mysql代做 | homework作业 | 作业report | 代做app | css代做 | 代做react | 代写sql | database代做 – Fake Stack Overflow Specifications

Fake Stack Overflow Specifications

mysql代做 | homework作业 | 作业report | 代做app | css代做 | 代做react | 代写sql | database代做 – 这是一个关于mysql的题目, 主要考察了关于mysql的内容,是一个比较经典的题目, 是有一定代表意义的mysql/report/app/css/react/sql/database等代写方向, 该题目是值得借鉴的homework代写的题目

homework代写 代写homework hw代做


This document describes the specification of the Fake Stack

Overflow Application. This application is inspired by the actual The application will be developedusing the

Reactframework for the front end aspects. For thebackend, the

application will useMySQL, a relational database,orMongoDB, a

non-relational database. The application server will be inNodejs

using theExpressframework for server-side routing.The

application secures sensitive data such as passwords using the

bcryptlibrary in Node.

Use Cases

Create Account
Actors Unregistered user
Preconditions The user has a working internet connection,
has loaded the application page, and is not
currently logged in.
Postconditions A new account is created for the user with
their username, a secret password, and an
account name (email).

Story The user arrives at the welcome page of the application. The page shows options to register as a new user, login as an existing user, or continue as a guest user. They select the register as a new user option. On selecting this option, they enter their username, email, a secret password, and a password verification. The user presses the SignUp button. This saves the information in a database. They are then directed to a Login page.

Exceptions No users can create an account with the same email. The email should have a valid form. The typed password should not contain the username or the email id. Nicely styled feedback must be presented to the user if the account could not be created due to the above reasons or any other reason.

Use-Case number


Use-Case Name


Actors Registered user

Preconditions The user has a working internet connection, has loaded the application page, and is not currently logged in.

Postconditions Login successful or failed.

Story The user arrives at the welcome page of the application. This page has options to register as a new user, login as an existing user, or continue as a guest user. They select the login as an existing user. On selecting this option, they are asked to login with their email and password. Upon pressing the login button, they are taken to the home page if login is successful.

Exceptions The user enters an unregistered email or an incorrect password then the application should report back appropriate feedback to the user on the same page.

Use-Case number


Use-Case Name

Logout of account

Actors Registered user

Preconditions The user has a working internet connection, has loaded the application page, and is currently logged in.

Postconditions The user logs out of the application.

Story The user is at a page with a logout button. They click on the logout button and the user is taken back to the welcome page if log out

was successful.

Exceptions The application should show an error message if the log out failed due to a communication error or a database error.

Use-Case number


Use-Case Name

Home Page

Actors Guest user

Preconditions The user has a working internet connection, has loaded the home page, and is currently not logged in.

Postconditions The contents of the home page.

Story The user has entered the home page as a guest user.

The home page displays a horizontal menu at
the top of the page with options to view all
questions, view all tags, and a search box to
search for questions.
Initially, the home page shows a list of all
questions in the database. The most recent
question appears first. For each question in
the list it displays, the question title, question
summary, the list of associated tags, the no.
of times it has been viewed and voted, the no.
of answers it has, the username of the
questioner and the date
(e.g., Jan 12, 2020) and time it was asked
(e.g., 21:39:32). The question title is a link
which when clicked shows the answers page.
The page displays 5 questions at a time. The
list of questions is scrollable to fit all the 5
questions if they overflow. For more than 5
questions 2 buttons  next , and prev are
displayed at the bottom of the list. The next
button displays the next 5 questions, prev
displays the previous 5. Button next is
disabled when the last 5 questions are
shown. Similarly, when displaying the first 5,
prev is disabled. Finally, these buttons are
outside the scrollable list of questions.

Exceptions The application should show an appropriate error message to the user in case of a system failure or a communication failure. In case of an error, the user should be given a way to go back to the welcome page and restart.

Use-Case number


Use-Case Name

Home Page

Actors Registered user

Preconditions The user has a working internet connection,

has loaded the home page, and is currently
logged in.

Postconditions The contents of the home page.

Story The user has entered the home page as a registered user and is logged in.

The home page displays a horizontal menu at
the top of the page with options to view all
questions, view all tags, a search box to
search for questions, and logout of the
application. It also displays the username of
the user as a link which when clicked opens
the users profile page. The menu also has an
option to post new questions.
When the home page loads, it displays a list
of all questions in the database. The most
recent question appears first. For each
question in the list, the question title, question
summary, the list of associated tags, the no.
of times it has been viewed and voted, the no.
of answers it has, the username of the
questioner and the date
(e.g., Jan 12, 2020) and time it was asked
(e.g., 21:39:32) is shown. The question title is
a link which when clicked shows the answers
The page displays 5 questions at a time. The
list of questions is scrollable to fit all the 5
questions if they overflow. For more than 5
questions 2 buttons  next , and prev are
displayed at the bottom of the list. The next
button displays the next 5 questions, prev
displays the previous 5. Button next is
disabled when the last 5 questions are
shown. Similarly, when displaying the first 5,
prev is disabled. These buttons are outside
the scrollable list of questions.

