express代做 | report代做 | 代写java | Haskell – Haskell


express代做 | report代做 | 代写java | Haskell – 这个题目属于一个Haskell的代写任务, 涵盖了express/report/java/Haskell等程序代做方面

java代写 代写java

####### AE1PGP-E


####### A LEVEL 1 MODULE, SPRING SEMESTER 2019- 2020

Time allowed: TWO Hours THIRTY Minutes
Candidates may complete the front cover of their answer book and sign their desk card but must
NOT write anything else until the start of the examination period is announced
Answer ALL questions.
(Each question is worth equal marks)
Only silent, self-contained calculators with a Single-Line Display are permitted in this
Dictionaries are not allowed with one exception. Those whose first language is not English may
use a standard translation dictionary to translate between that language and English provided
that neither language is the subject of this examination. Subject specific translation dictionaries
are not permitted.
No electronic devices capable of storing and retrieving text, including electronic dictionaries,
may be used.
DO NOT turn your examination paper over until instructed to do so

ADDITIONAL MATERIAL: Haskell standard prelude.

INFORMATION FOR INVIGILATORS: Exam papers must be collected at the end of the exam.


1. Object-Oriented Programming/ java (25 marks)

(a) Explain, in fewer than 20 words, what it means to declare a method final.

####### [2]

(b) Explain, in fewer than 20 words, what it means to declare a class final.

####### [2]

(c) Strings are immutable in java. Explain what this means, give one benefit of this
and explain why this is a benefit.

(d) What is constructor overloading in Java. [2]

(e) What is the difference between an inner class and a sub-class. [2]

(f) Briefly explain the difference between a syntax, runtime and logical error in java
and how the compiler or JVM alerts you to these.
(g) The following code is intended to show the ratio of values above 0.5 to those below
0.5. So if the random numbers were 0.8, 0.7, 0.2, 0.3 then the ratio is 1 (1 times
as many above 0.5 than below). If it were 0.6, 0.7, 0.9, 0.2 it would be 3 (3 times
as many above 0.5 than below). Correct the syntax, runtime and logical error in
this code.
public class Rand2 {
public static void main(String[] args)
{ double x, ratio; int
plus, minus;
for(int i=1; i<19; i++){
x = Math.random(); if
(x > 0.5) plus = plus +1;
else minus = minus +1;
ratio = plus / minus;
System.out.println("ratio " + ratio);

2. Object-Oriented Programming/Java (25 marks)

(a) Give two similarities and two differences between interfaces and classes
(b) What does method overriding do, give a simple coded example
(c) Draw a class diagram to represent the following software requirements. Provide a
key which clearly shows the notation which you used in your diagram.
We require a parent class called Vehicle that has fields for the vehicles colour and
its maximum speed. It needs methods to set the colour and maximum speed and
also one to display these values to the terminal. We also need a child class of
Vehicle called Helicopter, this class uses the start method from a third class called
Engine. The Engine class has 2 methods called start and stop, these methods print
the time the engine started or stopped.
(d) With the requirements from (2.c) write the three required classes that produce the
following output (your start time would be different):
C:\work\C\javaexam>java HeliDemo
Vehicle Colour is Red and Max speed is 200
Engine started at 2020- 05 - 13T08:34:17.
Using the main class:

class HeliDemo { public static void main (String[] args) { Helicopter myHeli = new Helicopter(); myHeli.setColour(Red); myHeli.setMaxSpeed(200); myHeli.vehicleDetails(); myHeli.heliStart(); } }

####### [9]

Hint : You will need to import java.time.LocalDateTime
(e) Discuss, using examples from (2.c) and (2.d), two benefits of using the object
oriented approach to produce this code using multiple classes.

