CMPT-300-Spring-2023/ a4-a4-tianyuc Private
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CMPT 300 assignment 4: System Calls
Total points: 100
Overall percentage: 13%
Due: Wed Apr 12, 23:59:59 PT
This assignment may be completed individually or in a group (up to three people).
Note: As usual, all code must be written in C and run on a Linux machine. We will grade your
code on a Linux machine. You should create a directory for this assignment, such as
~/cmpt300/a4/ and put all files related to this assignment in it.
You can do the assignment as a group of up to 3 people if you'd like. If you do, make sure
that everyone joins the same team on GitHub Classroom. When you accept the invite for this
assignment, you can create a team if no one else in your team has created a team, or join an
existing team.
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Note on Joining a Team on GitHub Classroom
Please make sure that you don’t join a team without prior consent. If that happens, it will be considered cheating as you can see the code that others have written.
Git with Your Team
When you collaborate with others with Git, it is best to communicate with each other frequently in order to avoid conflicts. For example, if you and your teammate edit the same part of the code and push it to the remote GitHub repo, it will create a conflict. Cases like this require manual merging, which is often difficult to get right. Thus, it is best to communicate with each other and know which parts of the code others are working on.
Also, make sure you frequently pull the latest updates from your remote GitHub repo by running git pull. Frequently doing this is very important.
Please follow the text below to understand the context, and attempt to finish the problems described.
To complete this assignment, you must first complete the tasks in the following two documents:
Custom Kernel Guide: how to download, build, and run a custom Linux kernel.
Guide to Linux System Calls: how to create and test a simple Linux system call (syscall).
The tasks in the above documents require significant effort to complete. Make sure you start them early. Without understanding the content in the above documents, you will not be able to complete this assignment.
You may also consult the official The Linux kernel documentation for reference:
Unreliable Guide To Hacking The Linux Kernel
Adding a New System Call
In this assignment, you will be coding in both user space and kernel space. Since it could take a long time to recompile and re-run a new kernel, you should code carefully!
The Array Statistics Syscall
First, add a new system call that computes some basic statistics (max, min, sum) on an array of data. In practice, it makes little sense to have this as a syscall; but it allows you to become familiar with accessing memory between user and kernel space before solving more complex and real problems that involve the interaction between kernel and user space.
In the kernel’s cmpt300 directory, create a file named array_stats.h with the following contents:
Then create a new syscall named array_stats (function sys_array_stats()):
Implement it in your kernel's cmpt300 directory in a file named array_stats.c, using
your previously defined array_stats.h header file: #include "array_stats.h".
Assign syscall number 437 to the new syscall (in syscall_64.tbl).
The syscall's signature should be:
stats: A pointer to one array_stats structure allocated by the user-space
application. Structure will be written to by the syscall to store the minimum,
maximum, and sum of all values in the array pointed to by data.
data: An array of long int values passed in by the user-space application.
size: The number of elements in data. Must be greater than 0.
The array_stats syscall must:
Set the three fields of the stats structure based on the data array. The values in data are
signed (positive or negative). Nothing special need be done if the sum of all the data
overflows/underflows a long.
Return 0 when successful.
Return -EINVAL if size <= 0.
Return -EFAULT if there is any error accessing stats or data.
Not allocate or use a large amount of kernel memory to copy the entire input data array
from user space.
// Define the array_stats struct for the array_stats syscall.
#ifndef _ARRAY_STATS_H_
#define _ARRAY_STATS_H_
struct array_stats {
long min;
long max;
long sum;
asmlinkage long sys_array_stats(struct array_stats *stats, long *data, long
Debugging: You can use printk() in the kernel to print out debug information. You may leave some of these printk() messages in your solution as these messages are not technically displayed by the user-space application. The messages you leave in should be helpful such as showing parameters values or errors it caught; they should not be of the sort "running line 17" or "past l oop 1." It is usually useful to printk() the parameters you are given, and printk() any error conditions you handle.
