编译原理 | redis代做 | Algorithm | scheme | Python – CS 61A Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

CS 61A Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

redis代做 | Algorithm | scheme | Python – 这个题目属于一个Algorithm的代写任务, 涵盖了redis/Algorithm/scheme/Python等程序代做方面

scheme代写 代做scheme

Spring 2021 Final


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  1. (6.0 points) Link-Like Lists
Fill in each blank in the code example below so that executing it would generate the following environment
diagram on tutor.cs61a.org.
RESTRICTIONS.You must use all of the blanks. Each blank can only include one statement or expression.
Useful Information:In Python, the function call
X.__setitem__(k, Y)
is the dunder-method equivalent of
X[k] = Y
Click here to open the diagram in a new window/tab
def a(q):
f1 = lambda: _______.__setitem__(1, __________________)
# (a) (b)
f2 = lambda k: _______.__setitem__(1, _________________)
# (a) (c)
return f1, f

M = [3, [5]] L = [1, M]

fs = a(L)

fs0 fs1


(e) (a) (1.0 pt)Which of these could fill inbothof the blanks labeled (a)?Select all that apply.

2 q

2 q[1]

2 q[0]

2 M

2 L

(b) (1.0 pt)Which of these could fill in blank (b)?






(c) (1.0 pt)Which of these could fill in blank (c)?

#[k, q[1]]


#[k, q[0]]

#[k, q]

#[k, q[1][0]]

(d) (1.0 pt)Which of these could fill in blank (d)?Select all that apply.

2 M[1].append([6])

2 M[1].extend([6])

2 M[1].append(6)

2 L[1][1].append([6])

2 L[1][1].append([2 * L[1][0]])

(e) (2.0 pt)Fill in blank (e).
  1. (11.0 points) What Can Separate Us?
The following problems involve our standard CS61ALinkclass and thetoLinkedfunction from Lecture 36:
def toLinked(L):
"""Returns a linked-list representation of the  Python iterable L."""
if len(L) == 0:
return Link.empty
result = last = Link(L[0], Link.empty)
for item in L[1:]:
last.rest = Link(item)
last = last.rest
return result
(a) (8.0 points)
Implement the functiongather, which takes a linked listLand returns a linked list of two linked lists:
first the listLafter removing all items that are originally surrounded by two equal items; and second, the
list of all the removed items. For example, if we mark items to be removed in the list
<1 3 4 3 5 6 5 1 0>
with asterisks, we get
<1 3 *4* 3 5 *6* 5 1 0>,
so thatgatherwould return
<<1 3 3 5 5 1 0> <4 6>>
The computation proceeds left to right; when two equal items are found separated by a third, the third
item is removed and not considered in further removals. Thus, in a sequence like<1 2 1 2>, only the first
2 is removed. That is, the list is treated as<1 *2* 1 2>, and the second 1 is not removed:gatherreturns
<<1 1 2> <2>>
Also, only itemsoriginallysurrounded by equal values are considered, so that the list<1 1 2 1>is treated
as<1 1 *2* 1>andgatherreturns
<<1 1 1> <2>>
Even though the second 1 is surrounded in theresultinglist.
def gather(L):
"""Returns a linked list containing two lists: comp and sep.
The list comp contains the values of L, but with all items that were
initially surrounded by two equal values removed. The list sep is the
list of removed values, in order from left to right.
The operation is non-destructive.
>>> L = toLinked([0, 1, 3, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 6, 7, 8, 7, 7, 9])
>>> # L is <0 1 *3* 1 3 4 5 *6* 5 6 7 *8* 7 7 9>,
>>> R = gather(L)
>>> print(R)
<<0 1 1 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 7 9> <3 6 8>>
>>> print(L) # Check that original list not mutated
<0 1 3 1 3 4 5 6 5 6 7 8 7 7 9>
>>> print(gather(toLinked([1] * 10))) # <1 *1* 1 *1* 1 *1* 1 *1* 1 1>
<<1 1 1 1 1 1> <1 1 1 1>>
>>> print(gather(toLinked([1, 2, 3, 1, 4])))
<<1 2 3 1 4> ()>
>>> print(gather(toLinked([1, 1])))
<<1 1> ()>
>>> print(gather(toLinked([1, 1, 2, 1]))) # <1 1 *2* 1>
<<1 1 1> <2>>
def compressed(R):
if _______________________________________________________________:
# (a)
return R
if _______________________________________________________________:
# (b)
return _____________________________________________
# (c)
return _______________________________________________________
# (d)
def separators(R):
if _______________________________________________________________:
# (a)
return _________________________________
# (e)
if ______________________________________________________________:
# (b)
return Link(_________________________________________,
# (f)
# (g)
return ___________________________________________________________
# (h)
return toLinked([compressed(L), separators(L)])
i. (1.0 pt)Which of these could fill in the two blanks labeled (a)?

