CSE 316: Fundamentals of Software Development
web代写 | 代做homework | express代写 | Mongo代写 | uml | 作业javascript | shell | 代做unity | css | 代写assignment | ios | react | sql代写 | 代写database – 这是一个css面向对象设计的practice, 考察css的理解, 涵盖了web/express/Mongo/uml/javascript/shell/unity/css/ios/react/sql/database等方面, 这个项目是assignment代写的代写题目
Stony Brook University
Programming Assignment
Spring 2022
assignment Due: Friday, Apr 8th, 11:59 PM.
Learning Outcomes
After completing this homework assignment, you will be able to
- Learn server-side programming.
- Understand the principles of No sql Databases.
- Gain experience with full-stack development using Node and MongoDB
In this assignment, we will augment the mockstackoverflow.com web application that we have been building with a server. This server will host all the static and dynamic resources required by the application. The server will run on the Node platform, which is convenient since we can now write javascript code for both the client and the server. We will also use MongoDB as the back-end database to store data that will persist across user sessions. We will still use react as the front end to render content on the browser.
Getting Started
We will use MongoDB as the NoSQL database to store data related to this application. Follow theinstructions in the official MongoDB documentationto install the free comm unity edition. On Windows, you should unselect the option MongoDB as a Service to complete the installation. After you installit, follow the instructions to start MongoDB as a background service. When you install,MongoDB, the Mongo shell ( mongosh ) should also have been installed. If it wasntthen follow the instructions here. The Mongo Shell is used to interact with thedatabases in MongoDB. If mongosh is successfully installed then the command mongosh should connect to the local instance MongoDB on your machine and open an interpreter where we can type commands to interact with MongoDB. Try the command show dbs and you should see a list of existing databases in your local instance. Note that by default, the MongoDB service will run on (localhost), port 27017 .It is recommended that you do not change these settings for grading convenience.
InstallNode.js. We will use this to manage Reactand the packages needed to run our server. When you install Node.js, it will come with the npm package manager, which will also get installed. We will use npm to install dependenciesand also to start the react application.
Download/clone your personal GitHub repository. Therepository has a server and client directory. Each directory has thepackage.jsonandpackage-lock.jsonfiles which list the dependencies of the server and client applications respectively. In each of the directories run npm install to install the necessarydependencies. The following paragraphs list the dependencies that will be used.
We will use theexpressframework to write server-sidecode. Install express in the server directory using the command npm install express ,if not already installed. If you dont yet understand how to use express, look at the lecture notes on Express in Blackboard under Course Documents. For more detailedguidance look at the official Express documentation.
We will use themongoose data modeling library. Mongoosewill help us connect with a MongoDB instance and define operations to manage and manipulate the data according to the needs of our application. Install it in the server directory using npm install mongoose , if not already installed.
We will use thenodemonprocess manager so we dont have to restart the server every time we save changes to our server during the development process. Install it in the server directory using npm install nodemon , if notalready installed. Alternatively, if the local install does not work, you can install nodemon globally using the command npm install -g nodemon. This is a good option for nodemonsince it can be used across multiple node projects. To run the server using nodemon use the command nodemon server/server.js instead of node server/server.js.
We will use theaxioslibrary to send HTTP requeststo our server from our client application. Refer to the lecture notes on express, which demonstrates how ax ios is used in conjunction with React and Express. Install it in the client directory using npm install axios , if not already installed.
We will use thecorsmiddleware to enable CORS toenable seamless connection between the client and the server during the development process. This is typically removed when the application is deployed in production to prevent CORS attacks. However, since we are assuming a development environment in this homework, we will keep the middleware.
We will clone your repository and run your code in the Chrome web browser as a react application. You will get points for each functionality implemented. Make sure you test your code in Chrome. The rubric we will use is shown below:
- Banner: 5 pts.
- All Questions Page: 10 pts.
- Post a New question: 10 pts.
- Searching by text: 5 pts.
- Searching by tags: 5 pts.
