3 rd Generation Simulation
project代写 | assignment作业 – 这是值得参考的assignment代写的题目
Computer Science 4470H
Winter 2022
assignment 3: 3 rd Generation Simulation
due: Mar. 11, 2022
This project is concerned with the simulation of a broadcast information delivery system. In this system, information is organized into units called pages. At any time instant, two or more customers in the system may be requesting the same page. With broadcast delivery, a single broadcast of a page will satisfy the service requirements of all customers waiting for that page.
We model the above system with a single server queue. The customer interarrival time is assumed to be exponentially distributed with mean b. The probability that a customer is requesting page i is qi , 1 i N (where N is the total number of pages). In the simulation, the page required by each customer is determined at the time of arrival. The service time for page i (i.e. the time to broadcast page i ) is assumed to be exponentially distributed with mean 1 (this is the same for all i, 1 i N ).
The performance measure of interest is mean response time over all customers. Response time is defined to be the elapsed time from when a customer arrives to when the page requested by the customer is broadcast.
It has been suggested that MRF (Most Requests First) is a good scheduling discipline. Under MRF, the page with the largest number of outstanding customers waiting for it is service first (ties are broken arbitrarily).
For this project, you are required to:
- Modify (or create your own) the MM1 simulation program made available to you to model the broadcast delivery system.
- Modify you simulation in (1) to implement another scheduling discipline which you think will also yield a good response time performance.
- Compare the performance of MRF with your scheduling discipline using the following input parameters:
4) Plot mean response time versus interarrival time for the two scheduling discipline. Since we are working
with random numbers, each point on the graph should correspond to the average of five runs with
different random number seeds.
5) Provide a brief analysis of the results (be sure to comment on trends and give an explanation for why your
simulation arrived at these results).
Students are most welcome to work in pairs on this assignment if they wish. If you do work in pairs, only one member of the group should submit the source code and results document (pdf).