Crime data analysis
homework代写 | python代做 | assignment代写 | data mining代做 – 这是一个IT面向对象设计的practice, 考察IT的理解, 是有一定代表意义的data mining代做等代写方向, 这是值得参考的assignment代写的题目
In this notebook we will explore the Victoria Police Department’s crime stats
To harvest the data we go to the primary webpage crime reports ( and click on
Notice the file is over 100Mb. Please do not copy this into your personal mp248 repo. When you use this
data for homework assignment 4, please load the file from the course repo.
In [1]:
import json
with open(“data/Victoria (BC) Police Department.geojson”) as f: data = json.loads(
In [2]:
print(type(data)) print(data.keys()) print(data[‘type’]) print(len(data[‘features’])) ## okay, the data is basically a big list of all police records print(data[‘features’][ 2 ])
First off
Let’s build a dictionary that keeps track of what kind of data is reported. As we can see from the dictionary,
there is a parent_incident_type , and an incident_type_primary. IT would appear incident_type_primary is a
more detailed break-down of the parent_incident_type so this data would appear to fit in a tree structure.
<class ‘dict’> dict_keys([‘type’, ‘features’]) FeatureCollection 129095 {‘type’: ‘Feature’, ‘properties’: {‘city’: ‘VICTORIA’, ‘latitude’: ‘48.4212191967164’, ‘parent_incident_type’: ‘Alarm’, ‘zip’: None, ‘s tate’: ‘BC’, ‘day_of_week’: ‘Saturday’, ‘incident_id’: ‘630184524’, ‘clearance_type’: ”, ‘incident_description’: ‘Please click here to view our disclaimer.’, ‘country’: None, ‘longitude’: ‘-123.381891254424’, ‘address_2’: Non e, ‘hour_of_day’: ’21’, ‘created_at’: ‘2014-12-07T13:03:34.000’, ‘ad dress_1’: ‘MICHIGAN ST & ST LAWRENCE ST’, ‘incident_type_primary’: ‘FALSE ALARMS’, ‘updated_at’: ‘2015-01-04T20:40:34.000’, ‘case_numbe r’: ’14-54570′, ‘incident_datetime’: ‘2014-12-06T21:59:00.000’}, ‘ge ometry’: {‘type’: ‘Point’, ‘coordinates’: [-123.381891254424, 48. 2191967164]}}
Let’s build the tree…
of the types of crime records in the database. We might as well count the number of each record type while
we’re at it.
In [3]:
import collections as co import pprint as pp
ctree = dict()
for R in data[‘features’]: #print(R) #print(‘.’,end=”, flush=True) TopI = R[‘properties’][‘parent_incident_type’] BotI = R[‘properties’][‘incident_type_primary’] if TopI not in ctree.keys(): ctree[TopI] = co.defaultdict(int) ctree[TopI][BotI] += 1