# R is Link.empty

# R.rest is Link.empty

# R.rest.rest is Link.empty

# R.rest.rest.rest is Link.empty

# R is Link.empty or R.rest is Link.empty or R.rest.rest is Link.empty

ii. (1.0 pt)Which of these could fill in the two blanks labeled (b)?

# R == R.rest.rest

# R.first == R.rest.first

# R.rest is not Link.empty and R.first == R.rest.first

# R.first == R.rest.rest.first

iii. (1.0 pt)Which of these could fill in blank (c)?

# compressed(R.rest)

# compressed(R.rest.rest)

# Link(R, R.rest.first)

# Link(R.first, compressed(R.rest.rest))

# Link(R.rest.first, compressed(R.rest.rest))

iv. (1.0 pt)Which of these could fill in blank (d)?

# compressed(R.rest)

# compressed(Link(R.first, R.rest))

# Link(R.first, compressed(R.rest))

# Link(R.first, compressed(R.rest.rest))

# Link(R.first, compressed(R.rest.first))

v. (1.0 pt)What can fill in blank (e)?
vi. (1.0 pt)What can fill in blank (f)?

# R

# R.first

# R.rest.first

# R.rest.rest.first

# R.rest

vii. (1.0 pt)What can fill in blank (g)?

viii. (1.0 pt)What can fill in blank (h)?

(b) (3.0 points)

Thedgatherfunction destructively computes the first item of the value returned bygather. That is, it
takes a linked listLand returnsLafter removing all items that are originally surrounded by two equal
items. The operation is destructive, so that the original data cannot be reconstructed in general. The
function should not create any new Links.
def dgather(L):
"""Returns a linked list containing the values of L, but with all
items that were initially surrounded by two equal values removed.
The operation is destructive.
>>> L = toLinked([0, 1, 3, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 6, 7, 8, 7, 7, 9])
>>> R = dgather(L)
>>> print(R)
<0 1 1 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 7 9>
>>> print(dgather(toLinked([1] * 10)))
<1 1 1 1 1 1>
>>> print(dgather(toLinked([1, 2, 3, 1, 4])))
<1 2 3 1 4>
>>> print(dgather(toLinked([1, 1])))
<1 1>
>>> print(dgather(toLinked([1, 1, 2, 1])))
<1 1 1>
compressed = L
while ____________________________________________________________:
# (a)
if _________________________________________________________:
# (b)
# (c)
L = L.rest
return compressed
i. (1.0 pt)What can fill in blank (a)?Select all that apply.

2 L is not Link.empty

2 L is not Link.empty and L.rest is not Link.empty

2 L is not Link.empty and L.rest.rest is not Link.empty

2 L is not Link.empty and L.rest is not Link.empty and L.rest.rest is not Link.empty

ii. (1.0 pt)What can fill in blank (b)?

# L == L.rest.rest

# L.first == L.rest.first

# L.first != L.rest.first

# L.rest is not Link.empty and L.first == L.rest.first

# L.first == L.rest.rest.first

iii. (1.0 pt)fill in blank (c) with one statement.

