STA | assignment | 统计代写 – 统计final


STA | assignment | 统计代写 – 本题是一个统计方面的final题目

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Eco 401 Econometrics Resit Exam format and review


Learning Outcomes of this unit

  • Be able to discuss, critically evaluate and applya range of mathematical and statistical techniques necessary for understanding and using econometric methodology.
  • Be able to formulate, estimate and te STA wide range of modelsused in empirical analyses.
  • Be able to understand the limitations of such techniques in different circumstances
  • Be able to use Statain real applications.
Resit exam question format
  • This is a closed-book, 2hour examination. You would have extra 15 min to scan and upload your answers.
  • The exam is to be written without books, tapes or notes.
  • Total marks available are 100. The number in parentheses would indicate the maximum marks for that (part of the) question.
  • This exam consists of 5 questions. Please make sure that you answer all questions.
  • The resit exam would be delivered onlineduring 1-6 August this year.
  • The resit exam timetable will be released to students on 25th July, 2022 by registry.
  • You need to turn on your camera and BBB during the resit exam.
Final exam question format
  1. Scans or photos of hand-written answers should be put together in a word document by the order of the number of questions (i.e., Q 1 , Q 2 , Q 3 , Q 4 , Q 5 ). Convert the word document into PDF and submit it via uploading the document to the final-exam submission box on LMO. Also, email the document to the Module Examiner (
  2. For online resit exam, please tick the integrity disclaimer immediately after you initiate the online exam on LMO when uploading your answers on LMO assignment function and completethe assessmentindependently and honestly.
  3. Only English solutions are accepted.
Final exam question format
  • It is your responsibility to submit your answer on time. To minimize the delay in submission, you are encouraged to start scanning your answers a few minutes before the exam ends officially.
  • Where there are major problems preventing you from continuing the exam or submitting your answers on time, please do not hesitate to email the invigilator ( duringthe exam time.
  • Collusion between students is strictly prohibited. Evidence of academic dishonesty will result in penalty according toUniversity policy.
  • The university approved calculator – Casio FS 82 ES/ 83 ES and/ or Texas Instruments BAII plus can beused.
Consultation sessions on campus/online

You can contact me during the following timings. I would also

be on campus. You can come to my office or join via Zhumu.

  • 21 July 4:30-5:30 PM (Shanghai)
  • 29 July 3:30-4:30 PM Join ZhumuMeeting Meeting ID: 632 577 8364 Passcode: 55050 If you need to ask questions, come to those sessions.

Topic 1-Econometrics

Econometrics is the art and science of using statistical methods for the measurement of economic relations. Chow (1985)

  • How the Econometric Model is developed?
  • How are Data Generated?
  • What are Data Types?
This lecture was based on Chapter 1 of your textbook by Verbeek (2017).

Topic 2-OLS

  • Gauss-Markov assumptions

A1) mean zero ; error terms have mean zero: = (A2) independent ; error terms independent of exogenous variables (A3) homoskedasticity ; error terms have same variance ! = "

(A4) no autocorrelation ; error terms mutually uncorrelated !,# = 0 ,

  • Goodness-of-fit; " and adjusted ^3 "
  • Tests; t – test, F – test, p – values
  • Issues; missing observations, outliers, prediction

This lecture was based on Chapter 2 of your textbook by Verbeek (2017).

Topic 3-OLS and Model selection

  • Interpreting the model; coefficients, elasticities, semi-elasticities
  • Model selection; ^3 ", AIC, and BIC
  • Diminishing marginal effect
  • Misspecification; omitted variable bias, irrelevant variable included
  • Testing for structural stability
  • Testing for a structural break in the parameter (i.e., the Chow test and dummy variable approach)

This lecture was based on Chapter 3 of your textbook by Verbeek (2017).

Topic-4 Heteroskedasticity

OLS and Gauss-Markov

  • Heteroskedasticity problem and its effects on OLS estimates
  • Detect, Test and Solve Heteroskedasticity problem
  • Heteroskedasticity tests; Breusch-Pagan, White, multiplicative
  • Heteroskedasticity solution; robust se, EGLS
This lecture was based on Chapter 4 of your textbook by Verbeek (2017).

