Cache Lab: Understanding Cache Memories
os代写 | 代做report | shell | assignment | 操作系统 – 这是一个典型的操作系统题目,主要是关于Cache管理的题目,涉及了os等代写方面, 这个项目是lab代写的代写题目
Cache Lab: Understanding Cache Memories
1 Introduction
This lab will help you understand the functioning of cache memories, and the impact that they can have on the performance of your C programs. You will also learn how to write C programs that can be run from the Unix command line. The lab consists of three parts. You will first write several traces to test the behavior of a cache simulator. Next, you will write a small C program (about 200-300 lines) that simulates the behavior of a hardware cache memory. Finally, you will optimize a matrix transpose function, with the goal of minimizing the number of cache misses. This is an individual project. You should work on this lab on the Shark machines, which you can access via an SSH connection. You can find a list of all Shark machines at labmachines.html.
1.1 Downloading the assignment
From this lab onwards, you will need to have a GitHub account to access lab materials. You can use an existing
GitHub account with your personal email, or create a new GitHub account using your school emaileither is
fine. To create an account, visit
To get started, make sure you are signed into the GitHub account you want to use. Then click Download
handout on Autolab, and follow the instructions. You will receive an email invitation to the repository within
a few minutes. It will be located at:
Once you accept the invitation, log onto a Shark machine, and change directories to a protected directory in AFS, such as~/private/15213. Then, clone (create a local copy of) your GitHub repository by entering the following command, substituting the URL of your specific repository: $ git clone
This will create a directory containing the lab handout atcachelab-s23-yourgithubid.
1.2 Handout contents
Consult the fileREADMEfor further descriptions of the handout files. For this lab, you will modify the following
Thecsim.candtrans.cfiles will be compiled into C programs. You can do so by runningmake. Note that the filecsim.cdoesnt exist in your initial handout directory. Youll need to create it from scratch and check it in (git add csim.c).
2 Writing Traces for a Cache Simulator (10 points)
2.1 Overview
A cache simulator is a program which simulates the behavior of a cache given a series of memory operations (loads and stores). The series of memory operations is called a trace. In this part of the lab, you will write three traces that should produce specific types of cache behavior. We have provided you with a simulator (csim-ref) to test the traces with, but you must write them in the format it expects. Note:We have already created empty trace files for you. They can be found in thetraces/traces/ subdirectory of your lab handout. The test driver will read trace files from that location. This directory also contains an example trace file,example.trace, which should give you an idea of how to begin.
2.2 Trace File Format
csim-refexpects traces to be text files with one memory operation per line. Each line must be in the format: Op Addr,Size.
Opdenotes the type of memory access. It can be eitherLfor a load, orSfor a store.
Addrgives the memory address to be accessed. It should be a 64-bit hexadecimal number,withouta leading
Sizegives the number of bytes to be accessed atAddr. It should be a small, positive decimal number.
Here is a short example:
L 4f6b868 ,
S 7ff005c8 ,
This trace instructs the simulator to simulate a load of four bytes from address0000 0000 04f6 b868and then a store of eight bytes to address0000 0000 7ff0 05c8. Note:Trace files do not specify the actualvaluesbeing loaded or stored, only the number of bytes. This is because the simulator does not need to know the values. (Why?) Note:The reference simulator only understands trace files in the format shown above. There is no way to write comments in trace files. The only validOpcodes are uppercaseLand uppercaseS. The comma between AddrandSizeis required, as is the space betweenOpandAddr. There should benospaces on either side of the comma.
2.3 Traces To Be Written
Your job for this part of the assignment is to write three traces, in the format described above, which produce certain cache actions. This part should take no more than a few hours. For each of the following, you are to create a file with the specified file name in the traces directory.
tr1.trace:The cache will be a direct-mapped cache with8 sets and 16 byte blocks. Your trace should
result in two hits and one eviction (any number of misses is okay). You are allowed a maximum of five
tr2.trace:The cache will be a3-way set associative cache with two sets and 16 byte blocks. Your trace
should have two hits and two misses (any number of evictions is okay). You are allowed a maximum of
five operations.
tr3.trace:The cache will be a3-way set associative with four sets and 16 byte blocks. Your trace should
result in exactly5 hits,4 misses, and one eviction. You are now allowed a maximum of ten operations.