- Answers Page: 5 pts.
- Post a new answer: 10 pts.
- All Tags page: 5 pts.
- Questions of a tag: 10 pts. 10.Data Model: 10 pts. 11.Server: 20 pts. 12.Code Modularity: 5 pts.
Total points: 100 pts.
Note, the application must be made using node, mongodb, and react. You will not receive credit if you use anything else. You will be penalized if bad coding practices are found in your codebase.
Client/Server Application Architecture
The homework repository is structured as a client/server application. It has 2 directories
- server and client. The server directory containsthe data model in the models directory in files answers.js , questions.js , and tags.js .These files are empty. You should fill them up with the schema definition for each corresponding document in our MongoDB collection as defined in the Data Model section.The server directory has a test script called populate_db.js. You should runthis script to verify that your document schema is defined correctly. Read the instructions at the top of the script to see how to run it. If this script throws an error, you will know that something is wrong with the schema definition and you have to fix it. You mustnot change this test script. If you do, you will not get any credit.
The server/server.js file is the main server script.We will run this script in Node to start your server using the command nodeserver/server.js .On running the script, a server should start in https://locahost:8000. Further, theserver should connect to a running instance of MongoDB on server launch. The MongoDB instance should run with default settings, that is, mongodb:// Thedatabase name must be fake_so. When the server is terminated (using CTRL+C), the database should also be disconnected and the message Server closed. Databaseinstance disconnected should be displayed.
The client directory has the same structure as thatof the React application you made in homework 2. You can reuse all of the code that you wrote for homework 2 here. You should use Axios in the client application to send HTTP method requests to the server.
Summary of the default host/port settings:
Client Instance https://localhost:
Server Instance https://localhost:
Database Instance mongodb://
Data Model
The primary data elements we need to store for this application are questions, tags, and answers. To this end, we will use a uml association notation to describe the data model.
The UML model describes the schema for all documents in our MongoDB
database. All elements in a document, except url ,are fields, The url
element is a read-only ( get ) virtual method that returnsthe URL for the
document. So, they should return the following strings:
- Question.url() returns _posts/question/id.
- Answer.url() returns _posts/answer/id.
- Tag.url() returns _posts/tag/id.
The elements highlighted in bold are required fields.
Additional Constraints
- Question.title must not be more than 100 characters.
- Question.ask_date_time must have the current timestampas the
default value.
- Question.views must have 0 as the default value. – Question.ans_by must have Anonymous as the defaultvalue.
- Question.ask_date_time and Answer.ask_date_time musthave the
current timestamp as the default value.
Note the UML association diagram shows edges between each document
model. These edges have multiplicity associated with them as specified on
the endpoints. For example, 0..* , on the endpointof the edge to Answer
shows that a question can have 0 or more answers. Similarly, an answer is
associated with 1 or more questions.
Application Behavior and Layout
The front-end functional requirements for this application are the same as homeworks 1 and 2. So, you can reuse the React code and css you created for those homeworks. For convenience, the requirements have been listed below again.
We will mimic the originalstackoverflow.comwebsiteas much as possible. Although, we wont be implementing all of its features. You can visitstackoverflow.comfor inspiration. The layout is quite simple. It has two parts a banner and the main body. The banner should remain constant, that is, it should have the same UI elements throughout and should be displayed at the top of the page. The mainbody will be displayed below the banner and will render relevant content based on user interactions with the web page.
The banner should have the following UI elements arranged horizontally:
- A link with the name Questions.
- A link with the name Tags.
- The name of the application ( Fake Stack Overflow ).
- A search box where users can do a text search.
Below is an example of how the banner should look:
Notice that the banner has a light grey background. The links are styled as blocks with no borders. Hovering over a link with the mouse highlights them. For example, hovering on Tags should look as follows:
Similarly, hovering on Questions should look as follows:
The font sizes shown in the figures above and in all subsequent images are relative to this document. You should select font sizes so that your content is clearly visible and scales accurately when rendered in a full-sized browser window.
