mysql | web | 代做java | 代写project | html代写 | 代写assignment | sql | database – 22S-CST8288 Assignment

22S-CST8288 Assignment

mysql | web | 代做java | 代写project | html代写 | 代写assignment | sql | database – 这是利用html进行训练的代写, 对html的流程进行训练解析, 是有一定代表意义的mysql/web/java/html/sql/database等代写方向, 该题目是值得借鉴的assignment代写的题目

sql代写 代写sql 数据库代写

(15% of grade)

  • This assignment combines the use of the DAO pattern with servlet.
  • The purpose of this project is to process a web clients request to assign a course to a tutor.
Project Description
  • You are given a tutoring database with the following tables with suitable data: o course o experience o grade o session o student o studentcourse o turot o tutorcourse
  • The main outcome of the project is to assign a course to a tutor if the tutor is qualified.
  • The project is to create a webpage that will accept the user id and password for the database, first name and lastname of the tutor and the coursecode of the course to be assigned
  • The webpage will launch the servlet that will utilise the DAO implementation to validate the data, to assign the course to the turtor, and to obtain the required data.
  • If the validation fails, then the servlet will return a suitable error message as a response to the servlet request.
  • If the validation succeeds, then the servlet will return a table of all the tutors who are assigned to the course, including the one just got added.
  • A person qualifies to tutor the course if that person is a tutor and had completed the course with the grade of A-, A or A+
Deliverables required
  • Your application must be implement the following as java packages: o businesslayer o dataaccesslayer (including an class to encapsulate the "data source") o transferobjects o viewlayer
  • Your application must:
o use  sql mysql代写 database代做"> mysql - SQL scripts provided with this assignment
o implement the DAO pattern
o create a servlet:
 that uses the DAO implementation and
 produces the required output for the given servlet request
o provide a Web page to launch the servlet
o initial Web page must prompt the end-user to enter the userid and password to
authenticate to the MySQL database, the first name and lastname of the tutor,
and the coursecode of the course to be assigned
o The servlet will produce the  html output as the response to the servlet request.
This will be either a suitable error message if the validation failed or a table of all
the tutors who are assigned to the course, including the one just got added.
o You must follow Java coding conventions, rules of the DAO design pattern &
provide Javadoc comments for all public items
o ( for full marks) code submitted must be in the form of NetBeans project and
 exported as a .zip and name your file
 name your project Lastname.Firstname.Project
 (using your names, of course)

Sample Output