The specifications are summarized in this table:
File Name s E b Requirements Max Ops Points
tr1.trace 3 1 4 2 hits, 1 eviction 5 3
tr2.trace 1 3 4 2 hits, 2 misses 5 3
tr3.trace 2 3 4 5 hits, 4 misses, 1 eviction 10 4
If a requirement is not specified, then that value can be anything (e.g. tr1.trace must have2 hits and1 eviction
but any number of misses, dirty bytes, etc.).
2.4 Evaluation
To evaluate your code, we will run the reference simulator with the options specified in the table above, using the traces that you write. For each trace, you will get all of the specified points if your trace meets the requirements and no points otherwise. We have provided several tools to help you test your traces. is the program Autolab will use to evaluate this part of the assignment. If you run
it yourself, it will tell you the results of your traces and how many points you will receive. To run it use
the command./ For more information, use the-hflag.
csim-ref:This is the reference cache simulator that the driver will run. More information on this program
is available later in this document.
3 Writing a Cache Simulator (60 points)
3.1 Overview
In the second part of this lab, you will write a cache simulator that simulates the behavior of a cache, given a
trace in the same format you used above.
Your simulator should be able to simulate the behavior of a cache memory with arbitrary size and
associativity. It should use the LRU (least-recently used) replacement policy when choosing which cache line
to evict, and follow a write-back, write-allocate policy.
At the end of the simulation, it should output the total number of hits, misses, and evictions, as well as
the number of dirty bytes that have been evicted and the number of dirty bytes in the cache at the end of the
As a reminder, a dirtybyteis any byte in a cache block that has been modified but not yet written back to
main memory. All of the bytes in a modified cache block are considered to be dirty even if that specific byte
was not modified. The number of dirty bytes in the cache and the number of dirty bytes that have been evicted
are therefore always a multiple of the cache block size. A dirtybit, on the other hand, is a bit associated with
each cache line that tracks whether the block held by that cache line has been modified but not yet written
back to main memory.
3.2 Writing a Command-Line Tool from Scratch
You may or may not have already learned how to writecommand-line tools: programs designed to be invoked from the Unix shell and vary their behavior based onargumentsthey receive on startup. The cache simulator you will write in this part of the lab is expected to be just such a tool. Because you might never have needed to do this before, in this lab we ask you to write the cache simulator from scratch. The filecsim.cdoes not exist in the starting repository; you must create it and write everything that goes in it. The standard C runtime library contains many functions that are helpful when writing command-line tools. Functions that are useful for this lab, that you may not have needed before, includegetopt,strtoul, strtok,fopen,fclose, andfgets. You can read more about these functions in theirman pages: type man 3function-name at a shell prompt. The 3 means show me the documentation for a C function, not a shell command. If you get an error saying No manual entry forfunction-namein section 3, or if the documentation that comes up doesnt seem to be about a C function, try changing the 3 to a 2. (For historical reasons, the C librarys documentation is split across two sections.) Man pages can also be read on the web in several places: we recommend looking first athttps: // has (a newer edition of) the same man pages found on the sharks. Another well-written collection of man pages can be found at These were written for OpenBSD, not Linux, but the C library works mostly the same. If you would prefer to read a manual organized by topic, rather than with a page for each individual function, we recommend the GNU C Library Reference Manual, which is also on the Web: the table of contents is at an index of individual functions is at html. The cache simulator you used in the first part of the lab (csim-ref) can be used as a reference for correct command-line behavior. If you run it with no arguments, it prints the following message: Mandatory arguments missing or zero. Usage: ./csim-ref [-v] -s -E
-h Print this help message and exit
-v Verbose mode: report effects of each memory operation
-s <s> Number of set index bits (there are 2**s sets)
-b <b> Number of block bits (there are 2**b blocks)
-E <E> Number of lines per set (associativity)
-t <trace> File name of the memory trace to process
The -s, -b, -E, and -t options must be supplied for all simulations.