  1. (22.0 points) Tree Match-Maker
In this problem, well use our standard CS61ATreeclass:
class Tree:
>>> t = Tree(3, [Tree(2, [Tree(5)]), Tree(4)])
>>> t.label
>>> t.branches[0].label
>>> t.branches[1].is_leaf()
def __init__(self, label, branches=[]):
for b in branches:
assert isinstance(b, Tree)
self.label = label
self.branches = list(branches)
def is_leaf(self):
return not self.branches
def __repr__(self):
if self.branches:
branch_str =',' + repr(self.branches)
branch_str =''
return'Tree({0}{1})'.format(repr(self.label), branch_str)
(a) (10.0 points)
Atree patternis a tree that may containpattern variables, which are leaves whose labels are strings that
begin with$. In a tree pattern, pattern variables are also theonlynodes whose labels start with$. A tree
pattern Pmatchesa treeTif either
  • P is a pattern variable, or
  • Ps label equals Ts label, P and T have the same number of children, and the children of P match the corresponding children of T. In addition, if P contains multiple instances of a pattern variable labeled, say,$X, then each instance of a pattern variable labeled$Xmust match an identical subtree withinT. The functiontree_matchtests to see if a tree pattern matches a tree, returning either the valueFalseif not, or a dictionary containing the matches for any pattern variables in the tree pattern if they do match. The dictionary returned can be empty ({}) if the tree pattern matches literally. For example,

tree_match(Tree(1, [Tree(2)]), Tree(1, [Tree(2)])) {} tree_match(Tree(1, [Tree(2)]), Tree(1, [Tree(3)])) False Careful:not all tree labels have to be strings! def tree_match(pattern, tree): """If PATTERN matches all of TREE, returns a dictionary that maps the pattern-variable labels in PATTERN to subtrees of TREE that they match. Otherwise, returns False. T = Tree("+", [ Tree(0), Tree("*", [Tree(2), Tree(3)])]) P1 = Tree("+", [ Tree(0), Tree("$X") ])

>>> P2 = Tree("*", [ Tree(0), Tree("$X") ])
>>> P3 = Tree("+", [ Tree("$X"), Tree("$Y") ])
>>> P4 = Tree("+", [ Tree("$X"), Tree("$X") ])
>>> tree_match(P1, T)
{'$X': Tree('*', [Tree(2), Tree(3)])}
>>> tree_match(P2, T)
>>> tree_match(P3, T)
{'$X': Tree(0),'$Y': Tree('*', [Tree(2), Tree(3)])}
>>> tree_match(P4, T)
>>> tree_match(T, T)
result = { }
def matcher(p, t):
if ___________________________________________:
# (a)
if __________________________________________:
# (b)
return False
# (c)
elif ______________________________________________:
# (d)
return False
for k in range(len(p.branches)):
if _________________________________________:
# (e)
return False
return True
return ______________________________
# (f)
i. (1.0 pt)Which of these could fill in blank (a)?Select all that apply.

2 p.is_leaf()

2 p.label[0] ==’$’

2 p.is_leaf() and p.label[0] ==’$’

2 p.label != ”and p.label[0] ==’$’

2 p.label != ”and str(p.label)[0] == ‘$’

2 (str(p.label) + " ")[0] ==’$’

ii. (1.0 pt)Which of these could fill in blank (b)?Select all that apply.

2 result[p.label] != t

2 p.label in result and result[p.label] != t

2 result.get(p.label, t) != t

2 p.label in result and result[p.label] == t

iii. (3.0 pt)Fill in blank (c).

iv. (1.0 pt)Which of these could fill in blank (d)?Select all that apply.

2 p.label != t.label and p.branches != t.branches

2 p.label != t.label or p.branches != t.branches

2 p.label != t.label and len(p.branches) != len(t.branches)

2 p.label != t.label or len(p.branches) != len(t.branches)

2 (p.label, len(p.branches)) != (t.label, len(t.branches))

v. (3.0 pt)Fill in blank (e).

vi. (1.0 pt)Which of these could fill in blank (f)?

