Asp patterns/principles try to trade-off between representing an object-oriented system as a single complex object and representing it as many simpler but highly connected objects. Name and describe these patterns and the trade-off they represent.
When the vending machine is turned on, it will wait for the customer to select a product. It
will then wait for the customer to enter sufficient coins to pay for the product. Once the total
value of the coins is greater or equal to the price of the product, the vending machine will
dispense the product (no change is issued); prior to this, the customer can change their mind
and cancel the purchase which will refund any coins inserted and ready the machine for
another purchase. At any stage, an error may occur putting the machine into an error state
until the problem is corrected and an internal reset button is pressed by a technician.
class Vending_Machine
- state :{waitingForSelection,waitingForCoins,refundingCoins,dispensingProduct,outOfOrder}
- selected :Product
- runningTotal :int
- select(Product) :void
- available(Product) :boolean
- price(Product) :int
- dispense(Product) :void
- dispensingComplete() :void
- insert(Coin) :void
- value(Coin) :int
- cancel() :void
- refundCoins() :void
- refundingComplete() :void
- error() :void
- reset() :void
[18 marks]
Below is an incomplete UML class. The questions below relate to this class.
Question 7 Part 1. [12 marks]
This class represents the application (primarily) of three patterns. Name these patterns and briefly describe for each: the problem that they address, and how they address that problem.
Question 7 Part 2. [6 marks]
Write the method getAccountingAdaptor() in Java, assuming a data driven design which supports configuration of the software on a per site basis. You may assume the availability of reasonable library routines to support your implementation.
[18 marks]
Consider the sequence diagram below, relating to a store described in this textbox:
Draw a revised sequence diagram for an in-store product enquiry, and a sequence diagram for a product enquiry via a web portal. You may use UML frames to support this task. The functionality of the in-store enquiry should not change. Briefly explain the principles behind the system changes you have made.
A particular store supports customers enquiring about products: the store responds to this
enquiries later. The store applies a marketing strategy to decide how to respond to these
enquiries, and logs the resulting marketing event. As the store recognizes the importance of
its customers, it also logs every interaction with a customer, including the product enquiry
itself. The store wants customers to be able to make these enquiries via their web portal, and
would like to take the opportunity while making changes to clean up their system design.
i nst an c e : ServicesFactory
accountingA dapter : IAccountingAdapter
inventoryA dapter : IInv entory Adapter
taxCalculatorAdapter : ITaxCalculatorAdapter
getIns tance() : ServicesFactory
getAccountingAdapter() : IAccountingAdapter
getInv entoryA dapter() : IInv entory Adapter
g et TaxC alculatorAd ap ter() : ITaxCalculatorAdapter
sd Re g i ste r
Shop Assistant
C :Customer
P :Product
D :Customer
enquire(CustomerId, ProductId)
record(CustomerId, Action, ProductId)
C= getCustomer(CustomerId) :Customer
P= getProduct(ProductId) :Product
getCategory() :ProductCategory
getPrice() :int
enquire(CustomerId, Product, ProductCategory, Price)
D= getCustomer(CustomerId) :CustomerApplyMarketingStrategy()