This message tells you thatcsim-refrequires arguments to do anything useful, and then tersely summarizes
these arguments. The second and third lines of the message show two differentvalidcommand line invocations
ofcsim-ref. You can supply all four of the-s,-b,-E, and-toptions, each of which takes a value, and optionally also the-voption, which doesnt take a value. (The options are listed in one particular order, but csim-refwill accept them in any order, as long as each option is immediately followed by its value, if any.) Or you can supply the-hoption, which doesnt take a value, and nothing else. The message goes on to tell you what each of the options mean.-hmakescsim-refprint the same message that it prints if you dont give it any arguments (but without the initial Mandatory arguments missing or zero error).-vmakescsim-refbeverboseand tell you details of what it is doing as it does it. These are bothcommonoptions: many Unix command line tools interpret-hand-vthe same waycsim-refdoes. -s,-b, and-Especify the size parameters of the cache to be simulated. (The letters were chosen to match thes,b, andEnotation used on page 617 of the CS:APP3e textbook.) The value for each is described as a number.-tspecifies the file name of the memory trace to process. These options are specific tocsim-ref; the same letter codes might mean something completely different to a different command line program. Finally,csim-refreminds you that you must supply all four of the-s,-b,-E, and-toptions for all simulationsthat is,csim-refwill only run a simulation if all four of these options are given. This is abnormal for Unix command line tools: options are supposed to beoptional. Butcsim-refreally does need to know all four of these options values to run a simulation. Incidentally, 2**n is a conventional way of writing 2 n when you cant use superscripts. Sometimes people use 2^n for this, but in C that means XOR, so the authors ofcsim-refdidnt want to use it here.
3.2.1 Processing Command Line Arguments
Your first task in this part of the lab is to write a program that accepts the same set of command line arguments
thatcsim-refdoes. Command line arguments are supplied to C programs as theargvarray argument to
main, which hasargcelements.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
printf("Command line argument %d is %s\n", i, argv[i]);
return 0;
(Element 0 ofargvis special. What does it contain?)
You need to find the various options, and their values, in the array, turn the numeric values from strings
into machine numbers, and put all the values into variables. Dont worry aboutdoinganything with these
variables yet, except maybe print them back out to make sure you got it right. You dont have to duplicate
csim-refs help message exactly, but you should printsomethinguseful when-his the only argument.
You also need to detectincorrectinvocations, such as:
- Not all of-s,-b,-E, and-twere supplied.
- The value for-s,-b,-E, or-tis missing.
- The value for-s,-b, or-Eis not a positive integer, or is too large to make sense. (How many bits are there in an address? What does that tell you about the sums+b?)
- An option (argument beginning with -) was given that isnt in the list of recognized options.
- Arguments were given that arent options or values for options.
Play around with incorrect invocations ofcsim-ref; you will find that it gives errors for all of the above
cases and perhaps others.
As a reminder, the C library functionsgetoptandstrtoulmay be helpful for this first task.
3.3 Parsing trace files
Your second task is to write aparserfor memory access trace files like the ones you wrote in the first part of the lab, and arrange to run this parser on the trace file specified on the command line. As with the command line arguments, dont worry aboutdoinganything with the data you parse yet, except maybe print it back out to make sure you got it right. Memory access traces are an example of aline-orientedfile format. Refer to Section 2.2 for a detailed description of trace file syntax. You do not have to be flexible when parsingfor instance, its fine to insist that there be exactly one space after theOpcode. (However, it might be nice to be alittleflexible. What does csim-refdo?) You should detect and reject input that is completely incorrect, such as:
- Lines that dont have all three ofOp Addr,Size.
- Lines with trailing junk afterSize.
- Lines whereOpis neither L nor S.
- Lines whereAddrorSizeis out of range or not a number at all.
Line-oriented files are relatively easy to parse using standard C library functions. You can usefopen andfcloseto access the file,fgetsto read each line from the file, and, again,strtoulto turn strings into machine numbers. Thestrtokfunction may be useful in splitting up the line into fields, but its not strictly necessary. Remember that a string in C is just an array of characters: you can write things like s[0] == L to find out if the first character in a string is L. Resist the temptation to usefscanforsscanf.These functions may, on first glance, appear to save you a lot of trouble, but it ismoredifficult to detect incorrect input with them than withstrtokandstrtoul. A skeleton of your parser function might look something like this: /** Process a memory-access trace file.
- @param trace Name of the trace file to process.
- @return 0 if successful , 1 if there were errors. */ int process_trace_file(const char *trace) { FILE *tfp = fopen(trace, "rt"); if (!tfp) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening %s: %s\n", trace, strerror(errno)); return 1; }
char linebuf[LINELEN]; // How big should LINELEN be?
int parse_error = 0;
while (fgets(linebuf, LINELEN, tfp)) {
// Parse the line of text in linebuf.
// What do you do if the line is incorrect?
// What do you do if the line is longer than
// LINELEN -1 chars?
