web代写 | report作业 | 作业Artificial | project | 代做Objective | Asp | unity | 代做assignment | 代做database – database system

database system

web代写 | report作业 | 作业Artificial | project | 代做Objective | Asp | unity | 代做assignment | 代做database – 这是一个关于web和database的题目, 主要考察了关于web开发和database的内容,是一个比较经典的题目, 涵盖了web/report/Artificial/Objective/Asp/unity/database等程序代做方面, 该题目是值得借鉴的final代写的题目

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BSc(Hons) Multimedia Computing 303COM Final Year Project


The final year project is the culmination of your degree programme. It allows you to work on a substantial problem in Computer Science, Computing, Ethical Hacking, Games Technology, Multimedia or Business Information Technology for an extended period of time. It allows you to demonstrate your competence as a computing professional, and to apply what you have learnt in the other components of your degree.

This module tests your ability to:

  • Propose a suitable research question
  • Carry out a substantial problem solving task of your own choosing
  • Work independently to prioritize the different components of your project, as well as balancing the project, as a whole, against other work;
  • Take decisions, and to justify them convincingly.

It is your responsibility to lead your project, to attend your supervision meetings and to ask for the advice that you need. The project is an opport unity to demonstrate problem solving skills. It must include a substantial piece of primary research.

The project can be in any area of Computing including Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Software Engineering, Business Process Improvement, Data Mining, Cloud Computing, database theory, Computational Theory, Human-Computer Interaction, Usability, Mobile Development, Security, web Application Development, game development or Multimedia.

The project will NOT consist of only a literature review, nor will a secondary research summary be deemed sufficient to meet the learning outcomes.

All projects must embed a significant piece of primary research and you will be asked to define a research question at the start of the project and develop a plan to evaluate your primary research to develop a solution.

During the project you will need to evaluate alternative approaches and solutions to problems. It is important that you document these decisions as they should form a substantial part of your Project Report.

BSc(Hons) Multimedia Computing 303COM Final Year Project


303COM Detailed project proposal

The Objective of the detail project proposal is to help you refine your general research question down to a well-focused and achievable piece of practical research work.

The first section: Defining your research project focuses on your research question and the plan for conducting your primary method. The second section: Abstract and Literature Review is to help you identify current academic sources of literature that are highly relevant to your project and to help you get a head-start in producing your literature review.

There is no suggested word length for the detailed proposal although 2000 words would be in order.

The Detailed Project Proposal is worth 20% of the project mark.


The proposal is marked out of 20 divided into 10 marks for the quality , achievability and level of challenge demonstrated by the student’s research question and proposed primary method of solution generation and 10 marks for the thoroughness of the proposa l.

Research question and primary research
method in relation to learning outcomes
Thoroughness of the proposal.


A well-considered project proposal that fully
satisfies the Learning outcomes for which
there is a succinct and focused aim with an
associated project
A question or hypothesis that is well above
norm for final-year undergraduate project
level (approaching Masters level for >80%);
The project involves improving or developing
a complex programme, tool, application or the
enhancement of a theory or methodology or
their application in a new context.
All fields completed demonstrating a clear
blueprint for the research process and
includes the necessary information with
respect to the research question.
Research methods are well-considered
with clear reasoning for choice of those
methods over others;
A clear justification of the need for the
project in relation to client or audience.
Projects proposals involving 'business case'
reports clearly identify the organisation

BSc(Hons) Multimedia Computing 303COM Final Year Project

The project demonstrates a high degree of
innovation and creativity
involved and consider how the case will be
A sound gr Asp of the means of evidence by
which the conduct and management of the
project may be judged.

Threshold (40%)

A proposal that identifies an activity with
some consideration of a broader context.
A research question which lacks enough
substance, context and scope to allow for
depth of analysis, but which is marginally
acceptable against a threshold for final year
undergraduate projects;
A primary method(s) which only just relates
to the production of an appropriate solution to
the research question.
Completion of sections is cursory or
minimal with some cohesiveness and
Sections demonstrate some understanding
of the research process involved which
loosely links with idea outlined (key
question, method, audience);
Research methods are discussed but
demonstrate littl e consideration as to
whether they are the most appropriate and
lack refinement and further detail.
Identification of some methods of evidence
for conduct and management of the project
but unclear thinki ng about planning for
reflection or accounting for conduct.

BSc(Hons) Multimedia Computing 303COM Final Year Project

303COM Project Report

The project report is marked out of 100. First and Second supervisors will mark the report independently. First and Second supervisors will then discuss the grading and agree a final mark.

Academic quality of the project^ Conduct of the project process^


A report which could be, with minor
modifications, suitable for publication  or
form the basis for a postgraduate project.
A project that correctly matches research
methods with a well-chosen research
A project which contains original insight or
develops novel methods for the solution of
the research problem.
A project which has challenged the student
to extend the boundaries of their own
knowledge and acquire skills that they did
not already possess.
A report that is complete and very
effectively communicates both the process
of the project and delivers mature and
pertinent conclusions.
Very clear evidence of project management,
time management, and consideration of
social, legal, professional and ethical issues.
Reflection on process is mature and
Strong evidence of reflection upon and
response to supervision.
Original use of recording and tracking
methods to monitor project progress,
including accounts of meetings and
decision making.

Threshold (40%)

A Project with little originality that does not
provide the student with sufficient
challenge to demonstrate academic skills
appropriate to a final year BSc degree.
A project that does not demonstrate clarity
of thinking.
A report that suggests project conduct was
chaotic, with poor project management.
Completion of the report is cursory or
minimal with some cohesiveness and
Some account of project management and
conduct but with little reflection or insight.
Evidence that the project is rushed through
some incomplete sections.

BSc(Hons) Multimedia Computing 303COM Final Year Project


A) Soft copy of your final report submitting to Moodle:

Your submission must consist of a single report (with appendices) in MSWord or PDF format only.

The submission file must be no greater than 20Mb in size. Please ensure your final submission file is less than 20Mb well before you upload it. If the file is larger than 20Mb this is usually caused by the inclusion of un- scaled/un-cropped high resolution images. To correct this:

  1. Try converting to PDF as this will normally rescale source images automatically or
  2. Manually crop/rescale the images in your report and replace them.

Mandatory element to be included within your report

The following elements MUST be included with your report:

  • A signed declaration of originality / statement of copyright / Ethical Approval project number (to be included at the start of the report).
  • A clear table of contents or list of chapters
  • A copy of you detailed project proposal form (in the appendix)
  • A properly formatted list of references (Harvard style) to all external content cited or referred to in the text of your report.
  • Records of supervisor meetings or project diary (in the appendix)
  • Evidence of presentation you may discuss your response to the feedback given at the time of the presentation in your project management chapter any other evidence of the presentation (such as notes, slides, etc., should be placed in the appendix)

B) TWO Hard copies of your final report and all other content produced by your

project submitting to the submission box next to the counter in 9//F VTC


Any other content produced by your project, such as code, executables, videos, or applications should be submitted to the submission box next to the counter at 9/F VTC Tower.

Important note: You must keep all additional content (code, surveys, videos etc.) securely until the publication of your final project grade.

– The End –