assembly lab
assembly代做 | project |assignment | 代做lab – 本题是一个汇编相关的题目
- Submission Deadlines Group lab 1 100 points Do not need your DE1 board Due: 11:59PM, Nov 17 (Sunday) , and no late submission will be accepted Group Lab 2 100 points Do not need your DE1 board Due: 11:59PM, Dec 1 (Sunday) Late submission is accepted until Dec 6 (Thursday) with penalty of 5 points per day This is the most difficult part in the project, please start as early as possible. Group Lab 3 100 points Do not need your DE1 board Due: 11:59PM, Dec 1 (Sunday) Late submission is accepted until Dec 6 (Thursday) with penalty of 5 points per day Optional Group Lab 4 Bonus 45 points Need to burn your processor on your DE1 board Due: 11:59PM, Dec 8 (Sunday) Late submission is accepted until Dec 12 (Thursday) with penalty of 5 points per day.
- Overview You will design a processor, called a Simple Processor, which is very similar to a N ios Processor that we have studied in the class. For a group with two students, one or both students should answer the questions and submit the files on Canvas.
- Differences between a Nios Processor and a Simple Processor a Nios Processor a Simple Processor Word size 32 bits 16 bits Addressing Byte addressing that assigns successive addresses to successive bytes. Specifically, Address of the first word is 0, address of the second word is 4, address of the third word is 8, …….
Word addressing that assigns
successive addresses to
successive words. Specifically,
Address of the first word is 0,
address of the second word is 1,
address of the third word is 2,
Number of
registers in the
register file
32 registers, r0, r1, ..., r31, each
with 32 bits, r0 is always 0
8 registers, r0, r1, ..., r7, each
with 16 bits, r0 is always 0
Return address
register (ra)
r31 r
Instruction size A word of 32 bits A word of 16 bits
Instruction formats 3 formats: R type, I type, and J
4 formats: R type, I type, B type,
and J type. (explained below)
ALU flags ALU flags are generated and then
checked in stage 3 of the same
ALU flags are generated and
saved to register STATUS, and
then checked in stage 3 of the
next (or later) instruction. (Refer
to the cmp and branching
instructions for more details)
- Instruction set architecture (ISA) 4.1. Four types of instruction formats 4.1.1. R type, such as add, sub, and, or, xor, cmp, jmp, callr, ret – Instructions with only register operands. – 3 – bit operation code (OP_code) is always 0b000, where 0b indicates a binary number. – 4 – bit operation extension (OPX) indicates the specific type of an R-type instruction. – 3 – bit D is the index of the destination register RD. – 3 – bit T is the index of the second source register RT. – 3 – bit S is the index of the first source register RS. S T D OPX OP_code 15:13 12:10 9:7 6:3 2: 0b 4.1.2. I type, including ldw, stw, addi, ori, orhi – Instructions with a 7-bit immediate operand and at most two register operands. – 3 – bit OP_code is between 0b001 and 0b101 and indicates the specific type of an I- type instruction. – 7 – bit immediate operand, called imm – 3 – bit D is the index of register RD. – 3 – bit S is the index of register RS. S D 7 – bit immediate operand OP_code 15:13 12:10 9:3 2:
4.1.3. B type, such as br, beq, bne, bge, ...
- Branching instructions with a 9-bit immediate operand and no register operands.
- 3 – bit OP_code is always 0b110.
- 4 – bit OPX indicates the branching condition
- 9 – bit immediate operand, called imm 9 – bit immediate operand OPX OP_code 15:7 6:3 2: 0b 4.1.4. J type, including call.
- Call instructions with a 13-bit immediate operand and no register operands.
- 3 – bit OP_code is always 0b111.
- 13 – bit immediate operand, called imm 13 – bit immediate operand OP_code 15:3 2: 0b
4.2. Arithmetic instructions 4.2.1. add
- Instruction type: R
- OP_code = 0b000, OPX = 0b
- Operation: RD RS + RT
- Example: add r2, r3, r
- Format for the example S T D OPX OP_code 15:1 3 12: 10 9 : 7 6 :3 2: 3 4 2 0b0000 0b 4.2.2. addi
- Instruction type: I
- OP_code = 0b0 11
- Operation: RD RS + (imm 7 ). The last term is the 16 – bit sign-extension of the 7 – bit immediate operand.
