Project Title: Develop an adventure game to educate
作业web | 代做security | project | css作业 | ios代写 – 这道题目是利用ios进行的编程代写任务, 包括了web/security/css/ios等方面, 该题目是值得借鉴的project代写的题目
children about cyber security.
Background: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the usage of mobile
devices is becoming more common for work, study or entertainment. Risks associated with security and privacy issues also arises as a result. However, children are considered as the most vulnerable target to such cyber-attacks, as they are still young and are not experienced towards these risks. Therefore, this project aims to develop a scenario-based adventure game to educate and raise the awareness of the children.
Requirements: The adventure game should be interactive and should
be built using simple web programming languages, such as HTML, css and JavaScript. Initial requirements are as the following:
- Should be built on website
- Should have different levels (Easy, Normal, Hard)
- Should allow players to choose default characters (2-3 Characters)
- Should allow players to decide which specific actions or paths to take in each scenario
- Should have a scoreboard at the end to display the number of points awarded
- Should have a brief summary on the lesson learned
The content of each of the scenar ios for different levels will be provided.
Wireframe: The wireframe below shows a brief overview of how the
game should flow, where each rectangle represents a webpage.