// Why do I return parse_error here and not 0?
return parse_error;
3.4 Simulating a cache
Your third and final task in this part of the lab is to take the parameters you receive on the command line and the data you parse from trace files and use them to simulate accesses to memory via a cache. You can assume thatcsim-refdoes this simulation correctly. For example, if you runcsim-refonyi.tracewiths=4, E=1, andb=4, you get a report saying that there were 4 cache hits, 5 misses, and 3 evictions, and, at the end of the simulation, there were 32 dirty bytes still in the cache and a total of 16 dirty bytes had been evicted back to RAM. $ ./csim-ref -s 4 -E 1 -b 4 -t traces/csim/yi.trace hits:4 misses:5 evictions:3 dirty_bytes_in_cache:32 dirty_bytes_evicted: Your simulator must produce the same report, in the same format. In the normal mode (without-v), it should not produce any other output. We have provided you a helper function that prints the report in the right format. It is declared incachelab.h, along with thestructit takes as an argument. typedef struct { unsigned long hits; /* number of hits / unsigned long misses; / number of misses / unsigned long evictions; / number of evictions / unsigned long dirty_bytes; / number of dirty bytes in cache at end of simulation / unsigned long dirty_evictions; / number of bytes evicted from dirty lines */ } csim_stats_t; void printSummary(const csim_stats_t *stats); You can create one of these structures, update it as you go through the simulation, and pass it to printSummaryat the end of execution. If you run the samecsim-refcommand, but add-vto enable verbose mode, it will print the same report at the end, but it will also print a line for each operation in the trace, describing its effects: $ ./csim-ref -v -s 4 -E 1 -b 4 -t traces/csim/yi.trace L 10,1 miss L 20,1 miss S 20,1 hit L 22,1 hit S 18,1 hit L 110,1 miss eviction L 210,1 miss eviction L 12,1 miss eviction S 12,1 hit hits:4 misses:5 evictions:3 dirty_bytes_in_cache:32 dirty_bytes_evicted: You do not have to implement verbose mode yourself, but it can be very helpful for debugging. If you do implement it, the output does not have to match whatcsim-refprints, but it must still end with the same report that would have been printed without-v. You may assume that all of the memory accesses in the traces are properly aligned and therefore each memory access only affects one cache block. (Fun fact: this means you can ignore the request sizes in the memory traces. Do you see why?)
3.5 Evaluation
We will run your cache simulator using different cache parameters and traces. There are ten test cases, each worth 5 points, except for the last case, which is worth 10 points:
$ ./csim -s 0 -E 1 -b 0 -t traces/csim/wide.trace $ ./csim -s 2 -E 1 -b 2 -t traces/csim/wide.trace $ ./csim -s 3 -E 2 -b 2 -t traces/csim/load.trace $ ./csim -s 1 -E 1 -b 1 -t traces/csim/yi2.trace $ ./csim -s 4 -E 2 -b 4 -t traces/csim/yi.trace $ ./csim -s 2 -E 1 -b 4 -t traces/csim/dave.trace $ ./csim -s 2 -E 1 -b 3 -t traces/csim/trans.trace $ ./csim -s 2 -E 2 -b 3 -t traces/csim/trans.trace $ ./csim -s 14 -E 1024 -b 3 -t traces/csim/trans.trace $ ./csim -s 5 -E 1 -b 5 -t traces/csim/trans.trace $ ./csim -s 5 -E 1 -b 5 -t traces/csim/long.trace Each of the reported statistics (hits, misses, evictions, dirty bytes, evicted dirty bytes) is worth^1 5 of the points for the test case. For example, if a particular test case is worth 5 points, and your simulator outputs the correct number of hits and misses, but reports incorrect values for the other statistics, then you will earn 2 points for that test. You can usecsim-refto obtain the correct statistics for each test case. During debugging, use the-v option for a detailed record of each hit and miss. We have provided you with a program calledtest-csimthat compares your simulators output with csim-refs output. Be sure to compile your simulator before running the test. $ make $ ./test-csim Your simulator Reference simulator Points ( s, E,b) Hits Misses Evicts D_Cache D_Evict Hits Misses Evicts D_Cache D_Evict 5 ( 0, 1,0) 1 18 17 1 6 1 18 17 1 6 wide.trace 5 ( 2, 1,2) 3 16 12 4 20 3 16 12 4 20 wide.trace 5 ( 3, 2,2) 6 3 0 0 0 6 3 0 0 0 load.trace 5 ( 1, 1,1) 9 8 6 4 8 9 8 6 4 8 yi2.trace 5 ( 4, 2,4) 4 5 2 32 16 4 5 2 32 16 yi.trace 5 ( 2, 1,4) 2 3 1 32 16 2 3 1 32 16 dave.trace 5 ( 2, 1,3) 167 71 67 8 264 167 71 67 8 264 trans.trace 5 ( 2, 2,3) 201 37 29 32 152 201 37 29 32 152 trans.trace 5 (14,1024,3) 215 23 0 120 0 215 23 0 120 0 trans.trace 5 ( 5, 1,5) 231 7 0 160 0 231 7 0 160 0 trans.trace 10 ( 5, 1,5) 265189 21777 21745 96 556608 265189 21777 21745 96 556608 long.trace 60 For each test,csim-refshows the number of points you earned, the cache parameters, the input trace file, and a comparison of the results from your simulator and the reference simulator. Your code must obey the following programming rules. Some of these will be enforced automatically and others will be checked by your TA when they review your code.
