CSI3 131 – Operating Systems Tutoring 4
Algorithm | 代做thread – 本题是一个利用Algorithm进行练习的代做, 对Algorithm的流程进行训练解析, 涵盖了Algorithm/thread等程序代做方面
Tutoring 4
CPU Scheduling – Solution
1. Define the difference between pre-emptive and cooperative scheduling.
Pre-emptive scheduling interrupts a process before the end of its CPU burst, removing the CPU and allocating it to another
process. The co-operative order ensures that a process will have control of the CPU until the end of its burst of CPU.
2. What is the advantage of having different quantums for different levels of scheduling with multi-level
We place in a queue with a small quantum, processes that need more frequent service (and faster response times), for
example, interactive processes. In a queue with longer quantums, processes are placed without these needs, and thus
reduce the number of context switches (making computer use more efficient).
3. Several CPU scheduling algorithms include parameters. For example, the round-robin algorithm
asks for a value for the time slot. Multi-level return queues include have settings to set the
number of queues, algorithms for each queue, criteria for moving processes between queues,
and so on. These algorithms are really a set of algorithms (for example, all turnstiles algorithms
with all possible time slice values, etc.). One set of algorithms may include another set (for
example, the round-robin Algorithm with the infinite time slice). What is the relationship (if it
exists) between the peers of the following algorithms:
Priority and SJF The value of the next burst serves as a priority for process.
Multi-level Files back and FCFS The lower level of the muli-level queues normally uses the FCFS.
Priority and FCFS FCFS prioritizes processes based on time of existence in the Ready queue.
Round-robin and SJF None.
4. Suppose a scheduling algorithm (at the CPU level) promotes processes that have used CPU for the least
recent time. Why does this algorithm promote IO-dependent processes without starving CPU-
dependent processes? Is it possible that CPU processes are starving and under what conditions?
It favours processes that depend on I/O because they have only short bursts of CPU; and CPU-dependent processes will
not be starving as the IO-dependent processes often release CPU to make their I/O. If the number of processes
dependent on I/O is high enough to ensure at least one I/O-dependent process in the Ready line, the CPU-dependent
process will be in famine.
5. Take for granted that the operating system associates user threads with LWP (light weight processes)in
a multi-to-several model. In addition, the system will allow a program to use threads in real time. Is it
necessary to make a permanent association between a real-time thread and an LWP?
Yes, otherwise the real-time thread must compete with other threads for an available LWP before having access to the
CPU. With a permanent association with an LWP, a real-time thread can be ordered by the core faster.
Also the OS can associate a high priority with such a thread to receive a service in real time.
6. Suppose the following processes arrive to run at the specified times. Each process rolls for the indicated
burst times.
Process Arrival time Burst time
P1 0.0 8
P2 0.4 4
P3 1.0 1
a) How long will it take to rotate processes with the FCFS scheduling algorithm?
P1 arrives and starts running at 0.0 and finishes at 8, so its rotation time is (8-0.0) - 8 P2 arrives at 0.4, starts
its run at 8 and finishes at 12, so its rotation time is (12-0.4) - 11.6 P3 arrives at 1.0, starts its execution at 12
and finishes at 13, so its rotation time is (13-1)12. Average rotation time - (8 - 11.6 - 12)/3 - 10.
b) What will be the rotation time for processes with the shortest first scheduling algorithm – SJF
(without pre-emption)?
P1 arrives and starts its run at 0.0 and finishes at 8, so its rotation time is (8-0) 8. P2 arrives at 0.4, starts
running at 9 (after P3 has run), and finishes at 13, so its rotation time is (13-0.4) - 12.6.
P3 arrives at 1.0, starts its run at 8 and finishes at 9, so its rotation time is (9-1) 8. Average rotation time - (8-
12.6 -8)/3 - 9.
c) The SJF algorithm is supposed to increase performance, but notice that we chose to ride P1 at
time 0 because it was not possible to know that two other processes with shorter bursts would
happen soon. Calculate the average rotation time if CPU is not used for a time unit and
subsequently an SJF scheduling. Remember that the P1 and P2 processes wait for rest time,
and therefore their waiting time may increase. This algorithm could be known as the knowledge
algorithm of the future.
