arm – Practice Test 3

Practice Test 3

arm – 这个题目属于一个arm的代写任务, 是有一定代表意义的arm等代写方向

arm代写 汇编代写 代写arm assembly

Practice Test 3
  1. How many permutations of lengthnare there that arenot(n2)-stack sortable?
  2. (This is Supplementary Exercise 15.34.) A medical device for testing whether a patient has a certain type of illness will accurately indicate the presence of the illness for 99 percent of patients who do have the illness, and will set off a false al arm for five percent of patients who do not have the illness. Let us assume that only three percent of the general population has the illness.
(a) If the test indicates that a given patient has the illness, what is
the probability that the test is correct?
(b) If the test indicates that a given patient does not have the illness,
what is the probability that the test is correct?
(c) What percentage of the test results provided by this device will
be accurate?
  1. Albert and Brenda each tossed a fair coin ten times. What is the probability that each of them got five tails if we know that the two people got the same number of tails?