代写GUI | 代做javafx | java代写 – UI Controls

UI Controls

代写GUI | 代做javafx | java代写 – 本题是一个利用javafx进行练习的代做, 对javafx的流程进行训练解析, 涵盖了GUI/javafx等程序代做方面


  • UI Controls

javafx provides many UI controls for developing a comprehensive user interface. A graphical user interface (GUI) makes a program user-friendly and easy to use. Creating a GUI requires creativity and knowledge of how UI controls work. Since the UI controls in JavaFX are very flexible and versatile, you can create a wide assortment of useful user interfaces for rich GUI applications.

  • Label

A label is a display area for a short text, a node, or both. It is often used to label other controls (usually text fields). Labels and buttons share many common properties. These common properties are defined in the Labeled class: https://openjfx.io/javadoc/17/javafx.controls/javafx/scene/control/Label.html

  • Button

A button is a control that triggers an action event when clicked. JavaFX provides regular buttons, toggle buttons, check box buttons, and radio buttons. The common features of these buttons are defined in ButtonBase and Labeled classes:

  • CheckBox

A CheckBox is used for the user to make a selection. Like Button, CheckBox inherits all the properties such as onAction, text, graphic, alignment, graphicTextGap, textFill, and contentDisplay from

ButtonBase and Labeled. In addition, it provides the selected property to indicate whether a check box is selected. https://openjfx.io/javadoc/17/javafx.controls/javafx/scene/control/CheckBox.html

  • RadioButton

Radio buttons, also known as option buttons, enable you to choose a single item from a group of choices. In appearance, radio buttons resemble check boxes, but check boxes display a square that is either checked or blank, whereas radio buttons display a circle that is either filled (if selected) or blank (if not selected). RadioButton is a subclass of ToggleButton. The difference between a radio button and a toggle button is that a radio button displays a circle, but a toggle button is rendered similar to a button.

  • TextField

A text field can be used to enter or display a string. TextField is a subclass of TextInputControl. If a text field is used for entering a password, use PasswordField to replace -TextField. PasswordField extends TextField and hides the input text with echo characters ******.

  • TextArea

If you want to let the user enter multiple lines of text, you may create several instances of TextField. A better alternative, however, is to use TextArea, which enables the user to enter multiple lines of text.

  • ComboBox

A combo box, also known as a choice list or drop-down list, contains a list of items from which the user can choose. A combo box is useful for limiting a users range of choices and avoids the cumbersome validation of data input.

  • ListView

A list view is a control that basically performs the same function as a combo box, but it enables the user to choose a single value or multiple values.

  • ScrollBar

ScrollBar is a control that enables the user to select from a range of values.

  • Audio and Video

You can use the Media class to obtain the source of the media, the MediaPlayer class to play and control the media, and the MediaView class to display the video.

Media (video and audio) is essential in developing rich GUI applications. JavaFX provides the Media, MediaPlayer, and MediaView classes for working with media. Currently, JavaFX supports MP3, AIFF, WAV, and MPEG-4 audio formats and FLV and MPEG-4 video formats. The Media class represents a media source with properties duration, width, and height.


The MediaPlayer class plays and controls the media with properties such as a-utoPlay, currentCount, cycleCount, mute, volume, and totalDuration.


The MediaView class is a subclass of Node that provides a view of the Media being played by a MediaPlayer. The MediaView class provides the properties for viewing the media.


  • JavaFX Menu

You can create menus in JavaFX. Menus make selection easier and are widely used in window applications. JavaFX provides five classes that implement menus: MenuBar, Menu, MenuItem, CheckMenuItem, and RadioButtonMenuItem.

MenuBar is a top-level menu component used to hold the menus. A menu consists of menu items that the user can select (or toggle on or off). A menu item can be an instance of MenuItem, CheckMenuItem, or RadioButtonMenuItem. Menu items can be associated with nodes and keyboard accelerators. The sequence of implementing menus in JavaFX is as follows:

  1. Create a menu bar and add it to a pane. For example, the following code creates a pane and a menu bar, and adds the menu bar to the pane: MenuBar menuBar = new MenuBar(); Pane pane = new Pane(); pane.getChildren().add(menuBar);
  1. Create menus and add them under the menu bar. For example, the following creates two menus and adds them to a menu bar, Menu menuFile = new Menu("File"); Menu menuHelp = new Menu("Help"); menuBar.getMenus().addAll(menuFile, menuHelp); Menu softwareHelpSubMenu = new Menu("Software"); Menu hardwareHelpSubMenu = new Menu("Hardware"); menuHelp.getItems().add(softwareHelpSubMenu); menuHelp.getItems().add(hardwareHelpSubMenu); softwareHelpSubMenu.getItems().add(new MenuItem("Unix")); softwareHelpSubMenu.getItems().add(new MenuItem("Windows")); softwareHelpSubMenu.getItems().add(new MenuItem("Mac OS"));

You can also add a CheckMenuItem to a Menu. CheckMenuItem is a subclass of MenuItem that adds a Boolean state to the MenuItem and displays a check when its state is true. For example,

menuHelp.getItems().add(new CheckMenuItem("Check it"));

The menu items generate ActionEvent. To handle ActionEvent, implement the setOnAction method. The MenuItem has a graphic property for specifying a node to be displayed in the menu item. Usually, the graphic is an image view. The classes Menu, MenuItem, CheckMenuItem, and RadioMenuItem have another constructor that you can use to specify a graphic. For example,

Menu menuFile = new Menu("File", new ImageView("image/usIcon.gif"));