All Questions Page
When a user loads the application in the browser for the first time, the banner should be displayed at the top of the page. The Questions Linkshould be highlighted with the color #0281E8 to indicate that the user is currentlyviewing all questions. The main body of the page should render all the questions that have been asked in a tabular format as follows:
A header row with 3 columns. The first column should display the text N Questions ,
where N is the total no. of questions that have been asked. The second column should
display a title with the text All Questions to indicatethat all questions that have been
asked are being displayed. The third column should display a button with the label Ask
A Question. The button should have the color code #165A92. The contents in the
columns have no other style constraints. However, make sure that they are clearly
The second column must occupy the maximum width. The first and the third columns
should be of the same width but lesser than the second column.
A row for each question. A row should have 3 columns.
The first column should display the text N1 views first and then N2 answers in
separate lines, N1 is the no. of views for the question and N2 is the no. of
The second column should display the questions title as a link followed by a list
of tags in a new line. Hovering over the titles link should highlight the link with a
deeper shade of the existing text color. The list of tags should have rounded
borders and should be displayed beside each other. There should be 4 tags per
line. For example, if the question has 7 tags, they should be displayed in two
lines with the first line showing 4 tags and the next 3 tags.
The third column should display three lines. The first line should display the text
asked by <user> , where <user> is the username of theperson that asked the
question. The second line should display the text on <Month Day, Year> and the
third line should display the time as at <hh: min>.
The questions should be displayed in ascending order of the day and time they were
asked. In other words, the most recently asked questions should be displayed first.
Make sure that all fonts and content are clearly legible.
After each question row, a horizontal divider should be drawn. You can choose the style
of this divider.
There should be no other borders surrounding the questions being displayed.
If the total no. of questions does not fit on the page, then the main body must be made
scrollable. Note the banner must remain fixed to the top of the page.
Below is an example of how the page should look.
New Question Page
When a user clicks on the Ask A Question button, the main body section of the page should display a form with the following inputs fields: A text box for question title. The title should not be more than 100 characters and should not be empty. A text box for question text. Should not be empty. A text box for a list of tags that should be associated with the question. This is a space-separated list.A user is allowed to enter duplicatetag names but only one of those should be saved in the underlying model. Tag names are case insensitive. This means that JavaScript and javascript should count as one tag. A text box for the username of the user asking the question. The username should not be more than 15 characters (may be empty).
There should be a button with the label Post Question and hex code #165A92 as the background color. Each field in the form should have an appropriate hint to help the user enter the appropriate data. An example of such a page is shown below:
When the Post Question button is pressed, the questionshould be added to the data object in model.js. If the question is added successfullythen the main body section of the page should display all the questions including the question currently added in sorted order of the time they were posted. Further, the page should also display the total no. of questions, which should have incremented by 1. For example, in the page shown below, the first question displayed was most recently asked by the user jumanji using the inputs on the previous page.
An error will occur if unexpected data is entered in any of the input fields or a runtime error occurs when updating the data object. If anerror occurs, the main body of the page should still display the form with appropriate error messages at the top of the form. The error messages font color should be red. For example, in the figure shown below, the user did not add any tags to the question and entered a username that is more than 15 characters.
A user can search for certain questions based on words occurring in the question text or title. On pressing the ENTER key, The search should return all questions for which their title or text contains at least one word in the search string. For example, in the example shown below, there is only one question in our data model that matches the search string.
Further,if a user surrounds individual words with[] then all questions corresponding to each tagname in [] should be displayed. The searchresults should be displayed when the user presses the ENTER key. See the example inthe figure below.
Note the searching is case-insensitive. A search stringcan contain a combination of [tagnames] and non-tag words. When this happens, all questions tagged with each [tagname] and all questions with text or title containing at least one of the non-tag words should be displayed.
If the search string does not match any question or tag names then display the No Questions Found. The total number of questions displayed should be 0 and the page title and the button should remain.