- All of your code must be incsim.cand it must compile with the provided Makefile. For this lab, you maynotcreate any header files yourself.
- You will be graded on the code you have checked in and pushed to GitHub, not the code in your home directory on the sharks. Do not forget togit add csim.c,git commit, andgit pushregularly!
- Your code will be manually reviewed for good style and coding practices; see Section 5 for details.
- All of your code must compile without warnings.
- Your simulator must accept the-s,-E,-b, and-toptions inany order. (This will happen naturally if you usegetoptto process command line arguments.)
- Your simulator must not print any extraneous or debugging output when verbose mode is not enabled. However, you are free to print whatever you like in verbose mode.
- After it is finished, your simulator must exit with a meaningfulexit code. This means returning 0 from main(or, equivalently, callingexit(0)) if it has successfully simulated a trace, and returning 1 from
main(or, equivalently, callingexit(1)) if it encountered any sort of error (incorrect command line
arguments, syntax errors in the traces, etc.) If the autograder deducts points for no visible reason, the
problem is likely to be that you got this wrong.
- Your simulator must not crash, even if given an invalid trace file or nonsensical command line arguments.
- Your simulator must handle arbitrarily large caches (i.e. arbitrarily large values ofs,e, andb, as long as s+bis still in bounds). Remember that local variables are allocated from the stack, and the stack is limited in size. Data structures that can be very large should be allocated usingmallocorcalloc.
3.6 Hints
Here are some hints and suggestions for working on the simulator:
- Do your initial debugging on the small traces, such astraces/dave.trace. You may also find the traces that you wrote earlier useful for testing basic functionality of your cache simulator and you can even write new traces yourself.
- In verbose mode, printing the same output as the reference simulator may help you debug by allowing you to directly compare the behavior of your simulator with the behavior of the reference simulator. However, you are not required to do this.
- To use any C library function, you must include its header file. Some library functions need you to include more than one header file. The set of required header files for each function is listed at the very top of its man page (theSYNOPSISsection).
- printSummaryis a function we provided you, not a C library function; it does not have a manpage. It is documented in this writeup. To use it you must includecachelab.h.
- Each data load (L) or store (S) operation can cause at most one cache miss. (Why?)
- Do not forget that the addresses in the trace are 64-bithexadecimalmemory addresses.
3.7 Memory errors
As part of code review, we will check your cache simulator code for possible memory errors. Any such errors
(besides resource cleanup) will result in a correctness deduction. This check is NOT automatically performed
by the provided autograder.
Valgrind is a tool that can detect various issues with the use of memory, such as:
- Leaked memory (such as missing a call tofree) counted as resource cleanup
- Out-of-bounds memory accesses (such as indexing past the end of an array)
- Uninitialized memory usage (such as forgetting to initialize a local variable)
- Incorrect calls tomallocorfree(such as callingfreetwice)
You can run Valgrind by prefixing anycsimcommand withvalgrind leak-check=full. The leak-check=fullflag means to check for all possible memory leaks. For example, a valid Valgrind command would be the following: $ valgrind –leak-check=full ./csim -s 4 -E 2 -b 4 -t traces/csim/yi.trace You should not run Valgrind on other programs, such astest-transortest-trans-simple.
4 Optimizing Matrix Transpose (30 points)
4.1 Overview
In the third part of this lab, you will write a transpose function intrans.cthat uses as few clock cycles as
possible, where the number of clock cycles is computed artificially using a cache simulator. The clock cycle
computation captures the property that cache misses require significantly more clock cycles (100) than cache
hits (4).
LetAdenote a matrix, andai,jdenote the component at rowiand columnj. ThetransposeofA, denoted
AT, is a matrix such thataTi,j=aj,i.
