Instructions for Midterm 2, CMPSC 465 Spring 2021
web | app代做 | quiz | unity代做 – 这是利用unity进行训练的代写, 对unity的流程进行训练解析, 包括了web/app/unity等方面, 该题目是值得借鉴的quiz代写的题目
Academic Integrity
- You are not permitted to search the web or consultany resources during the exam except: pdfs/printouts of our lecture notes, homeworksand their solutions, worksheets, textbook, your own notes, class piazza questions.
Exam Format
- The exam will cover all material in the lectures (inclusively)between 2/23 and 3/25, plus the unit-time task scheduling problem on 3/30.
- The exam will be held on two days. The first partwill be during the regular lecture slot on 4/6, and the second part during the regular lectureslot on 4/8.
- On 4/6, the exam will consist of two open ended questions.The questions will be the type of questions you have seen on your homework.You will have 45 minutes to complete this exam plus 10 minutes to upload them.
- On 4/8, the exam will be in the form of the Canvasquiz. You will have 50 minutes to complete this part.
In preparation
- I will use my office hours on Thursday 4/1 to givea midterm review (2:50pm – 3:50pm). For those of you that are not able to make it, thissession will be recorded and I will be available to answer any questions on Piazza.
- You will have a practice exam available by 3/31.
- There will be an exam solution template for the writtenpart (on 4/6). Please download it and print it prior to your exam. You must use it andanswer the questions on the pages specified. Please print multiple copies of the templatein case you want to start over during the exam.
- There will be a non-graded gradescope "assignment"that you need to complete at any time convenient for you before being allowed to takethe exam. This is a test run for the exam on 4/6, which includes scanning/uploading documentsand using the exam template.
Details for 4/
- The exam will be available to download from Gradescopeat 1:35pm.
- Please also log into the regular lecture Zoom meeting.
- We suggest logging in at least 5 minutes earlier tomake sure everything is working
- If you have a question during the exam, you may askthe Instructor privately via Zoom chat. They will respond to you privately.
- If there are any major corrections, the Professor will announce it over zoom.
- For any clarifications or corrections, the Professorwill place the updates in -aEQ/edit?usp=sharing a. Please keep this window open and if you have any questions,please check the window first.
- Write your solutions by hand. Typed solutions willnot be accepted. You may however use a tablet with a note app (e.g. like an iPad withan apple pencil and Onenote). If you plan to do anything different, please obtain permissionfrom the instructor first. a. Your handwriting must be legible and clear. The graderswill do their best, but if they cannot make out what you wrote, your grade willsuffer.
- At 2:20pm, you must put your pens down and start scanningand uploading your solution to Gradescope. You will have until 2:30 to completethis step.
- You must use a scanning app and not just take pictures.Make sure you test your App / device before the exam using the non-graded gradescopeassignment.