CS209A-23Spring assignment2
Network | GUI作业 | network代做 | vue代写 | 作业javafx | 代写project | assignment代写 | lab代写 | 作业react – 这是利用javafx进行训练的代写, 对网络程序和gui的流程进行训练解析, 涉及了Network/GUI/network/vue/javafx等代写方面, 该题目是值得借鉴的java图形和网络代写的题目
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Chat Room
In this assignment, you'll be implementing a chat room application in client/server mode. Users could use this
application to chat with other(s), much like the way you use WeChat or QQ, but in a much simpler way. See
below for details.
We'll use socket programming , multithreading , and javafx to implement this application.
Server & Users (70 points)
The server is a single central place to host all users. It should maintain a list of users that are currently
connected to the server.
Once a user connects to the server successfully, he/she will be able to see a list of other users that are
currently available to chat (i.e., these users are also connected to the server at the same time). Then, the user
Select another user to start a one-on-one chat.
Select multiple users to start a group chat.
During the chat, a user should be able to send text messages as well as emojis while the corresponding
receiver(s) should receive exactly the same message.
GUI (15 points)
Primary GUI components of the application include:
Main panel: shows a list of users available to chat
Chat room: whenever users start a one-on-one chat or a group chat, there should be a separate
chatroom window created for this new chat.
Application GUI should be implemented using only JavaFX. NO point will be given for this GUI part
if you used only console for displaying all the information
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if you used other GUI frameworks, such as vue or Swing.
Exception Handling (15 points)
Many things could go wrong in a C/S mode application. A server may crash due to internal bugs; a user may
quit intentionally or accidentally (e.g., due to network problem) without notifying others. You should handle
such exception cases in your program, so that both users and servers could react to unusual cases elegantly
without affecting user experience.
For example, during a normal chat session, if one user accidentally goes offline (e.g., due to network problem),
other user(s) in the same chat session would be notified properly without affecting their normal workflow. This
means that for one-on-one chat, the remaining user should elegantly stay or quit the chat room without
crashing or seeing explicit exception traces. For group chat, other users should be able to continue the chat
without being interrupted.
If the server goes down, all active users should also be notified properly without crashing or seeing explicit
exception traces.
Bonus (12 points)
Account management & chat history (6 points): The server could support user registration and login.
After login, users could see a list of available users, sorted by their recent chat activities. For example, if
the user had a chat with A this morning and with B yesterday, then A should appear before B in the list.
In addition, after selecting A, the user should be able to see their entire chat history within the chat
room window.
File transfer (6 points): users should be able to send files to others / receive files from others in the chat
We provide a skeleton JavaFX code for you to get started. Please click here.
Please put all project files into a single zip A2-yourStudentID and submit this zip to Sakai.
Functionalities : You'll demonstrate your project during the lab session on April. 26 (week 11), and we'll
check whether you've accomplished the required functionalities onsite.
Version Control : You should use GitHub to manage the code changes of your project (see lab 1 for
further details of how to use git). You should made at least 2 commits. Your remote repo on GitHub
should be set to private before A2 deadline, so that no one else will see your code.
Coding Style : You should pay attention to write readable and maintainable code along the way. See lab
1 for how to use CheckStyle for that purpose. After the deadline of A2 , you can set your GitHub
repo to public, and we'll check whether any of your commits have reduced CheckStyle warnings
according to google_checks.xml.