# matcher(pattern, tree) and result

# result

# result and matcher(pattern, tree)

# False if result is False else matcher(pattern, tree)

# matcher(pattern, tree)

(b) (5.0 points)

Thetree_substfunction non-destructively computes the result of replacing subtrees of a tree that match
a given pattern. For each matching subtree,T, the replacement is computed byupdate(d), whe redis the
dictionary returned bytree_matchforT. Replacement happens from the bottom of the tree up; a subtree
is matched only after all of its children have been substituted bytree_subst.
Assume that the functiontree_matchfrom the previous question works as specified.
def tree_subst(pattern, update, tree):
"""Return a tree that results from replacing each subtree of TREE that
matches PATTERN (as defined by tree_match) with UPDATE(d), where d is
the dictionary mapping pattern variable labels to trees that is returned by
tree_match. Matching proceeds from the leaves up, with the pattern
always being matched to the subtree resulting from
performing substitution on its children. The function is non-destructive.
>>> T = Tree("*", [Tree("+", [Tree(10),
... Tree("+", [Tree(0),
... Tree("*", [Tree(2), Tree(3)])])]),
... Tree("+", [Tree(0), Tree(0)])])
>>> P1 = Tree("+", [ Tree(0), Tree("$X") ])
>>> tree_subst(P1, lambda d: d['$X'], T)
Tree('*', [Tree('+', [Tree(10), Tree('*', [Tree(2), Tree(3)])]), Tree(0)])
>>> T
Tree('*', [Tree('+', [Tree(10), Tree('+', [Tree(0), Tree('*', [Tree(2), Tree(3)])])]), Tree('+', [Tree(0), Tree(0)])])
>>> tree_subst(P1, lambda d: d['$X'], tree_subst(P1, lambda d: d['$X'], T))
Tree('*', [Tree('+', [Tree(10), Tree('*', [Tree(2), Tree(3)])]), Tree(0)])
>>> tree_subst(Tree('+', [Tree(1), Tree(2)]),
... lambda d: Tree(3),
... Tree('*', [Tree('+', [Tree(1), Tree(2)]), Tree(7)]))
Tree('*', [Tree(3), Tree(7)])
new_tree = Tree(tree.label, ____________________________________________)
# (a)
d = tree_match(pattern, new_tree)
if _____________________________________________________
# (b)
return _____________________________________________
# (c)
return new_tree
i. (1.0 pt)Which of these could fill in blank (a)?

# [tree_subst(pattern, update, b) for b in tree.branches]

# map(tree_subst, tree.branches)

# [b for b in tree.branches]

# [update(b) for b in tree.branches]

# [update(tree_subst(pattern, update, b)) for b in tree.branches]

ii. (2.0 pt)Fill in blank (b).

iii. (2.0 pt)Fill in blank (c).

(c) (7.0 points)

Thedtree_substfunction produces the same tree astree_subst, but does so destructively.Only the
updatefunction may create new trees.
def dtree_subst(pattern, update, tree):
"""Return a tree that results from replacing each subtree of TREE that
matches PATTERN (as defined by tree_match) with UPDATE(d), where d is
the dictionary mapping pattern variable labels to trees that is returned by
tree_match. Matching proceeds from the leaves up, with the pattern
always being matched to the subtree resulting from
performing substitution on its children. The function is destructive.
>>> T = Tree("*", [Tree("+", [Tree(10),
... Tree("+", [Tree(0),
... Tree("*", [Tree(2), Tree(3)])])]),
... Tree("+", [Tree(0), Tree(0)])])
>>> P1 = Tree("+", [ Tree(0), Tree("$X") ])
>>> dtree_subst(P1, lambda d: d['$X'], T)
Tree('*', [Tree('+', [Tree(10), Tree('*', [Tree(2), Tree(3)])]), Tree(0)])
>>> T
Tree('*', [Tree('+', [Tree(10), Tree('*', [Tree(2), Tree(3)])]), Tree(0)])
>>> dtree_subst(P1, lambda d: d['$X'], T)
Tree('*', [Tree('+', [Tree(10), Tree('*', [Tree(2), Tree(3)])]), Tree(0)])
>>> dtree_subst(P1, lambda d: d['$X'],
... Tree('+', [Tree('+', [Tree(0), Tree(0)]),
... Tree(5)]))
>>> T = Tree('*', [Tree(5), Tree(10)])
>>> T0 = T.branches[0]
>>> dtree_subst(P1, lambda d: Tree(0), T) # Should not change tree.
Tree('*', [Tree(5), Tree(10)])
>>> T0 is T.branches[0] # Check that new node not created.
for k in __________________________________________:
# (a)
# (b)
d = tree_match(pattern, tree)
if <same as blank (b) in the tree_subst problem>:
return <same as blank (c) in tree_subst problem>
return ___________________________________________________________
# (c)
i. (2.0 pt)Fill in blank (a).
ii. (2.0 pt)Fill in blank (b).