To help you get started, we have given you several example transpose functions intrans.cthat compute
the transpose ofNMmatrixAand store the results inMNmatrixB. An example of one such function is:
void trans(size_t M, size_t N, double A[N][M], double B[M][N],
double *tmp);
Argumenttmpis a pointer to an array of 256 elements that can be used to hold data as an intermediate step between reading fromAand writing toB. The example transpose functions are correct, but they have poor performance, because the access patterns result in many cache misses, resulting in a high number of clock cycles.
4.2 Specification
Your job in this part of the lab is to write a similar function, calledtranspose_submit, that minimizes the number of clock cycles across different sized matrices: void transpose_submit(size_t M, size_t N, double A[N][M], double B[M][N], double *tmp); Donotchange the description string (Transpose submission) for yourtranspose_submitfunction. The autograder uses this string to determine which transpose function to evaluate for credit. Your code must obey the following programming rules:
- Include your name and Andrew ID in the header comment fortrans.c.
- All of your code must be intrans.c, and it must compile with the provided Makefile. Your code in trans.cmust compile without warnings to receive credit.
- You may use helper functions. Indeed, you will find this a useful way to structure your code. You may also use recursion if you find it to be useful.
- Your transpose function may not modify arrayA. You may, however, read and/or write the contents ofB andtmpas many times as you like.
- You may not store any array data (i.e. floating-point data) outside ofA,B, andtmp. This includes any other local variables, structs, or arrays in your code.
- You may not make out-of-bounds references to any array.
- You are NOT allowed to use any variant ofmalloc.
- Since our style guidelines prohibit the use of magic numbers, you should refer to the maximum number of elements intmpwith the compile-time constantTMPCOUNT.
- These restrictions apply toallfunctions in yourtrans.cfile, not just those that are called as part of the official submission.
- You may customize your functions to use different approaches depending on the values ofMandN. Indeed, you will find this necessary to achieve the required performance objectives.
4.3 Registering transpose functions
You can register up to 100 versions of the transpose function in yourtrans.cfile. Register a particular transpose function with the autograder by making a call of the form: registerTransFunction(trans_simple , "A simple transpose"); in theregisterFunctionsroutine intrans.c. At runtime, the autograder will evaluate each registered transpose function and print the results. One of the registered functions must be thetranspose_submitfunction, which is the one that will be submitted for credit, as mentioned above: registerTransFunction(transpose_submit , SUBMIT_DESCRIPTION); See the defaulttrans.cfunction for an example of how this works.
4.4 Evaluation
4.4.1 Correctness If any of the programming rules are violated, you will receiveno creditfor your implementation. Although the compiler is configured to detect some violations of these guidelines automatically, your code will also be manually checked during code review. Additionally, we will evaluate the correctness of yourtranspose_submitfunction on ten different matrix sizes. You will receiveno creditfortranspose_submitif your code gives incorrect results for any of these. To evaluate the correctness of your code, we have provided you with a program,test-trans-simple.c, that tests the correctness of each of the transpose functions that you have registered for a specific matrix size. You can run it as follows:
$ make
$ ./test-trans-simple -M 32 -N 32
Function 0 (Transpose submission): Correct
Function 1 (Simple row-wise scan transpose): Correct
Summary for official submission (func 0): correctness=
In this example, two transpose functions are registered bytrans.c. Thetest-trans-simpleprogram
tests each of the registered functions, displays the results for each, and extracts the results for the official
Thetest-trans-simpleprogram is for your use only, to assist in debugging. It will not be used by
the autograder: instead, thetest-transprogram (described in the next section) will be used to check
performance and correctness simultaneously.
However, thetest-trans-simpleprogram is compiled with AddressSanitizer enabled, to assist you in
detecting out-of-bounds array accesses. If you have questions about any error messages you receive from it,
dont hesitate to ask us for help.