Remember that the CPU is left idle for the first 1 time unit.
Remember that CPU is off for the first unit of time.
P1 arrives at 0.0, starts running at 6 (after P2 and P3 have run) and finishes at 14, so its rotation time is (14-0)
P2 arrives at 0.4, starts its run at 2.0 (after P3 has run), and finishes at 6, so its rotation time is (6-0.4) - 5.6.
P3 arrives at 1.0, starts its run at 1 (it has the shortest burst and is the first to run) and finishes at 2, so its
rotation time is (2-1) 1. Average rotation time - (14-5.6-1)/3 - 6.
d) What will be the rotation time for processes with the shortest pre-emptive first scheduling
algorithm – preemptive SJF(SRTF) shortest remaining timefirst??
P1 arrives at 0.0, begins its execution
at 0,
is pre-empted by P2 at 0.4 having 7.6 u.t. to run,
resumes only after P2 and P3 have finished their run at 5.4, and finishes
at (5.4-7.6) 13, so its rotation time is 13- 0 - 13.
P2 arrives at 0.4, begins its execution at
is pre-empted by P3 to 1 having 3.4 u.t.s to run, resumes
only after P3 has finished its run at 2, and finishes at (2-
3.4) - 5.4, so its rotation time is (5.4 - 0.4) - 5.
P3 arrives at 1.0, preempts P2 in execution and starts its execution at 1 and finishes at 2, so its rotation time
is (2-1) 1.
Average rotation time -(13- 5 - 1)/3 - 6.
To be fair to other algorithms, the number of context switches should be added to calculated rotation times.
The pre-emptive SJF gives the largest number of context switches.
7. Examine the following CPU bursts from the three P1, P2 and P3 processes:
CPU bursts for P1: 14, 12, 17
CPU bursts for P2: 2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3
CPU bursts for P3: 6, 3, 8, 2, 1, 3, 4, 1, 9, 7
The three processes arrive at time 0, in order P1, P2, P3. Each burst of CPU is followed by an I/S
operation that takes 6 units of time, with the exception of the last burst after which the process
completes. Using provided tables, simulate the execution of the three processes to an end with the
following scheduling algorithms. Ignore the time of context switching and scheduling functions (i.e.
are equal to 0). a) FCFS
b) SJF (without pre-emption)
c) Pre-emptive SJF
d) Round-robin with a quantum of 5 units of time.
e) Round-robin with 5-unit quantum of time and priorities: P2-P
f) Multi-level return file with three queues and the following settings:
i. File 0 – 2 – unit quantum of time (after which the process is moved to line 1).
ii. File 1 – quantum of 4 time units (after which the process is moved to line 2)
iii. File 2 – FCFS
iv. All processes that become ready are added to lane 0.
v. A process that arrives in lane 0 preempts any process that happens running that belongs
to lane 1 or line 2.
vi. The lane 1 processes are ordered at CPU only when line 0 is empty.
vii. The processes in lane 2 are ordered at CPU only when line 0 and line 1 are empty.
