Team Assignment: Industry Sandbox Group
report | project代写 | Power BI | data science | 经济代写 | assignment – 本题是一个利用Power BI进行练习的代做, 对Power BI的流程进行训练解析, 涉及了Power BI/经济/datascience 等代写方面, 这个项目是assignment代写的代写题目
####### Your group project involves real-world challenges proposed by industry
####### experts from Microsoft Australia. Throughout this term, you will be working
####### with your teaching team, industry mentors, and peers to co-develop solutions
####### that could make an impact in the real world.
####### Summary
- This assignment is to be undertaken as a group assignment
- Team size: 4-5 students (depending on the tutorial class size)
- Team formation method: Self-selection (students in the same tutorial)
- This assignment is graded upon 30 marks (i.e., 30% of the course total
####### marks)
####### Important Dates
- Team formation: Week 4 Friday, 2 4 th
####### June 5 .00pm
- Industry mentor sessions: Week 5 and 10 Tuesday, 6:00pm
- Visual report submission ( 1 5%): Week 10 Monday, 1st August 4 .00pm
- Oral presentation (1 5 %): Week 10 Tutorials
####### *All dates are set in Australian Eastern Standard/Daylight Time (AEST/AEDT).
####### If you are located in a different time-zone, you can use a time and date
####### converter.
####### Expected Learning
- Create data driven visual reports using visual analytic techniques.
- Utilise visualisations to communicate with analytics team members and
####### influence stakeholders.
- Develop problem-solving skills and learner agency that will serve you in the
####### long-term.
- Work effectively in a collaborative environment.
- Enrich your professional profile with industry-relevant experience.
School of Information Systems
and Technology Management
INFS 5700 Introduction to Business
####### Part 1: Project Background
####### The COVID pandemic brought a record number of employees to quit or to
####### think about doing so. A recent research by Microsoft (the 2021 Work Trend
####### Index) showed that 41% of the workforce is considering leaving their employer
####### this year. Companies are struggling to address the problem, and many will
####### continue to struggle if they dont really understand their workforce traits as well
####### as the true causes of attrition. By not understanding their employees, what
####### they are running from, and what they might gravitate to, company leaders are
####### putting their very businesses at risk (Mikinsey Quaterly 2021).
####### Concerned with the alarming resignation trend across industries, Contoso
####### (fictional company) C-level executive is keen to gain insights into their current
####### employee base so that appropriate actions can be taken to address this
####### challenge. As consultants working for a leading analytics consulting company,
####### your team has been hired by Contoso to provide an end-to-end visibility on the
####### status quo of their employee base and any insights related to employee
####### attrition.
####### Contosos data engineers have provided your team with access to the
####### semantic models that pulls the data from all their system. (PBIX file with data
####### arranged in a star schema and measures etc.).
####### There are two deliverables required in this assignment (30%):
####### 1. Produce a comprehensive visual report to present the key insights in the
####### datasets (15%).
####### 2. Deliver a oral presentation to communicate key findings to the the C-Level
####### executives at Contoso (in Week 10 tutorial) ( 15 %).
####### Part 2 : Project Deliverables
####### 2 .1 Project expectation
####### Your group assessment is designed as a Sandbox Industry Project which
####### means the assessment involves an actual problem in the industry, and was
####### proposed by data analytics specialists to support you in developing the most
####### relevant and practical knowledge and skill sets. Unlike textbook case studies,
####### these real project specifications will not have step-by-step guidance or a
####### solution template. You will need your learning skills, critical thinking and
####### problem-solving abilities, creativity and proactiveness to do well.
####### To succeed in this project, you will need to manage your learning process
####### carefully including demonstrating agency in performing self-directed
####### learning, conducting research, taking initiative, and more. These tasks are
####### expected to take an average of 12-15 hours (per week) of your time.
####### 2.2 Project deliverables
####### 2.2.1 Produce a visual report that encapsulate key insights
####### The visual report should contain a set of visulizations that you have produced
####### in exploring and presenting the insights from the datasets. Such insights may
####### include but not limited to headcount evolution over time, Job Positions,
####### Male/Female Ratio, Full-Time vs Part-Time Ratio, Employees Age trends,
####### Diversity and Inclusion trends as well as influencers of Attrition.
- Submission: Week 10 Monday, 1 August 4 .00pm
- Only ONE submission is required per team.
- Marking criteria: Please see Appendix for detailed marking rubric.