3. Functional Programming / Haskell (25 Marks)

(a) Write down the most general types for each of the following functions:

(i) increment n = n+

####### [2]

(ii) xor a b = (a || b) && not (a && b) [2]

(iii) suffixDoc = (++ ".doc") [2]

(iv) applyToPair f (a,b) = (f a, f b) [2]

The Gregory-Liebniz infinite series for is
or, equivalently,
In the following questions, you may use standard Prelude library functions.
(b) Write a function for with type s :: Int -> Float, using guarded equations. [2]
(c) Write a function piSub of type piSub :: Int -> [Float] that takes an argument
and is defined as the infinite list

####### [4]

Hint: Use the library function fromIntegral to convert a value given as type Int to
(d) Use piSub to write a function getPi with type getPi :: Int -> Float that takes
one argument and calculates the Gregory-Liebniz series for , using only the first
terms in the series. [2]
(e) Explain lazy evaluation and why it is used in Haskell.
As part of your answer, show how the expression triple (5*4) is evaluated as an
illustration of lazy evaluation, where triple x = x+x+x. [9]

4. Functional Programming / Haskell (25 Marks)

In the (imaginary) country of Haskellonia, a business wants to write an income and tax
calculation system in Haskell for its employees. Each employee is represented by the
fields: Employee id (Int), name (String), income (Int), employee type (value 1, 2 or 3),
role (String). In Haskell, this data will be coded as tuple of six elements.
(a) Write a data type Emp to represent one employee as a tuple of the five fields given
above. [2]
(b) What is the type of a list of employees? [1]
(c) Which of these records is a correct Emp type object? [2]
(1, "John Smith", 20000, 2, "Accountant")
(2, "Arnold Jones", 30000, "B", "Programmer")

(d) Write two functions empType and empInc to return the employee type and income, respectively, from an Emp type record. Include the type declaration for each function. [2]

(e) Use list comprehension to write a function empByType with type declaration
empByType :: [Emp] -> Int -> [Emp]
that takes a list of employees and an employee type as arguments and returns a
list of only those employees from the list with the given employee type. [2]
You may use any standard library function or function you have already defined in
answering this question.
In Haskellonia, there is a different tax calculation for each employee type, as follows:-
  • If employee type = 1 then tax = (income-10000)/10,
  • If employee type = 2 then tax = (income-15000)/8,
  • If employee type = 3 then tax = (income-5000)/12, with tax calculations rounded down to the nearest integer, and any negative tax calculations rounded up to zero.
The following code is used to  express these three tax calculations:
taxCalcs :: [Emp -> Int]
taxCalcs = [\x -> max (div (empInc x - 10000) 10) 0,
\x -> max (div (empInc x - 15000) 8) 0,
\x -> max (div (empInc x - 5000) 12) 0 ]
(f) Explain how taxCalcs expresses the tax calculations.
In particular, explain the use of max and div in the code and the \x -> part of the
code. [3]
(g) Given an employee record e1 :: Emp with employee type t :: Int, write code to
apply the correct tax calculation for this employee using taxCalcs. [2]

(h) Using recursion, write a function empsTax :: [Emp] -> [Int] to calculate the correct tax for each employee in a list of employees, based on their employee type. Return the corresponding list of taxes for each employee. [2] You may use any standard library functions or functions you have already defined in answering this question.

(i) Describe what this function is doing:
incTaxByType es t = (t, sum(map empInc ets), sum(empsTax ets))
ets = empByType es t

What meaning does the output from this function have? [2]

(j) Which type definition below is consistent with the function in 4(i)? [1]
(i) incTaxByType :: [Emp] -> Int -> (Int, Int)
(ii) incTaxByType :: Emp -> Int -> (Int, Int)
(iii) incTaxByType :: [Emp] -> Int -> (Int, Int, Int)
(k) Use the map library function ( not recursion ) to write a function
incTaxTotals :: [Emp] -> [(Int, Int, Int)]
to return a list of tuples output by incTaxByType, one for each employee type,
given a list of employees with different employee types. [2]
You may use any standard library functions or functions you have already defined in
answering this question.
(l) Write a function showIncTaxTotals :: [Emp] -> IO() to produce a tabular
formatted output for total income and tax by employee type, given a list of
employees. The output should be sent to the screen and appear as, for example,
Total income and tax by employee type:

Type Income Tax (^) 1 55000 (^3500) 2 74000 (^3625) 3 0 End of report (^0) [4] You may use any standard library functions or functions you have already defined. Hint: you may need to define one or more auxiliary functions to implement this. The tab is written as \t in Haskell.