Table for algorithms has to d:
Time Cpu File Ready Blocked file
Scheduling multi-level file back
Time Cpu File 0 File 1 File 2 Blocked Finished
Time Cpu File Ready Blocked file (waiting) Finished 0 P1 (0) P2(0), P3 (0) 14 P2 (0) P3 (0) P1 (14) 16 P3 (0) P1(14), P2 (2) 20 P3 (4) P1 (14) P2 (2) 22 P3 (6) P1(14), P2 (2) 22 P1 (14) P2 (2) P3 (6) 28 P1 (20) P2(2), P3 (6) 34 P2 (2) P3 (6) P1 (26) 36 P3 (6) P1(26), P2 (4) 39 P1(26), P2(4), P3 (9) 40 P1 (26) P2(4), P3 (9) 42 P1 (28) P2 (4) P3 (9) 45 P1 (31) P2(4), P3 (9) 57 P2 (4) P3 (9) P1 (43) 59 P3 (9) P2 (6) P1 (43) 65 P3 (15) P2 (6) P1 (43) 67 P2 (6) P3 (17) P1 (43) 70 P3(17), P2 (9) P1 (43) 73 P3 (17) P2 (9) P1 (43) 75 P2(9), P3 (19) P1 (43) 76 P2 (9) P3 (19) P1 (43) 78 P3(19), P2 (11) P1 (43) 81 P3 (19) P2 (11) P1 (43) 82 P2(11), P3 (20) P1 (43) 84 P2 (11) P3 (20) P1 (43) 86 P3(20), P2 (13) P1 (43) 88 P3 (20) P2 (13) P1 (43) 91 P2(13), P3 (23) P1 (43) 92 P2 (13) P3 (23) P1 (43) 94 P3(23), P2 (15) P1 (43) 97 P3 (23) P2 (15) P1 (43) 100 P3 (26) P2 (15) P1 (43) 101 P2 (15) P3 (27) P1 (43) 104 P3(27), P2 (18) P1 (43) 107 P3 (27) P2 (18) P1 (43) 108 P2(18), P3 (28) P1 (43) 110 P2 (18) P3 (28) P1 (43) 112 P3(28), P2 (20) P1 (43) 114 P3 (28) P2 (20) P1 (43)
118 P3 (32) P2 (20) P1 (43)
123 P2 (20) P3 (37) P1 (43)
125 P3(37), P2 (22) P1 (43)
129 P3 (37) P2 (22) P1 (43)
131 P3 (39) P2 (22) P1 (43)
136 P2 (22) P1(43), P3 (44)
138 P2 (24) P1(43), P3 (44)
144 P2 (24) P1(43), P3 (44)
147 P1(43), P3 (44), P2 (27)
Round-robin (quantum – 5) Time Cpu File Ready Blocked file (waiting) Finished 0 P1 (0) P2(0), P3 (0) 5 P2 (0) P3(0), P1 (5) 7 P3 (0) P1 (5) P2 (2) 12 P1 (5) P3 (5) P2 (2) 13 P1 (6) P3(5), P2 (2) 17 P3 (5) P2(2), P1 (10) 18 P2 (2) P1 (10) P3 (6) 20 P1 (10) P3(6), P2 (4) 24 P1 (14) P3 (6) P2 (4) 24 P3 (6) P2(4), P1 (14) 26 P3 (8) P2 (4) P1 (14) 27 P2 (4) P1(14), P3 (9) 29 P1(14), P3 (9), P2 (6) 30 P1 (14) P3 (9), P2 (6) 33 P1 (17) P3 (9) P2 (6) 35 P1 (19) P3 (9), P2 (6) 35 P3 (9) P2(6), P1 (19) 40 P2 (6) P1(19), P3 (14) 43 P1 (19) P3 (14) P2 (9) 48 P3 (14) P1 (24) P2 (9) 49 P3 (15) P1(24), P2 (9) 51 P1 (24) P2 (9) P3 (17) 53 P2 (9) P3(17), P1 (26) 55 P3 (17), P1(26), P2 (11) 57 P3 (17) P1(26), P2 (11) 59 P3 (19) P1 (26) P2 (11) 59 P1 (26) P2(11), P3 (19) 61 P1 (28) P2 (11) P3 (19) 64 P2 (11) P1 (31) P3 (19) 65 P2 (12) P1(31), P3 (19) 66 P1 (31) P3 (19) P2 (13) 71 P3 (19) P1 (36) P2 (13) 72 P3 (20) P1(36), P2 (13)