4.4.2 Performance
We will evaluate the performance of your transpose function on two different-sized matrices:
- 32 32 (M=32,N=32)
- 1024 1024 (M=1024,N=1024)
We have provided you with an autograding program, calledtest-trans.c, that tests the correctness and performance of each transpose function you have registered with the autograder. For each of the matrix sizes above, the performance of yourtranspose_submitfunction is evaluated by using LLVM-based instrumentation to extract the address trace for your function, and then using the reference simulator to replay this trace on a cache with parameterss=5,E=1,b=6. However, for the 1024×1024 matrix, we will be evaluating the performance of your transpose function on the Haswell L1 cache with cache parameterss=6,E=8,b=6. You can test with these parameters by passing the-lflag totest-trans. For example, to test your registered transpose functions on a 32 32 matrix, rebuildtest-trans, and then run it with the appropriate values forMandN: $ make $ ./test-trans -M 32 -N 32 Function 0 (2 total) Step 1: Validating and generating memory traces Step 2: Evaluating performance (s=5, E=1, b=6) func 0 (Transpose submission): hits:868, misses:1180, evictions:1148, clock_cycles:
Function 1 (2 total)
Step 1: Validating and generating memory traces
Step 2: Evaluating performance (s=5, E=1, b=6)
func 1 (Row-wise scan transpose): hits:868, misses:1180, evictions:1148,
Summary for official submission (func 0): correctness=1 cycles=
$ ./test-trans -M 1024 -N 1024 -l … Using the reference cache simulator, each transpose function will be assigned some number of clock cyclesm. A cache miss is worth 100 clock cycles, while a cache hit is worth 4. Your performance score for each matrix size will scale linearly withm, up to some threshold. The scores are computed as:
- 32 32: 20 points ifm< 36 ,000, 0 points ifm> 45 , 000
- 1024 1024: 10 points ifm< 35 , 100 ,000, 0 points ifm> 45 , 000 , 000
For example, a solution for the 32 32 matrix with 1764 hits and 284 misses (m= 1764 4 + 284 100 = 35456 ) would receive 20 of the possible 20 points. You can optimize your code specifically for the two cases in the performance evaluation. In particular, it is perfectly OK for your function to explicitly check for the matrix sizes and implement separate code optimized for each case.
4.5 Hints
Here are some hints and suggestions for working on matrix transposition.
- Since your transpose function is being evaluated on a direct-mapped cache, conflict misses are a potential problem, both within the individual matrices, between them, and between the matrices and the temporary data. Think about the potential for conflict misses in your code, especially along the diagonal. Try to think of access patterns that will decrease the number of these conflict misses. This will in turn lower the number of clock cycles required.
- You are guaranteed that matricesAandB, and temporary storagetmpall align to the same positions in the cache. That is, ifaA,aB, andatare the starting addresses ofA,B, andtmp, respectively, then aAmodC=aBmodC=atmodC, whereCis the cache size (in bytes). Also, these all begin on a cache-block boundary. That is,aAmodB=aBmodB=atmodB=0, whereB= 2 bis the block size.
- It is not likely that you will want to use 256 temporaries in any of your transpose routines. However, having this many allows you to strategically choose which ones to use in order to avoid conflicts with the elements ofAandByou are reading and writing.
- Blocking is a useful technique for reducing cache misses. See waside/waside-blocking.pdffor more information. You will need to experiment with a number of different blocking strategies.
5 Code review (4 points)
From this lab onwards, your TA will manually review your code for good style and programming practices.
Information about the style guidelines can be found on the course website at
Code review is worth 4 points in this lab. These points will be assigned by the course staff, after the
submission deadline, based on the code in your Autolab submission.
5.1 Code formatting
Your code for all labs must be formatted correctly to receive points on Autolab. For formatting your code, we require that you use theclang-formattool. To invoke it, runmake format. You can modify the .clang-formatfile to reflect your preferred code style. For cachelab, the formatting requirement applies to all C files that you submit, i.e. bothcsim.cand trans.c.
5.2 Version control
Starting from this lab, you must commit your code regularly using Git. This allows you to keep track of your changes, revert to older versions of your code, and regularly remind yourself of what you changed and why you made those changes. For specific guidelines on Git usage, see the style guideline. Remember that you must alwayspush your commits to GitHubfor them to be counted, since that is where we will obtain your commit history from.
5.3 Good style and coding practice
Make sure to read the entire style guideine. However, here are some points that you should keep in mind for
cachelab in particular:
File comment.Yourcsim.cfilemustbegin with a comment that gives an overview of what the file does, and of relevant design decisions. When writing this comment, imagine that you are introducing your program to someone who has never used it before. What would they want to know about it? Some suggestions:
- How do youusethis program? What does it do? What input does it need? What command line arguments does it expect? (Think about what we have told you aboutcsim-refin this writeup.)
- What would you need to know in order to modify this program? How do its data structures work? Is there code with subtle or tricky requirements, that would be easy to break by accident, perhaps by modifying something else?
- Why is the program designed the way it is, and not some other way?