Memory access: Correct memory access is the hardest part of writing this syscall:
The kernel cannot trust anything it is given by a user-level application. Each pointer, for
example, could be: (a) perfectly fine, (b) null, (c) outside of the user program's memory
space, or (d) pointing to too small an area of memory. Since the kernel can read/write to
any part of memory, it would be very dangerous for the kernel to trust a user-level
Each read you do using a pointer passed in as input (a user-level pointer) should be
done via the copy_from_user(to, from, n) macro (defined in
include/linux/uaccess.h. This macro safely copies data from a user-level pointer to a
kernel-level variable: if there's a problem reading or writing the memory, it stops and
returns non-zero without crashing the kernel.
First use this macro to copy values into local variables (which are in the kernel's memory
space). Then, use these local variables in your program. The aforementioned "Unreliable
Guide" provides information about the macros.
You can create a local variable of type long inside your syscall function. Use
copy_from_user() to copy one value at a time from the user's data array into this
variable. If a copy fails (copy_from_user() returns non-zero) then have your syscall end
immediately and return -EFAULT.
Remember to double check that you only ever access the data array using
Note that you can directly access size because it is passed by value so there is no
possible problem access memory.
Likewise, when writing to a user-level pointer, use copy_to_user(to, from, n) which
checks the pointer is valid (non-null), inside the user-program's memory space, and is
writable (vs read-only). You can create a local variable of type struct array_stats
inside your syscall function. Compute the correct values in this struct first, then at the
very end use copy_to_user() to copy the contents to user's pointer.
Compilation: The kernel is compiled with the C90 standard; you must declare your variables at the start of a block (such as your function) instead of in the middle of your function.
User-space tests: A user-space test program is available under the tests directory to test your system call. You need to correctly provide array_stats.h. Your code will be marked based on passing these tests and other extra ones that we use for grading. You may want to run the tests one at a time by commenting out calls in main().
The Process Ancestors Syscall
In this section, you will implement a syscall which returns information about the current process, plus its ancestors (its parent process, it’s grandparent process, and so on).
In the kernel’s cmpt300 directory, create a file named process_ancestors.h with the following contents:
Then create new syscall named process_ancestors (function sys_process_ancestors()):
Implement it in your kernel's cmpt300 directory in a file named process_ancestors.c,
using your previously defined header file: #include "process_ancestors.h".
Assign syscall number 438 to the new syscall (in syscall_64.tbl).
The syscall's signature should be:
// Structure to hold values returned by process_ancestors sys-call
struct process_info {
long pid; /* Process ID */
char name[ANCESTOR_NAME_LEN]; /* Program name of process */
long state; /* Current process state */
long uid; /* User ID of process owner */
long nvcsw; /* # of voluntary context switches */
long nivcsw; /* # of involuntary context switches */
long num_children; /* # of children processes */
long num_siblings; /* # of sibling processes */
asmlinkage long sys_process_ancestors(struct process_info *info_array,
long size,
long *num_filled)
info_array: An array of process_info structs that will be written to by the kernel
as it fills in information from the current process on up through its ancestors.
size: : The number of structs in info_array. This is the maximum number of
structs that the kernel will write into the array (starting with the current process as
the first entry and working up from there). The size may be larger or smaller than
the actual number of ancestors of the current process: larger means some entries
are left unused (see num_filled); smaller means information about some processes
not written into the array.
num_filled: A pointer to a long integer. To this location the kernel will store the
number of structs (in info_array) which are written by the kernel. May be less than
size if the number of ancestors for the current process is less than size.
The process_ancestors syscall must:
Starting at the current process, fill the elements in info_array with the correct values.
Ordering: the current process's information goes into info_array[0]; the parent of the
current process into info_array[1]; grandparent into info_array[2] and so on.
Extra structs in info_array are left unmodified.
Return 0 when successful.
Returns -EINVAL if size <= 0.
