代做uml – Homework 2 — Role Playing Games

Homework 2 — Role Playing Games

代做uml – 这道题目是利用uml进行的编程代写任务, 是比较有代表性的uml等代写方向

UML代写 OOP编程 面向对象代做

Due Jul 27 by 11:59pm Points 200

In many role-playing games (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Role-playing_game) , characters go into battle with some degree of attack and defense capabilities (represented as numerical values). These values can be modified by wearing different articles of clothing to either increase performance (attack) or minimize damage inflicted by other characters (defense). In this assignment, you are to represent the following types of clothing.

1. Head gear: These items go on the characters head (hats/helmets/visors) and are only useful for
2. Hand gear: These items go on the characters hands (gloves/swords/shield) and are only used
for attack. Since you have 2 hands, you can have 2 of these items.
3. Footwear: These items go on the characters feet (boots/sneakers/hoverboard) and can be for
attack or defense. Since you have 2 feet, you can have 2 of these items.

Each item has a name consisting of an adjective and a noun, in that order, and the amount that it modifies the characters attack and defense values.

Combining Items

When the game starts out, the characters start with an attack power and a defense strength. As they go through the game, they can pick up new items to add to those two values. The following rules apply:

They cannot pick up more items that they can hold. This means that they are limited to:
One piece of head gear
Two pieces of footwear
Two pieces of hand gear
The characters values do not change.
To be clever, when a character picks up two items of the same type, their names are combined,
they make a new piece of footwear that combines the powers and name. (Tom's note: let's make
the assumption that combining only happens when the player doesn't have empty slot for that
gear) The new name is the adjective from one item and the full name from the other. For instance,
to combine
Scurrying Sandals -- defense strength: 1, attack strength 0
Happy HoverBoard -- defense strength: 3, attack strength 1
You get
Scurrying, Happy HoverBoard -- defense strength: 4, attack strength 1
Only items of the same type have their names combined.

Part 1 Design

Before you start to write code, it is a good idea to design your solution. To do this, you need to understand what your program needs to do, decide what classes you will need, and what methods each class will need. It is a really good idea to think about how each of theses methods and classes could be tested to ensure the correctness of your implementation. Thinking about this early will make the coding process much easier. To help you with your design process, you are required to meet with your TA during the design meeting. You must bring your completed design and test plan to this meeting and be ready to explain why your design is the right way to solve the problem. Each design meeting will last approximately 15 minutes.

What to do

Design the data for the above in a way that captures their similarities and accurately represents the relevant data. Create interfaces/classes as you see fit in a way that allows one to create an outfit as specified above.

Write a testing plan that thoroughly tests your design. How do your tests convince someone else that your code works correctly? For each test in your design, you should specify what condition you are testing, what example data you will use to test that and what values you might expect a method to produce (the expected value ) when appropriate.

What to submit

A single PDF file with:

A  uml class diagram containing
The classes you will need
The relationships between the classes
What methods and variables those classes have (Tom's note: remember to show the
The visibility of those methods and variables
A testing plan including for each test case
Which condition you are testing (Tom's note: remember the exceptions!!)
What example(s) you would use to test that

You do not need any of your implementation or code.

Criteria for grading

Your design will be reviewed during your design meeting. During your meeting, you will be asked to walk us through your design. You should be prepared to discuss:

How will your design encapsulate the different types of items?
How you will represent the attributes of each type of item? Why?
What is your strategy for testing your solution? How will this convince someone else that your
code works correctly?

Part 2 – Development

What to do

Implement the class hierarchy that you specified in Part 1. Rather than creating a whole game, create a driver class that represents a battle. During a battle, two characters get total 10 possible items to choose from. This new class should:

Choose two characters Take two characters and a list of items as arguments to its contructor.
"Dress" those characters with items from the 10 possible choices. The two characters take turns
to dress themself. Each turn, the character can only choose one item. After an item is chosen, it is
removed from the following turns. The items should be chosen based on:
Which items can be combined Rule 1: Prefer the type of item that the character has available
slot for. For example, if the character already has 2 footwear, 1 hand gear and 1 helmet, the
character should try to choose 1 more hand gear.
Rule 2: if rule 1 leads to multiple choices, pick the item has the highest attack strength
Rule 3: If there is still a tie after Rule 1 and 2, pick the item has the highest defense strength
Rule 4: if there is yet still a tie after Rule 1,2,3, pick a random one.
For each turn, Print out each character in the fight along with what they are wearing and their
attack and defense strength
After all the 10 items are chosen, Print out who is the winner of the battle. The winner is
determined by who has less damage after a battle. Damage is calculated by one's opponent's
attack power minus that character's defense points. For example:
Player 1 has 8 attack points and 6 defense strength.
Player 2 has 4 attack points and 7 defense strength.
The battle ends with Player 1 having -2 units of damage and Player 2 having 1 unit of
Player 1 wins.
If there is a tie, it should be stated as such.


We expect your code to be well-commented using well-formed English sentences. The expectations are:

Each interface and class contains a comment above it explaining specifically what it represents.
This should be in plain language, understandable by anybody wishing to use it. Comment above
a class should be specific: it should not merely state that it is an implementation of a particular
Each public method should have information about what this method accomplishes (purpose), the
nature and explanation of any arguments, return values and exceptions thrown by it and whether
it changes the calling object in any way (contract).
If a class implements a method declared in an interface that it implements, and the comments in
the interface describe this implementation completely and accurately, there is no need to replicate
that documentation in the class.

What to submit

Log on to the Handins submission server (https://handins.ccs.neu.edu/) and upload a ZIP file of your assignment. Your ZIP file should contain three folders: src, test and res (even if empty).

All your code should be in src/.
All your tests should be test/.
Your original and revised design document should be in res/.
Submit a README.md file that documents how to use your program, which parts of the program are
complete, and design changes and justifications. The file should also include any necessary
citations (see syllabus).

Criteria for grading

You will be graded on:

Whether your code is well-structured and clean (i.e. not unnecessarily complicating things or
using unwieldy logic).
Whether your implementation matches your design.
Whether your code is well documented.
Whether your code is follows correct style (according to the style grader).