72 P1 (36) P2 (13) P3 (20)
77 P2 (13) P1 (41) P3 (20)
78 P2 (14) P1(41), P3 (20)
79 P1 (41) P3 (20) P2 (15)
81 P3 (20) P2 (15) P1 (43)
84 P2(15), P3 (23) P1 (43)
85 P2 (15) P3 (23) P1 (43)
88 P3(23), P2 (18) P1 (43)
90 P3 (23) P2 (18) P1 (43)
94 P3 (27) P2 (18) P1 (43)
94 P2 (18) P3 (27) P1 (43)
96 P3(27), P2 (20) P1 (43)
100 P3 (27) P2 (20) P1 (43)
101 P2(20), P3 (28) P1 (43)
102 P2 (20) P3 (28) P1 (43)
104 P3(28), P2 (22) P1 (43)
107 P3 (28) P2 (22) P1 (43)
110 P3 (31) P2 (22) P1 (43)
Round-robin (quantum – 5) Time Cpu File Ready Blocked file (waiting) Finished 112 P2 (22) P3 (33) P1 (43) 114 P3 (33) P2 (24) P1 (43) 118 P2(24), P3 (37) P1 (43) 120 P2 (24) P3 (37) P1 (43) 123 P3 (37) P1(43), P2 (27) 124 P3 (37) P1(43), P2 (27) 129 P3 (42) P1(43), P2 (27) 131 P1(43), P2 (27), P3 (44)
SJF (no preemption) Time Cpu File Ready Blocked file (waiting) Finished 0 P1 (0) P2(0), P3 (0) 14 P2 (0) P3 (0) P1 (14) 16 P3 (0) P1(14), P2 (2) 20 P3 (4) P1 (14) P2 (2) 22 P3 (6) P1(14), P2 (2) 22 P2 (2) P1 (14) P3 (6) 24 P1 (14) P3(6), P2 (4) 28 P1 (18) P3 (6) P2 (4) 30 P1 (20) P3(6), P2 (4) 36 P2 (4) P3 (6) P1 (26) 38 P3 (6) P1(26), P2 (6) 41 P1(26), P2(6), P3 (9) 42 P1 (26) P2(6), P3 (9) 44 P1 (28) P2 (6) P3 (9) 47 P1 (31) P2(6), P3 (9) 59 P2 (6) P3 (9) P1 (43) 62 P3 (9) P2 (9) P1 (43) 68 P3 (15) P2 (9) P1 (43) 70 P2 (9) P3 (17) P1 (43) 72 P3(17), P2 (11) P1 (43) 76 P3 (17) P2 (11) P1 (43) 78 P3 (19) P2 (11) P1 (43) 78 P2 (11) P3 (19) P1 (43) 80 P3(19), P2 (13) P1 (43) 84 P3 (19) P2 (13) P1 (43) 85 P2(13), P3 (20) P1 (43) 86 P2 (13) P3 (20) P1 (43) 88 P3(20), P2 (15) P1 (43) 91 P3 (20) P2 (15) P1 (43) 94 P3 (23) P2 (15) P1 (43) 94 P2 (15) P3 (23) P1 (43) 97 P3(23), P2 (18) P1 (43) 100 P3 (23) P2 (18) P1 (43) 103 P3 (26) P2 (18) P1 (43) 104 P2 (18) P3 (27) P1 (43) 106 P3(27), P2 (20) P1 (43) 110 P3 (27) P2 (20) P1 (43) 111 P2(20), P3 (28) P1 (43) 112 P2 (20) P3 (28) P1 (43) 114 P3(28), P2 (22) P1 (43) 117 P3 (28) P2 (22) P1 (43) 120 P3 (31) P2 (22) P1 (43) 126 P2 (22) P3 (37) P1 (43) 128 P3(37), P2 (24) P1 (43) 132 P3 (37) P2 (24) P1 (43) 134 P3 (39) P2 (24) P1 (43)
139 P2 (24) P1(43), P3 (44)
142 P1(43), P3 (44), P2 (27)
Pre-emptive SJF