Returns -EFAULT if any problems access info_array or num_filled.
You must not allocate or use a large amount of kernel memory to copy/store large arrays
Finally, create a user-space test program which calls your syscall and exercises its functionality, i.e., testing is your responsibility. You must write many test cases to make sure it works correctly, and that it generates correct error values for failure conditions (bad pointers, …). You can use asserts in your test code to test results and conditions. We will have an extensive test suit to exercise your solution. Make sure you put this program in the tests directory and submit everything necessary from there according to the submission requirements (so read the submission requirements carefully as well).
Data structure: You will make extensive use of the kernel’s task_struct structures: each process has a task_struct. You can find the task_struct for the current process using the macro current. For example, the PID for the currently running process on this CPU can be found with: long pid = current->pid;.
Basic Algorithm sketch: (1) Start from the current process and fill in fields for info_array[0]. (2) Move to the parent of this process (current->parent), and copy its info into info_array[1]. (3) Repeat until the parent of the process you are working on is itself (cur_task->parent == cur_task).
The first task spawned by Linux is its own parent, so its parent pointer points to itself.
This process has PID 0 and is the idle task (named swapper).
We recommend to first get the info on the current process and print it to the screen
(using printk) to ensure you have the correct values. Then you can work on getting the
data into the process_info structs and handling ancestors.
Notes on the fields of process_info :
Quite a few of the values can be pulled directly out of the task_struct structure. Look
for fields with a matching name. task_struct is defined in include/linux/sched.h (in
your kernel source code directory). To include this in your syscall implementation use:
#include. Here is a good online site to navigate the kernel source.
The name of the program for a process is stored in the task_struct.comm field.
The user ID for the owner of a process can be found inside the process's credentials
(cred field). Inside cred, you want to look at the uid field.
For counting the number of children and siblings, you'll want to start with the following
linked list nodes: task_struct.children, and task_struct.sibling.
These are nodes in circular linked lists. Linux uses the struct list_head for a node
because in a circular linked list, each node can be thought of as the head of the list.
You can follow the next field of a node in the list (a list_head) to get the node
(list_head) of the next element in the list.
It is a circular linked list, so you'll have to determine how to count the number of
elements (think of how you know when to stop following next pointers). Hint: Think
of addresses.
Note that Linux has some clever (complicated) ways of taking a node in the list
(which just has a next and prev field pointing to other list_head structures) and
accessing the full structure that contains the node. For example, given a list_head
struct that is in a task_struct, the kernel includes macros to give you the full
task_struct! However, you have (mercifully) been spared having to do this. If you
are interested, for fun try printing out the PID of each of the sibling processes.
Safe memory access is critical. Apply all the suggestions from the previous syscall for safe
memory access.
You can use the ps command in your QEMU virtual machine to display information on
running processes and verify the syscall output. See ps's man page for how to select
the information it displays.
Make sure you push your code before the deadline.
Make sure you push every file/directory that you want to submit, which includes the following:
The cmpt300 directory in your kernel source code, the Makefile and syscall_64.tbl
The tests directory that should contain all your user mode code. This directory should
include a Makefile that compiles your code and statically links everything as described
in Custom Kernel Guide.
If you did this assignment in a group, include also a file named in your repo root
directory that details each group member's contributions; each of you should contribute to a
reasonable share of the assignment, and every group member will receive the same marks.
Please remember that all submissions will automatically be compared for unexplainable
Grading Policies
Make sure you are familiar with the course policies. Especially, we do not accept late
submissions, so please submit on time by the deadline.
Your code must compile and run on Linux; you will receive a 0 if your code does not
compile. Sample solutions will not be provided for assignments.
Created by Mohamed Hefeeda and modified by Brian Fraser, Keval Vora, Tianzheng Wang,
and Steve Ko.
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C 98.2% assembly 1.2% Makefile 0.2% shell 0.2% Python 0.1% perl 0.1%