Serial Optimization
homework | assignment代做 – , 这个项目是assignment代写的代写题目
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02 Serial Optimization
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The goal of this assignment is to experiment with optimizing code. The starting source code can be
found in the files section of Canvas in the code folder Labeled 2021_Spring_Hw02_Part1.tar.gz and
2021_Spring_Hw02_Part2.tar.gz. All work shall be tested and evaluated on the ACI cluster.
Part 1:
A basic library subroutine is provided on the ACI collaboration folder on Canvas. Your task is to improve
the performance of the routine while maintaining the functional accuracy.
Part 2:
A basic library that performs a matrix-matrix multiplication has been provided. Your task is to use some
of the ideas provided in the book to improve the overall execution time of the subroutine.
Your homework submission should be a zip file containing the following file structure and names:
- hw2_
.pdf // Your writeup (following the How to Write Technical Papers format). - abc123_hw2_part1 // A folder containing your solution to hw2 part
- hw2_part1.cpp // Your subroutine solution
- hw2_part1.hpp // Your subroutine header file
- Makefile // Your Makefile to compile your library
- abc123_hw2_part2 // A folder containing your solution to hw2 part
- hw2_part2.cpp // Your subroutine solution
- hw2_part2.hpp // Your subroutine header file
- Makefile // Your Makefile to compile your library Please do not include any other files in your submission.
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Evaluation and Expectations:
Your submission will be evaluated on two categories: Code Performance and Documentation.
For Code Performance, your libraries will be evaluated for both function and speed. If your library does
not replicate the original output, you will not receive credit for that part. The Rank of the speed will
determine the score earned in the code performance portion of the grade.
For Documentation, your write-up will be evaluated for how well you describe your effort and present
your results. It will also be evaluated for technical accuracy. Use the "How to Write Technical Papers" as
a guide. You do not need to use all sections of that document.
See the Homework Generic Rubric for additional guidance on how your assignment submission will be
Reminder, no credit will be earned for submissions that do not have your name in the documents (Write-
up AND source code).