Time Cpu File Ready Blocked file (waiting) Finished 0 P2 (0) P1(0), P3 (0) 2 P3 (0) P1 (0) P2 (2) 8 P3 (6) P1(0), P2 (2) 8 P2 (2) P1 (0) P3 (6) 10 P1 (0) P3(6), P2 (4) 14 P3 (6) P1 (4) P2 (4) 16 P3 (8) P1(4), P2 (4) 17 P2 (4) P1 (4) P3 (9) 19 P1 (4) P3 (9), P2 (6) 23 P1 (8) P3 (9) P2 (6) 25 P2 (6) P3 (9), P1 (10) 28 P1 (10) P3 (9) P2 (9) 32 P3 (9) P2(9), P1 (14) 34 P2 (9) P3 (11) P1 (14) 36 P3 (11) P1(14), P2 (11) 38 P3 (13) P1 (14) P2 (11) 42 P3 (17) P1(14), P2 (11) 42 P2 (11) P1 (14) P3 (17) 44 P1 (14) P3(17), P2 (13) 48 P3 (17) P1 (18) P2 (13) 50 P3 (19) P1(18), P2 (13) 50 P2 (13) P1 (18) P3 (19) 52 P1 (18) P3(19), P2 (15) 56 P3 (19) P1 (22) P2 (15) 57 P1 (22) P2(15), P3 (20) 58 P2 (15) P1 (23) P3 (20) 61 P1 (23) P3(20), P2 (18) 63 P1 (25) P3 (20) P2 (18) 64 P3 (20) P2(18), P1 (26) 67 P3 (23) P2 (18) P1 (26) 67 P2 (18) P1(26), P3 (23) 69 P1(26), P3 (23), P2 (20) 70 P1 (26) P3(23), P2 (20) 73 P3 (23) P1 (29) P2 (20) 75 P2 (20) P1(29), P3 (25) 77 P3 (25) P1 (29) P2 (22) 79 P1 (29) P2(22), P3 (27) 83 P2 (22) P1 (33) P3 (27) 85 P2 (24) P1(33), P3 (27) 85 P3 (27) P1 (33) P2 (24) 86 P1 (33) P2(24), P3 (28) 91 P2 (24) P1 (38) P3 (28)
92 P2 (25) P1(38), P3 (28)
94 P1 (38) P3 (28) P2 (27)
99 P3 (28) P2(27), P1 (43)
108 P3 (37) P2(27), P1 (43)
114 P3 (37) P2(27), P1 (43)
121 P2(27), P1 (43), P3 (44)
Round-robin (quantum-5) with priority (P2-P3 - P1)
Time Cpu File Ready Blocked file (waiting) Finished
0 P2 (0) P1(0), P3 (0) (^) 2 P3 (0) P1 (0) P2 (2) (^) 7 P3 (5) P1 (0) P2 (2) (^) 8 P3 (6) P1(0), P2 (2) (^) 8 P2 (2) P1 (0) P3 (6) (^) 10 P1 (0) P3(6), P2 (4) (^) 14 P3 (6) P1 (4) P2 (4) (^) 16 P3 (8) P1(4), P2 (4) (^) 17 P2 (4) P1 (4) P3 (9) (^) 19 P1 (4) P3 (9), P2 (6) (^) 23 P3 (9) P1 (8) P2 (6) (^) 25 P3 (11) P1(8), P2 (6) (^) 28 P2 (6) P1(8), P3 (14) (^) 31 P3 (14) P1 (8) P2 (9) (^) 34 P1 (8) P2(9), P3 (17) (^) 37 P2 (9) P1 (11) P3 (17) (^) 39 P1 (11) P3(17), P2 (11) (^) 40 P3 (17) P1 (12) P2 (11) (^) 42 P1 (12) P2(11), P3 (19) (^) 44 P2(11), P3 (19), P1 (14) 45 P2 (11) P3(19), P1 (14) (^) 47 P3(19), P1 (14), P2 (13) (^) 48 P3 (19) P1(14), P2 (13) (^) 49 P1(14), P2 (13), P3 (20) (^) 50 P1 (14) P2(13), P3 (20) (^) 53 P2 (13) P1 (17) P3 (20) (^) 55 P2 (15) P1(17), P3 (20) (^) 55 P3 (20) P1 (17) P2 (15) (^) 58 P1 (17) P2(15), P3 (23) (^) 61 P2 (15) P1 (20) P3 (23) (^) 64 P2 (18) P1(20), P3 (23) (^) 64 P3 (23) P1 (20) P2 (18) (^) 68 P1 (20) P2(18), P3 (27) (^) 70 P2 (18) P1 (22) P3 (27) (^) 72 P1 (22) P3(27), P2 (20) (^) 74 P3 (27) P1 (24) P2 (20) (^) 75 P1 (24) P2(20), P3 (28) 77 P2(20), P3 (28), P1 (26) (^)
78 P2 (20) P3(28), P1 (26)
