Python | assignment – 这是一个关于Python的题目, 主要考察了关于Python的内容,是一个比较经典的题目, 涵盖了Python等方面, 这是值得参考的assignment代写的题目
Chapter 2 Hide contents
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Native Data Types
2.2 Data Abstraction
2.2.1 Example: Rational Numbers 2.2.2 Pairs 2.2.3 Abstraction Barriers 2.2.4 The Properties of Data
2.3 Sequences
2.3.1 Lists 2.3.2 Sequence Iteration 2.3.3 Sequence Processing 2.3.4 Sequence Abstraction 2.3.5 Strings 2.3.6 Trees 2.3.7 Linked Lists
2.4 Mutable Data
2.4.1 The Object Metaphor 2.4.2 Sequence Objects 2.4.3 Dictionaries 2.4.4 Local State 2.4.5 The Benefits of Non-Local assignment 2.4.6 The Cost of Non-Local Assignment 2.4.7 Implementing Lists and Dictionaries 2.4.8 Dispatch Dictionaries 2.4.9 Propagating Constraints
2.5 Object-Oriented Programming
2.5.1 Objects and Classes 2.5.2 Defining Classes 2.5.3 Message Passing and Dot Expressions 2.5.4 Class Attributes 2.5.5 Inheritance 2.5.6 Using Inheritance 2.5.7 Multiple Inheritance 2.5.8 The Role of Objects
2.6 Implementing Classes and Objects
2.6.1 Instances 2.6.2 Classes 2.6.3 Using Implemented Objects
2.6 Implementing Classes and Objects
When working in the object-oriented programming paradigm, we use the object metaphor to guide
the organization of our programs. Most logic about how to represent and manipulate data is
expressed within class declarations. In this section, we see that classes and objects can themselves
be represented using just functions and dictionaries. The purpose of implementing an object system
in this way is to illustrate that using the object metaphor does not require a special programming
language. Programs can be object-oriented, even in programming languages that do not have a
built-in object system.
In order to implement objects, we will abandon dot notation (which does require built-in language
support), but create dispatch dictionaries that behave in much the same way as the elements of the
built-in object system. We have already seen how to implement message-passing behavior through
dispatch dictionaries. To implement an object system in full, we send messages between instances,
classes, and base classes, all of which are dictionaries that contain attributes.
We will not implement the entire Python object system, which includes features that we have not
covered in this text (e.g., meta-classes and static methods). We will focus instead on user-defined
classes without multiple inheritance and without introspective behavior (such as returning the class
of an instance). Our implementation is not meant to follow the precise specification of the Python
type system. Instead, it is designed to implement the core functionality that enables the object
2.6.1 Instances
We begin with instances. An instance has named attributes, such as the balance of an account,
which can be set and retrieved. We implement an instance using a dispatch dictionary that responds
to messages that "get" and "set" attribute values. Attributes themselves are stored in a local
dictionary called attributes.
As we have seen previously in this chapter, dictionaries themselves are abstract data types. We
implemented dictionaries with lists, we implemented lists with pairs, and we implemented pairs with
functions. As we implement an object system in terms of dictionaries, keep in mind that we could
just as well be implementing objects using functions alone.
To begin our implementation, we assume that we have a class implementation that can look up any
names that are not part of the instance. We pass in a class to make_instance as the parameter cls.
>>> def make_instance(cls):
"""Return a new object instance, which is a dispatch dictionary."""
def get_value(name):
if name in attributes:
return attributes[name]
else :
value = cls['get'](name)
return bind_method(value, instance)
def set_value(name, value):
attributes[name] = value
attributes = {}
instance = {'get': get_value, 'set': set_value}
return instance
The instance is a dispatch dictionary that responds to the messages get and set. The set message
corresponds to attribute assignment in Python’s object system: all assigned attributes are stored
directly within the object’s local attribute dictionary. In get, if name does not appear in the local
attributes dictionary, then it is looked up in the class. If the value returned by cls is a function, it
must be bound to the instance.
Bound method values. The get_value function in make_instance finds a named attribute in its class
with get, then calls bind_method. Binding a method only applies to function values, and it creates a
bound method value from a function value by inserting the instance as the first argument:
>>> def bind_method(value, instance):
"""Return a bound method if value is callable, or value otherwise."""
if callable(value):
2.7 Object Abstraction
2.7.1 String Conversion 2.7.2 Special Methods 2.7.3 Multiple Representations 2.7.4 Generic Functions
2.8 Efficiency
2.8.1 Measuring Efficiency 2.8.2 Memoization 2.8.3 Orders of Growth 2.8.4 Example: Exponentiation 2.8.5 Growth Categories
2.9 Recursive Objects
2.9.1 Linked List Class 2.9.2 Tree Class 2.9.3 Sets
def method(*args):
return value(instance, *args)
return method
else :
return value
When a method is called, the first parameter self will be bound to the value of instance by this
2.6.2 Classes
A class is also an object, both in Python’s object system and the system we are implementing here.
