Frontend Assessment – Student Profiles
作业web | Asp | 作业unity | html | assignment代写 – 这个题目属于一个web的代写任务, 是比较有代表性的web/Asp/unity/html等代写方向, 该题目是值得借鉴的assignment代写的题目
The goal of this assessment is to replicate the frontend application below as close as possible. You are allowed to use any frontend framework (React.js, Vue.js, etc.) or use plain Javascript, HTML, and CSS. We recommend usinga frontend framework as the later parts of the assessment will be very difficult without it.
If you notice something is not working (like the API, or any of the links in this document), please [email protected].
This assessment will be evaluated based on the following criteria: Correctness: Is your solution complete and does it pass different test cases? Code Organization, Readability, & Maintainability: Is your code easy to read and well organized? Code Performance: Is your code efficient? Did you use appropriate data structures? Best Practices: Did you utilize good programming practices (write unit tests, avoid anti-patterns)? Did you show a good gr unity 代写3D unity”> Asp of your language/framework of choice?
We use thefollowing rubricto evaluate your submission. Please note that if your submission does not attempt to complete all of the requirements, we will be unable to provide feedback on it.
The assessment is broken into 5 parts to make it easier to complete. You just need to submit one version with as much functionality as you can.
Public Repositories
Do not post your solution to a public repository. We understand that you may want to share projects you have worked on, but many hours go into developing our tools so we can provide a fair skills evaluation. Posting this assessment online impacts our ability to judge candidates fairly and equitably.
Part 1
The first step of the assignment is to fetch data from this public JSON API, and present the information on the screen. The route to fetch the data is:
method: GET
You do not need any credentials to access the URL above. It should also have CORS set up, so you should be able to access the data from the browser.
The goal of this part is to present the data on the screen. Do not worry about styling as you will be doing that in a future step.
Part 2
The second step of the assignment is to style the web page. Replicate the style of the image and gif below as best as you can. The font used in the image isRaleway. Please also make the page mobile responsive, so that it works on screens of all sizes.
Below is a picture of what it should look like, andhere is a link to a videoto show you how the scrolling should work.
Part 3
In this part, you are going to add a text input, where a user can filter the list of students by their name (including full name!). Below are a few images of what this should look like.Here is a video of the filtering in action.
Part 4
In this part, you are going to make each student have an expandable list view, so that all of their test scores may be viewed. See the images below for what the expanded view should look like. See the images below for what the view should look like when expanded.Here is a video as well of what it shouldlook like.
Required: the plus should be an html button, and ifthe button is clicked on, the expansion will toggle
Part 5
Finally, you will add a text input field to add tags for a specific student. Here is what it looks like (adding a tag called new tag):
You will then add another search bar to search for students based on tags. A strong submission will have this functionality: If a name is entered in the search by name input, and a tag is entered in the search by tag input, results that include both the name and tag should be shown.
Here is a video of the tag searching in action.
The next page contains an example of filtering by tag and name at the same time as well as submission instructions.
Submission Details
Please submit your code in a compressed folder on theHatchways platform. The max submission size is 5MB.
Upon clicking the submission button, you will see a form as pictured below. We need this information to be able to test your application.
- Choose which language and additional technologiesyou used to develop your solution. Be sure to select the appropriate version for the language you have used.
- Provide us with the install command , the run command ,and the port that you used to run your application.
- If you cannot find your commands in our suggestions, simply type your own and select Use command.
Please note that these commands will be used to run automated tests, so filling in every relevant field and providing accurate commands will allow you to receive feedback more quickly on your submission. If you have any notes to provide about your submission, please put them in a README, not in the submission form. Additionally, note that the install and run commands will be run from the root level of your submission, so please organize your files accordingly.
Do not submit any built folders, since the compressed folder will be too large. Do not submit your external dependencies (like the node_modules folder), since the compressed folder will be too large.We will be installingyour dependencies before we run your code.
If your submission is too big and you can’t figur e out how to compress, you are welcome to email your solution [email protected]. Pleaseinclude your name, and use the email you signed up with on the Hatchways platform. Use the subject line Front-end Assessment Submission.