- Example: addi r2, r3, 1
- Format for the example S D 7 – bit immediate operand OP_code 15:13 12:10 9:3 2: 3 2 1 0b0 11 4.2.3. sub
- Instruction type: R
- OP_code = 0b000, OPX = 0b000 1
- Operation: RD RS – RT
- Example: sub r2, r3, r
- Format for the example S T D OPX OP_code 15:13 12:10 9:7 6:3 2: 3 4 2 0b0001 0b
4.3. Logic instructions 4.3.1. and
- Instruction type: R
- OP_code = 0b000, OPX = 0b
- Operation: RD RS and RT
- Example: add r2, r3, r
- Format for the example S T D OPX OP_code 15:13 12:10 9:7 6:3 2: 3 4 2 0b0010 0b 4.3.2. or
- Instruction type: R
- OP_code = 0b000, OPX = 0b
- Operation: RD RS or RT
- Example: or r2, r3, r
- Format for the example S T D OPX OP_code 15:13 12:10 9:7 6:3 2: 3 4 2 0b0011 0b 4.3.3. ori
- Instruction type: I
- OP_code = 0b
- Operation: RD RS or (0b000000000:imm 7 ). The last term is the 16 – bit zero- extension of the 7 – bit immediate operand.
- Example: ori r2, r3, 1
- Format for the example S D 7 – bit immediate operand OP_code 15:13 12:10 9:3 2: 3 2 1 0b 4.3.4. orhi
- Instruction type: I
- OP_code = 0b
- Operation: RD RS or (imm7:0b000000000). Note that, there are 9 zeros.
- Example: orhi r2, r3, 1
- Format for the example S D 7 – bit immediate operand OP_code 15:13 12:10 9:3 2: 3 2 1 0b
4.3.5. xor
- Instruction type: R
- OP_code = 0b000, OPX = 0b
- Operation: RD RS xor RT
- Example: xor r2, r3, r
- Format for the example S T D OPX OP_code 15:13 12:10 9:7 6:3 2: 3 4 2 0b0100 0b 4.3.6. nand
- Instruction type: R
- OP_code = 0b000, OPX = 0b
- Operation: RD RS nand RT = not (RS and RT)
- Example: nand r2, r3, r
- Format for the example S T D OPX OP_code 15:13 12:10 9:7 6:3 2: 3 4 2 0b0 101 0b 4.3.7. nor
- Instruction type: R
- OP_code = 0b000, OPX = 0b
- Operation: RD RS nor RT = not (RS or RT)
- Example: nor r2, r3, r
- Format for the example S T D OPX OP_code 15:13 12:10 9:7 6:3 2: 3 4 2 0b0110 0b 4.3.8. xnor
- Instruction type: R
- OP_code = 0b000, OPX = 0b01 11
- Operation: RD RS xnor RT = not (RS xor RT)
- Example: xnor r2, r3, r
- Format for the example S T D OPX OP_code 15:13 12:10 9:7 6:3 2: 3 4 2 0b01 11 0b
4.4. Data copy instructions 4.4.1. ldw
- Instruction type: I
- OP_code = 0b
- Operation: RD Mem16[RS + (imm 7 )].
- Example: ldw r2, 1(r3)
- Format for the example S D 7 – bit immediate operand OP_code 15:13 12:10 9:3 2: 3 2 1 0b 4.4.2. stw
- Instruction type: I
- OP_code = 0b
- Operation: Mem16[RS + (imm 7 )] RD.
- Example: stw r2, 1(r3)
- Format for the example S D 7 – bit immediate operand OP_code 15:13 12:10 9:3 2: 3 2 1 0b 4.5. Control transfer instructions 4.5.1. cmp
- Instruction type: R
- OP_code = 0b000, OPX = 0b
- Operation: RS RT, and then save ALU flags N, C, V, Z to register STATUS as bits 3, 2, 1, 0, respectively. Note that, cmp is the only instruction that writes ALU flags to register STATUS.
- Example: cmp r3, r
- Format for the example S T D OPX OP_code 15:13 12:10 9:7 6:3 2: 3 4 0 0b1000 0b
4.5.2. branching instructions
- Instruction type: B
- OP_code = 0b11 0
- Branching conditions OPX Instruction Condition sign ALU Flags 0b0000 br unconditional 0b0001 beq RS = RT Z = 1 0b0010 bne RS RT Z = 0 0b0011 bgeu RS >= RT unsigned C = 1 0b0100 bltu RS < RT unsigned C = 0 0b0101 bgtu RS > RT unsigned (C = 1) and (Z = 0) 0b0110 bleu RS <= RT unsigned (C = 0) or (Z = 1) 0b0111 bge RS >= RT signed N = V 0b1000 blt RS < RT signed N V 0b1001 bgt RS > RT signed (N = V) and (Z = 0) 0b1010 ble RS <= RT signed (N V) or (Z = 1) others not used not used
- Operation: PC PC + 1 + (imm 9 ) if condition is true; PC PC + 1 , otherwise.
