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Assignment #2.

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Rewrite Research Problem Statement for Your Selected Study

This assignment is worth 25% / 25 points of your grade and is due on March 2 by 7:00 pm.

Research Problem Statements are the Most Important Part of an Introduction

In an excellent research article, a problem statement guides the reader to understand the rationale for the problem and a rationale for its solution. Some criteria for a well-written research problem statement include:

  1. It helps you understand a restricted set of phenomena,
  2. It describes the interrelations between variables, and
  3. It offers a potential or hypothetical solution to the problem.

Thus, a research problem statement is a concise and focused statement that provides….

  1. An explanatory expression of a problem that identifies specific variables and Includes: (a) a supposition that the variables identified hold a certain relation to each other and (b) presuppositions to justify the supposition.
  2. An operational expression of the same problem.

An explanatory expression of a research problem is a relatively abstract and general statement of the research problem with specific variables and relations between variables clarified. Some people refer to this as the theoretical statement of the problem. A supposition is another name for a hypothesis. A supposition is a supposed relation between variables. Some research does not have suppositions, such as descriptive research. Presuppositions are the justification for suppositions; they were suppositions that typically originate from previous research or theories and represent the key research that supports a supposition. A presupposition is a truth, a postulate, or a principle. Taken together with results of data analyses, the presuppositions will determine how believable the supposition is. The operational expression of the research problem is the translation of the problem in more specific and concrete terms. In effect, it is the research problem reduced to research operations or strategy.

Your task. Determine if the Introduction section of the article you have selected has the four components of a research problem statement. They are not likely to be written as one paragraph and, in many cases, there will not be an operational expression of the problem. You task is to pull the information together into one paragraph of no more than 300 words and supply missing information, if necessary.

Grading. This is the most important writing assignment in the course and is worth 25% or 2 5 total points. Specific examples of concisely written Research Problem Statements will be provided in class. The statement is due by 7:00 pm on March 3 and should be less than 500 words, double spaced. It is recommended that you turn on spell checking, punctuation, and grammar reviews on your writing software and attend to these before submitting your paper. The following evaluation framework and scoring guide will be used to evaluate your paper.

Focus Area
Evaluative Rating
1= inadequate
(on time & within word count)
Max 1 pt.
Max 2 pt.
Max 2 pt.
Explanatory Statement of
the Problem
Supposition(s) specified
Presupposition(s) specified
Operational Statement of
the Problem
Total (Possible 25 points)

Submission of the assignment. No later than Thursday, March 2 nd by 7:00 pm, please submit an electronic copy of your Research Problem Statement to Canvas.

Please use the following file naming format for your paper: