CS 574: Computer Security, Fall 2022
homework | 代写security | 代写Network | 代做network | shell代做 | project | 作业lab | database代做 | Operating Systems – 这是一个network面向对象设计的practice, 考察network的理解, 包括了security/Network/network/shell/database/Operating Systems等方面, 这是值得参考的lab代写的题目
Lecturer: Peter Bartoli [email protected] TAs: Jordan Shands-Sparks [email protected] Thomas Hinton [email protected] Time/Location: Mondays 7:00 PM – 9:45 PM, AL 101 Office Hours: generally held after class each day, by appointment, and after midterms Final Exam: December 19, 20 22 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Shadow Website: https://slagheap.net/media/cs574/ Required Texts: Smith, Elementary Information Security, 3rd Edition McClure, et al., Hacking Exposed, 7 th Edition Recommended: (if! CS470) Kochan, shell Programming in Unix, Linux, and OS X, 4th Edition (if! CS470) Nemeth et. al., Unix System Administration Handbook, 5 th Edition Schwartau, Information Warfare, 2nd Edition (out of print; try Amazon) Stoll, The Cuckoos Egg Course Goals: to provide students with:
- a broad & deep introduction to computer/information security fundamentals
- the ability to discuss network attack and defense methods
- the ability to assess risk to systems, networks, and information on computers Laptops: lab exercises and homework will make heavy use of laptops; get one if you dont have one.
- use of attack, defense, and traffic analysis tools
- active network wargames / intrusion attempts Outline: We may deviate from slightly as the course goes on. This is not in order.
- introduction to and history of computer security
- threats, vulnerabilities, and exploits
- security in programming
- Operating Systems security
- network security and architecture
- attack and defense methodologies
- multi-level security systems
- database / application security
- security and privacy
- encryption: algorithms and applications Project: An OPTIONAL security-pertinent coding project or research paper of approximately ten pages, in three parts:
- selection of a pertinent topic, due for approval by 9/
- preparation of a bibliography of publications for your topic, due by 9/
- project deliverable, due before the final exam Grading: 70% exams (one mid-term and one final), 3 0% project if chosen If no project is done, grade will be 100% exams, 50% mid-term and 50% final 90%+ = A, 80%+ = B, 70%+ = C, 60%+ = D, <60 = F I do use + and – grades for higher and lower A thru C marks. ANY academic dishonesty will result in an F grade. You may not cut-and-paste any section of anybody elses work. Mid-term may be down-weighedat my sole optionif final is a lot better!
Disabled Students: If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need accommodations for this class, it is your responsibility to contact Student Disability Services at (619) 594-6473. To avoid any delay in the receipt of your accommodations, you should contact Student Disability Services as soon as possible. Please note that accommodations are not retroactive, and that accommodations based upon disability cannot be provided until you have presented your instructor with an accommodation letter from Student Disability Services. Your cooperation is appreciated. Immediate Access Course : Some or all of the required materials for this class are provided in digital format within Canvas. The materials are available by the first day of classes and are free through the add/drop date. The SDSU add/drop deadline is at 7:59 p.m. PDT but you have until 11:59 p.m. PDT to opt out of Immediate Access. Unless you opt out of Immediate Access by 11:59 p.m. PDT on the add/drop date, your SDSU student account will then be charged the special reduced price for use of the materials for the remainder of the semester. Please visit http://www.shopaztecs.com/immediateaccess for additional information about Immediate Access pricing, digital subscription duration, print add-ons, opting out and other frequently asked questions. Books Available as Free e-texts through Campus Library : Hacking Exposed: https://csu-sdsu.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/01CALS_SDL/10r4g1c/cdi_safari_books_v2_ Shell Programming in Unix, Linux and OS X: https://csu-sdsu.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/01CALS_SDL/10r4g1c/cdi_askewsholts_vlebooks_