- A branching instruction is used together with a cmp instruction. The cmp instruction compares two registers RS and RT and saves the ALU flags to register STATUS. The branching instruction checks its condition using the ALU flags saved in register STATUS. If the condition is true, the processor executes the instruction at the LABEL; otherwise the processor executes the next instruction.
- Note that, A branching instruction in a Nios Processor is equivalent to a cmp instruction and a branching instruction in a Simple Processor. A Simple Processor uses word addressing, and thus the address difference between two consecutive instructions is only 1. This is why PC + 1.
- Example: Address=0x0F cmp r3, R Address=0x 10 beq LABEL … Address=0x 15 LABEL:
- Format for the beq instruction example 9 – bit immediate operand OPX OP_code 15:7 6:3 2: 0x15-(0x10+1) = 4 = 0b000000100 0b0001 0b
4.5.3. jmp
- Instruction type: R
- OP_code = 0b000, OPX = 0b1 001
- Operation: PC r2.
- Example: jmp r
- Format for the example S T D OPX OP_code 15:13 12:10 9:7 6:3 2: 2 0 0 0b1001 0b 4.5.4. callr
- Instruction type: R
- OP_code = 0b000, OPX = 0b
- Operation: r7 PC + 1, PC r
- Example: callr r
- Format for the example S T D OPX OP_code 15:13 12:10 9:7 6:3 2: 2 0 7 0b1010 0b 4.5.5. call
- Instruction type: J
- OP_code = 0b11 1
- Operation: r7 PC + 1, PC (PC15:13:imm 13 )
- Example: Address=0x 000 call LABEL … Address=0x 100 LABEL:
- Format for the example 13 – bit immediate operand OP_code 15:3 2: 0 (Address of LABEL)12:0=0x100 0b 4.5.6. ret
- Instruction type: R
- OP_code = 0b000, OPX = 0b
- Operation: PC r
- Example: ret
- Format for the example S T D OPX OP_code 15:13 12:10 9:7 6:3 2: 7 0 0 0b1011 0b
- Computer organization 5.1. A simple computer consists of a simple processor and a memory and IO interface.
5.2. VHDL designs
A Simple Computer: SimpleComputer.vhd, which is complete and is the top-level entity
for Quartus.
A Simple Processor: SimpleProcessor.vhd. which is incomplete and is what you need to
complete in this project.
Memory and I/O:
- MemoryIOInterface.vhd, which is complete.
- MainMemory.vhd, which is complete.
- MemoryInitialization.mif, which is incomplete and is where you need to write the binary/hexadecimal encodings of an assembly program. This mif file will be automatically read by MainMemory.vhd to initialize the initial values of memory. 5.3. Computer Interface The processor clock input port is directly connected to the computer clock input port, and is triggered by a rising edge of the computer clock. The memory and IO clock input port is connected to the output of a NOT gate, and thus is triggered by a falling edge of the computer clock. When KEY0 is pushed (i.e. KEY0=0), the computer is reset. Therefore, the inverted KEY is connected to the reset input ports of the processor and memory and IO interface. 5.4. Main memory and I/O ports Base Address End Address Memory or I/O 16 – bit data at an address 0x0000 0x0FFF Main memory 0x1000 0x1000 LEDR: LED Red (Write only) 000000:LEDR9:LEDR8:…:LEDR 0x1010 0x1010 LEDG: LED Green (Write only) 00000000:LEDG7:LEDG6:…:LEDG 0x1040 0x1040 SW: Slider Switch (Read only) 000000:SW9:SW8:…:SW 0x1050 0x1050 KEY: Push Button (Read only) 000000000000:KEY3:KEY2:KEY1:
- Processor architecture 6.1. The processor architecture diagram
6.2. Diagram differences between a Nios Processor and a Simple Processor Addresses A and B of Register File All inputs of MuxC STATUS register extend input signal of Immediate Extension Input0 of MuxINC Input and output of Control Unit 6.3. VHDL designs 6.3.1. The simple processor
- SimpleProcessor.vhd, which is incomplete but already contains all necessary components and internal signals. You only need to write the implementation between begin and end of the architecture. You may add other internal signals or output signals into SimpleProcessor.vhd for debugging, but do not create any other new VHDL files in this project. 6.3.2. Register file
- RegisterFile8by16Bit.vhd, which is complete 6.3.3. Other registers
- Please use Reg16Bit.vhd as a component to implement all other registers including PC, IR, STATUS, RA, RB, RZ, RM, RY, PC_temp. 6.3.4. ALU
- ALU.vhd, which is complete 6.3.5. Immediate extension
- Immediate.vhd, which is complete. This design is very different from the immediate design that we have studied in the class, so please read this file carefully in order to determine which extension to use for various instructions. 6.3.6. PC adder
- Adder16Bit.vhd, which is complete and is used both as a PC Adder and in the ALU. 6.3.7. Control unit
- ControlUnit.vhd, which is incomplete but already contains the current state logic and the next state logic. You only need to write the output logic. You may add other internal signals or output signals into ControlUnit.vhd for debugging, but again do not create any other new VHDL design files in this project. 6.3.8. Various multiplexers
- Mux4Input3Bit.vhd, Mux2Input16Bit.vhd, Mux4Input16Bit.vhd, and Mux8Input16Bit.vhd, which are all complete and are all the multiplexers that we need in this project.
