代写homework – Final-MathFinance

Final-Math Finance

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  1. How does the delta of a call option changes over time? Draw the graph at different times providing the key points to derive it.
  2. How does the gamma of a call option changes over time? Draw the graph at different times providing the key points to derive it.
  3. Apply put-call parity to determine the relation between the Greeks (only delta, gamma and theta) of a call option and the Greeks of a put op- tion (both options have the same underlying asset S). Then calculateR 0 (call)dS.
  4. With the Black-Scholes assumptions suppose two assets have the same volatility but different drifts. Consider the two call options relative to the two assets, which one has a higher price? Explain why.
  5. We saw in homework 5 that the price of a binary call option that pays H whenST> Kand zero otherwise isc=er(Tt)HN(d 2 ). How would you hedge a binary call option? What happens whentapproaches to the maturity dateT?