c++代做 – 本题是一个利用c++进行练习的代做, 对c++的流程进行训练解析, 是有一定代表意义的c++等代写方向
In tutorial, again in a CDF lab, you will do a (few second long) demo showing us mozilla running. However, you will have added a line to a c++ source file such that firefox prints hello your-name ONCE on stdout when it starts. Then, you will create a patch file from your change — and show us that too.
You should commit your change. A complication might be that you may have used mercurial (hg) to clone mozilla — not git. So you might have some learning to do! Read up on it in https://www.mercurial- scm.org/guide (https://www.mercurial-scm.org/guide) and you will soon learn that hg is very similar to git, hence you follow (with a few minor perturbations) the familiar sequence of stage, commit and diff.
Once your change is committed locally (you cannot push) you will be able to create a patch file by running the command:
hg diff -c tip > hello.patch # hint: tip is like HEAD in git
Find a way to get the file out of the VM. (Setting up a shared directory is the best way) Show it to us in tutorial.
Note: it may seem silly to use hg to create a patch file. However, you may eventually submit fixes for your GFB (A4) by attaching a patch file (as above) to a bugzilla record. Mozilla wisely does not give newbies push permission to its repo, so in fact everyones first few commits are made by attaching a patch file to the bugbase entry for the problem they are trying to solve)
- The word patch is used many ways in our field. We are referring to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patch_(Unix) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patch_(Unix)).
Mozilla maintains a read only git mirror of firefox. Nobody can push or even make PRs against this repo — but you CAN fork it to your private github account. If you do this you can use PRs to communicate with your TA, but you will have to use patch files to contribute any changes to mozilla (in order to land your patch for A3)
Adding a printf (or stdio << line) is trivial. Finding firefoxs entry point (the main() function is the default entry point for a C++ program on unix) might be harder than you expect! Hints:
grep. more grep. yet more grep for potentially multiple reference to main