- Group Lab 1 7.1. Deadline Please check the first page for the deadline. 7.2. Lab Objective Familiar with the instruction formats and encoding 7.3. Lab task 7.3.1. Please convert the following three Simple Processor programs to hexadecimal encodings 7.3.2. Assembly program 1 (used in group lab 2 later)
7.3.3. Assembly program 2 (used in group lab 3 later)
7.3.4. Assembly program 3 (used in optional group lab 4 later)
add r0, r0, r0 # at address 0
addi r1, r0, 1 # at address 1
ori r2, r0, 2 # at address 2
xor r3, r1, r2 # at address 3
add r4, r1, r3 # at address 4
or r5, r1, r4 # at address 5
nor r6, r2, r4 # at address 6
sub r7, r6, r2 # at address 7
orhi r7, r3, 3 # at address 8
add r0, r0, r0 #0:
addi r6, r0, 0x20 #1:
addi r2, r0, 2 #2:
call sum #3: r7 used as ra
end: br end #4:
sum: addi r6, r6, - 4 #5: r6 is used as sp
stw r4, (r6) #6: push r
addi r3, r0, 0 #7:
addi r4, r0, 1 #8:
loop: add r3, r3, r4 #9:
addi r4, r4, 1 #A:
cmp r2, r4 #B:
bge l oop #C:
ldw r4, (r6) #D: pop r
addi r6, r6, 4 #E:
ret #F: return to ra
add r0, r0, r0 #0:
orhi r1, r0, 8 #1: LEDR Address
ori r2, r1, 0x10 #2: LEDG Address
ori r3, r1, 0x40 #3: SW Address
ori r4, r1, 0x50 #4: KEY Address
addi r5, r0, 1 #5:
loop: ldw r6, (r3) #6: Get current SW status
stw r6, (r1) #7: Set LEDR according to SW
stw r5, (r2) #8: Set LEDG according to r
ldw r6, (r4) #9: get current KEY status
cmp r6, r7 #A: cmp with previous KEY status
beq loop #B: No change in KEY, then goto loop
add r7, r6, r0 #C: save current KEY status to r
addi r5, r5, 1 #D: increase r5 by 1
br loop #E: goto loop
- Group Lab 2 ( this is the most difficult part in the whole project ) 8.1. Deadline Please check the first page for the deadline. 8.2. Lab objective Implement the datapath and all arithmetic and logic instructions 8.3. Lab task 8.3.1. project files – Please create a Quartus project with all the provided files, including all the vhd files, MemoryInitialization.mif file, and file. – If you are using the lab computers, please create a new project directory in C:\temp instead of your Z: drive (after the lab, please backup your files to your Z: drive though); otherwise, Quartus does not work correctly (e.g, does not read mif files). – Please select VHDL 2008 as follow. Otherwise, you may see error messages like Use of non globally static actual… requires VHDL 2008 when running ModelSim Choose menu assignment Select Setting to open the Setting window Click VHDL input on the left side, and then select VHDL 2008. – Please carefully read the provided files. We have already studied all of them, except the MainMemory and IO interface. 8.3.2. Files to modify – SimpleProcessor.vhd: please connect all the components according to the processor architecture diagram. – ControlUnit.vhd: Please set the output control signals for all the arithmetic and logic instructions. Note: simply copying and pasting the VHDL code from the lecture slides will not work due to the difference between a Nios processor and a Simple processor. – MemoryInitialization.mif: Please write the hexadecimal encodings of program 1 in group lab 1 to MemoryInitialization.mif. Note: this mif file will be automatically read by MainMemory.vhd to initialize the initial values of main memory, so you do not need to do anything to load it. – Do not create any other new VHDL design files, or modify any other VHDL files except for debugging purpose. 8.3.3. MemoryInitialization.mif – The following is a screenshot of MemoryInitialization.mif. You can double-click a cell to enter the hexadecimal encoding of an instruction at that address. – For example, address 0: 0x0000 is the hexadecimal encoding of add r0, r0, r0. – For example, address 1: 0x040B is the hexadecimal encoding of addi r1, r0, 1 – For example, address 2: 0x0814 is the hexadecimal encoding of ori r2, r0, 2
8.4. Self test Please run ModelSim with the provided testing script, and verify that the assembly program executes correctly as follows
