COMP3311 19T ass2
postgresql | assignment | sql | 代做database – 这是一个postgresql面向对象设计的practice, 考察postgresql的理解, 包括了postgresql/sql/database等方面, 该题目是值得借鉴的assignment代写的题目
assignment 2
SQL, Views, PLpgSQL
database Systems
Most recent changes are shown in red ... older changes are shown in brown.
The aims of this assignment are to:
populate an RDBMS with a real dataset, and analyse the data
write sql queries, views and PLpgSQL functions to solve information requests
Submission: use the command give cs3311 ass2 ass2.sql or use Webcms
In this assignment, you will work with a copy of the Internet Movie Database (aka IMDB). This database has information about movies, TV series, actors, directors, etc. The database for the assignment is actually a very small subset of the complete IMDB database. It only deals with works from 2018 and 2019, removes many TV series, and deals with a subset of people involved in movies, so don’t expect to find your favourite old actor or movie. The actual database is over 50GB.
Some of the terminology IMDB uses may require some explanation:
Since the database deals with a wide variety of humans, animals and animated characters that
appear in video artifacts, the term "people" isn't broad enough. IMDB uses the term "Name" to
cover all of the entities that appear in video artifacts. An example of where this term is in common
use "They got some big names for the new movie".
Since the database deals with different kinds of video artifacts (movies, TV series, documentaries,
etc.) it uses the term "Title" to cover all of them. An example of where this term is in common use
"The new title by James Cameron is hot".
Movies (and other media) and released in different forms in different regions of the world. Some
versions are cut, to fit with local laws. Others are dubbed or subtitled, to fit the local language. The
title is also often changed, and to a phrase with quite a different meaning to the original. The
various versions of a video work are called "Aliases".
Names have the following ER model
Titles have the following ER model
Aliases for titles have the following ER model
The above entities are linked together as follows
Getting Started
Make sure you read this entire specification thoroughly, then create and load the database using the commands:
grieg% dropdb a
grieg% createdb a
grieg% psql a2 -f /home/cs3311/web/19T3/assignments/ass2/files/imdb.sql
If you’re working on your own machine with postgresql installed, you’ll need to download a copy of the dump file from:
Note: use right mouse click and “Save Link As” for the above, or you might get 37MB of text dumped into your browser.
Once you’ve loaded the data, start a psql session explore the database, using the psql meta-
commands (e.g. \d) and running some SQL queries.
It is useful to create a separate directory just for this assignment, and keep all of the assignment-related
files there (e.g. ass2.sql).
We have provided a template for the ass2.sql file that you submit for this assignment:
Note that when solving the problems above, you can define as many auxiliary views and functions as
you want. These must also be included in the ass2.sql file you submit, and must be ordered so that
the file can load into a fresh database in one pass (i.e. no forward references).
A readable copy of the schema is available in the file:
You do not need to load this schema into your database. It is already a part of imdb.sql.
For you to test your views and function, we have also provided a test harness, implemented as a collection of views and PLpgSQL functions. This is available in the file:
You should also load this into your database each time you create the database.
$ psql a2 -f check.sql
The views and functions in check.sql are all called ass2_ XXXX. You should avoid naming any of your
views or functions like this.
Once check.sql is loaded, you can test individual queries, or test them all as follows:
grieg% psql a
a2=# select check_q1();
a2=# select check_all();
Below are ten information requests on the Internet Movie Database for you to answer …
in the queries, references to title mean Titles.main_title
in most cases, the order of results doesn’t matter; the testing code will use order by to force a
specific order
Q3 is the exception, where you are required to follow the specified order
queries should not take more than 3 seconds to run; queries that take longer to run will be
Provide SQL or PLpgSQL code for each of the following:
1. Which movies are more than 6 hours long?
(a 6 hour movie is a frightening thought ...)
create or replace view Q1(title) as ...
[Expected result] (1 mark)
2. What different formats are there in Titles, and how many of each?
create or replace view Q2(format, ntitles) as ...
[Expected result] (1 mark)
3. What are the top 10 movies that received more than 1000 votes?
order the results by descending order on rating and ascending order on title
then take just the first 10 of the tuples, based on this ordering
create or replace view Q3(title, rating, nvotes) as ...
[Expected result] (1 mark)
4. What are the top-rating TV series and how many episodes did each have?
the rating is based on the overall rating for the series
the ratings of individual episodes are not relevant for this
"TV series" includes both regular TV series and TV mini-series
create or replace view Q4(title, nepisodes) as ...
[Expected result] (2 marks)
5. Which movie was released in the most languages? And how many different languages?
most languages = maximum number of distinct languages
if more than one movie has the same maximum number, return all of them
create or replace view Q5(title,nlanguages) as ...
[Expected result] (2 marks)
6. Which actor has the highest average rating in movies that they're known for?
they must been known for at least two movies that have been rated; no one-hit wonders
the rating is for the movie, not the person who's known for the movie
the person must have worked as an actor, but may not have acted in a movie that they're
known for
if more than one actor has the same highest rating, return all of them
create or replace view Q6(name) as ...
[Expected result] (2 marks)
7. For each movie with more than 3 genres, show the movie title and a comma-separated list of the
the list of genres must be in alphabetical order
hint: use string_agg(); see the PostgreSQL documentation, Chapter 9
create or replace view Q7(title, genres) as ...
[Expected result] (3 marks)
8. Get the names of all people who had both actor and crew roles on the same movie
create or replace view Q8(name) as ...
[Expected result] (2 marks)
9. Who was the youngest person to have an acting role in a movie, and how old were they when the
movie started?
youngest is determined by their age at the time (year) the movie started shooting
if more than one person is equal youngest, return all of them
create or replace view Q9(name, age) as ...
[Expected result] (2 marks)
10. Write a PLpgSQL function that, given part of a title, shows the full title and the total size of the cast
and crew
we consider all formats in this question, not just movies
total size = number of distinct people (actors, principals, crew)
use ilike to match the title to the supplied string
if no matching item exists, return the string "No matching titles"
if one or more item exists, display "TITLE has COUNT cast and crew"
given the data in the database, many of the counts are just 1
create or replace function Q10(partial_title text) returns setof text ...
[Expected result] (5 marks)
This assignment is worth a total of 21 marks. It will later be scaled to 12 percent for the course as described in the course outline.
Your submission (in a file called ass2.sql) will be auto-marked to check:
whether it is syntactically correct;
whether each query produces the correct results.
Queries are not worth equal marks.
If we have to fix errors in your solution before it will load, you will incur a 8 (out of total 21) mark “penalty”. If your view names or attribute names are different from the names specified above, you will incur a 8 mark “administrative penalty”.
Reminder: before you submit, ensure that your solution (ass2.sql) will work correctly in our test
environment running on grieg:
grieg% dropdb a
grieg% createdb a
grieg% psql a2 -f /home/cs3311/web/19T3/assignments/ass2/files/files/imdb.sql
... will produce notices, and will have no errors ...
grieg% psql a2 -f ass2.sql
... will produce notices, but should have no errors ...
grieg% psql a2 -f check.sql
... will produce notices, but should have no errors ...
grieg% psql a
... test your solution as noted above ...
In the real testing, we will repeat the above process using a slightly different version of the IMDB database: same schema, same views and functions, but with different data.
Have fun, jas and Hayden