{‘Alarm’: defaultdict(<class ‘int’>, {‘FALSE ALARMS’: 1447}), ‘Arson’: defaultdict(<class ‘int’>, {‘ARSON-DISREGARD FOR HUMAN LIFE’: 22, ‘ARSON-PROPERTY’: 260}), ‘Assault’: defaultdict(<class ‘int’>, {‘ASSAULT AGAINST POLICE OFFICER’: 417, ‘ASSAULT-COMMON OR TRESPASS’: 2065, ‘ASSAULTS-OTHER’: 473}), ‘Assault with Deadly Weapon’: defaultdict(<class ‘int’>, {‘ASSAULT OT P/O-W/WPN OR CBH’: 38, ‘ASSAULT POLICE-W/WEAPON OR CBH’: 75, ‘ASSAULT-AGGRAVATED’: 9 8, ‘ASSAULT-OTHER PEACE OFF ICER’: 125, ‘ASSAULT-W/WEAPON OR CB H’: 1552}), ‘Breaking & Entering’: defaultdict(<class ‘int’>, {‘BREAK & ENTER-BUSINESS’: 1691, ‘BREAK & ENTER-OTHER’: 1452, ‘BREAK & ENTER-RESIDENCE’: 220 2}), ‘Comm unity Policing’: defaultdict(<class ‘int’>, {‘BUSINESS’: 46, ‘CITIZEN ASSIST’: 1}), ‘Disorder’: defaultdict(<class ‘int’>, {‘CAUSE A DISTURBANCE’: 378 6}), ‘Drugs’: defaultdict(<class ‘int’>, {‘POSSESS-OTH SCHED I DRUGS/SUBS’: 291, ‘POSSESS-OTH SCHED III DRUG/SUB’: 30, ‘POSSESSION-CANNABIS 30G & UNDR’: 919, ‘POSSESSION-CANNABIS OVER 30G’: 38, ‘POSSESSION-COCAINE’: 769, ‘POSSESSION-HEROIN’: 273, ‘POSSESSION-MDMA (ECSTASY)’: 14, ‘POSSESSION-METHAMPHETAMINE’: 367, ‘TRAFFICK-CANNABIS 3000G & UNDR’: 126, ‘TRAFFICK-CANNABIS OVER 3000G’: 7, ‘TRAFFICKING-AMPHETAMINE’: 9, ‘TRAFFICKING-COCAINE’: 483, ‘TRAFFICKING-HEROIN’: 118, ‘TRAFFICKING-METHAMPHETAMINE’: 68, ‘TRAFFICKING-MORPHINE’: 5, ‘TRAFFICKING-OTH SCHED IV CDSA’: 3, ‘TRAFFICKING-OTHER CDSA’: 35}), ‘Liquor’: defaultdict(<class ‘int’>, {‘LIQUOR (LCLA) ACT-OTHER’: 442, ‘LIQUOR-CONSUME IN PUBLIC PLACE’: 734, ‘LIQUOR-INTOX IN PUBLIC PLACE’: 9292, ‘LIQUOR-SEIZURE’: 21}), ‘Other’: defaultdict(<class ‘int’>, {‘ANIMAL CALLS’: 869, ‘BYLAW-NOISE’: 6089, ‘OBSTRUCT PEACE/PUBLIC OFFICER’: 451, ‘SUSPICIOUS PERS/VEH/OCCURRENCE’: 17445}), ‘Property Crime’: defaultdict(<class ‘int’>, {‘FRAUD-CHEQUE’: 61, ‘FRAUD-CREDIT/DEBIT CARD’: 72, ‘MISCHIEF $5000 OR UNDER’: 8894,
‘MISCHIEF OVER $5000’: 90,
‘Robbery’: defaultdict(<class ‘int’>, {‘ROBBERY W/OTHER OFFENSIVE WPN’: 246, ‘ROBBERY-OTHER’: 536}), ‘Theft’: defaultdict(<class ‘int’>, {‘THEFT BICYCLE OVER $5000’: 53, ‘THEFT BICYCLE UNDER $5000’: 5083, ‘THEFT-ELEC/GAS/TEL UNDER $5000’: 19, ‘THEFT-OTHER OVER $5000’: 205, ‘THEFT-OTHER UNDER $5000’: 9430, ‘THEFT-SHOPLIFTING OVER $5000’: 18, ‘THEFT-SHOPLIFTING UNDER $5000’: 7392}), ‘Theft from Vehicle’: defaultdict(<class ‘int’>, {‘THEFT FROM MV OVER $5000’: 165, ‘THEFT FROM MV UNDER $5000’: 109 06}), ‘Theft of Vehicle’: defaultdict(<class ‘int’>, {‘TAKE AUTO W/O CONSENT U/$5000’: 4 2, ‘THEFT MOTORCYCLE UNDER $5000’: 30 4, ‘THEFT OF AUTO OVER $5000’: 270, ‘THEFT OF AUTO UNDER $5000’: 508, ‘THEFT OF TRUCK OVER $5000’: 110, ‘THEFT OF TRUCK UNDER $5000’: 178, ‘THEFT OTHER VEHICLE U/$5000’: 2 6}), ‘Traffic’: defaultdict(<class ‘int’>, {‘215 ALCOH-24HR’: 429, ‘215 DRUG’: 461, ‘215ALCOH IRP WARN-30DAY’: 24, ‘215ALCOH IRP WARN-3DAY’: 532, ‘215ALCOH IRP WARN-7DAY’: 33, ‘COLLISION-DAMAGE OVER $1000’: 3218, ‘COLLISION-DAMAGE