- r1 = 0x0001 after running the instruction at address 1
- r2 = 0x0002 after running the instruction at address 2
- r3 = 0x0003 after running the instruction at address 3
- r4 = 0x0004 after running the instruction at address 4
- r5 = 0x0005 after running the instruction at address 5
- r6 = 0xFFF9 after running the instruction at address 6
- r7 = 0xFFF7 after running the instruction at address 7
- r7 = 0x0603 after running the instruction at address 8 8.5. Hints for debugging If the assembly program does not execute correctly, please
- first, check whether the binary/hexadecimal encoding of each instruction is correct. The correct encodings will be available on Canvas after the due date of group lab 1.
- second, check whether PC is updated correctly after each instruction. PC should start from zero, and then increase by one after stage 1 of each arithmetic or logic instruction. If not, please check the components responsible for updating PC. You may need to add more debugging signals.
- next, check whether the correct instruction is loaded to IR right after stage 1. For example, right after stage 1 of the first instruction, IR=0x0000. Right after stage 1 of the second instruction, IR=0x040B. If not, please check the values of input ports and output ports of MemoryIOInterface. You need to add more debugging signals to check their values.
- Finally, check whether the inter-stage registers and control signals for each stage have the correct values. You need to add more debugging signals to check their values.
- Group Lab 3 9.1. Deadline Please check the first page for the deadline. 9.2. Lab objective Implement all data copy and control transfer instructions 9.3. Lab task 9.3.1. Project files – Re-use your Quartus project files from last group lab. 9.3.2. Files to modify – ControlUnit.vhd: Please set the output control signals for all data copy and control transfer instructions. – SimpleProcessor.vhd: Modify only if necessary. For example, if you made mistakes in last group lab. – MemoryInitialization.mif: Please write the hexadecimal encodings of program 2 in group lab 1 to MemoryInitialization.mif. 9.4. Self test Please run ModelSim with the provided testing script, and verify that the assembly program executes correctly as follows – r 6 = 0x 0020 after running the instruction at address 1 – r2 = 0x0002 after running the instruction at address 2 – PC = 0x000 5 after running the instruction at address 3 – r 6 = 0x 00 1C after running the instruction at address 5 – r 2 = 0x0002, r3 = 0x0001, r4 = 0x000 2 after running the instruction at address 0xC for the first time – r2 = 0x0002, r3 = 0x0003, r4 = 0x0003 after running the instruction at address 0xC for the second time – r 4 = 0 x0000 after running the instruction at address 0xD – r 6 = 0x 0020 after running the instruction at address 0xE – PC = 0x000 4 after running the instruction at address 0xF – The program finally enters an infinite loop at address 4
- Optional Group Lab 4 10.1. Deadline Please check the first page for the deadline. 10.2. Lab objective Load and test our Simple Computer design on your DE1 board 10.3. Lab task 10.3.1. Project files – Re-use your Quartus project files from last group lab. – Automatic pin assignment: menu Assignment Import Assignment select file Project_pin_assignments.csv click the OK button 10.3.2. Files to modify – ControlUnit.vhd: Modify only if necessary. – SimpleProcessor.vhd: Modify only if necessary. – MemoryInitialization.mif: Please write the hexadecimal encodings of program 3 in group lab 1 to the MemoryInitialization.mif. 10.4. Self test After you have successfully loaded the design onto your DE1 board, please first press KEY0 to reset the Simple Computer. This assembly program sets red LEDs (LEDR) according to the positions of Slider Switches (SW), and sets green LEDs (LEDG) according to a binary number which is increased by any change (press or release) of KEY3, KEY2, and KEY1. 10.5. Please return your DE1 board to the TAs in the labs.