For simplicity, we say that classes do not themselves have a class. (In Python, classes do have
classes; almost all classes share the same class, called type.) A class can respond to get and set
messages, as well as the new message:
>>> def make_class(attributes, base_class= None ):
"""Return a new class, which is a dispatch dictionary."""
def get_value(name):
if name in attributes:
return attributes[name]
elif base_class is not None :
return base_class['get'](name)
def set_value(name, value):
attributes[name] = value
def new(*args):
return init_instance(cls, *args)
cls = {'get': get_value, 'set': set_value, 'new': new}
return cls
Unlike an instance, the get function for classes does not query its class when an attribute is not
found, but instead queries its base_class. No method binding is required for classes.
Initialization. The new function in make_class calls init_instance, which first makes a new instance,
then invokes a method called init.
>>> def init_instance(cls, *args):
"""Return a new object with type cls, initialized with args."""
instance = make_instance(cls)
init = cls['get']('__init__')
if init:
init(instance, *args)
return instance
This final function completes our object system. We now have instances, which set locally but fall
back to their classes on get. After an instance looks up a name in its class, it binds itself to function
values to create methods. Finally, classes can create new instances, and they apply their init
constructor function immediately after instance creation.
In this object system, the only function that should be called by the user is make_class. All other
functionality is enabled through message passing. Similarly, Python’s object system is invoked via
the class statement, and all of its other functionality is enabled through dot expressions and calls to
2.6.3 Using Implemented Objects
We now return to use the bank account example from the previous section. Using our implemented
object system, we will create an Account class, a CheckingAccount subclass, and an instance of each.
The Account class is created through a make_account_class function, which has structure similar to a
class statement in Python, but concludes with a call to make_class.
>>> def make_account_class():
"""Return the Account class, which has deposit and withdraw methods."""
interest = 0.
def __init__(self, account_holder):
self['set']('holder', account_holder)
self['set']('balance', 0 )
def deposit(self, amount):
"""Increase the account balance by amount and return the new balance."""
new_balance = self‘get’ + amount self[‘set’](‘balance’, new_balance) return self‘get’ def withdraw(self, amount): """Decrease the account balance by amount and return the new balance.""" balance = self‘get’ if amount > balance: return ‘Insufficient funds’ self[‘set’](‘balance’, balance – amount) return self‘get’ return make_class(locals())
The final call to locals returns a dictionary with string keys that contains the name-value bindings in
the current local frame.
The Account class is finally instantiated via assignment.
>>> Account = make_account_class()
Then, an account instance is created via the new message, which requires a name to go with the
newly created account.
>>> kirk_account = Account‘new’
Then, get messages passed to kirk_account retrieve properties and methods. Methods can be
called to update the balance of the account.
>>> kirk_account‘get’ ‘Kirk’ >>> kirk_account‘get’
>>> kirk_account‘get’( 20 ) 20 >>> kirk_account‘get’( 5 ) 15
As with the Python object system, setting an attribute of an instance does not change the
corresponding attribute of its class.
>>> kirk_account[‘set’](‘interest’, 0.04) >>> Account‘get’
Inheritance. We can create a subclass CheckingAccount by overloading a subset of the class
attributes. In this case, we change the withdraw method to impose a fee, and we reduce the interest
>>> def make_checking_account_class(): """Return the CheckingAccount class, which imposes a $1 withdrawal fee.""" interest = 0. withdraw_fee = 1 def withdraw(self, amount): fee = self‘get’ return Account‘get’(self, amount + fee) return make_class(locals(), Account)
In this implementation, we call the withdraw function of the base class Account from the withdraw
function of the subclass, as we would in Python’s built-in object system. We can create the subclass
itself and an instance, as before.
>>> CheckingAccount = make_checking_account_class() >>> jack_acct = CheckingAccount‘new’
Deposits behave identically, as does the constructor function. withdrawals impose the $1 fee from
the specialized withdraw method, and interest has the new lower value from CheckingAccount.
>>> jack_acct‘get’
>>> jack_acct‘get’( 20 ) 20 >>> jack_acct‘get’( 5 ) 14
Our object system built upon dictionaries is quite similar in implementation to the built-in object
system in Python. In Python, an instance of any user-defined class has a special attribute dict
that stores the local instance attributes for that object in a dictionary, much like our attributes
dictionary. Python differs because it distinguishes certain special methods that interact with built-in
functions to ensure that those functions behave correctly for arguments of many different types.
Functions that operate on different types are the subject of the next section.
Continue : 2.7 Object Abstraction
Composing Programs by John DeNero, based on the textbook Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs by Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.