####### 2.2.2 Deliver a oral presentation to communicate key findings
####### The oral presentation is your opport unity to communicate key findings/insights
####### to the C-level executive at Contoso to address their concerns. You are
####### expected to leverage on different communication techniques such as
####### storytelling to create an effective and engaging presentation. Specifically, your
####### team will need to:
- Prepare a silde deck for the presentation (12 slides max, everything is
####### included in this page limit)
- Deliver a oral presentation in Week 10 tutoial (10 minutes max)
####### Any content beyond 12 slides (for the pitch deck) and beyond 10-minute mark
####### (for the pitch video) will NOT be assessed. A detailed marking rubric is
####### provided in Appendix.
####### 2.3 Submission and Presentation
####### During Week 10 tutorials, each group will present their work by sharing their
####### screen and have video camera ready. All group members must participate and
####### present, and be in virtual attendance at the presentation. Slides are expected
####### to be of a high quality and your presentation format should be concise and
####### suitable for senior management. Your presentation will be recorded and
####### shared with your industry mentors from Microsoft Australia.
####### 2.3.1 Submission Format
- The visual report should be saved in the format of Microsoft Power BI
####### Desktop Document (.pbix) and submitted through Team Assignment
####### Submission Link under the Assessments tab on Moodle page.
- The slide-deck with speaker notes that summarizes the key points should
####### be submitted as a single file through Team Assignment Submission Link
####### under the Assessments tab on Moodle page.
- All teams need to submit the files based on the following naming
####### i.e. GROUP_ASSIGNMENT_INFS 5700 _W11A_G1.
####### 2 .3.2 Late Submission Penalties
####### Late submissions are subject to a penalty of 5 % of the available marks per
####### day, including weekends and public holidays.
####### Part 3 Opportunities to Engage with Industry Partners
####### Project Introduction Webinar ( 6 pm, Tuesday Week 5 ): Your industry mentors
####### from Microsoft Australia will join us. The Webinar is designed for the industry
####### mentors to share their experiences and perspectives of the challenges in the
####### assignment and answer your questions.
####### Guest Lecture (Week 10): Industry mentors will facilitate a feedback and
####### sharing session. Details will be provided on Moodle closer to the date.
####### Part 4 Dealing with Group Issues and Conflict Resolution
####### Conflict is almost inevitable when you work with others. People have different
####### viewpoints and, under the right set of circumstances, those differences may
####### escalate to conflict. It is common that most groups experience issues at some
####### time. What matters is how you handle that issue or conflict. This will determine
####### whether it works to the team’s advantage or contributes to its demise.
####### Conflict is not necessarily a bad thing, though. Healthy and constructive
####### conflict is a component of high-functioning teams. Conflict arises from
####### differences between people; the same differences that often make diverse
####### teams more effective than those made up of people with similar experience.
####### When people with varying viewpoints, experiences, skills, and opinions are
####### tasked with a project or challenge, the combined effort can far surpass what
####### any group of similar individuals could achieve. Team members must be open
####### to these differences and not let them rise into full-blown disputes.
####### Understanding and appreciating the various viewpoints involved in a conflict
####### are key factors in its resolution. These are key skills for all team members to
####### develop. The important thing is to maintain a healthy balance of constructive
####### difference of opinion and avoid negative conflict that is destructive and
####### disruptive. One of the objectives of this project is to help you build
####### communication and conflict resolution skills. The following resources are
####### included to support you:
####### Guide to Group Work
####### Identifying Group Issues
####### Dealing with Group Work Issues
####### Peer Evaluation
####### A peer evaluation will be conducted at the end of the term to account for equal
####### contribution. Significant unequal contributions should be discussed in due time
####### within the group. In the case that a dispute emerges, the group needs to
####### discuss with the LiC as early as possible. The purpose of the within-group
####### peer evaluation is to critically reflect on the group work, to prevent free-riding
####### and to redistribute marks between group members in cases where free-riding
####### or unequal contributions occur. Claims of unequal contributions, especially if
####### contradicting the evaluation of others, will need to be substantiated with
####### evidence (e.g., group diary, personal diary, meeting notes, emails, Facebook
####### messages). The LiC will make a final judgement in the case that a dispute
####### emerges, calling in the group, considering earlier discussions and submitted
####### evidence. Overall, active and genuine collaboration from each team member
####### will lead to a well-performed team project.