iii. (1.0 pt)Fill in blank (c).

iv. (2.0 pt)Id like to usedtree_substto replace all subtrees ofTof the formTree(‘+’, [Tree(A), Tree(B)]), whereAandBare integers, withTree(C), whereCis the sum ofAandB. Well assume that Trees with integer labels are leaves. I use the call dtree_subst(Tree(‘+’, [Tree(‘$A’), Tree(‘$B’)]), compute_subst, T) and definecompute_substlike this: def compute_subst(d): A = d[‘$A’].label B = d[‘$B’].label

if type(A) is int and type(B) is int:
return Tree(A + B)
return ____________________________________________________
What should replace the blank?

# T

# d[‘$A’]

# d[‘$B’]

# Tree(‘+’, [d[‘$A’], d[‘$B’]])

# Tree(‘+’, [Tree(d[‘$A’]), Tree(d[‘$B’])])

# Tree(‘+’, [A, B])

  1. (8.0 points) Defer To Your Ancestors
The generatorhumbletraverses a tree with numeric labels, yielding only labels of nodes that are strictly less
than those of all their ancestors. So for a tree
/ \
/ \
6 14
/ | \ / | \
3 2 7 11 5 1
humblewould generate the labels3 2 6 5 1 10in that order.
def humble(tr, smallest_ancestor=float('inf')):
"""Yield the labels of the Tree TR that are strictly less than
SMALLEST_ANCESTOR and the labels of all ancestors of TR
in postorder (bottom to top, left to right).
>>> T = Tree(10, [Tree(6, [Tree(3), Tree(2), Tree(7)]),
... Tree(14, [Tree(11), Tree(5), Tree(1)])])
>>> for p in humble(T):
... print(p)
for _____________________________________________________:
# (a)
yield _______________________________________________________________
# (b)
if _____________________________________________________:
# (c)
# (d)
(a) (2.0 pt)Fill in blank (a).
(b) (2.0 pt)Fill in blank (b).
(c) (2.0 pt)Fill in blank (c).

(d) (2.0 pt)Fill in blank (d).

  1. (15.0 points) Sorting Out Scheme
There aremanyways to sort a list of numbers (an entire volume of Knuths famousThe Art of Computer
Programmingseries goes into many in exhaustively loving detail.) Lets consider a simpleinsertion sort. The
 Algorithm here is to sort all but the first element of the input list and then insert the first element of the input
into the sorted part just before the first value that is strictly larger (or at the end if there is no larger value).
So, for example, to sort(4 0 5 1):
  • Sort (0 5 1):
    • Sort (5 1): Sort (1) -> Returns (1) Insert 5 into (1) -> Returns (1 5)
    • Insert 0 into (1 5) -> Returns (0 1 5)
  • Insert 4 into (0 1 5) -> Returns (0 1 4 5) (a) (4.0 points) First, well implementinsert, which inserts a number into an already sorted list of numbers. Theexpect tests at the end give examples. (define (insert val L) ;;; Assuming that L is a list of numbers sorted in non-descending order, ;;; and VAL is a number, return the list resulting from inserting VAL into ;;; L so that the resulting list is also sorted. (cond ((null? L) _________________________________) ; (a) (________________________ ______________________________) ; (b) (c) (else _____________________________________________________))) ; (d)
; Some tests
(expect (insert 5'(0 3 6 9 11)) (0 3 5 6 9 11))
(expect (insert 3'()) (3))
(expect (insert 12'(0 3 6 9 11)) (0 3 6 9 11 12))
(expect (insert -1'(0 3 6 9 11)) (-1 0 3 6 9 11))
i. (1.0 pt)What can fill in blank (a)?Select all that apply.

