代写mysql | 代写Objective | 作业lab | 代做sql | database代做 – AMOD 5450H

AMOD 5450H

代写mysql | 代写Objective | 作业lab | 代做sql | database代做 – 这道题目是利用mysql进行的编程代写任务, 涉及了mysql/Objective/sql/database等代写方面, 这个项目是lab代写的代写题目

mysql代写 代写mysql mysql代写 database代做

 lab 4
AMOD 5450H

Objective: The Objective of this lab is to show the usefulness of indices given a large dataset.

Keep in mind that large is subjective, using PHPMyAdmin, the largest dataset we can import to work with is about 4 1 MB. That is large enough to make indices worthwhile but not as large as some of the datasets you might encounter in your next job!


1 - In the lab folder you will see a CSV file named data-large. This data was obtained from
Schlumberger, it is publicly available and completely ethical to use. I altered the data so
that it is easier to import into PHPMyAdmin. You can find out more about the dataset
here: Schlumberger Dataset.
2 - Import data-large into a  database in PHPMyAdmin. You can name the database whatever
you like.
a. If you run into some errors while importing such as  sql mysql代写 database代做"> mysql server has gone away
or detected packet larger than max allowable packet, you will need to edit the
my.ini file in your xampp/mysql/bin directory. It is a simple fix, you just need to
set some fields higher than the default. A quick Google search should suffice.
3 - Create and run a query that returns the discharge_pressure between time = 1370086200
and time = 1370087200. Screenshot your query + your result.
4 - Use the EXPLAIN operation on the query you ran in the step 3. Screenshot your query +
your result.
5 - Create an index on the time column. Screenshot your query + your result.
6 - Finally run the query from step 4 again, did anything change? Is it running more
efficiently? Why or why not? Screenshot your query + your result, and include a short
7 - The EXPLAIN operation gives an output table. Explain what each column indicates (one
sentence per column).
8 - Submit your answers in a single PDF to the Lab 4 submission dropbox on blackboard.