Other comments.Each function, eachstructdeclaration, and each global variable should also have a comment immediately above it that describes what it is for and when it should be used. Sometimes this can be very short: /** True if the simulator should report the effect of each memory operation on the cache, as it processes the trace. */ static bool verbose_mode = false;
Other times (especially for important functions and structs) you might need to write several paragraphs.
When writing these comments, imagine yourself describing the code to someone who wants to use it
but does not knowwhenit would be appropriate.
This is anunhelpfulfunction comment:
/** Enable verbose mode. */
static void enable_verbose_mode(void)
{ verbose_mode = true; }
It communicates nothing that the reader did not already know from looking at the name and the body of
the function. A more helpful comment for a tiny function like this, might be something like:
/** @brief Enable verbose mode.
* See the declaration of verbose_mode for what output
* is produced in this mode. Related knobs are debug_mode
* and statistics_mode.
static void enable_verbose_mode(void)
{ verbose_mode = true; }
Commentsinsidefunctions should be reserved for explaining thereasonsfor particularly tricky bits of
code. Resist the temptation to translate each line of code into English; this can be helpful when you are
writingthe code to keep it straight in your own head, but it is worse than useless to future readers.
Good example:
int crypt (const char *phrase, const char *setting)
/* Do these strlen() calls before reading prefixes of
phrase or setting, so we get a predictable crash
if they are not valid strings. */
size_t phr_size = strlen (phrase);
size_t set_size = strlen (setting);
Bad example:
/* Return immediately if we have nothing to do. */
if (len == 0)
Consult the course style guide for more details.
Modularity.Your code should be decomposed into functions in a way that makes the code easier to read.
Aim for each function to have a single, well-defined purpose that can be described in a sentence (which
should be in the function comment!).
In particular, avoid writing extremely long functions and duplicating large amounts of code. Instead,
think about how you can write helper functions to make your code more modular.
Magic numbers.Avoid sprinkling your code with numeric constants. Instead, declare such constants at the
top of the file by using#defineor by usingconstvariables. This helps to make your code more
extensible in the future.
Readability.For instance, choose appropriate variable and function names, and avoid including commented-
out code in your final submission. Paying attention to these things can go a long way towards making
your code more readable.
Error checking.You must consider the possibility that a library function that you call will fail. Whatever the
case, your program should make sure that it never crashes: all errors should be detected and handled in
an appropriate manner see the style guidelines for more.
You are welcome to use various techniques to handle errors, such as thexmallocfunction from 15-122,
or theMallocfunction from the textbook. However, you must implement those functions yourself, and
you yourself are ultimately responsible for ensuring that the behavior of your program is correct.
Resource cleanup.Your code must releaseallallocated resources before it exits. In particular, this includes
any allocated memory or opened files. This can be automatically checked by Valgrind (see 3.7).
It is acceptable to avoid cleaning up resources if the program needs to terminate abnormally, if you
decide it would be otherwise too difficult to do so. However, you should document and briefly justify
this decision in your code.
Finally, dont forget that your cache simulator will also be tested for memory errors with Valgrind, as
described in 3.7. Any such errors (excluding resource cleanup) will count as correctness deductions, which
is counted separately from style.
6 Putting it all Together
6.1 Scoring
Cachelab is worth 5% of your final grade in this course. The maximum score for this lab is 104 points, which will be assigned as follows:
Writing traces (2) 10 points
Cache simulator (3) 60 points
Matrix transpose (4) 30 points
Code review (5) 4 points
Total 104 points
6.2 Driver program
We have provided you with adriver program, called./, that performs a complete evaluation of your traces, simulator and transpose code. To run the driver, type:
$ ./
The driver usestraces-driver.pyto evaluate your traces,test-csimto evaluate your simulator,
and usestest-transto evaluate your submitted transpose function for correctness (ten matrix sizes) and
performance (two matrix sizes). Then it prints a summary of your results and the points you have earned. This
is the same program that Autolab uses when it autogrades your handins.
6.3 Handin
To receive a score, you should upload your submission to Autolab. The Autolab servers will run the same driver program that is provided to you, and record the score that you receive. You may handin as often as you like until the due date. There are two ways you can submit your code to Autolab.
- Running themakecommand will generate a tar file,cachelab-handin.tar. You can upload this file to the Autolab website.
- If you are running on the Andrew Unix or Shark machines, you can submit the tar file directly from the command line as follows: $ make submit
IMPORTANT:Do not assume your submission will succeed! You should ALWAYS check that you
received the expected score on Autolab. You can also check if there were any problems in the autograder
output, which you can see by clicking on your autograded score in blue.