Exceptions The application should show an appropriate error message to the user in case of a system failure or a communication failure. In case of an error, the user should be given a way to go back to the welcome page and restart the application.

Use-Case number


Use-Case Name


Actors Registered user, Guest user.

Preconditions The user has a working internet connection, and has loaded the home page.

Postconditions The user is shown a list of questions that match the search text.

Story The user has entered the home page which initially displays a list of all questions.

The home page displays a horizontal menu at
the top of the page similar to use case 4 and
In the search box, the user enters search text.
The search results include all questions that
contain at least one word in the search string
in their question title or summary or the
question text. For search text with individual
words enclosed within [] then the search
result includes all questions corresponding to
each tagname within [],
The search results should also be displayed 5
at a time with buttons to view the next and
previous as described above.

Exceptions Show no results found in case of search failure.

Use-Case number


Use-Case Name

All Tags

Actors Registered user, Guest user.

Preconditions The user has a working internet connection, and has loaded the home page.

Postconditions Shows all tags in the database.

Story The user has entered the home page that

initially displays a list of questions.
The home page displays a horizontal menu at
the top of the page similar to use case 4 and
When the user selects the all tags option from
the menu, a list of all tag names is displayed
to the user. Each tag name in the list is a link
and shows the no. of questions associated
with the tag. Upon clicking the link, the list of
questions associated with the tag name is

Exceptions Show an appropriate message if there is a system or communication failure below the horizontal menu. The message should be stylized so the message is visible clearly to the user.

Use-Case number


Use-Case Name

New Question

Actors Registered user.

Preconditions The user has a working internet connection, has loaded the new questions page, and is currently logged in.

Postconditions The new question posed by the user is added

to the database.

Story The user has entered the new question page. They see a horizontal menu as described in the home page use case and a form to enter new question details. The form has the following:

  • A field to enter the question title (max. 50 characters).
  • A field to enter the question summary (max. 140 characters).
  • A field to enter the question text.
  • A field to enter tag names. Tag names are separated by whitespace. A new tag name can only be created by a user with reputation 100 or more.
  • A button to create a new question. Pressing the new question button, saves the question to the database and loads the home page, which displays the new question along with other questions in the database.

Exceptions An appropriate error message should be displayed if the above mentioned constraints are violated.

Use-Case number


Use-Case Name


Actors Guest user.

Preconditions The user has a working internet connection and has loaded the answers page for a particular question as a guest.

Postconditions Show a question and all its answers.

Story The user has entered the Answers page and sees a horizontal menu at the top of the page as described in the home use case.

In a separate section, below the menu, the
page displays the question title, the total no.
of answers, and the total no. of views
(including the current view). Below this
information, the page displays the question
text, the list of tags, and the username of the
user who asked the question along with the
date and time the question was asked. It also
displays the no. of votes the question has
received. The list of comments associated
with a question are displayed below the
question text and its list of tags. (see later for
comments use case.)
Below the question details section, the page
displays the list of all answers for the
question. The most recent answer should
appear first. Each answer has the answer
text, the no. of votes it has received so far,
and the username of the answer giver along
with the date and time. It displays 5 answers
at a time with two buttons  next and prev to
display the next 5 answers and the previous 5
answers, respectively. The next button is
disabled when the last 5 answers are shown
and the prev button is disabled when the first
5 answers are shown.
Answers also have comments. They should
be displayed below each answer.

Exceptions An appropriate error message is displayed if the expected data could not be rendered due to system or communication failure.

Use-Case number


Use-Case Name


Actors Registered user.

Preconditions The user has a working internet connection, has loaded the answers page for a particular question, and is currently logged in.

Postconditions A questions details, all its answers, and ability to add new questions, answers and comments.

Story The user has entered the Answers page and sees a horizontal menu at the top of the page as described in the home use case.

In a separate section, below the menu, the

page displays the question title, the total no. of answers, and the total no. of views (including the current view). Below this information, the page displays the question text, the list of tags, and the username of the user who asked the question along with the date and time the question was asked. It also displays the no. of votes the question has received so far. The list of comments associated with a question are displayed below the question text and its list of tags. (see later for comments use case.)

Below the question details section, the page displays a scrollable list of all answers for the question. The most recent answer should appear first. Each answer has the answer text, the no. of votes received, and the username of the answer giver along with the date and time. It displays 5 answers at a time with two buttons next and prev to display the next 5 answers and the previous 5 answers, respectively. The next button is disabled when the last 5 answers are shown and the prev button is disabled when the first 5 answers are shown. The buttons should be outside the scrollable list of answers.

A button to add new answers is displayed below all the answers, in a separate section. This button is outside the scrollable list of answers.

