java | Python | html代写 – Frontend Assessment – Work Orders

Frontend Assessment – Work Orders

java | Python | html代写 – 这是一个java面向对象设计的practice, 考察java的理解, 涵盖了java/Python/html等程序代做方面

html代写 代写html 网站代写 网页代写

The goal of this assessment is to build the following front-end application given this following specification. You are allowed to use any frontend framework (React.js, Angular.js, Vue.js, or use plain Javascript, HTML, and CSS). This assessment will be evaluated based on: Completion: Did you complete all the steps? Are there any bugs? Fundamentals: How efficient is the code? Does it fetch data efficiently (avoid repeated requests)? Code Quality: Is your solution well organized? Does it follow the best practices of the framework you are using? Communication: We are looking for candidates with strong communication skills. This will be evaluated based on your file. If you notice something is not working (like the API, or any of the links in this document), please contact [email protected].


You have access to the following APIs: Request: Route: Method: GET Response: Body: { “orders” : [{ “id” : “480cb439”, “name” : “Worker Order Name”, “description” : “This is a description for the work order…”, “deadline” : 1558249206, # epoch time in seconds “workerId” : 4 }, … ] } Status: 200

Request: Route: <worker_id> Method: GET Parameters: worker_id : A url parameter that corresponds to the worker id Response: Body: { “worker” : { “id” : 4, “name” : “Ashien Galier”, “email” : “[email protected]”, “companyName” : “Wordify”, “image”: “×250.jpg/ff4444/ffffff” } } Status: 200 The first API returns all the work orders in the database. Each work order has: id (String) – a unique id of the order name (String) – the name of the order description (String) – a short description about the order deadline (integer) – the deadline for the order in epoch time (seconds) workerId (integer) – the worker id that is responsible for this worker order The second API returns information about a worker given their id. Each worker has: id (integer) – a unique id of the worker name (String) – the name of the worker email (String) – the email of the worker companyName (String) – the company of the worker image (String) – an image for the worker


We want you to build a front-end application that: Displays all the work orders (you should also display the worker information that corresponds with each order An input field that can filter work orders by worker name A switch or toggle that lets you sort all the work orders by deadline (earliest first, or latest first – default should be earliest first)

Here is a wireframe with an example of what we are looking for: Note: This wireframe is only an example. Feel free to be creative in terms of meeting the requirements – however, we dont want you to spend more than a few hours on this



Along with your submission, write a file that: How to run the application: The command we should use installing your dependencies, e.g: npm install, pip install -r requirements.txt. You can assume we already have your programming language set up in our environment, as well as any common package managers (npm, yarn, bundle, pip, etc) The command we should use for actually running the application, e.g: npm start, java Main, Python serve A brief (three sentences) high-level description of your project, written for a non-technical person. This will help us assess how well you can communicate.

Submission Details

Please submit your code in a compressed folder (.zip, .sitx, .7z, .rar, and .gz) on the Hatchways platform. The max submission size is 5MB. Do not submit your external dependencies (like the node_modules folder), since the compressed folder will be too large. If you are using plain Javascript, make the index. html file the entry point to your application. You are free to use any scaffolding tools to help you get started. If your submission is too big (although this should not be the case if you follow the steps above), and you can’t figure out how to compress, you are welcome to email your solution to [email protected]. Please include your name, and use the email you signed up with the Hatchways platform. Use the subject line Frontend Assessment Submission.

Public Repositories

Please avoid posting your solution to a public repository. We understand that you may want to share projects you have worked on, but many hours go into developing our tools so we can provide a fair skills evaluation. If you would like to keep a similar version of the assessment on a public repository to showcase your skills, then please do the following: Remove all references to Hatchways in the assessment Do not use any Hatchways APIs (replace them with an API of your own)