代做project | AI代做|project代写 | Python | 机器学习代写 | machine learning代写| 算法代写 – ECE241 Project 2 supplement

ECE241 Project 2 supplement

代做project | AI代做|project代写 | Python | 机器学习代写 | machine learning代写| 算法代写 – 这是一个AI面向对象设计的practice, 考察AI的理解, 是有一定代表意义的AI等代写方向, 该题目是值得借鉴的project代写的题目

project代写 代写project

Here are some additional hint and clarification for Project2.

  1. For this project, the main goal is to build an artist graph from the input file. So, it is not mandatory to have a SongLibrary or Song class. Since some students may need them, please submit all of them even you dont use them.
  2. In the Song class I provide, the following lines are designed for the project 1. You need to modify 5 to 6 in order to make it work for this project. Or you dont need to use that function. if len(tokens) != 5 : print(“incorrect song record”)
  3. For function find_new_friends(self), if should be find_new_friends(self, artist_name).
  4. Any function that is not required, such as generate_data, you can delete them or comment out. That is mainly from my own test.
  5. In the input data file, at the end of each line there is a \n. You need to remove it before parse the coArtists. Otherwise you will probably have Leon L AI and Leon Lai\n as two different artists. An easy way to do that is trim the string before you call the split. Like the following
string[:len(string)- 1 ].split(';')
  1. Here are some general information for the data, you are expected to get the same number using your code, otherwise you need to debug it. a. Total songs: 9709 (total lines in the input data) b. Total artist: 4394 (number of the vertices you need to make) c. Total edges: d. Total weights from the edges: If you encounter some differences about those numbers, you may think to limit the lines you read, like 200, to debug the code.
  1. Here are some examples for what you should get from each function a. artistGraph.search_artist(“Mariah Carey”) You should get the songs he wrote and his coArtist list as follows: (6, [‘Ana Popovic’, ‘Asleep At The Wheel’, ‘Backstreet Boys’, ‘Bob Wills’, ‘Gruppo Jazz Marca’,… …]
b. find_new_friends("Mariah Carey")
You should  get a   list    of  two hop neighbors   like:
['A Tundra',    'Aaron  Watson',    'Aftermath',    'Al Duvall', 'Alex',    'Alfredo    Gutirrez', 'Alkonost', ... ... ,   
'Winifred   Phillips',  'YZ']
c. recommend_new_collaborator("Mariah Carey")
You should  count   the songs   from    the weights in  2   hops.   For example,    if  Mariah 
Carey is   connected   to  AA with   weight  3   and AA connected to   BB with   
weight  5.  So  the importance  from    Mariah Carey to   BB is 3+5=8.  If  no  one 
have    higher  importance. You should  return  BB,   8   as  results.
d. shortest_path("Mariah Carey")
You should  return  a   Dictionary  that    contains    all the other   artists as  key and value   
as  the path    length  to  "Mariah Carey". The shortest    distance    distribution    is  like:
Which   satisfy the Six degrees of  separation very well.