Answers Page
Clicking on a question link should increment by 1 the no. of views associated with the question and load the answers for that question in the main body of the page. Note the banner should still remain at the top of the page. The answers should be displayed in a tabular format as follows:
A header row with 3 columns. The first column should display the text N answers , where
N is the total no. of answers given for the question. The second column should display
the title of the question in bold. The third column should display a button with the label
Ask A Question. You are free to add other style constraintsto the elements other than
what has already been mentioned. However, make sure that they are clearly visible.
The second column must occupy the maximum width followed by the first column and
then the third column.
The second row should display 3 columns.
The first column should display the text N views indicatingthe no. of times the
question has been viewed (including this one).
The second column should display the question text.
The third column should display three lines. The first line should display the text
asked by <user> , where <user> is the username of theperson that asked the
question. The second line should display the text on <Month Day, Year> and the
third line should display the time as at <hh: min>.
The answers to the questions should be displayed in subsequent rows. An answer row
should have 2 columns.
The first column should display the answer.
The second column should display three lines. The first line should display the
text Ans by <user> , where <user> is the username ofthe person that asked the
question. The second line should display the text on <Month Day, Year> and the
third line should display the time as at <hh: min>.
If no. of answers do not fit on the page, then add a scroll bar.
The answers should be displayed in ascending order of the day and time they were
posted. In other words, display the answers that were posted most recently first.
At the end of all the answers, you should display a button with the label Answer
Question. This button should be centered relativeto the page. It should have rounded
borders on all four sides. It should have hex code #165A92 as the background color.
Make sure that the button and the label are clearly visible.
After each answer row, a horizontal divider should be drawn. You can choose the style of
this divider.
There should be no other borders surrounding the answers being displayed.
Shown below is an example of the answers page for a question.
Pressing the Ask A Question button on this page willrender elements as described in the New Question Page section.
New Answer Page
Pressing the Answer Question button will display apage with input elements to enter the new answer text and username. Note the banner should remain at the top of the page. The figure below shows an example of the same.
Pressing the Post Answer button, should capture theanswer text and the username and update the data model. If the data entered satisfies all the necessary constraints and no runtime error occurs, then all the answers are displayed as shown on the Answers Page. As an example see the figure below.
Note how there are now 3 answers for this question since a new answer was posted.
If the answer text is empty or the username is more than 15 characters ( username must not be empty ) or a runtime error occurs, then display error messages in red on the same page similar to the new question page.
Tags Page
Clicking on the Tags link in the banner should displaythe list of all tags in the system. Additionally, the Tags link in the banner should behighlighted with hex code #0281E. The page should render the following elements in a tabular format:
- A header row with 3 columns. The first column should display the text N Tags in the first column, N is the no. of tags in the system.The second column should display the text All Tags. The third column shoulddisplay the button with the label Ask A Question. This is the same button thatwas described in the Questions and Answers pages.
- The following rows should display the tags in groups of 3, that is, each row should have at most 3 tags. Each tag should be displayed in a block with black-colored borders. The block should display the tag name as a link and the no. of questions associated with the tag in a new line in the same block.
The figure below shows an example of the page.
Upon clicking a tag link, the questions associated with the tag should be displayed. For example, if the javascript tag is clicked then thepage shown below is displayed. All questions associated with the javascript tag are rendered.
Submitting Code
You can submit code to your GitHub repository as many times as you want till the deadline. After the deadline, any code you submit will be rejected. To submit a file to the remote repository, you first need to add it to the local git repository in your system, that is, the directory where you cloned the remote repository initially. Use the following commands from your terminal:
$ cd /path/to/cse316-hw3-
$ git add <filename-you-want-to-add>
To submit your work to the remote GitHub repository, you will need to commit the file (with a message) and push the file to the repository. Use the following commands:
$ git commit -m "<your-custom-message>"
$ git push
Finally, submit your GitHub username to the listing created in Blackboard for this homework. This will help us locate your repositoryeasily.