UNDER $1000’: 2292, ‘COLLISION-NON-FATAL INJURY’: 1650, ‘DRIVING COMPLAINTS’: 3701, ‘EXCESSIVE SPEED-OVER 40KM’: 19, ‘IMPAIRED OP MOTOR VEH (ALCOH)’: 2024, ‘TRAFFIC-INSURANCE VIOLATION’: 3424, ‘TRAFFIC-OTHER FEDERAL’: 41, ‘TRAFFIC-OTHER MOVING PROV’: 3527, ‘TRAFFIC-OTHER MUNICIPAL’: 438, ‘TRAFFIC-OTHER NON-MOVE PROV’: 1343, ‘TRAFFIC-WRITTEN WARNING’: 52}), ‘Vehicle Stop’: defaultdict(<class ‘int’>, {‘CYCLIST’: 1345, ‘VEHICLE’: 4186, ‘VI-VEHICLE IMPOUNDMENT’: 81}), ‘Weapons Offense’: defaultdict(<class ‘int’>, {‘FIREARM-POINTING’: 12, ‘WEAPONS POSS-CONTRARY TO ORDER’: 2 8, ‘WEAPONS-POSSESSION’: 966})}
Pie charts
Let’s write some code that turns the above tree data into pie charts. I.e. we want to plot the relative
frequency of the various crime types.
Let’s start with the parent incident types.
In [4]:
parent_counts = [sum(v.values()) for k,v in ctree.items()] parent_names = [k for k,v in ctree.items()]
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt % matplotlib inline
plt.figure(figsize=( 8 , 8 )) plt.title(“Relative frequency of crime types”) X = plt.pie(parent_counts, labels=parent_names, autopct=’ %1.1f%% ‘)
In [5]:
## let’s see if we can fix that output to be more readable. import operator as op
parent_counts = [(k, sum(v.values())) for k,v in ctree.items()] parent_counts.sort(key=op.itemgetter( 1 ))
shuffle_counts = [] while parent_counts: if len(parent_counts)% 2 == 0: shuffle_counts.append(parent_counts.pop()) else : shuffle_counts.append(parent_counts.pop( 0 ))
plt.figure(figsize=( 8 , 8 )) plt.title(“Relative frequency of crime types”) X = plt.pie([x[ 1 ] for x in shuffle_counts], labels=[x[ 0 ] for x in shuffle_counts ], autopct=’ %1.2f%% ‘)
In [6]:
_## and let’s make a routine that makes a piechart for the incident_type_primary
sub-crimes of a given parent_incident_type_
_## given a parent incident type, this routine plots a pie chart of the
relative frequency of the incident_type_primary associated_
def primary_pie(pit): if pit not in ctree.keys(): print(“Argument must be from ctree.keys()”) print(ctree.keys()) return ( 0 )
parent_counts = list(ctree[pit].items())
parent_counts.sort(key=op.itemgetter( 1 ))
shuffle_counts = []
while parent_counts:
if len(parent_counts)% 2 == 0:
else :
shuffle_counts.append(parent_counts.pop( 0 ))
plt.figure(figsize=( 8 , 8 )) plt.title(“Relative frequency of crime types \n “+pit) X = plt.pie([x[ 1 ] for x in shuffle_counts], labels=[x[ 0 ] for x in shuffle_co unts], autopct=’ %1.2f%% ‘)
for k in ctree.keys(): primary_pie(k)
Clean up the data
To start with let’s convert the numbers to appropriate float and int data types. Convert the dates to
datetime objects.
