作业report | 代写Artificial | project | unity | AI代做 – COMP3106: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

COMP3106: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

作业report | 代写Artificial | project | unity | AI代做 – 该题目是一个常规的unity的练习题目代写, 涵盖了report/Artificial/unity/AI等方面, 这个项目是project代写的代写题目

project代写 代写project

Course Project

Winter 2022 School of Computer Science Carleton University

Three components (22% of the overall grade in total): project Proposal Due:March 10, 2022 Project Presentation:Week of April 11 15, 2022 Project report Due:April 18, 2022

Project Team

Course projects must be undertakenin teams of 2 or 3 students. It isup to you to find your team members and form your project team. Each student on a team will receive the same grade for the project; it is up to the team members to divide the work fairly. Each project will be expected to solve a problem using AI methodologies.

Course Project

Your course project is an opport unity to get you totackle a problem using Artificial intelligence methodologiesand collaborate in teams. You can choose your own problem for this project. For example, you can solve a natural language processing problem, an image/video analysis problem, a robotic control problem, or a medical/health data analysis problem. If you need some suggestions, you may check the list of Kaggle Competition tasks at https://www.kaggle.com/competitions or the KDD Cup at https://kdd.org/kdd-cup. For any problem you decide to tackle, you will need to find available data sets, analyze the problem, develop or implement artificial intelligence methodologies to solve the problem. As shown at the top of this documents and in the course outline, the project has three components: (1) a project proposal, (2) a live presentation of the work, and (3) a project report detailing the work completed.

Formatting requirements: Both the project proposal and the project report need to be submitted as a single pdf file with the standard page format:

  • Page size: 8. 5 11 inches
  • Margins: 1 1 .2 inch from each edge of the page
  • Font size: 11
  • Single line spacing

Project Proposal

For project proposal, each team needs to submit a pdf file withup to 2 pagesthat contains (1) the title of the project, (2) team members names, (3) a description of the problem your team is addressing, and (4) a very brief description (a few sentences) about the AI methods


you plan to use. The proposal is intended to ensure you have formed your project team, chosen a problem, and started working on the project. You are allowed to change your methodologies during the development process of the project.

Project Presentation

The project presentation will take place during the week of April 1115, 2022. Each team will provide a live and synchronous presentation about their project using PowerPoint slides and demos. The specific instruction and time schedule will be provided later.

Project Report

Each team need to submit their report as a single pdf file withno more than 10 pages and include the following components.

1.Title and Authors
2.Abstract.It should not be more than 150 words.
3.Introduction. As clearly as possible, describe the problem you are addressing and
the related background information and knowledge. How does the project fit into the
topic area? State the challenge and difficulties of the problem. State the objectives
and contributions of the project.
4.Approach. As clearly as possible, describe the AI methods you used to address the
problem, and clearly specify the final system(s) that were implemented. Explain why
you implemented the systems in the way you did, what are the differences of your
work from previous works in the area, and what are the advantages/disadvantage of
your methods/systems. For any approach or any material that is not developed by
you, you must provide clear citations.
5.Results/Outcomes and Discussions. If applicable, describe your datasets and whether
they are appropriate to address the objectives. Describe how are the methods evalu-
ated and why you adopted the particular evaluations. As clearly as possible, explain
your experimental setting, present your results/outcomes (using tables, figures, etc.,
in addition to system demo (if applicable)), and discuss your results/outcomes.
6.Conclusion. What conclusions can you draw from doing this project? Are there
any potential improvements or future work for the project?
7.User Manual. (If applicable) For system you implemented, please describe the pri-
mary features of the implementation, and provide instructions on how to use/interact
with the implementation. This part should be no more than 2 page.
8.References (if applicable). The references should be no more than 1 page.

The instructor and TAs may request your implementation package for the project after the report due date. When requested, you should submit them promptly on the same day.