Topic-5 Autocorrelation problem

OLS and Gauss-Markov

  • Autocorrelation problem and its effects on OLS estimates
  • Detect, Test and Solve Autocorrelation problem
  • Autocorrelation tests; Durbin-Watson test , Breusch-Godfrey test
  • Heteroskedasticity solution; Heteroskedasticity & Autocorrelation Consistent (HAC ) standard errors, change the functional form, extend the model including additional explanatory variables, EGLS
This lecture was based on Chapter 4 of your textbook by Verbeek (2017).
Topic- 6 Endogeneity

OLS and Gauss-Markov

  • Endogeneity problem and its effects on OLS estimates
  • Endogeneity arises: measurement error, dynamic model, omitted variable, simultaneity
  • Endogeneity test: Hausman (endogeneity)
  • Endogeneity solution; Instrumental Variable ,Condition of IV, Sargan test of overall validity of instruments, F-test for relevance
  • Major Problem; weak identification, finding instruments

This lecture was based on Chapter 5 of your textbook by Verbeek (2017). PP139- 168

Topic-7 Panel data

  • Panel data; structure, advantages, disadvantages
  • Fixed Effects FE (within), between, OLS, Random Effects RE
  • FE vs RE (Hausman test)
  • Goodness-of-fit; within, between, overall
This lecture was based on Chapter 10 of your textbook by Verbeek (2017).

Big picture-Summary

When is OLS BLUE? Under the Gauss Markov assumptions :

  • (A1) mean zero ; error terms have mean zero: =
  • (A2) independent ; error terms independent of exogenous variables
  • (A3) homoskedasticity ; error terms have same variance ! = "
  • (A4) no autocorrelation ; error terms mutually uncorrelated !,# = 0 ,
  • (A3)+(A4) can be written as: = "$
  • (A2) then implies = = and = = "$ Big picture to keep in mind:
  • What term do we use if assumption .. is violated?
  • When can we expect assumption .. to be violated?
  • What are the main consequences of a violation of assumption ..?
  • What are possible options for dealing with a violation of ass ..?


Tutorial 1/

  • Getting used to Stata commands
  • Deriving the least squares estimator
  • Estimating the multiple linear regression, wage data
  • Interpreting coefficients
  • Transforming the equation for least squares estimation Tutorial 3
  • Testing coefficient restrictions
  • Performing diagnostic tests (i.e., RESET test, model selection criteria)
  • Known single or multiple breakpoints
  • Unknown single or multiple breakpoints


Tutorial 4

  • Heteroskedasticity; air quality
  • Rvfplot, Breusch-Pagan: no heteroskedasticity (small sample, low power)
  • White: no heteroskedasticity (small sample, even lower power)
  • Multiplicative test: heteroskedasticity Tutorial 5
  • Endogeneity; schooling and quantity theory of money
  • Mom and Dad education relevant instruments
  • Over-identifying restrictions Sargan test, identification issues Tutorial 6
  • Panel data; seatbelts
  • state+time FE, random effects, Hausman test
What materials should you cover?

Resit exam covers all the topics. Therefore, all topics are equally important.

Focus on all the material including lectures, tutorial questions and handouts.

Details of topics covered in ECO 401 Econometrics (from book):

Ch1 Introduction Ch2 Linear Regression Ch3 Interpreting and Comparing Models Ch4 Heteroskedasticity and Autocorrelation Ch5 Endogenous Regressors, Instrumental Variables Ch10 Panel Data (sections 10.1-10.3; not 10.2.2; 10.2.6-9) You should also read provided articles as a case studies of the application of the econometric tools.


  • Try to understand the question carefully.
  • You should read the question twice before answering.
  • Prepare a plan to answer the question.
  • Attemptthose questions whichare easier and take less time.
  • In particular, makesure you are well-rested.

Wish you Good luck!