2 ‘()

2 L

2 val

2 (cons val)

2 (list val)

2 (cons val L)

ii. (1.0 pt)What can fill in blank (b) in such a way that neither (b) nor (c) contains a recursive call?
Select all that apply.

2 (< val (car L))

2 (< (car L) val)

2 (<= val (car L))

2 (<= (car L) val)

iii. (1.0 pt)What can fill in blank (c)?

# L

# (cons val L)

# (cons L val)

# (append val L)

# (append L val)

iv. (1.0 pt)What can fill in blank (d)?

# (cons val (insert (car L) (cdr L)))

# (cons (car L) (insert val (cdr L)))

# (insert (car L) (cons val (cdr L)))

# (insert val (cons (car L) (cdr L)))

# (append (car L) (insert val (cdr L)))

(b) (4.0 points)

Next, assuming that we have a workinginsertfunction, implementinsertion-sort, which sorts a list of
numbers into non-descending order. Again, theexpecttests at the end give examples.
(define (insertion-sort L)
(if _________________________ ________________________
; (e) (f)
(insert ____________________________________ ___________________________)))
; (g) (h)
(expect (insertion-sort'(2 3 5 7 9)) (2 3 5 7 9))
(expect (insertion-sort'()) ())
(expect (insertion-sort'(42)) (42))
(expect (insertion-sort'(9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1)) (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
i. (1.0 pt)Fill in blank (e).
ii. (1.0 pt)Fill in blank (f).
iii. (1.0 pt)Fill in blank (g).
iv. (1.0 pt)Fill in blank (h).

(c) (2.0 points)

i. (1.0 pt)In the process of executinginsertion-sorton a list of lengthN, how manyconsoperations
are performed in thebestcase?

# (1)

# (lgN)

# (N)

# (N^2 )

# (N^3 )

# (2N)

ii. (1.0 pt)In the process of executinginsertion-sorton a list of lengthN, how manyconsoperations
are performed in theworstcase?

# (1)

# (lgN)

# (N)

# (N^2 )

# (N^3 )

# (2N)

(d) (5.0 points)

In C, C++, and Java, one can write loops like this one:
v = 0;
for (k = 1; k < 10; k += 1) {
v = v + k*k
to sum up the squares of numbers from 0 to 9. This is equivalent to the Python loop
v = 0
k = 1
while k < 10:
v = v + k*k
k += 1
Lets define a macro to do the same in Scheme. Here, Id like to be able to write
(for k 1 (< k 10) (+ k 1) v 0 (+ v (* k k)))
and have it return the final value ofv, as computed by the  scheme equivalent of the loops above. Fill in
the following macro definition to do so:
(define-macro (for control-var control-init test incr result-var result-init body)
(define ($loop$ ,control-var ____________________________)
; (a)
(if __________________________________________
($loop$ ______________________________________)
# (c)
# (d)
($loop$ _____________________________________________)))
; (e)
; Tests
(expect (for x 1 (< x 10) (+ x 1) v 0 (+ v x)) 45)
(expect (for L'(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) (not (null? L)) (cdr L) v 0 (+ v (car L)))
(expect (for x 0 (< x 5) (+ x 1) v'() (append v (list (* x x))))
(0 1 4 9 16))
i. (1.0 pt)What can you fill in (a)?

# ,control-init

# control-init

# ,result-var

# result-var

# ,incr

# incr

ii. (1.0 pt)Fill in blank (b).

iii. (1.0 pt)What can fill in blank (c)?

# ,incr ,body

# ,(cons incr body)

# ,control-var ,incr

# ,control-var ,body

# ,(cons control-var body)

iv. (1.0 pt)What can fill in blank (d)?

# ,result-var

# ,result-init

# ,body

# ,control-var

# ,control-init

v. (1.0 pt)What can fill in blank (e)?

