作业Algorithm | 作业project | IT代写 – Final Project Description

Final Project Description

作业Algorithm | 作业project | IT代写 – 这道题目是利用IT进行的编程代写任务, 包括了Algorithm/IT等方面, 这是值得参考的project代写的题目

project代写 代写project

Deep Learning (COMP 5970 / 6970 / 6976)
Spring 2019
Instructor: Dr. Anh Nguyen

1 Overall

The final project of this class is in place of a final exam. The project would require students to design and implement a solution to a problem of their choice. Grades:This project replaces the regular in-class written final exam. IT carries in total 40% of the entire course grade. Teams:Each project is a group work to be done strictly by 2 or 3 students only. Projects can have two types:

  • Application: students pick a problem of interest (e.g. detecting diabetes from images of eyes), and explore how best to apply learning algorithms to solve it.
  • Research: students pick a problem or family of problems (e.g. fine-grained image classifi- cation), and develop a new learning algorithm, or a novel variant of an existing algorithm, to solve it. They could also propose to study an existing method in-depth providing new scientific insights.

See here for example projects. Project proposalshould be a 1-page pdf describing:

  1. Motivation:What is the problem that you will be investigating? Why is it interesting?
  2. Data:What data will you use? How to get them?
  3. Methods:What method or Algorithm are you proposing/modifying from?
  4. Background: What reading will you examine to provide context and background?
  5. Evaluation: How will you evaluate your results?

2 Deliverables

The deliverables of the final project include three items:

  1. A technical report(term paper) in a scientific paper format (using the NIPS Latex) describ- ing your class project. It should include (1) Intro and Motivation; (2) Related work; (3) Data & Methods; (4) Results; (5) Conclusion.Page limit:8 pages excluding references. Optionally, you could include more materials in the Appendix (if you have).
  2. A short video(no more than 5 minutes) describing your project and results. One could use MS Powerpoint to create slides and save them as a video or other means.

Deep Learning class 5970/6970/6976 (Spring 2019)

  1. A presentation.You would be asked to present your project in front of the class during week 16 (04/23 04/25) (seehttp://s.anhnguyen.me/2019/6970/schedule.htm). You could choose to talk with slides or optionally show the video above. Total time: only 8 minutes (excluding Q&A).

Notes:The exact date for your presentation is to be determined last minute (to be fair with everyone). That means you want to beready to present on 04/23.