Recall data[‘features’] is a list, and this dictionary is the list element evaluated at ‘properties’.
In [7]:
import datetime as dt
clean_dat = list() incompl_dat = list()
for x in data[‘features’]: if ‘properties’ not in x.keys(): continue ## why bother?
## we have the properties, so let's start building the record.
newRec = dict()
incFlag = False # set to true if we discover missing data in x
floatkeys = [‘latitude’, ‘longitude’] strkeys = [‘parent_incident_type’, ‘incident_type_primary’, ‘address_1’, ‘ad dress_2’] intkeys = [‘case_number’, ‘incident_id’] datekeys = [‘created_at’, ‘updated_at’, ‘incident_datetime’]
for k in floatkeys: if k in x[‘properties’].keys() and isinstance(x[‘properties’][k], str) a nd len(x[‘properties’][k])> 0 : newRec[k] = float(x[‘properties’][k]) else : incFlag= True
## anything to check?
for k in strkeys:
newRec[k] = x['properties'][k]
for k in intkeys:
## let's count non-numerical characters
non_ch_chars = []
digits = '0123456789'
for ch in x['properties'][k]:
if ch not in digits:
for ch in non_ch_chars:
if ch != '-':
x['properties'][k] = x['properties'][k].replace(ch, '-')
if '-' in x['properties'][k]:
newRec[k] = [int(w) for w in x['properties'][k].split('-')]
else :
newRec[k] = int(x['properties'][k])
for k in datekeys: ## typical format: ‘2014-12-06T21:59:00.000’ newRec[k] = dt.datetime.strptime(x[‘properties’][k], ‘%Y-%m- %d T%H:%M:%S. 000′)
if incFlag:
else :
In [8]:
print(len(incompl_dat), len(clean_dat))
In [9]:
1 129094
[{‘parent_incident_type’: ‘Drugs’, ‘incident_type_primary’: ‘POSSESS ION-METHAMPHETAMINE’, ‘address_1’: None, ‘address_2’: None, ‘case_nu mber’: [16, 42790], ‘incident_id’: 773865128, ‘created_at’: datetim e.datetime(2016, 9, 24, 10, 2, 9), ‘updated_at’: datetime.datetime(2 016, 10, 18, 19, 40, 55), ‘incident_datetime’: datetime.datetime(201 6, 9, 19, 20, 42)}]
In [11]:
## Let’s try a matplotlib plot of the GPS coordinates. X=[] Y=[] eg0=[] for x in clean_dat: if x[‘latitude’] > 48.655 or x[‘latitude’] < 48 : eg0.append(x) continue if x[‘longitude’]<- 124 or x[‘longitude’]>- 123 : eg0.append(x) continue X.append(x[‘longitude’]) Y.append(x[‘latitude’])
plt.figure(figsize=( 8 , 8 )) plt.scatter(X, Y, color=’r’, alpha=0.2)
## okay it looks like we might have some erroneous coordinates.
In [ ]:
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x7f9478ac69b0>
In [ ]:
_## lets run through the data and check the three timestamps
incident_datetime, created_at, updated_at
are appear in that relative order_
eg1 = [] eg2 = [] for x in clean_dat: if x[‘incident_datetime’] > x[‘created_at’]: eg1.append(x) if x[‘updated_at’] < x[‘created_at’]: eg2.append(x)
print(“Incidents occur after record created: “, len(eg1)) print(“Incident updated before record created: “, len(eg2))
In [15]:
## if we wanted to purge the bad records we could rewrite clean_dat like this: print(len(clean_dat))
clean_dat = [x for x in clean_dat if x not in eg0]
print(len(clean_dat), len(clean_dat)+len(eg0))
put data in library
Let’s push all this code into a library.
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