80 P3 (28), P1(26), P2 (22) (^) 81 P3 (28) P1(26), P2 (22) 83 P3 (30) P1 (26) P2 (22) (^) 86 P3 (33) P1(26), P2 (22) 86 P2 (22) P1(26), P3 (33) (^) 88 P3 (33) P1 (26) P2 (24) 92 P1 (26) P2(24), P3 (37) (^) 94 P2 (24) P1 (28) P3 (37) (^) 97 P1 (28) P3 (37) P2 (27) 98 P3 (37) P1 (29) P2 (27) 103 P3 (42) P1 (29) P2 (27) 105 P1 (29) P2(27), P3 (44) 110 P1 (34) P2(27), P3 (44) 115 P1 (39) P2(27), P3 (44) 119 P2(27), P3 (44), P1 (43) Multi-level file back Time Cpu File 0 File 1 File 2 Blocked Finished 0 P1 (0) P2(0), P3 (0) (^) 2 P2 (0) P3 (0) P1 (2) 4 P3 (0) P1 (2) P2 (2) (^) 6 P1 (2) P3 (2) P2 (2) 10 P2 (2) P3 (2) P1 (6) (^) 12 P3 (2) P1 (6) P2 (4) (^) 16 P1 (6) P2(4), P3 (6) (^) 18 P2 (4) P1 (8) P3 (6) (^) 20 P1 (8) P3 (6), P2 (6) (^) 22 P3 (6) P1 (10) P2 (6) (^) 24 P3 (8) P1 (10) P2 (6) (^) 25 P1 (10) P2(6), P3 (9) (^) 26 P2 (6) P1 (11) P3 (9) (^) 28 P2 (8) P1 (11) P3 (9) (^) 29 P1 (11) P3(9), P2 (9) (^) 31 P3 (9) P1 (13) P2 (9) (^) 33 P3 (11) P1 (13) P2 (9) 35 P2 (9) P3 (13) P1 (13) (^) 37 P3 (13) P1 (13) P2 (11) 39 P1 (13) P3 (15) P2 (11) (^) 40 P3 (15) P2(11), P1 (14) (^) 42 P2(11), P1 (14), P3 (17) (^) 43 P2 (11) P1(14), P3 (17) (^) 45 P1(14), P3 (17), P2 (13) (^) 46 P1 (14) P3(17), P2 (13) (^) 48 P1 (16) P3 (17) P2 (13) (^) 48 P3 (17) P1 (16) P2 (13) (^) 50 P1 (16) P2(13), P3 (19) (^)
51 P2 (13) P1 (17) P3 (19)
53 P1 (17) P3(19), P2 (15) (^) 56 P3 (19) P1 (20) P2 (15) 57 P1 (20) P2(15), P3 (20) (^) 59 P2 (15) P1 (22) P3 (20) 61 P2 (17) P1 (22) P3 (20) (^) 62 P1 (22) P3(20), P2 (18) 63 P3 (20) P1 (23) P2 (18) (^) 65 P3 (22) P1 (23) P2 (18) (^) 66 P1 (23) P2(18), P3 (23) (^) 68 P2 (18) P1 (25) P3 (23) (^) 70 P1 (25) P3(23), P2 (20) (^) 71 P3(23), P2(20), P1 (26) (^) 72 P3 (23) P2(20), P1 (26) (^) 74 P3 (25) P2(20), P1 (26) (^) 76 P2 (20) P1(26), P3 (27) (^) 77 P2 (21) P1 (26) P3 (27) (^) 78 P1 (26) P3(27), P2 (22) 80 P1 (28) P3(27), P2 (22) (^) 82 P3 (27) P1 (30) P2 (22) 83 P1 (30) P2(22), P3 (28) (^) 84 P2 (22) P1 (31) P3 (28) 86 P1 (31) P3(28), P2 (24) (^) 87 P1 (32) P3(28), P2 (24) 89 P3 (28) P1 (34) P2 (24) (^) 91 P3 (30) P1 (34) P2 (24) (^) 92 P2 (24) P3 (31) P1 (34) (^) 94 P3 (31) P2 (26) P1 (34) (^) Multi-level file back^ Time Cpu File 0 File 1 File 2 Blocked Finished 97 P2 (26) P1(34), P3 (34) (^) 98 P1 (34) P3 (34) P2 (27) 107 P3 (34) P2(27), P1 (43) 110 P3 (37) P2(27), P1 (43) 116 P3 (37) P2(27), P1 (43) 118 P3 (39) P2(27), P1 (43) 122 P3 (43) P2(27), P1 (43) 123 P2(27), P1 (43), P3 (44)