# ,control-init ,result-init

# control-init result-init

# ,control-var ,control-init

# control-var control-init

# ,result-init ,control-init

# result-init control-init

  1. (3.0 points) No Ifs, Ands, or Buts
Consider the following variation on our usualLinkclass:
class Link:
"""A linked-list node.
>>> L = Link(1, Link(2, Link(3, Link(4))))
>>> L.map(lambda x: x*x)
Link(1, Link(4, Link(9, Link(16))))
>>> L # Should be non-destructive
Link(1, Link(2, Link(3, Link(4))))
>>> Link.empty.map(lambda x: x*x)
def __init__(self, first, rest=None):
self.first = first
self.rest = rest or Link.empty
def __repr__(self):
if self.rest is not Link.empty:
rest_repr =',' + repr(self.rest)
rest_repr =''
return'Link('+ repr(self.first) + rest_repr + ')'
def map(self, func):
return _____________________________________________________
# (a)
class EmptyLink(Link):
def __init__(self):
def __repr__(self):
return "Link.empty"
def map(self, func):
return ______________________________________________________
# (b)
Link.empty = EmptyLink()
As you can see, we have replaced the usual value ofLink.emptywith an object whose type is a subtype of
Link. The idea is to fill in the blanks so that it obeys the doctests ofLink.However, your code may not
useif,and, oror.
(a) (2.0 pt)Fill in blank (a).

(b) (1.0 pt)Fill in blank (b).

  1. (7.0 points) Regularize
Consider the following list of regular expressions.
For each of the following descriptions, fill in the blank that follows with the number (1-13) of the regular
expression that describes it. In each case, the regular expression must match all strings that fit the description
in their entirety.
(a) (1.0 pt)All lists of one or more decimal integer numerals, each one except the last followed by a comma
and optional whitespace. For example,3, 2, 5.
(b) (1.0 pt)All lists of zero or more decimal integer numerals, each one except the last followed by a comma
and optional whitespace. (A zero-item list is simply the empty string.)
(c) (1.0 pt)All lists of zero or more decimal integer numerals, each (including the last) followed by a comma
and optional whitespace.
(d) (1.0 pt)All sequences of lower-case letters containing each of the lettersa,b,c, anddexactly once in
that order.
(e) (1.0 pt)All sequences of 0 or more lower-case letters.
(f) (1.0 pt)All sequences of characters other than newlines and carriage returns in which any opening
parenthesis is eventually followed by at least one closing parenthesis (they need not balance, however; in
fact, the same closing parenthesis may serve to follow any number of preceding opening parentheses, as in

(g) (1.0 pt)All sequences of characters other than newlines and carriage returns in which all parentheses are balanced and no pair of parentheses is nested inside another. For exampleab,(c)d(fg)h, or(abc), but not(ab))or)a(.

  1. (3.0 points) Backus Up
(a) (3.0 pt)The syntax trees produced by the following Lark grammar for a calculator will be processed to
produce the appropriate calculated value. That is, we process from the leaves up, evaluating each subtree
as we go up to yield an appropriate integer number.
start: expr1
expr1: expr2 | expr1 "//" expr2
expr2: NUMBER | NUMBER "-" expr2
NUMBER: /\d+/
%ignore /\s+/
Assuming that the operators have the same meanings they do in Python, what would be the value computed
96 // 8 - 2 - 2 // 3

# 2

# 4

# 8

# 10

# 12

# 48

# 96

  1. (1.0 points) Extra!
(a) (1.0 pt)An eccentric billionaire has bought a group of islands somewhere in the Pacific, and is using
them to raise (and thus preserve) some colonies of rare animal species. He has fenced each of these islands,
dividing them into separate regions surrounded by fences, each of which houses exactly one of the species
(all different). Each fence consists of sections that run between two fenceposts; any fencepost can be a
terminus of any number of sections. The fences on each individual island are connected together. The
total number of fenceposts on all the islands is 1000, with 1500 sections, enclosing 510 species. How many
islands are there?

No more questions.