Answers also have comments. They are

displayed below each answer.
The question and each answer has buttons to
upvote and downvote the question or answer.
Upvoting increases the vote by 1 and
downvoting decreases the vote by 1.
Upvoting a question/answer increases the
reputation of the corresponding user by 5.
Downvoting a question/answer decreases the
reputation of the corresponding user by 10.
The user can vote if their reputation is 100 or

Exceptions An appropriate error message is displayed if any of the constraints above are violated or there is a database or a communication error.

Use-Case number


Use-Case Name


Actors Guest user.

Preconditions The user has a working internet connection, and has loaded the answers page for a

particular question as a guest.

Postconditions Shows the comments for a question and all its answers.

Story A question or an answer has comments. The most recent comment is displayed first. For both Q&A, 3 comments are displayed at a time along with the username of the commenters. Two buttons next and prev display the next 3 comments and the previous 3 comments, respectively. The next button is disabled when the last 3 comments are shown and the prev button is disabled when the first 3 comments are shown.

Exceptions N/A

Use-Case number


Use-Case Name


Actors Registered user.

Preconditions The user has a working internet connection, has loaded the answers page, and is

currently logged in.

Postconditions Shows comments for a question and answers and adds new comments.

Story A question or an answer has comments. The most recent comment is displayed first. For both question and answers, 3 comments are displayed at a time along with the username of the commenters. Two buttons next and prev display the next 3 comments and the previous 3 comments, respectively. The next button is disabled when the last 3 comments are shown and the prev button is disabled when the first 3 comments are shown. A text field is displayed below the comments to capture a new comment by the currently logged in user. The new comment is added to the database and displayed on pressing enter.

Exceptions – If a new comment is more than 140 characters then do not add it to the database and display an appropriate error message to inform the user.

  • If a new comment is added by a user with less than 100 reputation, display an appropriate message to inform the user and reject the comment.

Use-Case number


Use-Case Name

New Answer

Actors Registered user.

Preconditions The user has a working internet connection, has loaded the new answers page, and is currently logged in.

Postconditions The new answer posted by the user is added to the database.

Story The user has entered the new question page. They see a horizontal menu as described in the home use case. Below the menu a text field is shown for the user to enter their answer and a button which when pressed saves the answer in the database. After posting the answer the user is taken back to the answers page for the question.

Exceptions An appropriate error message should be displayed on this page if a database error or communication error happens.

Use-Case number


Use-Case Name

User Profile

Actors Registered user.

Preconditions The user has a working internet connection, has loaded the user profile page, and is currently logged in.

Postconditions The user profile of the currently logged in user.

Story The page displays the horizontal menu as described in the home use case at the top. Below the menu the length of time the user has been a member of fake stack overflow and the reputation of the user is shown. Below this information, the list of question titles ever asked by the user is displayed. The list of questions displayed is similar to the list of all questions in the home page.

A sidebar shows links to view all answers and
tags created by the user. They are displayed
in the same way that all tags and and all
answers for a question are displayed.
Selecting a question, answer, or tag allows
the user to edit or delete the respective
question, answer, or tag.
Exceptions Display an appropriate message if the user
has no questions, answers, or tags.

System Requirements

You must use the react framework along with css to design and

implement the front end. You can reuse and extend the CSS and

React components you created for the homework assignments.

The react app should run on localhost:3000.

The server should run on Node and should connect to a backend

database. The server should run on localhost:8000.

For the backend, you can use either sql mysql代写 database代做”> mysql or MongoDB. For

either system, your application server should connect to a local


For MongoDB, the server-side script should connect to

mongodb:// Your server shouldset up

the backend documents based on the schema you have


For MySQL, the script should connect to an instance with the


host : 'localhost',
user : user,
password : pass,
database : fake_so

User and Password for MySQL instances should be provided as

arguments to the server script identical to the format described in


If using MySQL, you should include a script called server/setup.js

in your repository that will be run to create the tables in your

schema. This script will be run using Node before starting the


For both MongoDB and MySQL, you can assume the local

installation is up and running when your server is started.

You should provide a design document for the schema of your

database. For a relational database provide an E/R diagram. For

non-relational, provide a class diagram. Include these images in

the image directory of your repository.

User passwords need to be stored securely in the database.

Hence, we should hash the passwords and store their hashes

instead of the original passwords. To this end, install and use the

bcryptlibrary in Node.

Your application should be designed to handle requests from

multiple users.

The Repository

The repository has a directory for server and client .The file

server/server.js is the main launching point of theapplication

server. The client directory hosts the front-end resourcesof your


The file should document your applicationand how

to run it. This file should contain instructions on how to reproduce

and run your application on another computer. If youhave used

design patterns while implementing your application, you

should list them in the README and explain where you have

used them and why you used them. You will get 10% extra

credit for using design patterns in your code.

You are allowed to use any library you deem fit. Make sure they

are part of packages.json.