Proposal: Deep Learning Visualization
project | Python | Deep Learning | 机器学习 – 这是一个Python做深度学习可视化的practice, 考察深度学习的理解, 是比较典型的Python等代写方向, 这个项目是project代写的代写题目
Student Name: Junsen Liao Student Number: jlh
Although deep learning is a potent tool for modeling complicated problems, interpreting what goes on inside a deep learning model intuitively and clearly can be difficult. Visualization can help us understand the workings of a deep learning model and gain insights into its behavior. In this proposal, I will outline a plan for comparing and investigating major visualization methods of deep learning. It would be a programming- type project.
The main objectives of this project is to compare and investigate 5 critical visualization tools in the field of deep learning including:
- Activation Visualization: It offers a means of observing what each layer is learning and how it affects the result.
- Feature Map Visualization: These maps can show the model’s search criteria in the input data.
- Grad-CAM: It is a visualization method that shows which parts of an input image are most important for a deep learning model’s classification decision. It does this by computing the gradients of the output class score with respect to the feature maps of a specific layer.
- t-SNE: It can be used to see what a deep learning model’s intermediate layers are producing and learn more about how the model is handling the input data.
- Saliency Maps: Saliency maps display the areas of an input image that a deep learning model considers to be most crucial for classification. They can be calculated through backpropagation and give insight into the model’s decision-making processes.
- Survey the visualization methods above via important scholar paper
- Learn, understand and re-produce the methods on proper dataset using Python3 Jupyter notebook
- Summarize what I learn and any further questions in a nicely-written way
The following deliverables will be produced as part of the result of this project:
- A short Python Jupyter notebook summarizing my understandings and findings about various methods of deep learning visualizations. The notebook includes coding examples, reflections and further questions
- A short Youtube video showcasing theproject.
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