######## Table 1. Marking Criteria for Visual Report (15%)
Criteria %
Below Expectations
Meets Expectations
Outstanding Performance
Business Knowledge
- Demonstrate a strong understanding of the business issue being analysed.
- Provide contextual knowledge that are relevant for understanding the practicality and impact of the proposed recommendations.
3 % (^) Does not demonstrate appropriate application of knowledge in relevant topic areas.
- Key objectives of the assessment not addressed. – Demonstrate a capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts. – Provides some analysis and recommendations but not sufficiently substantiated by evidence from course materials and independent research. – Makes a clearly informed and effective selection and application of knowledge that is highly appropriate for the project context. – Uses relevant examples and/or evidence to support recommendations. – Demonstrating extensive research and ability to consolidate information from various sources.
Visual Design
- Information is presented in a manner that is visually appealing and easily understood.
- The visual reports provide targeted audience with valuable, relevant and comprehensive insight to the business issue they are interested in.
12 % (^) The selection of visuals are inappropriate and/or incorrect in presenting the data, very limited variety of visuals are used to display data.
- The visual designs are poor. They are visually unattractive and are communicating meaningless and mis- leading information to targeted audience. – The selection of visuals are generally appropriate, though some data can be better presented by alternative visuals. – A limited variety of visuals have been used to displays data, though some advanced visuals can be used for effective presentation. – The visual design is reasonably appealing and effective in presenting and communicating relevant insights. – Data are effectively presented by using most appropriate and correct visuals. – The visual report involves a variety of variables/measures and they are skilfully developed with a variety of visuals and interactive features. – The visual report comprehensively and elegantly address the problem, clearly connecting objectives and stakeholders that would use the visualizations.
######## Table 2. Marking Criteria for the 10-minute presentation (1 5 %)
Criteria %
Below Expectations
Meets Expectations
Outstanding Performance
Business Knowledge
- Accurate analyse the project requirements.
- Present recent and relevant knowledge to support arguments and discuss them with accuracy and depth.
3 % (^) Does not demonstrate appropriate application of knowledge to rigorously analyse the project requirements.
- Does not identify concepts that are relevant to the project. – Applies relevant knowledge and sufficiently engages with the project requirements. – Demonstrates a capacity to explain relevant concepts in sufficient depth. – Makes clearly informed and effective selection and application of knowledge that are highly appropriate for the project context. – Systematically and critically discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from course materials and independent research.
Problem Solving
- Apply appropriate and rigorous analysis to understand the problem domain as presented in the project.
- Demonstrate capacity for independent critical enquiry.
- Propose evidence-based solutions that are relevant and practical, and clearly addressing the challenge proposed in the project.
8 % (^) Does not clearly or correctly identify the project requirements
- Does not provide relevant and useful insights justified by analysis, theory and/or research.
- Does not sufficiently consider or evaluate differing perspectives or acknowledge limitations and constraints of own recommendations. – Identifies key elements of project requirements, but does not cover all relevant aspects or convey its complexity – Formulates plausible and appropriate recommendations although it may contain some weaknesses or over- simplification, and/or limited justification. – Does not sufficiently consider or evaluate differing perspectives or acknowledge limitations and constraints of own recommendations. – Clearly discusses and addresses the project requirements through the application of rigorous analysis and critical thinking. – Clearly analyses the solution domain and assumptions are clearly articulated. – Demonstrates innovative thinking; project outputs show plenty of in-depth analyses that support the recommendation development process. – Presents highly relevant and practical recommendations; provides strong justifications to demonstrate its feasibility and impact. – Considers and evaluates differing perspectives and alternative strategies (if appropriate) and acknowledges limitations and constraints of own recommendations.
Business Communication
- Present relevant contents that can effectively address the specific target audience.
- Present contents in a clear logical flow, effectively delivering important information.
- Effective consolidation of information from multiple sources.
- Engaging and professional.
4 % (^) Does not engage the target audience.
- Does not present arguments in a logical manner; communication is unclear for the audience.
- Delivery is not sufficiently professional (e.g., audio too weak, lack of visual aid, etc.). – Engages with the target audience but lacks logical sequence. – Reasoning and evidence are presented but not well organised. – Delivery is sufficiently clear but time management (e.g., content felt rushed) and engagement need improvement. – High quality presentation with clear logical flow and engaging content. – Topics discussed are relevant for the target audience; effectively highlights the key findings/ideas of the work. – Presents well-evidenced arguments with accurate and relevant examples; overall delivery is effective and tailored for the target audience.